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About Fatal_Papercut

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  1. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    It's been awhile since I posted an Arma video. One of my community members wanted to do a video featuring an insert via helicopter. I talked him into doing an insert into a hot LZ--not a brilliant idea, really, but certainly a challenge. After a bit of practice, we pulled it off, and I recorded the results.
  2. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Good idea. You can now download the .pbo here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23533409/Papercut%27s%20Prank%20Mission.zip
  3. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Hey guys, If you've watched my recent Arma videos, you know that my buddies at Legion of Sparta take the game fairly seriously. It left them vulnerable to an April Fool's prank that I decided to play on them. Enjoy!
  4. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Agreed, I even made a video about this very issue. (I used an Xbox 360 controller).
  5. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Hey Guys, Evan Lahti, Senior Editor at PC Gamer Magazine and Arma addict, joined my gaming group (Legion of Sparta) for my latest mission/filming session. This is the third video in my Ghost Recon: Island Thunder series; maps were recreated for Arma 2 by Lightspeed. *** EDIT *** YouTube embedding isn't working, link here:
  6. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Howdy folks, The second video in this series is now available; these are missions from Ghost Recon: Island Thunder that have been recreated for Arma 2. Mission #2: Angel Rage As before, you can watch in 1080p at YouTube.
  7. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    I know Lightspeed posted his missions somewhere, but I can't remember if it was here or Armahoilc (or possibly both). I know he is very open to suggestions and would be happy to hear about any bugs as well. I have since PMed him letting him know that people are expressing interest. I know he is still working out bugs with some of the triggers. For the video, believe me, if the chopper had actually landed for the extract, I would have included that footage. But the chopper only did a fly-by and then disappeared into the fog, although we still got the "Message Complete" screen.
  8. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Lightspeed~SPARTA~ has worked relentlessly to convert the missions from the classic Tactical Shooter "Ghost Recon: Island Thunder" so that they can be played using ArmA 2. I enjoyed the missions so much that I thought they deserved to be presented in high definition video. To facilitate this, we added a "cameraman" to the mission, operated by yours truly. The free-roaming camera allowed me to capture footage from angles that would simply not be possible from the perspective of a single soldier, and the camera eliminates all HUD elements (with the exception of status messages) to provide a nice, clean picture. All footage you see here was recorded live as it was played by members of the Legion of Sparta and their guests; communications were facilitated and recorded via TeamSpeak. This is footage from Mission #3, "Jaguar Maze".
  9. Fatal_Papercut

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    ** WARNING ** Video contains adult language. Just a bit of silly fun, trying to do tight insertions with a Colt aircraft.