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Posts posted by john111

  1. Yes,yes,yes!  Viggen.Hopefully with more of the cockpit from Jas...

    Some tips what I honestly want in this mod;Would like 100rnd Tracer in every gunpod for Sk-60.

    RB-17 put on CB-90.+10 mag re-load.Places to stand on deck on CB-90.Foldig walkway for it to run ashore.

    Swedish Police helicopter,no doors.FFV.Spotlight.

    Modern Volvo-760 Police car.Lightbar.Strobelights on cars.

    Raven camera put into SH-37 Viggen.Video sent to recipient via Ctab MMS System.Hide camera by putting a helmet camera in the various posittions behind the camera port glass in the nose.Shift the between the cameras with Numpad....Record button,send to someone.


    3-4 times brighter Ilumination rounds droppable by all planes .-80`s Old-style parachutes.Incresed number of smoke-shells for pbv`s.(veak gun).

    Laser-range finder/Self-lase abillity for Viggen.Arming-menu for all aircraft....

    Some stuff I would like to see.

    If you want to do it

  2. A small request;Could you make it also crew ships, Garrison it ?  Add some places on deck for static crewmembers to man Sam`s or Mates in LHPD?  A user placemarker that you simply place onto the ships hull where you want a crewman to stand.

    Or add a Uav to the mission if we forget to put it in the mission?


    To create a way to make the Ai slow down an advancing assult by adding zones of resistance that finds out where the humans are and make it neccesery to work together and not cluster in one place.

    Make them use mecanized assets and dual jets to take down an area,waves of to dangerous enemies for troops to go do it alone,forcing combined forces.

    What about "Joint Forces" addons?  Some sort of force that act as bodyguards againt armour,or fly photo-recon missons?


    Jtac that sends info over radio?   Immersion by adding chance of mortar or artillary attack near players.Stuff that doesen`t harm anyone,but make planes fly lower than usual,and attacking assets from a "pool" of non-combat stuff-like ammo-transports,motor-bikes

    armoured ambulances,helicopters that try to evac key enemy personel.

    "Create zone of resistance" ,spawn loot near a 2-person teams that is ahead of the rest,or make a enemy helicopter land due to malfunction near you,to be used for a ambush from inside the enemy camp.

    It is perccived as their own by enemy,so it will be possible to do some exiting ,new gameplay.

    Can you make player look like "undercover agents"dressed in their uniform?

    Snow maps,with blizzard,AP-mines that are in the buildings,cars that suddenly explode inside of captured base.Spawn Sam-site.

  3. Well,ther will be comming some Naval destroyers,and some boats with heavy guns soon,SFP also.

    Some will have way better performance than mere another small ship....you should try to help us as much as you see fit and desire.

    We all know,you got a Real Life to atend to too,you`re creations are much appriciated by the community!


    Give us whatever you like to make,we will try to keep the b.s. to a minimum.

    I can tell you one thing ,they will be used Much!   Thanks!

  4. Are we supposed to be able to place Gripen in Zeus this time? Can`t seem to discover it anywhere.....at least in zeus,but i can make a mission and fly her--she really needs AB!  Losses speed like a rock....!

    Auto-add parachute...and Anti-tank with Maverick.Splinter camo prefered. :lol: -_-

    You know,you could just use the cockpit from Jas in a Viggen :P ,but we would prefer internal cockpit lighting,it becommes very black at night ,in clouds.

    I would wish that the Gripen got put in Zeus,so that we can use it as F.O.B asset.Attack and defend -type mission. B)

    Well done!

  5. I mean,from Youtube videos,it seems to be a very well defended fleet arm if all had Gatling guns.Planes seems to get shot down with easy effort by the guns ,we need to fire from a great distance to survive.

    The engagement range isn`t far enough.Otherwise we get shot-down after we try to leave - we need this,becouse we otherwise  enter Spectator .We can`t play no moore.....

  6. Could you make the Anti-Ship-Missiles just drop to a pre-set altitude,then ignite the engine and NOE flight to target,please.Needed for those ships with a working missiles-defence ,like Skyguard gun. (gatling gun).

    They shouldn`t now they been targeted,so a semi-homing system might be usefull.No need for it to appear on radar/other system.May benefit from some sort of Lock-hide`n shoot systen as Hellfire missiles,Low-Low-Low tradjectory.

  7. Here is a bugreport for you :Previous iterration of SFP had a glitch with HKP9,you can`t switch between Pilo/co-pilot seat and make the helicopter not crasch to the ground,it doesen`t keep the altitude when using hover-hold when I play on my own.


    On another note: We need both Combat Boat -90 and Viggen ,some guy`s are really playing the heck out of this game ,and there are some maps of typical places where they are native.

    We need as much as you can make!

    And they already have requested a nice acceleration by a AB+flame in the rear of it to give it an edge in Air-Air.Doesen`t work all that well with ACE.

