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Posts posted by john111

  1. Q:  Will it somehow be able to "message" other player the photo+GPS co-ordinates for a Combat-Search-And-Rescue mission inside of the current mission?

    If player is downed?

    Setting it as a "Current Task"?

    Somehow use it in MCC.


    Will we be able to use it as a viritual entity? Spwan it,make it disappear again?

    Placeble in Zeus as a CAS,deciding it`s weaponry?

    Looks Great,eager to use it!


    There's something fishy going on here. Please try another mission to see if the issue continues, what other add ons are you running?

    For the Radial Menu, remember you need to select units before. 


    Press ALT while putting down WP's if you are inside of the vehicle you are trying to command. On that note apologies to all, I will fix the manual ASAP, I am positively overwhelmed by the amount of response.



    • I do not know of a timed grenade that attracts humans (yet).
    • An orbit function for helicopters, or better yet the ability to create loops, is on top of the list :)
    • Access to 203's or rocket launchers and choose ammunition is somewhat planned but more tricky than I expected.
    • Underwater, hey I never even gave that a go. My guess is that it works but you won't be able to send them UNDER water. AI placing mines etc - can you not do that with default A3 controls? 


    Came to think of USAF mod; Try to use something like creating a "racetrack" symmbology that makes it fly back and forth ,like a modified Loiter command.

  3. Hey mate -nice addon! i wanted to ask ,is it possible to make a small addon that gives more control over an AI pilot? What i mean is like in this mission https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=176755778 


    Here you can sit in the gunner seat and easily use the action wheel to tell  the pilot to increase/decrease height ,circle an area,land etc.Because in the vanilla game having an AI gunship pilot is usless when he wont go up or down etc.I can't contact the guy who made this to find out how he did it  so i thought this might be something that would compliment your addon?

    Thanks again.

    Can you make someway to choose ordering the pilot to fly below-treetop level? Maybe add a 2:nd chooper to take out tanks ahead of the main force? Suppresion with mingun during insertion?  Setting up AA-defence team with insertion?

  4. Came to think of this;Could you add a way,option, to make the AI set up a 360* LZ-defence around the helicopter? Vill be very usefull if one could ,on the fly,make the helli land at a circle made by the Point Mod.You point at a place and if you could use a setting and choose how wide they will fan-out around it in 360* will be just what would make my life a lot simpler.


    Could we get some sort of "make LZ-zone with IR-strobe" option?


    Thanks,great mod!

  5.  â€‹Is it possible to add a " add diversion by smoke and grenade" an area to lure enemy to go there? Say,50 m away.A  smoke/grenade with a timer on it?

    Could this make AI search wrecks under water too?  Make AI mine with detachable satchel charges,or invisable mines ? Could you add a "S&R" search pattern for a helicopter too?


    Make them use flaregun in darkness? Work with AI-mods?

    Add AA-teams,AT-teams as extra units.  Any way to add in Cas from Zeus? Would be Very usefull. B)

    Just my 2 cent...thanks.

  6. Can you make the Search Light be operated? And a "Crash Stop" utillity?  Full speed---then full stop.I want to have a Minigun on top.

    Maybe Amos grenade luncher too?

    A version with dual Hellfire Missiles exist too.Maybe added?   Looking forward to it !  Thanks!

    Could you add CV-90 tanks too?  AA-tanks with diffrent kinds of ammo.


    Thank you!

  7. Could you make some sort of auto-trim to make sure we don`t impact ground,but keep our altitude?

    Maybe a way to use a Drone to lase targets ? Or , be able to use ordonance that uses wings ? Drop something,then jump into Navigator seat,and make the plane Loiter (as a C-130).

    Edit:  Could we get a way to multi-target ?   Pick 5 tanks,leave 5 other tanks alone?


    Will this be placeble in Zeus from the start?  We need it there too.

  8. Hi! I`m sooo F***** Tierd of not being able to land or make those fancy moves

    that anyone can see in the movies all the tim beacouse the game dont accept the

    joystick,nothing fancy,just a Force Feedback 2,maybe even a X52 system.;).

