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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Black Cat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    :D I can't believe that that website translated the game title to "Weapon III".
  2. Mi-24A when it's finished for the rebels would be cool.
  3. I know, but maybe in the Armaverse it's an unlicensed "Upgrade" of the Mi-28.
  4. Maybe the Mi-48 is a unlicensed Mi-28? The Iranians produced both the AH-1J and the UH-1N unlicensed with extensive modifications as the Panha 2091 and 2096, I believe.
  5. Black Cat

    new game mode ,War reporter mod

    I like this idea. Perhaps having civilian news choppers (Take On models?) to video tape the action and also a video editor sort of thing that can add Greek, AAN, or Iranian news tickers and whatnot to the bottom.
  6. Hmm.. checking the KA-60 it is a reskinned KA-60 w/ M32 from PMC. It even still has the M32. BIS! :rolleyes:
  7. There it is, Iranian Ka-60! Can't wait to find out the NATO transport chopper, now.
  8. Looks to me like the PMC Ka-60, maybe they'll have it again! In the article it says Post-nuclear war, is that a typo? I hope so. If NATO was so keen on destroying the secret on Lemnos, they could have just nuked it, so it doesn't make much sense to me.
  9. Is China going to be in the game though? We can't be sure. Also, where is the supposed KA-60 pic?
  10. Black Cat

    Navy vs. Army

    Who said they were gonna have only the astute class? (Royal Navy in the game then, lol)
  11. Black Cat

    Navy vs. Army

    They have a Submarine, so the US navy is in the game, they have the SBS, so the British navy is in the game, then there's a rumor about "EASTERN NAVAL INFANTRY", I'm pretty sure ArmA 3's NATO military is not the army branch. :bored:
  12. Aren't the guys in the pic NATO Spec Ops? They look awfully familiar to the KSK Riflemen from OA. (Why do we have Independent guerrillas and OPFOR Militia again?, lol)
  13. Black Cat

    biological weapons

    Let's not turn this into a "Nova Gas" type of thing, rather, I think they should be in SCUD-like things or maybe used as mortar/artillery rounds, but not grenades
  14. Black Cat

    What is Canon, and What isn´t?

    My View on things: ArmA:CWC/OFP is canon, ArmA 1 and Queen's Gambit are canon, Harvest Red did not end in nuclear war or chedaki gaining power, Prizrak's survival is questionable, EW is a "what if" scenario, Arrowhead ended in Hostage Rescue, most likely, and BAF/PMC are canon (bad ending for PMC Mods Apparently Real: Mando Missile Isla Duala, and most likely Lin'gor as well FDF Podagorsk, Operation Purgatory probably is not, And CSLA, possibly?
  15. Black Cat

    US Marines

    Thanks! BTW great work on the marines, I love them!
  16. Black Cat

    Mil Mi-24A Krokodil

    Yep I would love to see that :D Most of South America uses the Hind as well, so can the Lingorian Army or maybe rebels have one as well?
  17. Black Cat

    Project RACS

    Hmm...all is fixed with the anims if I remove the tracked..... Any fix being developed for this?
  18. Black Cat

    US Marines

    Thanks! Anyone here mind doing a FR and Razor Team replacement? The AOR 2 from the old marines is still on them.
  19. Use a mix of VAC and BE but NOT punkbuster. Any more games with that, and I'll go crazy!
  20. Black Cat

    Project RACS

    Hey, I got a slight problem with the tanks, the M1A1 has no tracks, and the tank crew has the default animation whenever they turn their heads out. Anyway to fix it, or is the thing corrupted or something? (NOTE: The animation bug happens for all tanks)
  21. Black Cat

    Project RACS

    Hehe FINNALY!
  22. Heavily modded C7A2 and the Greek KEFEFS-M Sniper Rifle
  23. Black Cat

    US Marines

    No ACE replacement?
  24. Black Cat

    DDAM Julkat RC1

    Do the crew's weapons inherit the "M16_base" sound class?
  25. Black Cat

    Project RACS

    I know, I've been doing it for ages, "this addweapon "RH_Ar10";" way too much But yes, I guess I could do it that way, too, lol.