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Everything posted by NakedSquirrel

  1. Has anyone been able to get ARMA2 or OA mods to work in Take-on helicopters, or is this game a different beast all together?
  2. NakedSquirrel

    Take-On Combat?

    I liked what I saw of the preview, even if it wasn't finished. The FM is fantastic and I would love to get the game, but I am a bit wary because it doesn't look like it will be a combat sim. Is this a correct assumption? Sure it would be fun to transport boxes or pick up passengers, but it would be a lot more fun to the same things in combat.
  3. NakedSquirrel

    Take-On Combat?

    I mean 'still work with' OA units, OA guns, OA Mods. I look forward to avoiding AAA, RPG's, and Small arms fire. Slinging a casualty out of a thick jungle canopy or dropping off troops in heavy firefights, or hauling ammo into hot LZ's.
  4. NakedSquirrel

    Take-On Combat?

    Looking more tempting after reading that... Will it still work with OA after release? If I can drop off and pick up guys in a firefight, I'm game!
  5. Is there a way I can group large numbers of static objects together so that I can delete them in one line of code? Currently, the only way I can figure out how to delete static objects is to name each of them and use 'deletevehicle _x'. To put this in a better context. I am using the 3d editor to make a mini mission and copying the mission file to a .sqf file so that I can spawn units and or objects (basically I can 'spawn in' an entire mission). I would like to be able to delete everything that was spawned after the mission is completed. Is there any way I can designate a mass of objects to a group and delete them?
  6. I'm new to making multiplayer missions, and the aspect that concerns me the most is lag. I was wondering what people's Top 10 Worst things you can possibly do that would cause lag and the Top 10 best things you can do with scripts to reduce lag. A few things I am trying to do is reduce the number of triggers, and managing my AI numbers by spawning them in and deleting them. I am hoping that this basic approach will prevent any major rubberbanding and keep gameplay seemingly smooth. I haven't experimented with a lot of scripts online though. I dont know if scripts like the urban patrol script would cause lag or not. Or if any scripts like changing time of day have a noticable effect. There saddly only one way to find this out, and that is by running a mission online. What is your top 10 for preventing lag?
  7. Is there any way to silence AI units so their speech isn't heard? I know ACE can silence AI, but I was wondering if there are any scripts or commands I can use to mute and unmute the AI.
  8. NakedSquirrel

    Silence AI

    Wow, thanks a lot Ranger! That bit of code works perfectly.
  9. I'll try downloading the mod again, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be sticking. I've tried setting the init.sqf script to east, west, ind, civ settings. I've also tried the example you've given, but I can't change the language. I was just hoping to find a mission where it works so I could look through it to find out what I'm missing.
  10. Can someone upload a simple mission that shows it is possible to change the language of units/groups/sides/anything? I've tried every method I can imagine, but I can't manage the simple task of forcing all units to speak Spanish or Arabic. It seems like the languages are locked per side for some reason. I get coughing, sneezing, and idle chit chat, but I can't get the units to change languages.
  11. Hypnotoad posted a great video outlining the new Capture and Play functions in OA and they work great. For insertion, the new function is amazing because I can take over and place these birds in any LZ I want. Unfortunately, I am still having a lot of a lot of trouble with extractions. The first problem is probably very simple to fix, but my scripting skills are aweful, so I couldn't figure out an easy way to accomplish this: The sqf this function uses looks like this: ------------- Path1 =[["lots of numbers"]]; [Helicopter, Path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; ------------- (The end result is that basically I fly a flight path and the AI Copies it) The problem I'm experiencing, is once I've landed (and the script ends), the AI jumps back up to an altitude of ~30m. I've tried "Chopper disableai "move"", but the AI still climbs to a safe altitude. What I would like to do is copy the last coordinates of the original path and plop them in a path that loops until the "all aboard" trigger is activated: ------------ Path1 =[["lots of numbers"]]; [Helicopter, Path1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; (??loop??){ Pathloop =[["last set of coordinants"]]; [Helicopter, Pathloop] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay}; ------------ The second (and more annoying) problem I am having is that the infantry are having trouble getting in the aircraft. They get in line, but they can't seem to find and board the chopper. The first problem I can work around without too much headache (Basically I just capture a flight path and wait 2-3 minutes on the landing zone), but I need to find a way to get these AI to actually board the Helo, or at least make it LOOK like they are jumping the helo. Saddly I am lost for ideas, and I have no idea how to force these AI to get in the helicopter. I've been making a group of Vietnam era missions, and this has been the biggest wrench in my gears because the hot LZ extractions are a heck of a lot of fun, but they only work 60-70% of the time.
  12. Sweet find ranger, thanks a lot! The Setvelocity [0,0,0] bit was what I needed. It keeps the AI from taking off again. Now I'm back in business!
  13. I tried editing this variable to get a different type of bomb to drop, but no joy =( Any ideas? missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_SSM_Airstrike_DISPERSION_WEST","G_30mm_HE"]; Also missionNamespace setVariable ["BIS_SSM_Airstrike_DISPERSION_WEST","G_30mm_HE 1"]; is there a way to change the bomb type? Or perhaps even make it drop multiple bombs in one run?
  14. NakedSquirrel

