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Posts posted by john111

  1. Looks interresting to try. Exited to see what else you can do with this..sorry for nagging you-I really need the ability to tow stuff with this.

    About stealth and this ,is it possible to add a script when one is beneth the camonet-to decrese the "Ai_knowsabout" to about 30% to reflect that this seems to be very well masked underneath netting.

    Can you make this into a UGV version aswell?   If not,I think it is the best anyway..

    Looks great! thank you.

  2. Just came up with a kind of a great idea:  If one can increse the range of ECM-systems-one could give the MP-players a great new tool.  By simply extend the range of the ECM with a gradual decrese in efficency and protctection of the planes we could have 3 planes fly with their jammers on realatively far from target and simulate ECM-warfare.

    Make a triangle,1 to each side ,1 flying as high as possible in the middle.Would need some scripting to make sure the Sams still work and such.

    They would need to turn on their ECM-pods at such a timing they make a particular area less suseptic to Sams hitting the aircraft and another more vulnareble dependent on how far the plane it`s protecting is right now.

    The cool-down time should be at interval and top-middle of map another less efficient but allways on reducing the risks.

  3. I thought of something: If we could have a Tablet and plot a course with WP`s ,we can get a completely new feature never heard of in Arma 3-a Terrain Following Radar!


    If we know how high the mountains or tall terrain features are we could set an altitude for a WP and set a speed and if you can make the plane pull up and dive sharply ,we could avoid the mountains.

    Just use the Loiter function.Then make a GUI ,prefered a new ,bigger on inside a Tablet with a zoom and with a setting 20-3000m altitude range and possible use the Targeting Pod`s laser find out the distance to the nearest hindrance in meters and set a range in meters like a circle that makes the AP

     issue a pull-up order in g`s -a 4g pull-up with an inverted dive and followed by a reset to 1g horizon flight would probably manage most regular speeds.

    If we can punch-in a new altitude setting with the num-pad it would be the best way to do any changes to it.


    A cockpit instrument display-a laser looking forward and possibly finding the GPS -position and checking when it will arrive there at set speed (-In the F-111 aircraft down to 200ft),and with a linehorizon that moves up and makes the AP set a flight path higer than the obstacle might work.



    If you want to know how Firewill`s Ah-9 drone works - it`s made as a drone -you can download and a check the config for you`re self.

    Hope this will help somewhat. I love the Loiter -using it all the time.

  4. Hope these will have Led Lights? A possible Low Beam Mode ,where they are pointed down,to make for a low-viz approach to target? 


    Can we sit in the front? Use it as a Refueler ,as a Fuel Truck?  Come with build-in Long Range Radio?  I would like to have a kilometer counter I can reset to be able to make a makeshift runway for planes with ir-strobes.  

  5. Would it be possible to add a function that makes it able to issue orders to planes via C-2 Radar plane,via map and show enemy on there and pick planes on map and issue attack-orders and pick an altitude for the attacking planes?


    Well,if I din`t ask,they don`t know what I want to do with it,do they?  A lot of requests,I know ,I get some of them ,don`t I ? Could I get a camera like a drone that can be synced to player?  That way,we can use it as a real useful asset.

    This is a great mod !  Keep it up!  Is Boxcar C-119l K going to feature a armed version? 


  6. A Aircraft Photo Reconnaissance System, a plane with the ability to stream and take pictures (possibly by the bombing camera system) and combatible with the Alive system  and C2 and Ctab.

    The Bronco and Viggen and A-37 Dragonfly planes aswell.

