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Everything posted by mousetrap

  1. How about give them some Recreation ? I wonder.......Your team gets .... Class = Hooker4 Name = Woman (Black) Faction = CIV Side = CIVILIAN ...LOL
  2. I think its a great idea. I run a small server from my home . do you think Linux would be better then win7 64? in Dec. am building a new box and will use my old one for my next server I want to try it but I get a headache trying to figure out what i need and how to make it work with Arma2server .. I am old man and my old light bulb is dim and getting dimmer ..lol
  3. look in x_server\x_f\x_serverfuncs.sqf look at lines 865 to 876 think line 870 is the one _r = (_this select 2) / 5; someone may can read the code and tell us for sure. good luck FUNC(CheckMTShotHD) = { private ["_tower", "_r", "_val"]; PARAMS_1(_tower); _r = 0; if ((getText(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (_this select 4) >> "simulation") in ["shotPipeBomb", "shotTimeBomb"]) || ((_this select 4) == "ACE_PipebombExplosion")) then { _r = (_this select 2) / 5; }; _val = _tower getVariable QGVAR(damt); if (isNil "_val") then {_val = 0}; _r = _r + _val; _tower setVariable [QGVAR(damt), _r]; _r };
  4. I downloaded ver 260c and the fix from post #888 is now in it..thanks for the info about it. I depbo and the Mission.sqm is some new format . I load it in the editor and nothing shows just blank map. what am I doing wrong? Thanks
  5. mousetrap

    co30 Domination! One Team

    2.57 is for Arma2 and is here http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1919592&postcount=802 V2.57z is up also
  6. mousetrap

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    It works "on the run" and you can turn talk on and off. very nice script I have added it to Domination ver 257v on my server and it works great Thanks for your work
  7. mousetrap

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    if you double tap the VOIP/push-to-talk button so the talk icon stays on you can then talk .single key press and it will not work .....thank's to player "Duff" for finding this works
  8. Hello if you are working with a Domination map you dont need that script. that script is for adding lift to a map you make to save time. If you want help with the Domi map lifting (like adding vehicles that can be lifted?) PM me I am working on a map now
  9. Hello What ver Domi are you working with and is it a modded map you are starting with?
  10. Hello The new ver is 2.57v can find it at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/files
  11. mousetrap

    Black Screen Minimize To Desktop

    I get this a lot "back screen then minimized to desktop. I click on the icon at the bottom to open the game back up but it still showed my desktop however I could hear ingame sounds" work around I use left shift + keypad - then type flush this brings it back . Now 1 in 4 time it comes back but the men will be black *silhouette .. so I do the -flush again and it corrects it. *(A silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene consisting of the outline and a featureless interior)
  12. Pawpaws Domanation2 server in the USA is a good one to fly on 2-A10 6-AV8B choppers and all respawn
  13. mousetrap

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Anyone know how to make this work in domination after plane respawns?
  14. It's on my AMD... look at options, video options, Advanced, you will find Postprocess effects: got mine set to off Good Luck
  15. mousetrap

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Hi Can anyone tell me how to make the Show Player Names on by default in V2.21 (the blue name above players head) Can turn it on in the Show Status settings box ..but would be nice to have it on at join new players forget or dont know it's there Thanks PS: Great work Xeno
  16. mousetrap

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Hi on my win7 64 I look in here and find the downloaded server maps C:\Users\whateveryourname\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\MPMissionsCache
  17. mousetrap

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Hi what Dom Ver? I have worked with this one co40_Domination_2_11A2_West_AI.Chernarus and ammo box is in x_client \x_weaponcargo.sqf now the internal vehicles respawn script's are in x_server\ x_vehirespawn.sqf or x_vehirespawn2.sqf or for choppers x_helirespawn2.sqf easy way put this in like a Tanks Initiailization handle = [this, 120] execVM "x_server\x_vehirespawn2.sqf" if you want it to respawn if moved handle = [this, 120] execVM "x_server\x_vehirespawn.sqf" or you can add to respawn group and marker group
  18. mousetrap

