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Everything posted by major_shepard

  1. 1. We have ProFTP on the server pointing to a "ftp" folder on the server. Under the ftp folder is, amongst other folder a new folder we created called "modset" and it has 777 file permissions which is the most? Even the owner of the modset directory is the ftp user. However we get "Failed to upload events informations. Please check out the server permissions". Clues? You must edit the config file of your FTP server and check users permissions 2. Do you mind if I ask for the exact command syntax for the sh script? Does this look right? > ./Arma3Sync.sh java -jar Arma3Sync.jar -BUILD our_repo Yes it is Lastly, I hope I'm not extending past my boundaries if I offer some suggestions? Shoot me down if I get anything wrong! 1. The wiki seems more orientated towards helping those with a Windows server configuration rather than a Linux server; Nope, it is the same thing on Linux. You can perfectly run ArmA3Sync GUI on a Linux machine with a desktop. FileZilla and Apache server are both available for Linux. Internet if full of tutorials about those servers. 2. You would do well to have a FAQ to prevent yourself from working so hard for people like me!
  2. Once you are done with the BUILD command you can just use java -jar ArmA3Sync.jar -BUILD RepositoryName in a sh script to perform automatized rebuild of the repo (where sh script is at root of ArmA3Sync installation directory).
  3. Next time you should try a Windows full re-installation first ;)
  4. ArmA3Sync 1.4 Update 1 available Download Check for update or use Windows installer: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/releases/arma3sync-installer-1-4-54.exe Changelog - Fixed: ArmA3Sync may freezes after ArmA 3 had just started since 1.4.53
  5. ArmA3Sync 1.4 available Download Check for update Changelog - Added: Parallel file downloading for both FTP and HTTP based server repository. - Added: Repository synchronization from command line. - Added: ACRE 2 installer wizard. - Added: Selectable Look and Feel. - Added: Malloc as Launch options parameters. - Changed: Files synchronization will now keep going and skip to next one if an error happens during download. - Updated: Wiki has been updated for administrator usage section. - Fixed: Download keep waiting for a file even if server do not transfer data. Time out is set to 30s after which ArmA3Sync will skip to next file. - Fixed: Game profile with dots. - Fixed: Favorite Server with "-" character in the name. - Fixed: Additional Parameters for <path> option - Fixed: Repository status is set as UPDATED in the Repositories panel even if no file have been changed since last build.
  6. Try running the game without addon. If ArmA 3 still crashes then check the game files from stream.
  7. Depends on if your are building the repository inside the FTP shared folder or locally. In the second case you must upload the repository to the host machine.
  8. I guess your FTP user is missing delete/overwrite permissions.
  9. major_shepard

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    I am aware ^^
  10. Works for me: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/screens/arma3sync_profiles_additional_parameters.png The first one is use for server bandwith configuration https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/basic.cfg it is optional, the second one is the normal config file https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server#Example_Files. Order must be respected. ---------- Post added at 12:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 PM ---------- UP this one
  11. Have you built the repository server side? If no you should have an error message saying "/.a3s/sync" or "/.a3s/serverInfo" missing which is normal. If yes, copy paste the url you have set for you repro from ArmA3Sync to your web brower and check if you can connect.
  12. The build command generate the sync, serverInfo and autoconfig files which are related to the repository, not the events file. There are performance reasons for using Java binary objects instead of XML which would end up with thousands of lines regarding a 10 GB addons repository.
  13. This is Java binary Serialized data + gzip compression. You can grab the source code of ArmA3Sync from here http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/index.php/ArmA3Sync_Wiki_English#Developers I guess the easiest way for you is to build a local repository (i.e your mod pack) using ArmA3Sync in command lines to grap the /.a3s folder content. You can also use Java -jar ArmA3Sync.jar -BUILD "RepositoryName" in a script.
  14. Yes. Now if you already max out your home internet connection, parallel synchronization won't help.
  15. ///////////////// ---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 PM ---------- 2 weeks max Yes By default pararallel sync is disable i.e 1 guy = 1 connection Server admin must sets a number of connection > 1 from Build options to enable the feature. Nope => http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162236-ArmA3Sync-launcher-and-addons-synchronization-software-for-ArmA-3&p=2815136&viewfull=1#post2815136
  16. ArmA3Sync 1.4 Beta 1 now available This version is for TESTS ONLY Do NOT mirror the link Do NOT publish on Armaholic and others sites Download Changelog - Added: Parallel files download and synchronization for both FTP and HTTP/ZSYNC. To enable this feature, server admin must sets the number connections per clients from Build repository options. Server admin may also checkout their server conf. Typically FileZilla server is sets as unlimited number of connections by default, Apache server is sets as 256 connections by default. - Added: Download and synchronisation through command lines User can also use instruction: Java -jar ArmA3Sync.jar -SYNC "RepositoryName" "Destination Folder Path" within a custom script. - Added: ACRE 2 installer wizard - Added: Selectable Look and Feel - Added: Malloc as Launch options parameters - Changed: Files synchronization will now keep going and skip to next one if an error happens during download. - Fixed: Download keep waiting for a file even if server do not transfer data. Time out is set to 30s after witch ArmA3Sync will skip to next file. - Fixed: Game profile with dots - Fixed: Favorite Server with "-" character in the name. - Fixed: Additional Parameters for <path> option - Fixed: Repository status is set as UPDATED in the Repositories panel even if no file have changed since last build.
  17. Nope sometimes Windows makes bullshit with permissions especially into program files folder. Go manually as Administrator and remove read only access on the all ArmA3Sync installation directory
  18. Both issues are not the fact of Arma3Sync but the game as it save itself the last run mod list within the active game profile. For point 1 you must select into ArmA3Sync a game profile different from "Default" to start with (see Launcher options Panel -> Profile).
  19. Checkout write file access permissions on ArmA3Sync installation directory.
  20. When you use the upload process of ArmA3Sync it compares the local and the remote /.a3s/sync file generated after a build to determine the files to upload. So that only new/updated/deleted files are processed between the two repository. Now you can also open a remote terminal and use ArmA3Sync in command lines to rebuild the repository remotely after adding the new addons into the remote repo.
  21. I guess you need to create a "anonymous" user within your FTP server like with FileZilla.
  22. Are talking about FTP or HTTP? Could you try dowloading the file /MAPS/@AllInArmaTerrainPack/addons/structures.pbo (873MB) from my repo, here is the autoconfig http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/a3s-repository/.a3s/autoconfig
  23. major_shepard

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    What equipment is broken actually? What about ACRE?
  24. That's why, the name must not be the same as a repo. ---------- Post added at 01:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 AM ---------- Exactly add the path to i.e c:\my_repo\userconfig then build the repo.
  25. Addon group content from Modsets (i.e auto generated addon group from repository) is automatically synchronised with the repository when you check for addons. So you should never add/change/remove manually addon from within the modset (there is no warning currently). If you want to use extra addons create a new group. For TFAR as Jonpas said you should put the addon into the repo with userconfig and plugins folders like this => http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/a3s-repository/@task_force_radio/ ArmA3Sync will then be able to automatically update TS3 and all the stuff on files change.