    A system wanted in Arma 3 should be this:https://www.google.se/search?q=Stinger+on+Humvee&tbm=isch&imgil=vHjIN1V9IPIAwM%3A%3BLdykwBXsEhuP6M%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.scalemates.com%252Fkits%252F140588-italeri-254-stinger-hummer&source=iu&pf=m&fir=vHjIN1V9IPIAwM%3A%2CLdykwBXsEhuP6M%2C_&usg=__SFg5YhESXS_-UFC_Yiv4SJvTt4E%3D&biw=1536&bih=760&ved=0ahUKEwjw9-bt6-bUAhXRL1AKHb8wD7oQyjcINg&ei=0-5WWbDCOtHfwAK_4bzQCw#q=Stinger+on+Humvee&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CTA2liYZeKf1Ijhw-hleLND0D1uBKtLd8o54FjX6etbr5TTCQgKK6qzIMAYCVwM7oW9iZMeSFSm0G3zZms-u63rxXioSCXD6GV4s0PQPEWfoxCnI9mNWKhIJW4Eq0t3yjngRZ-jEKcj2Y1YqEgkWNfp61uvlNBHxgJUURCJPvyoSCcJCAorqrMgwEc1EWT4I-t8nKhIJBgJXAzuhb2IRZ-jEKcj2Y1YqEglkx5IVKbQbfBEdZlCo1NhK-ioSCdmaz67revFeEVLGR5zJEWcS&imgrc=vciJnAKPBfAyKM:


    The Bushmaster on a Humvee.A RB-57b Canberra ,A Stratojet and a MFI-15/17 trainer.


    Another mod request would be to make a mod that will enable the enemy helicopters to be more imune to AAA and make them loose healt much more slowly.After 50% it will take many more hits to get them down to 30% and even more slow to kill them completly. thank you

    • Like 1

  7. Yes,but I`m for some sort of Ground Radar Tracking Station that can send out missiles on vehicles that can be air dropped to disrupt on it`s own.Would give someone a full-time job in MP and force a side to go by cars instead of air-and be forced to deploy AGM-88 to guard against unknown sites.

    If I have a mod with AWACS--can I order my missile-system around inside of that plane ?  I`ve seen some interresting mods with aircraft but no way to boss assets around.I want this for SP mostly.Just a simple GUI that can show me the needed info on a Scope /Screen as a stand-alone or an overlay used with other mod that allows me to give WP like the zeus interface.A Hold Fire and and other modes would be handy.


    I would need more options than Target this with That but more options like telling assets to wait until that same aircraft return and fly overhead once more and so on.Maybe Ripple-fire or Blinking.Buddy-launching combined with Barrage Fire by AA-units may be synced with a timer that allows them to fly inside the area by putting AA-guns on hold and directing cars to likely escape routes to set up ambush.


    Is V758 weapon system going to be modelled in this.(there version of Rapier.) wheeled version,  Btw,I realy need a Rapier that I can tow.If that can be made.


    Q:  Will Pantsir also include the Pantsir S-2 version?  Will these be able to target smart bombs in arma 3?


    Q:  Will JTAC with Data Link be incorporated into this?  If these could launch jets they will enable a new way to contest what can do what where in Arma 3.

  8. Could Data Link Synced to a plane or a plane with the same be used as a real AWACS and used in connection with this mod? Even turn sites on/off and even via script-turn off the opposing side system? Make a corridor for the enemy side jets to come in and do something,then turn on the AA on players side and make opponent use up limited resources that wont replenish ?


    Some sort of Stand-alone radar-scope may be very useful for plotting air assets and enemies and co-ordinate all this,particularly in 



    If we could make some automated system that paracute single AA-units at decided locations-we could use the reporting/scout system ahead of time and pre-place AAA in the way for their return-flights.

    Would make boring return trips get exiting....to say the least.Great mod.Thanks.

  9. Congrats on the relese!  A quick Q: Any plans to add CCIP to C-47?  With a auto-pilot mod from the community there will be some real use for this gunship now.But as of now it`s a pain  in the a** to be hitting anything with this.    I would think that a ECM-system for Spooky in need,there is SA-2 modeled  for this game. 

    Maybe ,even use Devas autopilot just for the Loitering system and put it in there?  thnx