    Vehicle Fire Scripts

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me here. I'm working on a script for a napalm strike. I have the explosion working well by combining WP and the FAB250, but it would be really hot if I could leave some fire behind as well. Any ideas? I was working off of what I read from this post, but I can't quite figure out how to spawn the fire logic with the provided init. case "cbuAP":{ _man groupChat localize "STR_FIXDCAP"; while {true} do { if (((((getPos _plane select 0) - (_asloc select 0))^2+((getPos _plane select 1) - (_asloc select 1))^2)^0.5) <= 500)exitwith{}; if(!alive _plane)exitwith{}; sleep 0.5; }; if (alive _plane) then { _cbu = airSupBomb createvehicle [getPos _plane select 0,getPos _plane select 1,(getPos _plane select 2)-10]; _cbu setDir ((_asloc select 0)-(getPos _cbu select 0)) atan2 ((_asloc select 1)-(getPos _cbu select 1)); _bombfall = sqrt((((getPosASL _cbu select 2)-60)-_lock)/4.9); _bombvelx = ((_asloc select 0)-(getPos _cbu select 0))/_bombfall; _bombvely = ((_asloc select 1)-(getPos _cbu select 1))/_bombfall; [_cbu,_bombvelx,_bombvely] spawn nofricgrav; waitUntil{getPos _cbu select 2 <= 4}; _charge = "Arty_Sadarm_Burst" createvehicle getPos _cbu; deleteVehicle _cbu; _FLAR1 = "BombCore" createvehicle getpos _cbu; _FLAR1 setVelocity [0,5,0]; for [{_n = 0},{_n <= 1},{_n = _n+1}] do { _blets1 = "ARTY_Sh_105_WP" createvehicle getPos _cbu; _blets1 setVelocity [(random 20),(random 50),-(random 50)]; }; for [{_n = 0},{_n <= 1},{_n = _n+1}] do { _blets2 = "Bo_FAB_250" createvehicle getPos _cbu; _blets2 setVelocity [-(random 15),(random 15),-(random 5)]; }; for [{_n = 0},{_n <= 1},{_n = _n+1}] do { _blets3 = "ARTY_Sh_82_WP" createvehicle getPos _cbu; _blets3 setVelocity [(random 50),-(random 50),-(random 50)]; }; for [{_n = 0},{_n <= 1},{_n = _n+1}] do { _blets4 = "ARTY_Sh_105_WP" createvehicle getPos _cbu; _blets4 setVelocity [-(random 50),-(random 50),-(random 50)]; }; }; ASCAP = ASCAP + 1; };
  15. NakedSquirrel

    Air Strikes

    Fixed wing aircraft are picky, they do not tend to work with attack commands
  16. I've been trying to work on an airstrike script. I've found that the SOM manager doesn't seem to like using Moded planes. (also there is no way to change the ordinance it drops.) This script I can't get to work properly. Although the planes actually drop their own ordinance,... most of the time they kamakazi into the ground, and the other half of the time they miss wildly. (It never works out the same way twice,and I find it frustrating to work with AI pilots): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8077 This next script is neat, but a bit too complex for me. I can't quite figure out how to isolate components. Some parts don't work with mods, like the CAS (Because the weapon class isn't fitted on all aircraft. I'm sure I could find weapon classes to fit, but I would rather just air spawn bombs beneath the aircraft like it is done with the AP Bombs), other parts do seem to work well: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8337 The trouble is I'm not sure how to pull components out of this script to assign them to radio commands instead of the action menu (the menu seems to fail sometimes). I would also like to be able to customize the number of airstrikes you can call at once, or number of planes, but the script is split among several .sqf files, so it is a bit hard for me to read and understand. Does anyone have any advice? I've been staring at these scripts for a long while, and my headway is slow, I am wondering if anyone else has some good tricks/tips, or if someone has worked with these two scripts
  17. NakedSquirrel

