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Everything posted by major_shepard

  1. Currently the TFAR folder on the repository must contains in the name "@task_force_radio" (case non sensitive). So if folder name is like @task_force_radio_MyName for example and a file have changed, you will be ask to start the Wizard. The Division by 0 computing nghtmare if you ask me. This a regression with 1.4 update due to the good bunch of changes introduced with multiple files synchronization. Fixed for new update.
  2. major_shepard

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Just do it...;)
  3. Well the situation is more complex when it comes to FTP/HTTP server providers in the box. It's not a question of FileZilla, Apache, Linux or Windows. You have to make sure to have full access on the server which means to be able to read/write/append files on all directories and subdirectories. Don't go to game server providers and all "mutualized" shit in the name. That gonna suck for sure.
  4. Access restriction server side that prevent from creating directory and/or subdirectory.
  5. To say short your server provider sucks. Go an hire an empty machine where you can install and configure your own FTP/HTTP server.
  6. In this case just create a specific event with the client addons to start with. However I don't understand why you put server side addons into the repository?
  7. In Online tab you can only select server sided defined modset (repository and event). This feature is to be used with the Join Server combo box in order to join and play with all the mods associated to the server. In any other case like if you want to start the game with some mods of a repository, you have to select them manually from the Addon panel.
  8. Yes it will go. The joke will come the day you want to remove a specific addon because the big @MyAddon is buggy as hell ;) But don't know what each pbos files stand for :rolleyes:
  9. If you want your guys to have only one "addon" to launch with the game, the repository struture must be like this: RepositoryFolderName\.a3s (generated by ArmA3Sync) RepositoryFolderName\@MyAddon\addons\EveryFiles RepositoryFolderName\userconfig RepositoryFolderName\keys
  10. Yes, keys are only useful for the ArmA3 server.
  11. You can do whatever you want but it would be easier for you to manage by having all @folder separated, see => http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/index.php/ArmA3Sync_Wiki_English#Use_as_a_server_administrator
  12. major_shepard

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    There is already. One you have put a mag/whatever in a uniform/vest/backpack just select it and right click on it. Then you will be able to set the quantity.
  13. There is plan to add compression for FTP based repository. If you are not using HTTP based repository I may advise you to move to it as it benefits from differencial update mechanism which significally reduces the amount of data to download.
  14. That's why there is automatized Build command from custom script -> Java -jar ArmA3Sync.jar -BUILD "RepositoryName" (But currently broken due to things said above).
  15. Well it's not a bug but a change. However there is one with Auto-config url: ftp://null and Repository main folder path: null Fix coming soon. Now there is nothing special to say about command lines (Linux, Windows = same thing).
  16. There is already. From Arm3Sync running on the host machine. Go Online panel -> create a new entry with serverName, IP, port and Event modset. Then go Repositories panel -> select Repository button -> Build options button -> select the entry from Favourite server list -> Build repository. From this point when user will run ArmA3Sync his Join Server combo box will be updated with the new Entry as well as his Online panel content. For what concerns addons priority, this should never be used as it means there is something wrong with config files of the addons used.
  17. Paste the autoconfig url into your web browser and will get your answer :rolleyes:
  18. I hardly understand your problem. Is it a Linux dedicated server? Can you browse the Web server files system? If you can share the repository folder from the Web server with a FTP access you can also build the repository on your PC and then upload it to the remote repository folder. ---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:07 PM ---------- Just want to thanks to Michael W. for it's 30e donation on December 27TH (money which will be 100% use to pay for the server hosting the ArmA3Sync FTP updates and SVN shared sources).
  19. You have to select the top level hidden folder and then show extra local content.
  20. How do you run Articulate.exe? Do you first run Articulate.exe then launch ArmA3Sync and then hit Start Game button? Or do you run Articulate.exe with ArmA3Sync using External Apps panel? What happens if you run ArmA 3 first, launch a mission/whatever and then run Articulate.exe?
  21. What is the error message? Be sure to upload .a3s folder with Binary transfer mode.
  22. Check the upload events options for url which should be ftp://IP/mods. If upload fails it means the login user is missing permissions (see server conf).
  23. Public url means no password + standard HTTP port 80. Unless you have access to the front router to redirect HTTP requests from port 80 to 8080, you can't use the autoconfig url. So you must provide the connection infos manually into the Repository edit panel of ArmA3Sync. As long as the .a3s folder is at root of the repository, it's all good.
  24. The auto-config file is located at http://213.xxx.xxx.xxx/home/ftp/mods/.a3s/autoconfig (.a3s is a hidden folder on Unix based system)