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Everything posted by brian666

  1. brian666

    Feedback Thread

    OK I'm still enjoying playing Argo although I still think LINK went backwards from how it was originally. Now no complaints about the latest update EXCEPT the server selection. That sucks big time. Good for a single player or maybe two friends, but hopeless if like my group of 4 to 8 players all wanting to try to get on one server. The added complication is we are spread out between Australia & New Zealand and like to average out a server's ping to please players on both sides of the Tasman. Please please give back the original server listing. Now "Battlefield 1" (for example) uses both methods for getting into a game, even calling the full server listing method, "the old school way". Great flexibility how to join a game. "Titanfall" uses the quick play system and that was a total pain to get friends all on the same server. So please add "the old school way" of choosing servers back into "Argo".
  2. Hi guys, particularly Dwarden What's the mission template for Combat Patrol for the server? Any commands for the server config that will unlock all weapons (as it used to be) for private (non-official) servers? Apart from anything else, this is a good way to check out the various weapons prior to unlocking them on the official servers. Also, randomOrder=true is now broken in both 32-bit & 64-bit. Throws up a message on the server console "Can't find a mission collection / mission with template name: 'randomOrder', skipping to next mission." The server still runs ok, just doesn't pick a random mission to start with. This worked perfectly prior to 0.77. Thanks.
  3. brian666

    Feedback Thread

    Firstly some feedback. A group of us have been playing Argo since it came out. So impressed that we hired a server to run it for us. Link tended to be the favorite. However after 0.76 came out, we played one round & didn't go back to it again, just played Raid & Clash. Sorry guys but it is flat and lost the fun & pressure in the original. Milling around in the circle after capture of M is just pointless. While I see the point of unlocks & custom loadouts for Official Servers, it leaves Private Servers like ours with very dull & restricted loadouts. We are also in Australia & the nearest Official Servers are in the USA, some 200+ ping away. How about allow Private Servers to have access to everything so we can try it all out before settling on unlocks on the Official Servers? It would also allow Private Servers to have variation. The previous system of differing examples of each class of weapon for each map area made for a fun game with differing tactics depending on loadout. Alternatively can I run/pay for an Official Server here in Australia? Unless there is a change to the loadout system for Private Servers the consensus in our group is to close our server & move on. Which is a pity because I think the game could be very very good and it was great fun before 0.76. Some bugs (no screenshots or video unfortunately)(also cannot work out how to use your bugtracker system). Defending as Flames on La Trinite RAID, one person spawned on the roof of the wooden shack next to A. He walked off the roof with minor damage. The following round we were attacking as Flames & he spawned on top of a two story building at the end of an alleyway behind me. Not sure which spawn point though. He sustained moderate damage stepping off the building. Then playing Clash on (I think) La Rivere, 1 Clouds player spawned some 500m out of the area away from the target flag.
  4. brian666

    CRcti Proman

    Hi Muecke, The download links for Proman don't seem to be working. Yoma doesn't find it either. I've had Yoma updating it perfectly for quite a while, but about a week ago it couldn't find proman.7z. Yoma's error message is: "Download failed. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."
  5. The dedicated server .exe(s) don't need or use a serial number (arma2oaserver.exe & arma2server.exe) only the clients (arma2.exe & arma2oa.exe) need the serial. Just the nice way BIS have given us free dedicated servers. You need to run the clients once to setup registry settings so the patches can find your installation.
  6. brian666

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Love Blastcore Optical & regard it as essential, but the bisigns & key have issues (as mentioned). The newly uploaded bisigns & key do now work. However, you appear to have changed the key but kept the name the same as previous versions. So the new version (1.2) of Blastcore will not be accepted by servers running the old key (from 1.1). This becomes a PITA for server operators & for clients trying to get their favourite mod running. Perhaps the key could be changed to the version 2 signature system if the key needs changing, and renamed to reflect this?
  7. brian666

    Real Warfare Soundmod

    Hi Konrad, There appears to be a bad bisign for rws_pk.pbo module. After being kicked off a server I checked RWS against my server and the bisign for rws_pk.pbo is invalid. Everything else is ok.
  8. brian666

    Question on running a CO server

    Hi, I think you're doing something wrong. Right-click on the folder you want to create a junction for (say, Addons in the Arma2 folder) & select "Pick Link Source". Then go to your Arrowhead folder, right-click towards the bottom (so you don't drop into another folder) & select "Drop As ..." then select "Junction". A folder with a chain on it will be created called "Addons" (in this example). I suppose you'd describe it as a hard shortcut. Windows treats it as the real folder, not as a normal shortcut. It doesn't matter if you're running Vista. I'm using "Junctions" on a Vista machine with no problems. My split Steam Arma2 install is under Win 7 x64. Make sure you install the 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on your version of Windows.
  9. brian666

    Question on running a CO server

    Is ArmA2 in a separate directory from Operation Arrowhead? My Steam installation is in separate directories. I used "Link Shell Extension" to create junctions of the Addons & Dta folders from the Arma 2 folder into the OA folder. Then you have Combined Operations. "Link Shell Extension" can be got from: http://schinagl.priv.at/