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About xALIENAx

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  1. xALIENAx

    Sniper Support

    Also, When Using reveal in this manner, it's important to keep in mind the position of your sniper and spotter units and his Line-of Sight. Don't expect him to make god-Shots between tiney Gaps in a platform or something. If the spotter cant see him and the sniper can't hit him reasonably well, REVEAL won't help!
  2. If i understand what your getting at you're talking about Spawning in 'reinforcements' from an array (script) and having HAC assume command? If so, i don't think it would be worth the work to be quite honest, given the number of variables in play with something like this. The only feisable way to use this would be for trigger condition to spawn them, And at that would probably be best left to the mission maker to do that anyways since you really have to account for the Player's intention and context of the mission. Also, I've enjoyed playin' around with this just getting back into mission making and it really does add a nice level of depth to the combat and make the AI behave much better. Nice Addon mate :)
  3. xALIENAx

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hey guys, Loving the latest stable, Fixed alot of the old things that bugged me last time i played with ACE :) That all said, I have a question regarding the Exchangeable Armament System in single player missions; and cant find any info/topics about this. okay, here goes. I place the Module in the editor near the runway and use "This SetVariable ["NoHangar, True]". EAS trailer appears as normal. I read in the doccumentation that the aircraft must be empty of weapons to rearm a plane, So i tried first setting this vehicle's ammo to 0 in the editor, There is no option to acess the EAS no matter how i position the plane. then, I put the plane's ammo back to full in the editor, took off and flew around Takistan unloading all my ammo, landed and attempted to use it again. No joy, there is no option in the self interaction, interaction, or scroll wheel menu, despite trying many different positions around the trailer Forgive me if im missing something extremely obvious here, I havent made ACE missions in a long time.
  4. xALIENAx

    Do/will AI in Arma have unlimited ammo?

    I just really hope they fix they annoying AI bugs with stance and behavior after initial contact, IE if contact is broken the AI should (unless scripted or set up via way points or something to do other wise) peruse the contact for a bit, then return, and slowly move back to a looser "Careless" idle stance
  5. xALIENAx

    Uav ah-6x?

    and insteresting note, unlike the UAV you can simply synch the ULB module to player and AH6x and the player can acess the ULB anywhere without a vehicle. (make sure to set the AH6x Blufor and FLYING (not empty) Edit: Also if you want to Avoid the AH6x being detected by hostiles you can increase it's altitude by using this FlyInHeight 000; In the init of the ah6x Set the 000 to any number you like (height in meters). when you give it a move order via the map, it will climb to the asigned altitude. :) Also, when using the ULB module, you can put the player in an AH64 or AH1z and when he switches the ULB mode he can target weapons from long range from the chopper. (the UAV becomes a designator for the Attack choper)
  6. Do you Have an AI in the chopper with you? That can bug re-arming.
  7. xALIENAx

    Russian radar systems WIP

    Lookin good. Id really like to take a crack at making it functional when its done :) Given a bit of time i could probly write up some kind of system Using the Radars as control stations And linking them to Shilka/tunguska for AA defense networks :)
  8. dyuhh no module in the editor. This is why i should stick to coding instead of mission making LOL
  9. Okay again Noob mission maker here.. In my Mission folder i have "spawns.sqf" [getMarkerPos aSpawnPos, West, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [getMarkerPos bSpawnPos, West, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [getMarkerPos cSpawnPos, West, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; This should create 3 Groups of 5 Random West Units At each marker. I then Have this in my trigger in game: _this = execVM "spawns.sqf"; The trigger activates but i get no units.
  10. FSM= Good for repeated frequent use (such as creating town defenders when x condition is met) SQF= Scripts you only want activated ocasionaly. Really you can use either in alot of situations, I personally prefer to stick to SQF for the most part it keeps the script side cleaner and easier to debug imho (since you know exactly why a script would be running)
  11. xALIENAx

    ArmA2 for free!

    You have to admit it's kind of true. Look what "appealing to the mass market" has done to battlefield! I'm not going to get on an elitist high-horse here, but the mere complexity of ArmA is one of it's best features, as it allows the End user to create anything from a simple TDM/Zerg attack to a very complex simulated combat engagement. Lets keep fingers crossed it stays that way. BIS is one of the only developers i still have any faith in.
  12. Thanks for clearing that up.. Like I said im not the server/Map maker soo i wasnt sure about the network side of things :)
  13. Anytime you can Get rid of anything un-needed that helps (even kill (stop) scripts no longer needed). I believe if you execute spawngroup remotely you must define that group for collection. Im mostly a coder not a mission maker so i'll have to look into that before i can say for sure what the limitations of garbage collector are... The best way to do it in general is to work the mission so that any post init units (spawned units) are spawned from a module local to the server (nothing exectued client side, Plus you can define all your Groups in the module. its alot cleaner way to do things)
  14. xALIENAx

    Deep Sandbox (for Zargabad)

    Well you do it this way radarname attachTo [object,[0,0,1]]; [0,0,1] Are XYZ cooordinates relative to the object you are attaching to, and it does accept Decimals, so you have to play with it, Even rotate the unit as needed but you can get it to settle in there nicely if you play with it for a while. When Attaching, yes it will ignore terrain to an extent, however it will still colide with buildings. Careful attaching and placement tho will get it to sit right and not look corney :) Edit: On a seetp hill you can insert a 3rd Object (like a block of concrete) and attach it to this conglomeration and make it appear as tho one end is supported by the block :)
  15. Nice scripts Buddy! I especially Like the chopper script.. Its a nice way to do a "defend the area for x amount of time" kind of mission. I tweaked it a bit for MP and had C130's dropping crud loads of guys Against our Opfor fire team at intreval (Condition of no Opfor Present resulted in another wave of enemy troops)