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Everything posted by kyfohatl

  1. Ah okay. Doesn't matter.. I'll do with "action" command. Cheers for the help man.
  2. Question: I want to get some units to sit aound a campfire at the enemy base. I've done quite a bit of searching (managed to find the different commands and etc.), and from what I've found, I can do it via: While {true} do { _Anim = man1 playMove "amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon_smoking"; waitUnitl {_Anim done}; }; ... and it doesn't work. All I want is to make the units contantly sit around the campfire, so I'm using the loop above, so that whenever the animation is "done", it repeats (or at least that's what I interpreted from animation tutorials). Also, I simply want the unit to sit down, no need to smoke. Though I couldn't find any "plain sit down" in the wiki's list of animations. Sorry if this question is very noobish... I'm a complete newbie to animations (this is my first animation).
  3. I think that's just a bug, because you can see it in some of the official missions as well. One example is the mission where a bunch of guerilla's try to take revenge from some chedaky at night, and the player is allowed to switch between the members of the team, though whoever the player was previously playing as just stands there and does nothing. Actually, if you were to switch from a squad member to a squad leader, you can get your previos character (the squad memeber) to work fine by issueing him a new order, for example "regroup". To switch from squad leader to a member, I tried the script bellow to reissue orders to the squad leader, though it didn't work, because he keeps on giving us orders whilst just standing in one spot: while {true} do { if (player != s1) then { s1 move [5,5,0]; terminate "MyWaypointProcedure"; }; sleep 2; }; I would like to know the solution to this problem also.
  4. Thanks man. That was very helpful (I had no idea that the "action" command existed), detailed, and worked perfectly . Just with using "WaitUntil {_Anim done}": Was what I did right? (shouldn't the animation be named before using the "animation done" command?) Is that how you use the "done" command to see if an animation has been preformed? This is because I thought in order to learn how to use animations, I would make a small mission involving lots of animations to get lots of practice. Anyway, the sitDown thing worked very well. Thanks for the help :).
  5. At the begining of my mission, I want the player to begin as a prisoner. He will get beaten up, and then dragged to a convoy which is supposed to transport him to another location (the convoy will get ambushed by allies). For that, I need to create a prison. What I've managed to get done is a small barracks enclosed by H-barriers, and the player's cell is also made up of H-barriers as well. This means that the ground is grassy, there is no roof, too much light and the hole thing feels like anything but a prison (and I'm using a farm/patty gate for the door, which makes the whole cell look like a stable!). As I was looking through the editor objects, I couldn't find anything that I could use to make the player cell (is there some sort of an enterable house [preferebly large] that fits the shape of a prison perhaps?). So I'm just looking for advice on making the prison. Oh, and about the animations. At the moment I'm thinking of the player getting beaten up and dreagged. But I have never played around with animations before (I've just downloaded a good tool that lets me look at animations). So any advice on wether or not it is possible, or if it is a good idea would be most appreciated from you animation vetrans out there. As I said; I haven't made solid decision on this part of the mission, so it can be subject to change. At the moment it is: Player starts at prison ==> goes through a sequence of events (e.g. gets interrogated, beaten up, talks to other prisoners or possibly even attempt to escape with other prisoners) ==> Gets into a convoy and is transported to the enemie's main base ==> on the way, the convoy is ambushed by allies ==> player escapes ==> rest of the mission. So feel free to give me advice on this mission plan, or post your own ideas :). Thanks
  6. Yeah it looks good. The walls are really good for a prison. Will deffinately check it out.
