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Posts posted by Primarch

  1. I agree 100%.

    Also, musta suck to be in that tank and live through it.

    So, you'd live through it? I think not.

    Good note is that the tank didn't go RETARDBOOM like every single vehicle in ArmA 2, I just tried 27 M1A2 tanks versus 35 T-72 in OA Desert.

    25 of the 27 M1A2 blew up, every T-72 blew up. In a fireball.

  2. 12gb of ram is great if the pc is also serving as an Editing Station of some sort as well.

    Having over 8gigs of ram and an i5 is not useful when you are playing games.

    Only idiots buy an i7 for gaming since there is no use for hyper-threading as no games can use it properly. GPU is as always, if you can afford it you should buy it because CPU is barely ever creating a bottleneck.

    Although if you are into editing, you require an i7, 12gigs of ram and some mid-high tier GPU such as 470 or 560 for CUDA cores.

  3. I would say a 2500K and 8gigs of Ram is big bang for your buck right now. I doubt you'd get 4 times that in 6 months time and it's surely much better than you would have gotten from the 6 month previous point.

    Like stated, one could always hold off for the next big wave but I'd say right now is a pretty decent time to get a pretty powerful PC built for cheaper than it's been in some time.

    Yeah but I was referring to 2600K and 12gigs of ram.

    2500k and 8 gigs is the best thing right now.

  4. My computer is over 3 years old now and runs ArmA II absolutely great. I can play pretty much any game on high settings. Doesn't matter if it's obsolete.

    As 5LEvEN said, obsolete doesn't mean it will be useless or won't run games at max.

    As I said, you don't need 2600k and 8gigs of RAM for gaming.

    Buying things like that is really retarded since you don't need it, and you will get in half a year four times more powerful things per buck.

    Always buy mid-high range PC, no low or extreme because both are waste of money.

  5. My budget is about 3,500$ Not trying to be demanding, but I would like it to be able to play games on max graphics years from now. One that I would now have to upgrade often. I would prefer to have the items in a cart on Newegg but any other way is fine. Thanks for the help! :)

    Sorry broski, 2 years and your "rig" will be obsolete.

    Get an i5 2500k, GTX 580 and an SSD. Buy with the rest of your money something you really need, like a new screen and TrackIR, other peripherals which last.

  6. Cyper, what do you mean by the way of "accessible"?

    I will say it first, nobody else needs to say it too:

    Dumbing it down, CoD, BF, CSS, TF, CASUAL, unrealistic, etc etc bla bla bla

    Perhaps making it more accessible, the menus are crap right now.

    Streamline everything that is not useful, for an example most of the buttons in settings could just gtfo like "seagull up, seagull down". Make sub-menus, make a lot of things look everytime the same, so Cancel and OK are always in EVERY menu and box in the same corners and everything is logical.

    Movement does not need 3 different keys for different stances, you could have at default prone, crouch. Crouch is push and prone is toggle, "little" things like that make it MUCH MUCH MUCH more satisfying to learn a new game.

  7. No you never did say it, but if you would have noticed, I was asking you a question. Not making a statement.

    Don't worry, these funny people will go away in a time these admins start using their powers to give infractions for not contributing in a thread.

    Guys stop talking bullshit and talk about the thread title or STFU

    However, 6DOF would be really nice.

    As BIS has already done the graphical improvement at most parts, now should the immersion/ gameplay/ features come on top so why not modify the engine to suit 6DOF? Takes away nothing and it should not be too hard, I know nothing about the programming of this subject but as the base 4DOF is already in older revisions of Real Virtuality it shouldn't be too hard to add an another axis to roll around.

    ---------- Post added at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 AM ----------

    The TKOH community preview had 6DOF and you could use it in other helicopters, oddly however it couldn't be used in most other vehicles and there was only one plane (community made) that I could use it in.

    With any luck this feature will be included and expanded in Arma3.

    How about a guess?

    The models did not have modeled interiors. Was not this the explanation why free look was not in most vehicles in Arma 2?

  8. No, it can't. How do you know that the laws of physics won't change in 20 years?

    So, basically you are saying: "Stop complaining that it is unrealistic and start complaining that it is futuristic."? How does that change anything? Pointless thread IMO.

    LOL, thanks for letting us know. I'll watch out. I actually thought that we are going to the past.

    I suggest this thread to be closed and after 20 years we can reopen it and decide if Arma 3 was realistic or not.

    I think it is really stupid to post stupid shit like that, stop doing that.

    Physical relationships have been the same for the last 10billion years, you think they are going to change in the next 20 years?

    So that mass will push things away? Data does not use the fastest route?

  9. What if that is OPFOR, do they still have to carry old school compass and paper map instead of electric toy?

    OPFOR(=Iran?) ain't exactly no more USSR or some other backwards country.

    They will probably have even better gear than blufor since they have won most of NATO and EU coalition in Europe.

  10. The Coriolis Effect is very relevent to Marksman/Sniper's for long range target aqquisition and it is a massive factor in engaging a target at long ranges with medium too large character weapon systems.

    The coriolis effect is not relevant as it is not even an actual force.

    It becomes relevant in hundreds of miles ranges.

  11. I have no clue what you are saying or smoking but WOW! I never said make the gameplay simpler I never said make the game controls easy and simple to command AI units. I want the game not so fucking hard to log on and find players who want to play the game as you do!

    Yes I asked the Moderator out of control aka wolla to change and remove BF/COD. My point BF/COD yes different game but it is easy to find games to play. I know different. The old GR had so many different game modes online but it was still easy to find the type of game you wanted to play anytime.

    I don't even understand what you mean, you can always join a game and there will be people willing to co-operate with you if you ask. This is not like CoD or Battlefield as you require teamwork to have fun in the game. This is the reason it filters out people who do not wish to play as a team.

    Also, what do you mean by logging in?

  12. That's not ARMA 2. Why are so many people of the opinion that ACE + ACRE are vanilla ARMA 2 features? You are saying ARMA 2 is difficult to set up when in actual fact it's specific mods you are having trouble with, thus giving a false impression of the game which, sadly, seems to have caught on like wildfire.

    The game takes around 3-5 hours on some computers to install and get running properly, that is WAY too much. Then the addons are what is ArmA and OFP, the MP would be dead in 2 weeks after launch if it wasn't for mods.

    However the game is still in quite bad condition regarding the warping.

  13. You were not lucky, but selling the game because of this is just childish. Most mods are very easy to install, as easy as other games such as TotalWar for example. Copy and paste, add a parameter and that's all. You even can load mods ingame now.

    HOWEVER! The game feels really fucking unrewarding and super frustrating to play in multiplayer because of the warping after messing with the game for 20hours to get it running once.