    Air Strikes

    Thanks! I was changing the wrong value in the airsupinit.sqf I found out which one controls the menu. I would like to eventually figure out how to isolate the different components of this script so I could attach them to the radio menu instead of the action menu, but I will wait until I get better at scripting before I get picky. I'm just glad it works! It's a pretty solid script. My next goal with airstrikes is to get planes to strafe the ground with machine guns and rockets. I find that even helicopters do not like to shoot their unguided rockets. Do you know of any ways trick the AI into strafing a target or target area? I may try a high waypoint followed by a low waypoint with "fire", but I don't know if this will work, or if it has been tried before. I would like to do this with a .sqf, but I have to admit, I'm still not sure how to spawn waypoints.
  18. Is there a way to change the init or skill level of entire groups of units? It is time consuming to click on each unit to change the same init property. For instance: if I want to change all of the OPFOR to a lower skill level, I have to click on every unit in the group and click on the skill level bar manually. Another thing I often want to change is their gear so I can remove grenades or change their kits I had hoped I could go into the misssion.sqm file and just add things, but you have to get in and add a couple of lines to each unit, but it isn't quite as simple as copy and paste because the init line isn't automatically there, you have to add it. (Long story short, it takes as much clicking of the mouse as manually clicking on every unit.) Anyhow, does anyone know any tricks I can use to make mass changes? My Left mouse button is getting worn out lol
  19. Is there a way to make a helo script similar to the one that works in the SP Campaign for Arma 2 (Harvest Red). It was a very flexible script that let you use the map to say where you wanted to be dropped off and picked up and when you wanted to RTB. It's a very nice script, but I don't know how to open it up and look at it. Is there a way to open up the SP campaign and take a look? Or is there an easier option I don't know about?
  20. Does anyone know how I can get AI to drag casualties to a designated area to be loaded for Medevac? The idea is to have a player fly a Medevac chopper back and forth between base and a hot LZ. It would be nice to have a live battle where designated AI drag injured units to the chopper. I know there are other ways to cheat with this, but an ongoing battle would be nice. I would also need a way for the player to force the loading/unloading of injured AI. (I plan on cheating by using a scripted event in the mean time, but if any of you script savy folks can help, I would appreciate it)
  21. NakedSquirrel

    High Command Module

    Is there any way to get units to mount/dismount using the high command module? I see an option for "interact" but it is always greyed out. Even the ability to give radio triggers to specific commands would be nice Alpha = "Mount" Bravo = "Dismount" Charlie = "Land" ect. It would allow for a little more freedom than placing waypoints on the map, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to implement something like that I would like to figure out how to get a helo transport script like is used in the Arma campaign. (The helo would land anywhere, pick you up and drop you off anywhere, and then rtb). Although it still wouldn't help with giving orders to the units using the HC module =\
  22. NakedSquirrel

    SLX Mod WIP

    Is there any way to prevent SLX from giving units the AN/PRC backpack radio or at least be able to designate who the radio goes to? It seems to always give the radio to the point man in a group. and it gives squads the AN/PRC radio even when they have the hand helds.
  23. The AI are pretty calm, cool, and collected in game. They wait to shoot when they see a target, and a lot of times, they don't miss. Is there a way to have AI act a little more human so that they adapt the more widely used military doctrine of shoot a lot and miss a lot? Basically I would like to be able to control AI aim accuracy (Miss more, lots more) AI supression/panic shooting (fire in the direction of enemy contact.) and if possible First aid - Have units drag, fireman carry friendly units out of harms way or to a corpsman to do first aid. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
  24. I'm new to Arma/OFP editing. I have been trying to figure out how I can retexture existing models, but I find myself overwhelmed with this PBO/CFG format that addons are in. I have figured out how to open and edit textures in Photoshop, thanks to the BI tools and tutorials online, but I don't know how to put the finished PAA file on a model in game. Can someone explain to a simpleton how I can make the step from a .paa file in photoshop to a model wearing that .paa file in game
  25. NakedSquirrel

    Texturing Help with CFG/PBO files

    Thanks for your help, but I'm still a bit lost.