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Everything posted by paramedic

  1. Found this line in the HandleCamps.fsm: (if (_friendly < 3) then {3} else {_friendly}) have changed it to: (if (_friendly < 2) then {3} else {_friendly}) is that enough or should I change it to: (if (_friendly < 2) then {2} else {_friendly}) Want the Bunkers to be captured by a single person, because I think that fits for 2-4 player coop. Have no chance to test it at the moment and don't wanna play for 2 hours with my pal, just to see it doesn't work. So please help... And thank you for the great collection of helping posts in this thread.
  2. Hi, I'm sure someone else asked it before, but I couldn't find anything about it. I'm editing Domination 2 to get a 2-4 Player Coop Sandbox and so far I had no problems. But now I just can't find where to alter the number of players needed to capture bunkers at maintargets. And some time ago I had found something to change the minimum players needed to start a sidemission, then I changed it and completly forgot where this option was... now I would like to find it again... At the time I'm messing around with the DominationOA_2_28 with ACE and Wounds. Would be great if someone could give me a hint.