  7. That would be very useful. In the meantime I'm using this: private ["_unitList", "_factionList", "_N0CDF", "_N0USMC", "_N0GUE", "_N0RU", "_paramCDF", "_paramRU", "_paramUSMC", "_paramGUE", "_rulingFaction", "_CDF", "_USMC", "_RU", "_GUE"]; // Waits untill DAC is initiated sleep 2; // Defines parameters for DAC zones _paramCDF = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[1,5,1,1,0]]; _paramRU = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[0,0,0,1,0]]; _paramUSMC = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[1,1,1,1,0]]; _paramGUE = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[2,2,2,1,0]]; _CDF = 0; _USMC = 1; _RU = 2; _GUE = 3; _rulingFaction = 4; // Loop while {true} do { _unitList = _this; // Counts number of units per faction _factionList = []; {_factionList = _factionList + [(faction _x)]} foreach _unitList; _N0CDF = {_x == 'CDF'} count _factionList; _N0USMC = {_x == 'USMC'} count _factionList; _N0GUE = {_x == 'GUE'} count _factionList; _N0RU = {_x == 'RU'} count _factionList; // Checks for dominant faction if ((_N0CDF > _N0USMC) AND (_N0CDF > _N0GUE) AND (_N0CDF > _N0RU)) then { // Checks to see if the faction doesn't already contorl the area if (_rulingFaction != _CDF) then { // Deletes the previous DAC zone if (!isNil "z4") then{ ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramCDF] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; // Markes the controlling faction _rulingFaction = _CDF;}; }; if ((_N0USMC > _N0CDF) AND (_N0USMC > _N0GUE) AND (_N0USMC > _N0RU)) then { if (_rulingFaction != _USMC) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramUSMC] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _USMC;}; }; if ((_N0RU > _N0CDF) AND (_N0RU > _N0GUE) AND (_N0RU > _N0CDF)) then { if (_rulingFacton != _RU) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramRU] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _RU;}; }; if ((_N0GUE > _N0CDF) AND (_N0GUE > _N0USMC) AND (_N0GUE > _N0RU)) then { if (_rulingFaction != _GUE) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramGUE] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _GUE;}; }; sleep 60; }; It's not very well written, but it gets the job done. Though you guys are much better than me (and you could probably come up with something like that in 2 minutes). Anyway, I thought it might help someone...
  8. Ok, here's a really good thread on warfare: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91022 It has an example mission too.
  9. Not long ago, I was discussing and issue I had with the AI in some other thread, and from the discussion I realized that many other people were experiencing diffculties with the same issue. The problem is that the AI is not smart enough to go around things such as ponds, and swims across. In some cases they don't even bother crossing bridges over a river and simply swim across it. This causes the AI to loose all of its equipment and its particularly annoying. This is especially significant in maps/areas where there are lots of ponds (beaches are sometimes and issue as well) and causes the mission maker a lot of pain, forcing him to micromanage the AI. This of course is not only extra work, but also makes the AI too predictable and renders the usage of dynamic AI tools to randomize patrol paths and etc. nearly useless (like DAC or WICT). Could you please adress this problem? I'm pretty sure its just an AI pathfinding problem. Maybe just diable equipment loss during swimming for the AI? Thanks
  10. Hey Silola, I have a question: Say I have a DAC zone with 30 waypoints. Then I create a waypoint zone for that zone with an extra 30 waypoints. The units in the master zone are set ot have: So they only choose 25 of the waypoints. So, when I add a waypoint zone, is there a change in "25". This is because I'm adding several waypoint zones all across the map in my mission, but only one master zone. If the units only choose 25 from the waypoint pool, I thought they may not go aorund the whole map. I'm assuming that the way it works, is that a unit chooses "25" waypoints from the pool at the start, and then only travels between these "25". Am I right? If this is the case, could I use: To ensure that units travel all across the map, or will it cause bugs? Thanks
  11. @katdogfizzow: Thanks for your help mate. I'm just playing around with the "sreachlight" script right now. @Callihn: Ooh, I like that. Might use it. That's just what I needed. I can put it in my prison to lighten it up a bit, especially the guard's and officers' rooms. Cheers
  12. kyfohatl

