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Everything posted by artek3333

  1. artek3333

    overview and Arma alpha 0.58

    After the last actualization overviewPicture he works correctly :ok:
  2. Does someone know as to make the painting in the menu of the mission? The Old method 0.58 does not work after the actualization to the version. There Is the recommendation in Description.ext hehowever does not work and appears the mistake. Overview.HTML ignores
  3. artek3333

    overview and Arma alpha 0.58

    This is the Mistake of the game after the actualization 0.85. Small picture worked earlier well bad this this recommendation works well
  4. artek3333

    overview and Arma alpha 0.58

    I earlier tried from this side already and this command does not work. The mistake jumps out He is in the original mission of the game And cannon, but all is (missions_f_data)
  5. Can that civilians are not formed by a class of buildings, for example. Can to civilians formed only in a specific place in BIS_zora_0 For example.. Command does not work which stops the creation of civilians in BIS_zora_0.I do not know how the command is to be :(
  6. Greet. How do to make to they in data place civilians did not create? in Ambient Animals BIS_ARZ_0 is. It and how does look in Ambient Civilians?
  7. artek3333

    Team Shadow - Sniper Campaign

    Excellent campaign. Climate, realism.
  8. artek3333

    Ambient Combat Module

    I have a problem! If I give the command on the quantity and frequency of occurrence of this group [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; Then groups are formed in large amounts. How to give a smaller number, that is? [0.3, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; Then I run for hours on the ground and does not show any bodies. It can be somehow set to spawn a frequent but not a large amount of groups of the enemy?
  9. artek3333

    TF86 Navy SEALs Pack

    @ Ardvarkdb need a class name to the face Description.EXT