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Everything posted by Derbysieger

  1. Derbysieger

    throttle off

    point at the throttle and use the action menu (scroll wheel) to turn it off.
  2. Derbysieger

    brake rotor

    look above your head.
  3. Derbysieger

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    The helicopters in TOH have a governor. €: damn ninjas
  4. Derbysieger

    Service Pack for perfomance?

    wilcopub looks legitimate but it's not on the list of distributors ... maybe contact them and also contact BIS (proof of purchase)
  5. Derbysieger

    Service Pack for perfomance?

    AFAIK -cpuCount=4 isn't needed anymore (and was intended for i7s with HTT on?) and -maxmem=4096 automatically resets to 2048 ... try -nosplash -nointro and see if it helps. And as said before the 9800GT might be a bit old for TOH. Read: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=126178
  6. Derbysieger

    TOH-Mark Benchmarking Mission

    3738.18 1920x1080 Shadows: 250m Obj VD 6000m AToC=1 i7 920 @3,99GHz 6GB DDR3 Toxic HD4870 1GB
  7. That's not how it works. You might want to use a mod folder in your installation directory or put it in the AddOns folder but I don't recommend the latter. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Export#Addon_Format
  8. In Joe Larkins bureau there are headphones on the left side when you enter the room. Works for me ;)
  9. Chernarus Jazz. Aren't those clouds lovely? fwUCY2HbBSU
  10. Derbysieger

    how to include OA/Arma2 islands?