    Stalker arma mod

    @Dissaifer: Ok, I ckecked out Sled88's thread... I see what he meant. @Fair SBH: How's mod going mate? Any updates?
  13. I hope this is not a useless suggestion, but shouldn't you not use the variable "_x"? I though calling magic variables and scripting commands as private and using them causes issues. Maybe use "_civilian" instead. Also, why do you need to group him with "enemy"? Shouldn't he fire at you regardless of wether or not he is friendly when you use the "doFire" command? I think the issue may be that you have placed "enemy" somewhere far from the civilian, and as soon as the civilian joins "enemy" he runs back to the position of his group leader (even though he doesn't exist). Could this possible be the problem? One more thing. For the "gorup civilian with zero probability enemy" trick to work, the enemy needs to have a significantly higher rank than the civilian. Hope my tips helped...
  14. Nevermind, found out how to do it myself. If anyone else is interested, here it is: _object = _this select 0; _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle position _object; _light setLightColor [0, 0, 8]; _light setLightAmbient [0.9, 0.9, 0.9]; _light setLightBrightness (0.1 / 0.1); I got it from Mr-Murrays guide. Execute it using: MyProcedure = <ObjectName> execVM "<script name>.sqf"
  15. kyfohatl

    A2WarMod Release

    Tried that once. Can't remember what I was downloading, but the size was around 400 MB. Anyway the guy who ran the place got pissed off cause apparantly it causes slowdon for everyone else, and it costs him too much (I suggested extra payment, but he wouldn't listen). So yeah, its VERY annoying having slow internet (this is why I can never get mods like ACE). I really should get faster internet... Yeah, I might try that one (I've gained a few of my mods that way). Cheers
  16. Thanks mate. That prison is a very detailed and well made. I'm making a new one (becuase mine needs to be smaller, and is at a different location), but youre prison served as an excellent prison making tutorial (it showed me where to look for the objects, and what types of stuff could be used to make a prison). Just one thing: apparently your missing "searchlight.sqf", because the download only comes with "mission.sqm". Or maybe my download was bad? Anyway if I release this mission (which is what I'm intending to do), I'll deffinately credit you for making the prison ;). A couple of questions: 1. I found a "getting dragged" animation. Now I need a "getting beaten up animation". Does ARMA2 have it (by the way I don't have OA). Then I guess I could implement a few camera sways to "stimulate your head getting punched" (I guess I finally have to start learning camera scripting). 2. I need a little more light for my prison (outside). I've put a few campfires, and I noticed katdogfizzow uses interesting "light cones" to lighten up the road (though they don't emit much light, their more like reflective signs). Anything else I could use? 3. I'm interested to know about your opinion and ideas on the story/mission: The mission is divided into two parts. The first part is escaping the prison and returning to the friendly Russian base (a long distance away). At the same time, the russians are fighting the CDF and the Americans, and thanks to the help of people on the forums, I've managed to produce a working (mostly :o) battle script, which allows factions to capture and control locations and then further advance (using DAC). So whilst the player is playing the escape mission, towns and places change hands between the friendly and enemy units (which is good, because it will prevent the player from knowing the safest escape path once he relpays the mission). Of course to make the game challenging, I've made the friendly Russians as the weakest faction, and if the player takes too long on his escape, they are likely to be completely overcome. The second part is about the player helping the Russians restore their control. An optional part (which I'm working on) would be a series of mission via which the player allies the Independents to the Russians, thus making the fight against USMC and CDF a bit easier (though I haven't decided what these missions should be about; saving the guerilla boss maybe?). This mission is intended to be very dynamic, hence most of the units encountered will be DAC generated. Oh, and I want to (try) make the scape part pretty dramatic (e.g. choppers come after you, etc.), but then I though, "why the hell would the CDF and USA waste so much resources to eliminate a few escaping prisoners, whilst they could spend the resources in beating the Russians. It just doesn't make sense." So my solution to that is that you are a very important scientist (or one of his guards that was captured with him, to explain your good combat skills, and you'd be escorting him the the Russian base). What do you think? Thanks for the help fellas :).
  17. kyfohatl

