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About blind0wl

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  1. blind0wl

    Altis Life RPG

    Hi midget, I tried what you suggested and Im still not getting Siren Lights ON when pulling the hunter or offroad out of the garage, whether its day or night. I also noticed that I didn't have the SunMoon line in the setupactions function in anycase. Siren lights work when purchasing new during the day or night still. Very strange behaviour...has had me stumped for days...
  2. blind0wl

    Altis Life RPG

    Does anyone have a good way of editing the mission.sqm file with customisations that we dont have to reimplement every time a new patch comes out with added features? Just looking for some suggestions so we can make the changes seperately and have them load in on top of the vanilla mission.sqm file. Also, did I read that police lights were supposed to be added to the Hunter and SUV in patch 3.11? I don't see them on the cars. Blindy
  3. blind0wl

    Altis Life RPG

    So we've uploaded the latest patch (full vanilla) and had our download from server go to around 3kb before freezing. Have had to revert back to 3.10 for the time being. Just adding to the list of non working servers with the new patch. Cheers
  4. blind0wl

    Altis Life RPG

    Hi, A bit new to Altis life, but wondering if it was possible to change the backpack space sizes via the config files? I can't seem to find anything related to them, but it seems that all three backpacks available to civilians are the same slot size even though the price goes up for each one. Cheers
  5. Can anyone tell me when 1.52.71618 for steam will be released? Our MP server is running that for all the non steam users and I cannot get on as steam is currently only running 1.52.71612.... Cheers