    You can just copy data from your Arma 2 AddOns folder into a modfolder until TKOH starts. It gives me lots of errors but it works ;)
  11. RipTen Review 9/9 [spoiler alert!] 'RipTen’s scoring system describes a 9 as “the pinnacle of the genre, a game that defines what that genre should be about†and without doubt, Bohemia have created something very special with Take On Helicopters.'
  12. I know that. It's just the way I use to play Arma 2. Not possible here. Probably because flying is much more difficult^^
  13. First of: Very nice mission I enjoyed playing it! But one thing is really bugging me: With enemy AI on expert I have absolutely no chance to finisch that mission. When I don't manage to destroy a vehicle on the first run I'm almost certainly dead. And there are a lot of vehicles. In one attempt there were 2 or 3 BMP2s and 5 or 6 offroads. Way too many for 14 Hydra rockets. Especially because you can't fire one Hydra at a time. It's always two (BIS please don't do this in Arma 3 again!). The guns are too unreliable with the deadly accurate vehicle-AI. On normal I have no problem at all, it's almost too easy that way.
  14. yeah here in germany almost every video including some music isn't available. No problem for me though - I just use a proxy^^
  15. @Xptical: No one said fps were better with a SSD. The point is that performance is vastly improved. On a normal HDD you often get small stutter without actually loosing any fps. Especially when you turn the head very fast or when you load a map in the beginning of a mission, textures take a few moments to load. This doesn't happen on a SSD. I'm able to use a much higher visibility in arma 2 without getting problems with stutter or textures not loading (something that constantly happened before I moved Arma 2 to the X25-M) since I installed it on a SSD.
  16. Can you post a screenshot of your graphicsettings (use FRAPS or steam) and post your TakeOnH.cfg (you can find it under Documents/Take On Helicopters)? In case you are wondering here is an example of how TKOH runs on my system: Keep in mind that FRAPS reduces performance by 5-10fps when I record.
  17. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    FPDR Why are you completely neglecting history whenever it suits you? Before the Iranian Revolution there lived approximately 65000 Jews in Iran - Today about 25000. I'm sure some of them were able to flee but many of them weren't. I've read books from journalists who met Khomenei and who were in Iran at the time of the Islamic revolution or lived there before. They are a very interesting read. €: saying 40000 were killed was wrong but read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habib_Elghanian I admit I should have informed myself better because it is some time (~5years) since I did an assignment in school about the Iranian revolution. I confused some words and stand corrected. But that doesn't change the overall situation.
  18. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    Are you serious? You are making things far to simple in a conflict where absolutely nothing is simple. And Iran is very far from beeing a democracy. Do you actually know that one of the reasons the United States are so much hated in the middle east is that they made the foundation of Israel possible? This just shows that you actually know very little about the history of the middle east. Many parts of Israel are holy ground to jews christians AND muslims. Oh come on. Are you really THAT naive? Can you please stop making assumptions about people you know nothing about? I live in a country with many muslims. My turkish neighburs are muslims and I consider them to be my friends. We invite each other to parties and we watch football games together whenever possible. Especially when Turkey plays Germany. Just stop with your stupid hate talk. And calling the Islam an intolerant religion is just ignorant. First and foremost it's the people that are intolerant not the religion. And if they don't have a religion they can base their intolerance on they use or invent something else. Besides I'm not making up facts. There were ~40000 Jews killed after the Islamic Revolution reducing the jewish population in Iran to approximately 25000. And don't tell me they are living a happy life. Somehow I doubt that. PELHAMs post is spot on. Read it again and if you are really interested in the subject do a little more research than reading a few articles on the internet. And please: Stop the hate talk. I mean it.
  19. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    An old friend of my parents lives in Isreal and she tells pretty much the same. The ordinary palestinian wants nothing but peace. It's the fundamentalists on both sides who fuel the conflict.
  20. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    Having common enemies doesn't make you natural allies. That's just wrong. Maybe that's how the US handled things very often in the past but it doesn't mean this is a wise thing to do and applies to anyone. Especially if there are two states of different religion. No matter if they are surrounded by common enemies or not. And do you think Israel is willing to forget about the ~40000 jews that were killed after the islamic revolution? I think not. Jews and christians don't have the same chances like shiites in that country. The conflict between Isreal and the muslim world wouldn't stop if the United States suddenly weren't a factor anymore. No. Chances are that Isreal will be wiped off the map if western powers wouldn't care anymore or lose the ability to protect Isreal. A nuclear war wouldn't be a far-off szenario in that situation. There live many shiites in the region around israel and jerusalem is not only a holy town to christians and jews but also to all muslims. And this makes Isreal an enemy of Iran and not a natural allie. Where did you get that from? I don't care which religion people believe in. I just have a problem with fanatics of any kind. Religious or not doesn't matter. The problem is that these fanatics are the ones who rule the country. When religion becomes an excuse for crimes, wars and whatnot there is something fundamentally wrong with the people. That goes not only for Iran but also for the israeli settlements on palestinian territory. There are many fundamentalists in Israel as well.
  21. press L shift + numpad minus and type in endmission
  22. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    Yes history did occur. And it is still very recent history, not something that has happened hundreds of years ago like the Thirty Year's War in europe. The United States, France and Great Britain among others backed the foundation of Israel. Something the muslim leaders never forgot. Conflicts in this region have always been not only political but also religious conflicts. You can't just say religion isn't a factor anymore. It is. And it is a very big factor. Even if it is in many cases only a stupid excuse for an action. You have to keep in mind that Iran is a religious state. Technically the Qur'an or to be more precise the sharia is law in that country. So the 'beef' with Israel is that it is not a muslim country (if you want to keep things simple). Also notice that many muslims in that region (around Israel) are shiites which creates some kind of a bond to Iran. €: And that is like saying the United States were allies with Iran. After the islamic revolution they weren't anymore. Same for Israel. If the current regime gets overthrown by the iranian people relations may get better but there are too many skeletons in the closet for those two nations to be big chums. Same for any other arabic or muslim country in that region. Just imagine the muslims living in the United States would ask for a muslim state on american soil. What do you imagine would the reaction of the US government be? Remember: Since the discovery of the huge oil reserves in the middle east this region has become a matter of interest for all the big players in the world. Great Britain, the United States and France all tried to make their influence count. They made politics in that region without asking the people that lived there for permission. The Shah of Persia didn't have the backing of the iranian people. The leaders kept the money and the ordinary people suffered which in the end led to the iranian or islamic revolution. The United States and Israel became the main enemies of Iran And this is only one aspect of a very complicated conflict.
  23. I'd say HD6850/GTX460 or better. But to be more precise I need to know what's an affordable price for you?
  24. Derbysieger

    War with Iran.

    And exactly this has always led to conflict. Be it the crusaders or in recent history the israeli. What Baff1 was basically saying is if it weren't for the americans Israel would be big chums with Iran. That's not only untrue but also completely neglecting israeli history because without the United States Israel wouldn't even excist.