    A2WarMod Release

    @Günter Severloh: I remember (a while ago) coming across you ARMA war mod by acident. I thought, "Wouldn't it be great if someone made something like this for ARMA2?" I couldn't find anything simillar at the time. Earlier today as I was reading one of your posts (can remember which one now), I saw the link to this thread . Anyway, great job. This is mod is really a compaliation of most of my prefred mods. Thanks. Such a shame I have to wait for a while before I can downloaded though. I've got dial-up speed internet, and have to wait till next month before my internet speed is restored back to full (which is pretty slow anyway) :(.
  18. kyfohatl

    noob help

    Give more detail. May be able to help, but need to know more mate.
  19. Ok, here's a script that will monitor an area (defined by a trigger) for different factions, and generate a DAC zone for that faction. It's pretty basic, but it works (mostly). It is quite useful for stimulating the capturing of a sector, and using this script faction can gain strog points. private ["_unitList", "_factionList", "_N0CDF", "_N0USMC", "_N0GUE", "_N0RU", "_paramCDF", "_paramRU", "_paramUSMC", "_paramGUE", "_rulingFaction", "_CDF", "_USMC", "_RU", "_GUE"]; // Waits untill DAC is initiated sleep 2; // Defines parameters for DAC zones _paramCDF = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[1,5,1,1,0]]; _paramRU = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[0,0,0,1,0]]; _paramUSMC = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[1,1,1,1,0]]; _paramGUE = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[2,2,2,1,0]]; _CDF = 0; _USMC = 1; _RU = 2; _GUE = 3; _rulingFaction = 4; // Loop while {true} do { _unitList = _this; // Counts number of units per faction _factionList = []; {_factionList = _factionList + [(faction _x)]} foreach _unitList; _N0CDF = {_x == 'CDF'} count _factionList; _N0USMC = {_x == 'USMC'} count _factionList; _N0GUE = {_x == 'GUE'} count _factionList; _N0RU = {_x == 'RU'} count _factionList; // Checks for dominant faction if ((_N0CDF > _N0USMC) AND (_N0CDF > _N0GUE) AND (_N0CDF > _N0RU)) then { // Checks to see if the faction doesn't already contorl the area if (_rulingFaction != _CDF) then { // Deletes the previous DAC zone if (!isNil 'z4') then{ ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramCDF] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; // Markes the controlling faction _rulingFaction = _CDF;}; }; if ((_N0USMC > _N0CDF) AND (_N0USMC > _N0GUE) AND (_N0USMC > _N0RU)) then { if (_rulingFaction != _USMC) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramUSMC] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _USMC;}; }; if ((_N0RU > _N0CDF) AND (_N0RU > _N0GUE) AND (_N0RU > _N0CDF)) then { if (_rulingFacton != _RU) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramRU] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _RU;}; }; if ((_N0GUE > _N0CDF) AND (_N0GUE > _N0USMC) AND (_N0GUE > _N0RU)) then { if (_rulingFaction != _GUE) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramGUE] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _GUE;}; }; sleep 60; }; This script was written with lots of help from all of the people who have posted here, notable Big D KS, so my thanks to them. Though there is still alot of room for improvement: 1. This script has to be run individually for each capturable zone. So if you have say 6 capturable zones in your mission, you'd have to run 6 of these scripts together... which might cause a fair bit of lag. 2. It does not take into account troop quality, only numbers. So if one side has 10 of their lowest ranking troop (and poorly equipped) vs the other that has 9 very high ranking, very high skill and very well equipped spec ops, the side with the 10 guys win. Any help is appreciated.
  20. Finally... my version of the script works (although I adopted a few good ideas from Big D.) private ["_unitList", "_factionList", "_N0CDF", "_N0USMC", "_N0GUE", "_N0RU", "_paramCDF", "_paramRU", "_paramUSMC", "_paramGUE", "_rulingFaction", "_CDF", "_USMC", "_RU", "_GUE"]; // Waits untill DAC is initiated sleep 2; // Defines parameters for DAC zones _paramCDF = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[1,5,1,1,0]]; _paramRU = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[0,0,0,1,0]]; _paramUSMC = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[1,1,1,1,0]]; _paramGUE = ["z4",[1,0,0],[6,3,40,40],[3,3,30,30],[],[1,4,50,0,100,500],[2,2,2,1,0]]; _CDF = 0; _USMC = 1; _RU = 2; _GUE = 3; _rulingFaction = 4; // Loop while {true} do { _unitList = _this; // Counts number of units per faction _factionList = []; {_factionList = _factionList + [(faction _x)]} foreach _unitList; _N0CDF = {_x == 'CDF'} count _factionList; _N0USMC = {_x == 'USMC'} count _factionList; _N0GUE = {_x == 'GUE'} count _factionList; _N0RU = {_x == 'RU'} count _factionList; // Checks for dominant faction if ((_N0CDF > _N0USMC) AND (_N0CDF > _N0GUE) AND (_N0CDF > _N0RU)) then { // Checks to see if the faction doesn't already contorl the area if (_rulingFaction != _CDF) then { // Deletes the previous DAC zone if (!isNil 'z4') then{ ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramCDF] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; // Markes the controlling faction _rulingFaction = _CDF;}; }; if ((_N0USMC > _N0CDF) AND (_N0USMC > _N0GUE) AND (_N0USMC > _N0RU)) then { if (_rulingFaction != _USMC) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramUSMC] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _USMC;}; }; if ((_N0RU > _N0CDF) AND (_N0RU > _N0GUE) AND (_N0RU > _N0CDF)) then { if (_rulingFacton != _RU) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramRU] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _RU;}; }; if ((_N0GUE > _N0CDF) AND (_N0GUE > _N0USMC) AND (_N0GUE > _N0RU)) then { if (_rulingFaction != _GUE) then { if (!isNil "z4") then { ["z4"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 20;}; [(getMarkerPos "zone4"),750,500,0,0,_paramGUE] call DAC_fNewZone; sleep 300; _rulingFaction = _GUE;}; }; sleep 60; }; Feel free to use. Though I must say I'm still more interested in Big D's script because it is shorter and neater (plus it'll probably teach me quite laot about scripting). An immediate problem is that this script has to be run for EVERY capturable zone, and my mission has 8 of them. This means running 8 of these scripts at once... should be a massive resource hog. Any ideas??? Also, edited first post so that people can see the script immediately. Cheers
  21. @DB: Yeah, that's what I meant (I hope you didn't think I was saying they were bad or anything). I also realized that they were more of a record than a tutorial, although you could use them to get an idea of what the module dose. I hope you took no offense from that, since I deffinately didn't mean any. Thanks mate
  22. Actually, I didn't have "[]" around "MyTrigger". The "[]" problem I was having was relative to my own script (the crappy one, which is why I started a new thread for it by the way), when I tried to run it after yours didn't work. It still doesn't work :confused:. Here is the script call I'm using: MyProcedureHandler = MyTrigger execVM "CountFaction.sqf" See, it's jsut what you told me to do, but its not working. Maybe I've set the trigger to wrong parameters? (Activated by ANYBODY, only ONCE) Or; are there any commands your using that possibly don't appear in ARMA2 (cause I don't have OA). Again, thanks for your time.
  23. I've recently run across the this problem: When I try to get the faction of every unit in a trigger area using: MyProcedureHandler = [thisList] execVM "FactionCount.sqf" in the init line of the trigger (with activation set to "ANYBODY") and: _unitList = _this; _factionText = {(faction _x)} foreach _unitList; sleep 2; hint format ["%1", _factionText]; in "FactionCount.sqf". The stange thing is that the game gives me an error, saying that the phrase "Faction _x" is invalid, because: Which seems to me that it means the command "faction" cannot deal with an array, and it must have single objects. Does anyone know a way around this? :confused: (or is it some sort of syntax error?) This leads me to the general question that; if there is no way around the problem above, would it be possible to split the array "_unitList" (or any array) into its consisting objects (where each object in this case is a unit in the trigger area), so that I could run the "faction" command for each object? The problem is that it is not possible to predict how many units will be in the trigger area. Or is this unnecessary, and the faction command can somehow work with an array? Thanks for any help.
  24. kyfohatl

    Sharpe's Rifles Mod

    I'm deffinately looking forward to this mod... it will probably provide me with a completely different experience to vanilla ARMA2. Oh, and the models look very nice. Excellent work
  25. Those are some good looking models... the mod looks awsomn. All I can say is that it will feel and probably play very differently to vanila ARMA2 which is nice. Modding a modern combat based engine to run Roman era combat? I'd imagine it'd be pretty diffcult... does the game even have melee damage (I haven't got OPF, but there are no knives in ARMA2). Anyway good luck with it.