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Everything posted by major_shepard

  1. @dakotam990 you are using localhost address ( which is not remotely accessible. You must use internet IP of the host machine to set up the repo in ArmA3Sync. Secondly do no set anonymous FTP user with full permissions which make the host machine highly vulnerable against remote attacker. Do set 2 users on the FTP. The anonymous on with read only + a "admin" user with read+write permissions + password protection. Both anonymous and admin users sharing the same folder. Then use anonymous connection to set up the repo on ArmA3Sync and admin credentials to set up the Upload connection.
  2. Note that you will get lower performance on file sync/file upload with ArmA3Sync and this kind of FTP server. Move FileZilla server if you can.
  3. Give me the credentials of the server by PM.
  4. Try 1.6.97. @Tobur error happens because the FTP server does not support the MLST command.
  5. Loaded by what? ArmA3Sync? ArmA3 game/server?
  6. ArmA3Sync 1.6 Update 3 now available Download: Windows installer: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/releases/arma3sync-installer-1-6-97.exe Zip archive: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/download/ArmA3Sync-1-6-97.zip Changelog: - Added: WEBDAV as repository upload protocol for HTTP server. - Added: Events managment panel: new options duplicate event, select all/expand all addons.
  7. Which Linux is it? Just tried ubuntu 17.10 64 bit with JRE openjdk 1.8_151 64 bit, no issue. See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22345891/stack-guard-might-have-disabled
  8. I would it's an error from the game itself. Try double clic on arma3.exe/arma3_x64.exe. If it fails check the game files for Steam.
  9. ArmA3Sync 1.6 Update 3 Beta 3 now available For test only, do not publish on Armaholic or elsewhere Download: Windows installer: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/arma3sync-installer-1-6-95.exe Zip archive: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/ArmA3Sync-1-6-95.zip Changelog: - Added: WEBDAV support over HTTP protocol for uploading a repository to a remote HTTP server ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/screens/arma3sync_upload_webdav.png To enable WEBDAV on Apache server see for example https://www.mkyong.com/apache/how-to-enable-webdav-in-apache-server-2-2-x-windows/
  10. This should fix the issue ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/ArmA3Sync.jar
  11. New arma3sync.jar file available ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/ArmA3Sync.jar This one is able to load your profile but there are data losses. Check the groups content.
  12. Could you zip your arma3sync Profiles folder and send it to me by pm?
  13. You have a corrupted profile file in /arma3sync/profiles folder. Try replacing arma3sync.jar by this one => ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/ArmA3Sync.jar
  14. Try to verify arma 3 files with Steam, this should solve the issue
  15. What happens when you double click on arma3.exe/arma3_64.exe ? If it works, try running with arma3 with arma3sync with no addons and options selected from Launcher options panel.
  16. Does not help, need the full console content to the point when you click start game button.
  17. Run arma3sync-debug.exe In Launcher options panel, ensure arma 3 executable location is correct. Select menu ->Help -> Preferences -> set At game launch: do nothing Start game from arma3sync and see what it says on the debug console.
  18. You have a process that is listening on port 0 IP localhost ( That prevent ArmA3Sync to start in single instance mode. Try cmd -> NETSTAT -b
  19. Put this files into arma3sync installation directory ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/ArmA3Sync.jar ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/ArmA3Sync-noSingleInstancelock.bat Start script ArmA3Sync-noSingleInstancelock.bat
  20. 1. Uninstall Java 8 2. Clean windows registry using tool like ccleaner 3. Install Java 9
  21. Running windows in safe mode Edit ArmA3Sync.bat file Change java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Xms256m -Xmx256m ... To java -verbose > "%~dp0jvm.log" -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Xms256m -Xmx256m ... Run modified ArmA3Sync.bat file, you should get a jvm.log file into ArmA3Sync installation directory. Then send me this file by PM.