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About TommyC81

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Thanks for the feedback tpw! Most of the big oscillations occur on a benchmark mission I've created on Utes, but like I said, it might relate to a poor config by me. However, the continuous small oscillating changes in VD (a few hundred meters up and down, depending on FPS) can sometimes cause microstuttering, that's why I feel it could perhaps be desireable to have an interval where the VD just stays fixed until avg_fps goes outside it. Easiest implementation could prob be a +/- 10% allowance from the set pref_fps (i.e. pref_fps = 45, avg_fps between apx. 40 and 50 will leave VD untouched) Hehe, yeah, know what you mean regarding EMA. It is however not as complicated as the mathematical formula looks like. This is how you calculate EMA: Let's say you want an EMA over the last x seconds. You need to start with some value, a good starting point is a basic average for the first x seconds. Starting from the x+1 second you will calculate EMA like this: EMA = ( Current_FPS + ( Prev_EMA * ( x - 1 ) ) ) / x That will give you an average that reacts quickly to FPS changes, without being to quick (depending on how many seconds (x) you use to calculate the EMA. SMA and EMA is popularly used in financial decisions, and I guess it's not too unlike what we're trying to achieve: A setting that is good for the next, predicted FPS. Have a look: http://www.babypips.com/school/sma-vs-ema.html Thanks again!
  2. Hi tpw, and thanks for the explanation. As I understand it, VD starts at the preferred_vd and from there on just tries to keep the requested FPS by adjusting the VD (while keeping the VD within the specified min/max). I find it working fairly well, if you don't mind I would however suggest a few changes: I occasionally experience FPS oscillating in a big interval (from 30 up to 60 and back again, pref_fps = 45) due to VD increased/decreased to much at a time. And occasionally also microstuttering when VD is adjusted by a small distance every monitoring interval. This could obviously just be a config problem, but what about: Instead of setting a "pref_fps", you set a "pref_fps_min" and "pref_fps_max", which would give you an interval in which the VD won't change. I.e. as long as the FPS stays within those two figures, the VD is unchanged. Change the fixed interval FPS monitoring to a Simple Moving Average (SMA) that is updated every second. You could probably also try an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) as well, could prob give better results. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_average Just a few thoughts, thanks again!
  3. Just curios but how does DVD_pref_dist and DVD_preferred_framerate interact? If pref_dist won't achieve pref_fps which one is most important? What would the difference be between the current setting options and only having the following settings: Min_View = Minimum view distance Max_View = Maximum view distance Start_View = View distance when starting the game Min_FPS = If avg FPS goes below this, view distance is reduced Max_FPS = If avg FPS goes above this, view distance is increased + the zoom modifiers... I'm sure the current settings make sense, but haven't figured it out. Please enlighten me! Nice work by the way!
  4. Remove and improve (more easily)! :-)
  5. Thanks, sorted it! Also found some info here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1595632&postcount=2
  6. Playing the BAF campaign, "stopped" all soldiers as I was killing off the triggerman in one of the first missions. After this, my own player (the commander) is stuck in "Stop" and I am therefor unable to get the other soldiers to return to my formation again. How do I change my own "status"??
  7. TommyC81

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    Also posted about this earlier, the feel is like the soldier has two wooden legs while moving... A tad annoying and not very lifelike from my years in the service.
  8. Not sure where to report, so here goes: Using latest beta (72107), when trying the "Single scenario - Little bird" I notice that the zoom for the different weapons (2000 rpm, 4000 rpm and rockets) work differently. For the cannon it zooms in only while second mouse button is held and for the rocket you toggle zoom with the second mouse button. On top of this, if you zoom toggle while using rockets and then change weapon you can't zoom out until you select rockets again and toggle the zoom. The second one is not really a bug, but quite annoying. Any special reason why the player is walking like he's got two wooden legs? During all my years in the military I can't recall ever walking like that...
  9. TommyC81

    Combined Operations = problems

    No worries man, it's a public forum. My first post was after hours of frustrating reading and tries to fix things...it gets to us all every now and then ;) Am just about to do a third run at getting things sorted out... Wish me luck, I'm going in! :cool:
  10. TommyC81

    Combined Operations = problems

    Did read through that thread but after sooo many pages and references to other posts/threads all over to forum the frustration got the better of me. Why don't you summarize all those ideas and suggestions in a well-formatted wiki or SINGLE UPDATED STICKY NO-REPLY THREAD? Already tried all settings in mouse smoothing (including removing windows "enhanced precision"). Sound samples was already at 32, didn't experience any change when trying the different values. Regarding OFP: DR, bought it Steam sale for 5$ or so, was v.1.02. Wouldn't buy unless it was so discounted because of the "conflict" between BI and CM. The only problems I had was one glitch in one mission (the stealth one) which forced me to rerun it, one assault weapon that reloaded an extra time when swapping between grenades and rifle and some very minor AI pathfinding around some rocks on one occasion. As a big fan of the original OFP I did find the UI and the general game play feeling to be very refreshing and involving. Sure, less content but the bits and pieces that were included felt pretty refined. Never tried multiplayer, but from what I read that part seems buggy. I've read several recommendations for single player: OFP: DR, multiplayer: ArmA2. Got 10.6, will try downgrading. Thanks! I'll give it a try, thanks! Have neither. Another new customer with similar problems...
  11. TommyC81

    Combined Operations = problems

    Finally done downloading everything again, restarted by only running ArmA2 first. Actually runs this time, and mouse actually seems ok for now. Then run ArmA2:CO which also started, but mouse lag back again. What did they do differently between the two versions?
  12. Spent hours on the forum just to realize the amount of problems people are having with this game. Unfortunately all the time spent didn't help at all; cross-linking and cross-referencing of posts here and there make it a nightmare finding any kind of solutions. Where is the WIKI with up-to-date workarounds (for the buggy installation procedure and laggy interaction)? In short; Computer works flawlessly with all other games, in fact I just had a good run with OFP:DR (very fluid and engaging gameplay!) and was looking forward to dig into ArmA2:CO. Unfortunately that was just the beginning of a lot of problems which seems VERY common judging by the amount of posts. It seems to me that ArmA2 is the game worlds equivalent of installing Gentoo Linux on your computer, be ready to spend hours reading up and doing the things in the exact right order just to get it to work. Forget about; Use the Steam installer, adjust the in-game settings, enjoy! So, currently I can ONLY "run" (whatever I should call it) ArmA2:OA. CO fails for unknown reason, and ArmA2 says I got the wrong cd-key. I'm using Win 7 x64, which seems to have bypassed the developers and causing a lot of problems with the registry. Starting AO I got a "jumpy" mouse pointer already in the main menu, sometimes the pointer moves ok, but more often it jumps 1-10 extra pixels for every pixels worth of movement. In the game, the mouse is laggy like crazy (yes, I've reduced mouse smoothing and tried running the game in all kinds of video settings on my HD5870, even tried changing the windows mouse setting (how can that be expected to be necessary???)). These are all well-known problems that a lot of people experience, and have done so for quite some time. Already read 200+ forum pages and had 20+ tabs open with different users random advice of solutions and work-arounds, is this the way it's supposed to be? Did I suddenly become a developer of the game or did I buy a ready product? Either way, where do I go now, game is unplayable. Refund? 5 hours of troubleshooting so far, would it be reasonable to send a bill of let's say 10$ per hour as compensation for these apparently VERY common problems? Basic info: ArmA2:CO bought via Steam for 50$. Win 7 x64 i5 750 8gb RAM HD5870 Updated drivers (checked and doublechecked)