Clan Name: International Security Assault Force
Clan Leader: Maj RogueTrooper
Clan timezone: Gmt
Commmunications: Ventrilo/TS3/Mumble/Mohawk inc IP/port/pass if any
Address Port 10017
Contact info: Insert email or website addy
Website: I.S.A.F
Type of Game clan plays: Ie TVT or Small or large scale coop Co-op but possibly TVT when we have more numbers
Your server name for MP filter: I.S.A.F
How many people your server can hold: 20
What addons you allow: None/sound etc Digital Compass,Sgt Elias Sound Mod & Robert Hammer Heli sound
What Nights/Time you prefer to play: Sunday, Wednesday & Saturday
Basic Rules of your server: Common sense & Team play
Brief description of the clan and what there looking for in playing with other clans: We are a multi nation clan meaning we don't just play with one nation we draft troops in from all nations. We like to play mainly CO-OP mission built by our in house mission makers. We would be looking to do joint ops with similar clans and also possibly some TVT So if your interested jump on our TS3 or drop by our website and arrange something