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Everything posted by NevilleBartos

  1. NevilleBartos

    DLC - Chernarus goes to the Snow

    nah im not sold on the idea really, dont get me wrong im all for more content, but i think it wouldnt take long for the novelty to wear off and the terrain to become very familiar again. i'd be down with extending chernarus into some unexplored terrain, maybe deeper inland into some snowy mountainous region.
  2. NevilleBartos

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    opfor base getting nuked on bennys warfare in takistan, games.on.net server. gG4YdR_T4X4
  3. NevilleBartos

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    I think Kim Jong Il has been playing too much call of duty, those generals have got a ridiculous amount of bling pinned on them, do they unlock an achievement every time they get a kill streak or something? But yeah OT... I's like to see some more large islands/maps, as a warfare player i found shapur pretty dissapointing, im thinking something with a huge river or a canyon with sheer cliffs on either side running through the middle with a bridge or 2, or at least something with a big strategical feature on it to focus the fighting a bit would be cool.
  4. so yeah im not sure if this is a bug or what, but being able to lock onto enemy factories with tab targeting in armor is pretty lame, especially when you can lock onto them from 1-2km away through mountains, buildings etc, please fix this, it really takes the sport out of warfare matches.
  5. NevilleBartos

    Tab target wafare buildings through mountains

    optional tab cycle feature requested. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14094
  6. NevilleBartos

    high ping

    nah i wouldnt think CPU or GPU would have any affect on ping, sounds like its a network/router/firewall issue, or maybe a virus?
  7. NevilleBartos

    Tab target wafare buildings through mountains

    yeah i dont know whats up with the T-55, must be a bug as even the T-34 can Tab cycle. I agree the option to control the way tab cycling is implemeted through difficulty params is really the ultimate fix, would be nice to at least be able to turn the tab cycling of infantry off, its really not necessary especially now BIS have introduced FLIR and countermeasures.
  8. NevilleBartos

    Xerxes Gameplay Tweaks

    nice one dude, some critical fixes there. :cool:
  9. NevilleBartos

    Tab target wafare buildings through mountains

    well i created a ticket... http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14064
  10. NevilleBartos

    Tab target wafare buildings through mountains

    thats the problem, i seem to be able to target them without knowing they are there, and without any of my squad/team having spotted them first...
  11. NevilleBartos

    Why do Servers with mods show yellow

    wow people actually use the in game browser?
  12. NevilleBartos

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    haha damn thats gonna flame some of the yanks on this forum, you guys should learn to not take shit so personally, at least us aussies and brits can pull the piss out of each other without someone ending up butthurt. OT: what the game really needs is more opfor units, give us a VDV division please.
  13. NevilleBartos

    Tab target wafare buildings through mountains

    Sooo, i was thinking of submitting a ticket on this issue on the CIT, but it seems noone else sees it as a major issue? Surely there must be a few warfare players out there that have found this to be a problem? Would love to see a return to the A2 days where the only thing you could target is running vehicles.
  14. NevilleBartos

    Tab target wafare buildings through mountains

    i see what your saying but no i tested it in the editor, its easy to see just place an opfor building on one side of a hill, and an abrams on the other side, jump in the gunners seat and hit tab, you will see what i mean.
  15. NevilleBartos

    high ping

    hops look fine, do you have any anti virus running? something must be blocking it. if you dont have any software firewall then maybe you need to open some ports if you're behind a router?
  16. NevilleBartos

    Tab target wafare buildings through mountains

    hmm i will test whether difficulty settings make a difference, but i doubt it will make a difference as we usually play on expert mode. Edit: just tested it and difficulty setting doesnt make a difference.
  17. NevilleBartos

    Problem finding servers

    dont use the in game browser to find servers, try this in combination with an arma launcher. http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma/?sort=c_numplayers&order=DESC
  18. NevilleBartos

    high ping

    a bit more info would be good, at least post a traceroute....
  19. well i guess the F-35B has a much more advanced lift system, and produces a lot more thrust than the AV-8B, its not suprising theres a bit of difference in the vertical flight handling . some stats to consider... F-35B First flight: 15 December 2006 Max takeoff weight: 60,000 lb Wing area: 460 ft² Vertical Thrust: 39,700 lbf Maximum speed: Mach 1.67 AV-8B First flight: 9 November 1978 Max takeoff weight: 20,755 lb Wing area: 243.4 ft² Vertical Thrust: 23,500 lbf Maximum speed: Mach 0.89
  20. NevilleBartos

    Flashing white screen-game unplayable

    hey mate its higher number = sharper (or more accurate) HDR effect, it seems that way for me anyway.
  21. an AMD Athlon II X2 260 (3.2Ghz) would run it ok i think for a cheap ass chip, as for the board, well theres a few to choose from these days, best to see what suits you. or wait for the (slightly) faster 265, should be out in the next month or 2. probably worth saving a few more dollars for a nice fast quad or a phenom dual though.
  22. dunno if you've seen this allready, but it might help. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101124
  23. NevilleBartos

    Flashing white screen-game unplayable

    no worries hope it helps, it used to drive me nuts.
  24. NevilleBartos

    Flashing white screen-game unplayable

    in your config file im on my laptop atm so i cant check but i think its C:\users\<login account>\my documents\Arma 2\Arma2.cfg
  25. NevilleBartos

    Flashing white screen-game unplayable

    I get this a bit with my 4870x2, i found HDR 16 or 32 and PP off pretty much gets rid of it, still occasionally does it but its playable now.