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Hello Did you find a way to make the addAction work on player respawn? I have added Lurchi's AC-130 Script to Xeno's co40_Domination_2_11A2_West_AI.Chernarus and one problem I play as this guy vehicle="FR_AC"; player="PLAY CDG"; text="bravo_2"; init="this setGroupid [""Bravo""];"; Description="Team Bravo FAC"; to call in the AC130 with the Action menu and it works good ..... But problem is when I am killed the ac130 action menu will not reappear. if i disconnect and reconnect it works again until. I set it up like this.. (see bold) // add action menu entries + scripts that will be executed to specific player types // if the first array is empty, then all players will get that action menu entry // default, nothing in it // you have to set fourth element allways to -1000 // example: // d_action_menus_type = [ // [[],"Whatever2", "whateverscript2.sqf", -1000], // ALL players will get the action menu entry "Whatever2" // [["SoldierWMiner", "SoldierWAT","OfficerW"],"Whatever1", "whateverscript1.sqf", -1000] // only players of type SoldierWMiner, SoldierWAT and OfficerW will get the action menu entry "Whatever1" // ]; d_action_menus_type = [ [["FR_AC"],"Call AC-130","ac130\ac130_action_map.sqf", -1000], [["FR_AC"],"Call AC-130 (AI)", "ac130\ac130_action_map_AI.sqf", -1000] ]; also tryed this in the unit Initialization this addAction ["Call AC130", "ac130\ac130_action_map.sqf"]; it's still lost on respawn. *PS this is ver 0.3 of Lurchi's AC-130 Script * I have a notebook setup vehicle="Notebook"; this setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,1];this addAction ["Call AC130", "ac130\ac130_action_map.sqf"]; and it works fine! Anyone know why it fails to add it back to the player respawn? Thanks
  19. mousetrap

    warfare2vehicles error

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75257&page=110 post's 1094 to 1102 fixed it for me . I just manually searched and added warfare2 with Warfare2Vehicles. to my maps on my server. If you are just playing on a server noting you can do ..but maybe ask the server admin to fix the map.
  20. mousetrap

    warfare2vehicles error

    for the 1st one add this in your target line -noPatchCheck The next one is the server will have to fix their map mission.sqm by adding "warfare2vehicles", to class Mission addOns and addOnsAuto . ps will need to unpack the map.pbo to see it
  21. mousetrap

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Hello I have added Lurchi's AC-130 Script to Xeno's co40_Domination_2_11A2_West_AI.Chernarus and it works good but for one problem I have this one guy vehicle="FR_AC"; player="PLAY CDG"; text="bravo_2"; init="this setGroupid [""Bravo""];"; Description="Team Bravo FAC"; to call in the AC130 with the Action menu and it works good ..... But problem is when he is killed the ac130 part of the action menu will not reappear. if i disconnect and reconnect it comes back. I have a notebook setup side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Notebook"; init="this setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,1];this addAction [""Call AC130"", ""ac130\ac130_action_map.sqf""];"; }; and it still works when the FAC is killed so the script is still working i guess. // add action menu entries + scripts that will be executed to specific player types // if the first array is empty, then all players will get that action menu entry // default, nothing in it // you have to set fourth element allways to -1000 // example: // d_action_menus_type = [ // [[],"Whatever2", "whateverscript2.sqf", -1000], // ALL players will get the action menu entry "Whatever2" // [["SoldierWMiner", "SoldierWAT","OfficerW"],"Whatever1", "whateverscript1.sqf", -1000] // only players of type SoldierWMiner, SoldierWAT and OfficerW will get the action menu entry "Whatever1" // ]; d_action_menus_type = [ [["FR_AC"],"Call AC-130","ac130\ac130_action_map.sqf", -1000], [["FR_AC"],"Call AC-130 (AI)", "ac130\ac130_action_map_AI.sqf", -1000] ]; This is how I have it setup can someone see what I have wrong? I am not good with this work so please simplify run this on a home server and have patch 1.07 Thanks PS Thank you Xeno for Domination and thanks Lurchi for the AC-130 Script thanks to oktane for post#1099 fixed my Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. warfare2vehicles problem
  22. mousetrap

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    wow Sorry thats over my head.... I am an old man..lol