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Posts posted by royaltyinexile

  1. 20-09-2013

    EXE rev. 10300

    Size: ~388 MB

    • Increased the limit of shown servers in the server browser from 500 to 10000
    • Fixed: Broken location detection of MP clients - people should be finally able to see servers close to them
    • Fixed: Country detection in MP
    • Adjusted position of Blackfoot pilot crosshair in HMD
    • Function 'BIS_fnc_findInPairs' renamed to 'BIS_fnc_getFromPairs' and now supports all variable types
    • New function 'BIS_fnc_findInPairs' returns index of an item from the associative array found under the key
    • Added Korean and Japanese characters from other fonts to EtelkaMonospacePro (fixes missing texts in e.g. establishing shots in those languages)
    • Fixed: Khaki vest camo for OPFOR snipers and Olive vests for AAF
    • Minor fix in BLUFOR repair specialist chest rig
    • Added new icon for BLUFOR chest rig
    • Added new icons for Guerrilla uniform types
    • Introduced mass difference between normal and light helmets
    • Firing Drills: CoF Green - removed manual hiding of barriers now they were removed from Stratis globally
    • Firing Drills: CoF Red 3 - disabled detecting statue as no-shoot until new solution is found (old one removed due to map optimizations)
    • Main Menu track fix (different version of same track)
    • Civilian (and FIA) trucks have been revamped
    • Added side specific textures and pictures for mortar bags
    • Configured power line wires to be destroyed along with powerline towers
    • Fixed: Guerrilla Engineer bag type
    • Fixed: Favorite sessions in LAN view
    • Men class is now properly sorted in the unit dialog in editor
    • Fixed: Aiming while holding "sprint" key and not moving
    • Added: Random angular velocity for dropped weapons in ragdoll
    • Fixed: saveStatus and loadStatus commands did not work
    • Removed zoom warp (by using sprint while in optics)
    • Fixed: CheckCursorActionTarget performance


    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: Administering localisation deadlines and performing market research.

  2. This no attention to detail, show to us the bad direction to this game


    Please take time to read and understand the development branch statement and carefully decide if it is the right branch for you to take part in.

    You're signed up to the development branch of the game; content and technology is subject to change and may still contain errors / lack certain features.

    We welcome feedback, but we kindly request dev-branch participants recognise that it is a work-in-progress. :)



  3. I'm basing this on DnA's bit about it being a fix "for the glitches that make tanks flip as if they weigh very little".

    To be specific, we're trying to address issues where the physx collision lod of the MBT cannon could cause problems like the tank being flipped around as if it were weightless.



  4. New campaign mission and new vehicles confirmed for monday's dev build.

    :D sorry, 1+1 != 11

    The dev branch update with mainly restore the fixes/tweaks made in the last few weeks (post data-lock), like some of the AI tweaks (rotation speed, and the like), plus other minor fixes to models and paths to textures, etc.

    We'll announce when anything more 'significant' is inbound.



  5. I would write a huge ticket about the completely messed up weapon physics and ballistics, a compendium so to speak, but I am afraid it might be a waste of time, given the fact that many seem to be "in the know" of everything and professionals at that.

    It really depends what you mean by 'completely messed up'. If you mean in a binary state of broken/not broken as compared to OA state, we'd love to have a repro of this, as it would be a bug. If you mean something more like "should be more like this than that" or "should also take into consideration this", then it would be a feature request (which is a category in the tracker), similar to requests like Weapon Resting.

    If something is clearly wrong, then it follows you should be able to provide a simple repro, and these kinds of things can be fixed (recent progress with AI being a testament to this type of feedback loop). Feature requests wouldn't need a repro, but might have some references. However, 'huge tickets' generally aren't advisable, as that's creeping into design/feature analysis. Short, to the point tickets are more feasible all round.

    Anyway, let's get this thread back focused upon current state of dev branch.



  6. Change log notes, v.09751

    AI prone rotation two times faster

    • Prone rotation speed was improved

    • It was a bit too slow; it's now 2x faster

    AI high-skilled soldiers accuracy improved

    • Highly skilled soldiers had problems with hitting targets at medium range (100-300 metres)

    • They should be more accurate now, for example, a soldier with skill 1.0 (on Elite difficulty) should be deadly accurate

  7. Judging by what devs have said about it: all vehicles, weapons, units and static objects. Basically the full game content, minus missions/campaign.

    That's right, tanks, static weapons, small objects in the editor, etc.

    But, beware, it will take some time for us to upload these new/modified addons (GBs of data), so we don't expect the update to sync with dev branch users until this afternoon, possibly evening.

    Plus, we'll have to be sure it's valid once it's uploaded, but we'll try to keep you up to date if there are any unforeseen snags along the way.



  8. Lets see what this 330MB update contains :yay:

    Much will be data for additional protocol voices (replacing placeholder data).

    Currently, it still doesn't work for other (friendly or enemy) groups. But it means we should be able to look at broadcast exclusion next, when we get the opportunity. Hopefully, the fix for friendly/enemy groups can follow, but the problem is fairly deep rooted, and requires some expert untangling.

    Today's update should hopefully improve the existing state in three ways:

    1. Audible Friendly/Enemy Groups - You should now hear friendlies and enemies communicating outside of your group in 3D space (which would finally fix a long-standing problem where only partial elements of the sentences were sporadically spoken)
    2. "Broadcast Exclusion" - Certain sentences (e.g. 'Reloading') are no longer broadcast across whole group; instead, they are audible in 3D space when you are nearby the speaker; excluded sentences are defined by config
    3. Additional/Fixed Voices - More voices were added for all three sides and picking voice types should now work when placing yourself in the editor (more details were shared here)

    Unfortunately, the banana is dancing in the hot summer sun a little bit.

    • We know that when members of your team speak only in 3D space (i.e. broadcast excluded combat shouts), the radio crackle and xmit (beep-beep) is still audible
    • This isn't the case for other (friendly/enemy) groups
    • We, for now, accept this issue as we feel the benefits outweigh it, and we'd like to make sure no additional/unforeseen problems occur in wider public testing



  9. Any plans to make it easier to set those identities, maybe within the editor?

    Yes, Ideally, we'd make a default configuration for them all - making setting names is a lot simpler - but right now Top Men are difficult to come by (internal milestone day today) and you can't just throw your Regular Men on the case.

    That would be madness.



  10. Unless your character explicitly receives an "identity" in the mission, your voice and face will always be as they are defined in your player profile.

    It's a little more complex than that, unfortunately something like a 'known issue'.

    When you select your voice in profile, it picks a 'type'; this should translate to using the correct voice type defined per faction

    [table=width: 800, class: grid]




















    Male01ENG (Marc Cram)



    Male01GRE (Zoran Kovatchovich)



    Male01PER (Reza Delavar)




    Example: given that I have selected Voice Type 01, when I place myself as an AAF rifleman in the editor, the expected behaviour is that my character uses Male01GRE; actual (current) behaviour: uses the Male01ENG version.

    For release, we'll have 9 ENG voices, 4 GRE and 2 PER (this doesn't include the splendid protocol of Male00ENG :cool:). Where a voice doesn't 'exist', it's duplicated; i.e. Voice Type 5 will (effectively) point to Male05ENG and Male01GRE.

    We'll add more types as we need them in the months following release.

    Also, for those wanting to use 'human' names for their subordinates (default is to use numerical identifiers), there is a new definition in cgfIdentities: nameSound.

    class MyLittleSoldier
        name = "Givens";
        nameSound = "Givens";
        face = "whiteHead_06";
        glasses = "None";
        speaker = "Male05ENG";
        pitch = 1;

    Where nameSound should point to one of the names we recorded:








































































    Obviously, we need to update the community wiki with this information; I'll get my Top Men on it when we find the time.



  11. Well the fact is - this patch nerfed AI

    If this is what you actually believe, we must be playing two entirely different games (then again, apparently Altis is 'a desert')! :D

    This is, objectively, incorrect. I do wonder if you've actually tested the repros as requested, or are just basing this from the descriptions and a perverted interpretation alone.. :confused:

    We've endeavoured to make the AI more responsive in CQB - more deadly - and the first thing you say is that they're now easier/'nerfed'.



  12. Change log notes, v.09501

    AI rotation behaviour refined

    • AI rotation speed

    • AI rotation speed dependent on
      (more encumbered, slower rotation)

    • AI rotation speed dependent on
      (prone rotation ~3x slower than standing)

    • AI rotation speed dependent on
      speed of movement
      (AI that has been moving fast will turn slower than those that are static)

    AI accuracy calculations refined

    • AI accuracy influence by
      (faster rotation, less precision)

    • AI accuracy influenced by
      (more shooting, less precision)

    • AI accuracy influenced by
      (more movement, less precision)

    • AI accuracy influenced more logically in proportion to


  13. Recently, the guys dedicated some effort towards addressing AI behaviour performance in (chiefly) 'CQB' situations. These changes should now all be merged into today's development branch.

    Dr Hladik has already released some fixes that enable the AI to stop and engage threats when they discover them while en route to cover. That fix goes hand-in-hand with the rotation speed of AI, which - in the previous state - felt rather awkward and slow.

    Rather than simply increase the speed at which AI turn and engage, we've attempted a slightly more subtle fix, pegging rotation speed to various factors and tying accuracy to rotation speed:

    • AI rotation speed increased
    • AI rotation speed dependent on encumbrance (more encumbered, slower rotation)
    • AI rotation speed dependent on stance (prone rotation ~3x slower than standing)
    • AI rotation speed dependent on speed of movement (AI that has been moving fast will turn slower than those that are static)
    • AI accuracy influence by rotation (faster rotation, less precision)
    • AI accuracy influenced by shooting (more shooting, less precision)
    • AI accuracy influenced by movement (more movement, less precision)
    • AI accuracy influenced more logically in proportion to skill

    As we've said before, the changes we're able to implement now are considered to be modest refinements rather than entire overhauls, but we hope if offers a bit more depth/authenticity to close engagements (not that I'm taking away anything from Klamacz's late nights of code-diving!) :)

    My first impression (using the repro mission created before any of the CQB fixes) was that it was really a fun challenge from one point of view, and totally brutal from another. The initial state of the repro (which should be still reproducible in the default branch) was that the enemies weren't able to engage me when I was revealed and sometimes struggled to move around the corner effectively. Now (in dev branch state) the AI will sometimes actually get a couple of shots off in the initial phase and be far more effective when coming around the corner.

    Compared to the previous state, it might seem the AI is 'overpowered'; however, when I compare it to experiences in other shooters, it seems like 'correct' behaviour (ok, maybe on a 'hard' difficulty): reactive and deadly at short range! :cool:

    With this in mind, we've got a proposal for an overhauled AI difficulty settings for the game options, which we'll share when we can. For now, let us know what you think (ideally using my repro to begin with).



  14. Is this altis pack that we get on Monday a release candidate with other content for the main release or just the Island alone?

    It should just be the terrain. Other content may be staged as and when it's feasible, up until launch day.

    And no complaining there's no new stuff on launch if you choose to test it on dev branch before then! :cool:



  15. Well, in general it does not matter, obviously.

    I just personally find that logo uninteresting, and I do not think that much time was invested to generate it.

    Not really. Our Top Beer Lifter spent some weeks working through various prototypes before we agreed on the current CSAT flag. We did research and put together various ideas. Each symbol represents a treaty member signatory and the clean lines reflect something like the new technocratic focus. You might be surprised how many weird and ugly symbols are out there! E.g.:

    In my view, using arabic/persian/eastern symbology would be cheap and rather pointless. CSAT isn't a product of a religious or particularly ethnic grouping, per se; rather, as the name suggests, it's a 'strategic' alliance of economic and geopolitical interests. A power bloc extending from the Pacific to the Mediterranean.

    Even the name "Canton Strategic Alliance Treaty" doesn't tell me anything.

    That's not quite the name. It's Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty. The 'Canton Protocol' was treaty signed in Canton by the member states. It was written in the previous back story information, I believe. We still need to extend the background/faction/context information on the web. Recently we've been focused on/consumed by getting the basic structure of the factions/ORBAT up to speed (note first bullet point) and getting the sandbox platform and features performing better. This has been our top priority up to this point, alongside Altis, and I can make little apology for that, given the circumstances of the development, and this has been part of the renewed focus of development. :)

    Especially since the original premise for A3 was so promising for me.

    Despite the other issues we've faced, I think that, anyway, Iran invading France and Germany didn't inspire much. Iran invading Western Europe - why? Because they're foreign bad guys? Ok. :j: Much of the original story must remain in place, though, so if you liked it, the campaign is somewhat still rooted in the early decisions made; some decisions and assets are rather set in stone, but the focus has pivoted away from special forces operators and so on.

    Anyway, the situation we're looking at now is where traditional powers in Europe are looking inward at their flat-lining economies, mass unemployment, and broken societies - decades of recession in the west. We're talking about a situation that's seen major civil disorder across European capitals, the fall of governments and economies all along the Mediterranean rim.

    Altis is something like a nation the size and scope of Malta. It's strategically important because it's the new 'front line' between growing CSAT influence and diminishing NATO authority and resources. This is a nation that's experienced brutal civil war. Previously a part of the EU, its economy collapsed, which was followed by a period of violent rioting and disorder. In the midst of this, the armed forces seized power and put down down the rioting with a heavy hand.

    It was at this point in time that NATO moved in and put a stop to the brutality: an enforced cease-fire with boots on the ground. Partly under the auspices of humanitarian motivation - and partly because the new military regime were moving closer toward CSAT's sphere of influence - NATO observation bases on the island were considered to be important, and - before Altis broke away from the EU - The British used to have Sovereign Base Area agreements in place, with Altis having been part of the Empire up until gaining their independence in the 60s.

    As time passed, the US became more concerned about strategic interests and influence in the Pacific, while European powers struggle with serious domestic issues and investment. Traditional strategic enemies aren't going to march through the streets of Paris and Berlin, but angry, disaffected citizens might well. Consequently, the US-led force based on Altis is now in the process of a staged drawdown, tasked to decommission the bases and coordinate the scrapping of military equipment and vehicles that they can't afford to ship back home.

    I actually do not expect it to be as bad as I am painting it here.

    Well, you're doing a lot of work with that paintbrush of yours at the moment! :cool:

    AnyHOO... I think I've derailed the development branch discussion for long enough. As Pettka stated, he'll investigate what might be done about some of the technical concerns of the flags on the soldiers, but makes no promises. I believe there's another thread for the story related discussions somewhere!



  16. 23-08-2013

    EXE rev. 09446

    Size: ~76 MB

    • FIX: addWeapon command should now work
    • FIX: Fixed indestructible wheels of wheeled APCs
    • FIX: Crew of Blackfoot has been trained to fit the cockpit properly
    • FIX: Papa Bear has new voice in Showcase: Infantry
    • ADDED: Field manual now correctly describes ways to steal UAVs
    • ADDED: Scrollbar for Scenarios overview
    • ADDED: Credits have been enabled
    • FIX: UAV keeps height when player leaves them above flight level - already there, but missed yesterday
    • FIX: TRG rifles have correct mouse-over description of caliber
    • FIX: Fixed loading long list of subscribed missions
    • FIX: Progress bar colour in splash window changed for release
    • FIX: Delay of damaged texture change is now correctly reset
    • FIX: UAV Pilot should not take damage from burning
    • ADDED: Config parameter for keep buildings in epe scene (PhysX) after destruction (bool _keepInEPESceneAfterDeath)

    Compiled by pettka while trying to beat bouncy times in Hatchback variants


    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: Working out some kinks and varnishing his leisurewear (or whatever it is Dem Dutch do to relax).

  17. I think the point that the OP is missing is that the patch wasn't released with the known issue. The issue was identified after release; it was documented as a known issue afterwards, so beta testers did not need to keep reporting it/find it by surprise.

    For me, that doesn't change any of the other responses in this thread, however; we try to be as careful as we can, but the dev branch is inherently more likely to have problems slipping through the net.

    Those using this branch should accept that, or elect to use the default branch.



    (sorry, MadDogX, I overlooked your response amid the others)