    I want to be able to do gun-runs with a stick,never been able to fly the darn things at all nearly.:butbut:Can someone make a add-on that adds a stick in the game,maybe even a CFG-file that makes it behave like that radiocontrolled

    AH6 Little Bird?I really want it to be Rock-Steady to be able to "Point and Shoot!

    That will definently help all to make those tricky things that helicpters do all the time in this game.Maybe it`s possible to `plank`(copy) the steady flight dynamics from that littlebird by putting the man in it and simply use i instead of

    the other Litle Bird?:confused:

    Thanx John

  9. What about makeing the binoculars be able to measure a point and having the UAV drive to

    that location and make a system that sense what unit are in that place and send the coordinates to a gunbattery that could home in on separate guns and report ready for action.Just push a button and....

  10. Hi!What you might want to do,is to make a trigger-zone that the player enters and before hand has placed a gunbattery(check the availble emplacements(bunkers etcr)in the editor.

    Edit a trigger(learn to edit trigger in help-file)where the player enters a zone the gunbattery

    (if allready in place)fires a set of salvos on (lets say) tanks on the other side of town out of

    sight.Then the plane could come and bomb at number of targets out of sight inside the town according to trigger"mustdestroythistarget>insert name here<"untill all targets are destroyde .If more than one plane use the "command-post" option(a blue squere that must be connected by a blue line(hold and dragged)to All units you want to controll(even

    the planes parked on the airport(dont forget to place them on the airport or they never show up.)When you command "Artillery Strike"from the menu,the guns automatically fires upon the targets inside the city and the planes will take-off and strike the targets inside the city(after a travelling to the town).;)

    You can also do like this:Trigger"Player enter this area "Marker "ONE"or Flag<Name> "One" placed on the map.Place the gunbattery out of the line of

    sight behind a hill and tell it to destroy tank "destroy<"tankone";then"tanktwo"> and so on until you have destroyed them all,put the tanks,10 maybe,on the other side of town,at some distance from the town and in a scattered formation.

    Use the "Must be destroyed"trigger,HE round salvo,Scattered if using the drop-down meny.This way the rounds will either be fired off automatically

    ,if player shall enter a zone for attack to begin or a salvo will commence every time the player uses the drop-down meny.:cool:to make it fire at the same time the planes fly,you must make an other trigger<trigger;thistank3directhitbyartillery>and place a tank named whatever

    you wish,to make them fire of HE-rounds Behind The Town (just for show),to

    make it possible for planes to fly,place the guns To the SIDE of the city to be

    able to make room for the planes.:cool:

  11. HI all!

    Wouldn`t it be cool if you could use a game pad and and a X52 joystick for all

    those tricky vessels that you just dont seem to get to do those tricky manovers

    that seem so easely executed when you see them in the videos.I seen some great stuff in Dirt 2 where a game controller are a must to make it work a all,so

    therefore I think that we should make a strong request on behalf of the user

    to make Bohemia make it as a choice for the player to have the right to have

    a device of their choice in order to costomice the game to their liking.:)

    Actually,when did you see a real pilot use mouse and keyboard to take it for a

    spinn?:butbut:Why cant we get Bohemia to incorporate at least a Xbox 360

    controller for Windows,or a Force Feedback 2 with all effects on max?:)

    It would be cool if one can fire cannon with effects while flying Apache or if one

    could set "auto-drive" on a tank to drive a circle at a set speed or follow a road,

    now sence You make a lot of fuss about how much better the AI is driving now

    compared to before.So that I can mount the machine gun even if we happen to be just one or two onboard.;)

    I wonder if not many others have a wish to extend the possebilyties of driving

    a bit further,right?:D

  12. Hi Bohemia! What I want to see is the ability to use a proper set of X52 Joystick set-up for

    those that take flying seriously to be able to make those prescision landings in tight spaces

    that I can see in movies.Thereforel,I want a Force Feedback Joystick or X52 sa a Bohemia

    add-on DLC,to make it like "factory made".It will definetly make shooting in vessels much more rewarding!
