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Everything posted by SPC.Spets

  1. SPC.Spets

    Next patch wish list

    Here some little details, little details makes a big difference sometimes FIX 1st person view walking animation with the gun up, it looks like the soldiers have a bad leg What about a more detailed editor DATE and WHEATER? sometimes I need to make a night mission and I need to put a full moon light because theres no NV available A new map with snow? including offcourse new units
  2. SPC.Spets

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Video Arma 2 Vanilla + Blastcore Warfx and sound Effects BETA Xe5MKJO2erM
  3. I dont use ingame voice (VON) the default key is deactivated this is the video, is in spanish but that doesnt matter CYNzYkGP0Sk
  4. We always use ACRE for coop mission and I already know that. Im uploading a video now, so you can see it (hear it)
  5. Yes, the weird voice is caused by this new Acre, very distorted and noisy. also you can hear 2 voices, one normal first and then the distorted radio effect with some delay of a few ms
  6. I use FRAPS to record coop missions. And this new ACRE seems to use some kind of audio codec that messed up with FRAPS. Can it be possible? the voices over radio sounds fine ingame, but, when Im going to edit the videos the radio messages sounds very bad, horrible :(
  7. SPC.Spets

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    pwned! dirty thieft ok! where is my 1.3? xD
  8. SPC.Spets

    ArmA and Consoles

    1- BIS makes ArmA for consoles 2- M$ put an eye on it and offers some money to BIS 3- Arma 3 will looks like OP DR 4- say good by to ArmA
  9. Im open the game with a laucher and it also open Steam, but before that, some errors appears, PCM something EDIT: nvm, I use Verify Integrity on the PMC DLC. now is OK
  10. With the last patch we need to open th stupid steam again? is there a way to do not open it?
  11. my ace_clientside_config.hpp was empty too, but the game works fine, interaction keys and everything, weird o.O
  12. just to be sure, the ace_clientside_config, only says "class Identity {" now? or I have something wrong?
  13. Can you make the compass with 2 modes? I dont know, maybe a key to switch off that magnifying lens?
  14. SPC.Spets

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I think that the ACE2 mod already have those tracers, ball tracers, and you can use also BDtracers that make the bullets iluminate the path Edit: jump to 2:05 were the firefight begins bKFM6VLIBhY
  15. SPC.Spets

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    lol, I did a sound mod for CS long time ago, all weapons fx made with my voice, like, bang! boom! atatatat! that was hilarious
  16. Aparently the problem is caused by Zeus AI
  17. SPC.Spets

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Great News!
  18. Hello. we are using this script to spawn enemy units for coop missions, but we notice that some enemy units are bugged, they dont move, and when you shot them nothing happen also, they dont die, just stay still. It happen a lot and its very annoying. This maybe caused by ACE2
  19. SPC.Spets

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    good enough for me
  20. SPC.Spets

    I hate this game!

    I did not made that, I dont want credits for that video, is too pervert :p