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Posts posted by john111

  1. I`m trying to get the helicopter pilot to position himself where I tell him and then follow me at a set speed (that I need to be at walking speed) or set that speed very accuratly and force him to remain in helo and be able to position him side to me or even -if possible-form Wedge and be able to set one helo  slightly above and to the side of the first one.


    If possible -add all Formations to make them "connected" 2 and 2 and 4 and 4.As a menu item,"Fly wingman formation" or such.


    If possible also add a "Shoot my target" and "Other target" order.


    It would be neat,now when ai-pilots don`t fear taking fire-to force a "Stay in place at all cost"-order was possible.Then add a script that makes anyone inside a set distance be teleported inside helo,as a CESAR-helicopter.


    This is what I want-but he lands and get out.And I can`t issue that kind of precise commands that I need ,want this way more than setting up a Static weapon Feature or Arty commands and such,thank you for you`re effort on this mod.

  2. Heads up!   If you want to get you`re hands on some already made assets that incorporates AA-tanks and radar,you should contact the Swedish mod team.

    They have some CV-9030 AA-tanks and Amos Mortar tanks that you could try to make Barrage Fire or a system that protects from incoming mortars with the new Bis assets.

    If you can make them way better than currently,they could make a for a stand-in for expensive systems Point Defense.Maybe ,a whole new system by just adding a Giraffe Radar Truck.

    Then you would have a new system to go at. 



    Thanks for you`re effort. 

  3. If we could make the guy inside not to land and get out,whenever we issue squad command ,we could make them stay inside and kick-out sideways and set speed and altitude,we could get a awesome tool for helicopter pilots to direct movie-style missions.!

    Combat Formations System has what I`m after-but I would need the pilot to stay inside if all aircraft.


    Soo hope to get that into this mod-and preferably get this to work well with C2 Command and Control mod  aswell.


    Thank you for all you`re effort and time doing this. 

  4. Here is a q for you:  Would you consider to incorporate some free models from P3D or some other from FSX-if they could be put in Arma without too much work into it?


     Then you could have a lot of the work done for you already. And some models are superb directly from the factory.And Free.  Love you`re great work with these.Very well done-these will be used -not just put aside as some of the other mods -if I could ask to be able to somewhat use the C-2 but one can`t get everything.


    Love all the great models in here.Thank you .   

  5. Its looking great!  Hoping for a Dynamic Load out for it,to make such a quality conversion for Arma look its best!   Much grateful for these cool planes.

    If you could lower the flyable lowest speed for the Fougia Magister to something like the P-51 will probably have,it would give the pilot more time to adjust ,possibly add airbreak to it-something the P-51 doesn`t need.


    Can I ask for bullet proof canopy?  Just a suggestion-will love this plane!  Thanks for you`re additions to Arma`s flying gear,will follow this thread with much interrest.



