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Everything posted by Derbysieger

  1. 4.6 is really low. My HD4870 is rated at 7.5 and it is fairly old and there are far more powerfull cards available. Your graphicscard should be listed under detailed informations.
  2. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    Of course that's right. The point is that Israel isn't a state like france, spain or germany which all have a very long history. Jews lived all across europe. They were german, french, spanish, russian or british but almost always discriminated by the christian majority or other ideolic bs. It's no wonder there grew a wish for an own state a place to live in peace. After WW2 this wish was stronger than ever before and what happened was the foundation of Israel, a jewish state placed in a region that was almost exclusively inhabited by muslim people for a very long time. Now don't tell my that isn't a source of conflict.
  3. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    You're missing the point. Ayatollah Khomenei was a religious fanatic. For him, the USA weren't just the bad guys. No they were an incarnation of satan. And so were all their allies in the middle east. Now don't try to put logic into that. Also Israel is a very young state and many muslims had to leave their homes to make place for people of another religion. The whole history of the middle east is a history of war between religions. I can assure you the conflict between jews, christians and muslims goes way back to a time when America wasn't even discovered by the europeans
  4. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    I'm sorry but that's just absolute BS, sorry. The Shah of persia was big friends with the US and its allies, not so the people who suffered under the regime. So it was easy for religious extremists to make the people follow them. It's always the same. People who suffer from great unjustice are always prone to run towards those who promise a better life, no matter what their intentions are
  5. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    Can't tell if really that stupid or just trolling
  6. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    @Baff1: Have you actually ever read anything about the recent history of the middle east? Especially about the foundation of Israel after WW2 and the islamic revolution in 1979? Israel wouldn't excist without the United States so what's your point?
  7. Derbysieger

    Valve HQ?

  8. Derbysieger

    Will Israel attack Iran?

    The whole middle east is a ticking timebomb. And the current discussion in Israel doesn't help at all. Another war would certainly be the last thing the world needs these days. I don't even want to think about the consequences of a war between Israel and Iran. €: Also there is already a thread about Iran
  9. I really wouldn't worry too much about the graphicscard. Update your drivers and then report back. My HD4870 is slower than the GTX285 and TKOH runs great. The old 32Bit OS could also be a bottleneck but first update the drivers
  10. A SSD has only little effect on fps (given you keep your HDD defragmented) but great effect on overall performance ingame because the RV-engine streams a lot of data. When I first moved Arma 2 to my X25-M (after reading about SSDs here on the forums) I was stunned how much better the game ran (10k VD on Chernarus here I come!). Last year I bought my second SSD because I was running out of space. I only use HDDs for storage and other games that don't rely on SSDs. Important Programs like e.g. Lightroom are installed on my SSDs I don't know how much difference is between a SSD and a Velociraptor performance wise.
  11. Can't be the reason. My graphicscard is slower than the GTX 285 and I run TKOH on higher Videosettings than him just fine. fps 25-50 depending on Map/situation ... I'd say it's the drivers and maybe Win XP 32Bit^^
  12. Sounds like an awesome mission. Downloading now. Thanks
  13. Derbysieger

    Joystick setup help

    Actually that's not true. Sure, a bit of wind is nothing to worry about but when you fly in bad weather between the skyscrapers in Seattle it's very noticeable. There is a government contract that is very difficult because of strong wind. I'm not able to finish it without auto-hover and believe me I tried. I found the very difficult mission 08 in the career to be easier than that.
  14. Possible spoiler alert (Challenge: Hello Seattle) Had to share this!!! Sorry for the quality - 100kb limit
  15. Have you tried using another setting than Default for Video Memory?
  16. Maybe it's just me but I'd love it if you actually had to land to end the mission. And proper take off in the beginning would be nice.
  17. What are your video settings? Also: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cis/wiki/CIT#How-to-report-a-crash http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=126178
  18. I like the encouraging debriefing^^ Nice little mission
  19. The coastguard will chase the boat. I played this 5 times. 4 times I stopped the boat. The 5th time I intentionally didn't stop the boat to see what happens. After ~20min one of their ships caught up and took care of the criminals.
  20. Link isn't working ;)
  21. Derbysieger

    Which Key for screenshot?

    You need to use an external program such as FRAPS. Steam also works.
  22. Derbysieger

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    I had a flat tire on a bicycle tour to Xanten which stopped me for a while and it was already sunset when I was able to make my way back. Bislicher Insel (~40km/2hrs from home. It was pitch dark when I got back): Other photos from that day:
  23. Strange I didn't get any errors (Sprocket version). I'd try to reinstall the game ...
  24. Derbysieger