    Could you maybe add Giraffe radar or a radar to BV-206 Viking?  Sounds cool :D !

    ​  Swedish Awacs? Metro 3. And maybe a cool Huey splinter camo.


  8. Can you add Altitude Hold and Ripple Fire in hundreds of feet,please?

    If possible,can you add something that makes 2 planes fly at a set speed? 


    Could you add a Map Marker/Module that makes planes fly Holding Pattern?

    Could you add Anti-Ship Missiles?

    For you`re next projects,I like to see Hawk 2000,Viggen,or some more options in the CAS-module .More settings/options for theis Module in connection to

    F-16 would be great. :D ;) :) Thanks for a Great Mod!

    • Like 1

  9. No,I meant to open the doors and use FFV to use whatever gun you got.Will these things be placeble in Zeus from the start?  We need the Viggen as a retro thing,like SFP.

    Sk-60 Light Attack Aircraft as well.Bullfrog in Splinter Cell Cammo.

    If you get the time,off course.


    May I add that you could use the Peacemaker AU-23A as a cheap gunship,like the C-130 that we allready have some of-let`s not make another the same.

  10. Hello everyone!

    just thought Id jump in quick with some updates.

    The vehicle list has been tweaked from its original, due to some new finds and gameplay balancing. The updated list, we feel, will essentially mirror the structure that has already been put in place by the vanilla factions and make the Astorian faction not just the addition of a couple vehicles and weapons, but a fleshed out military with no supplementation needed.

    About half of the land vehicles are at 50% thanks to Lord Jarhead, and mainly need interiors,configs,optimizations, and textures (STILL WOULD LOVE A DEDICATED TEXTURE ARTIST) fleshed out. Not all of these vehicles will make it into the alpha release just because of manpower and time, but there should be enough there to get some solid testing done as well as make it fun for everyone.


    Landcruiser FZJ

    Iveco LMV*

    -unarmed (FFV turret)*

    -manned M2 turret*


    Iveco LMV pickup*

    -manned M2 + passengers*

    -manned Mk19 + passengers*

    -TOW launcher in pickup bed*

    -RBS 70 launcher in pickup bed*

    ATF Dingo

    -RCWS MG3

    Patria Pasi XA203 (non amphibious, with Manned M2 Turret)*


    Susi A2045


    Susi ETP 8x8


    -SAM missiles

    Susi ETP 10x10





    Leopard 2A6*

    -Up armoured*


    Pzh2000 Artillery*




    -TOW x4*

    -Dual .50cal Gun pods*

    -1x 20mm cannon 1x 7 FFAR pod*



    -gunship (details to be disclosed at later date)*

    Bell 412 (will not be added until full release or later)


    Saab JAS39C/D


    Jurmo Landing Craft

    -NEMO mortar system

    Goteborg Class corvette

    Hamina Class missile boat

    Kuha class minesweeper


    Ksp m39 .30cal MG

    M2 Tripod


    Mk19 Tripod


    TOW Launcher

    RBS70 AA Launcher

    Bofors 40mm (1940s)*


    M41/D 120mm Mortar

    FH77B 155mm howitzer

    *in progress

    If you see a vehicle on this list you would like to help with, or if you would like to Join our team, please contact Yokhanan. A little help can go a long way!


    Before I forget this:  We will need some version of the Swedish AA-tank ,more useful then ,say -40s Bofors 40mm. Will need this for my planned mission ,with RBS-70 from another mod .

    We will need most of these additions placeable with Zeus ,from the start.Otherwise ,it takes a looong time to make it truly useful.

    Can I interest you in Girraffe Radar Truck?  If you make the parts,we will have a working SAM-Node that can be sent out ahead of the main force with these light-AT helicopters.

    Keep it up! Can we get some A-6 Intruder bombers,where we can set "fly-in height" as well,this will be my go-to mod for sure!

    Thanks for a great mod!

    PS: You could find out if you could use the Armscore FX-file for his gunpod, it´s really authentic.....suggestion.

    PS: Can we get all helicopters as in Splinter Cell Camoflage too,please .  And a Special Request;The Viggen Jet Fighter.


  11. yeah.. only one thing what you have to do its aim agm on the target through some MFD with crosshair... that means you have to fly with plane straight to the  target or adjust camera view, than lock and you can watch the show

    Maybe you just lock a target,then move to next target and tell the co-pilot/gunner to engage my target to fire at it. :blink: Or you can add the GPS-system from F-18 G  Super Hornet mod,then a Stand-off Missile will solve the problem with less time in the danger zone.

    Will these also use Stand Off systems?

    Could you add some sort of measurement system that find out the altitude of all high mountain tops,and use a "gps-routing" for a auto-pilot of some sort? Safe "go-no go" flight at a certain altitude setting.Be able to use this with CTAB/C2 Tablet. :P


    Another way to do it might be adding a IR-Strobe with a GPS-position that is added to the system  :huh:
