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Posts posted by royaltyinexile

  1. Walk up, rest your weapon. Aim. Your rested.

    Aiming more than 30 degrees automatically un rests you, even though your still in that resting zone.

    Aiming anywhere else, even where you were aiming first, won't re rest you.

    You must now stand up, and go back crouched in the direction you turned to engage, in order to rest again.

    Aiming more than 30 degrees will now unrest you again.

    That approach begins to touch upon the idea of Weapon Deployment, where rotation around a pivot is possible, but exceeding certain limits could 'undeploy' you, and you must elect to deploy once again.

    The idea of forcing players to 'reset' resting by changing stance is interesting in principle but, ultimately, could lead to frustration (if you're under fire, the last thing you'd want to do is be forced to stand up to regain the possibility to rest).



  2. 23-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129431 (game)

    EXE rev. 129431 (launcher)

    Size: ~192 MB


    • Fixed: Rear door cargo proxies in Huron should now be consistent across LODs


    • Fixed: Properly reading LOD levels inside a vehicle
    • Fixed: FFV crash when changing position of soldiers in MP
    • Fixed: Shadows should work again in Buldozer

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: pretending not to be back at work.

  3. 20-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129407 (game)

    EXE rev. 129407 (launcher)

    Size: ~45 MB


    • Fixed: Unit insignia were not visible in Virtual Arsenal
    • Added: Unconfigured samples for weapon sound improvements (more details in a future SITREP)


    • Fixed: Error message that appeared after creating RscListBox using ctrlCreate
    • Fixed: Better handling temp/toggle UI for optics action
    • Fixed: Cross-hair should not be visible for cargo
    • Fixed: Sling Load Assistant disabled for personTurrets
    • Removed: Surrender action from subordinate action list
    • Fixed: Possible synchronization issue when splitting long network commands
    • Fixed: various issues with disabled personTurrets
    • Fixed: Huron back seats now have correct aiming limits
    • Changed: Supersonic crack improved

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: hoping that British rule has not left too much of a mess in Dutch territory.

  4. I think the weapon should ideally actually rest on the surface supporting it and have according centre of rotation.

    twisted: That's what "weapon deployment" is for.


    Where Resting is 'passive', Deployment is an 'active' state; i.e., you need to make an additional choice to be in it. We describe the approach as pivot-based aiming, and we went into a bit more technical detail in a previous (NL Edition) SITREP - in the 'Operations' section.

    It's probably going to be released on dev-branch next week. Stay tuned!

    Incorrect. :cool:

    The feature is still being prodded at by programmers so - aside from the general intention to stage it on Dev-Branch before Marksmen DLC - we don't have any concrete dates.



  5. Would it possible for you guys to add different feedback types in future dev branch version, so we player could decide whether audio or icon feedback is better?

    Well, that's definitely not impossible, but at least in the short term, we'll likely let the feature 'settle in' for a few days before making any reactive changes.

    A day or two of experimentation seems potentially useful, though, and would make the most of the dev-branch update cycle, for sure. We'll have a chat and let you guys know!



  6. Animation would be nice but remember in arma it would be too much work maybe too much buggy with those walls and objects

    that's why the weapon resting could be toggle able and some notification that weapon is rested - icon , sound or even a text would help

    Yes, animations are a bit out of scope, in part due to the flexibility / scope of detection. We've also tried some audio feedback, but the first iteration was so unsatisfying, we decided not to go with it this dev-branch release. There may yet be hope for it.

    It's also fair to say that we've not ruled out some more specific feedback (there definitely situations where some additional indication is appropriate, given the constraints of mouse and keyboard, etc.). In truth, we're only now at a point in development where we'd be implementing it anyway. We thought we'd stick in out on the wild, gather some feedback over a few days, and see how the 'au naturel' mechanic holds up on its own.

    We're all ears for your preferences / suggestions!



  7. That is why I posted this questions about recoil overhaul: What existing behaviour? How is it more fluent?

    In short, the new recoil has a number of small adjustments (e.g., the introduction of sight misalignment) together with new parameters (e.g., adjustable limits for lateral sway), plus a different way of handling animations. To paraphrase my colleague, this means that the shooter's body should respond more fluently to the series of consecutive kick-backs (e.g., not always switch back to the default position instantly when the next kick-back occurs).

    We try to use OPREPs to offer more specific details, but we've not found the time to thrash out a blog post on recoil; however, a new thread popped up over here to gather / discuss recoil. I encourage you to share any additional observations / concerns over there, thanks!



  8. I'm still unsure what changed with Recoil Overhaul. [...] What existing behaviour?How is more fluent?

    Apologies for the confusion, we outlined this in a bit detail in the previous BRITREP:

    You can try it out for yourself now... :cool:

    automatic when you prone or near the object only? [...] some indication that weapon is rested would be nice too

    Yup, we're still considering this. In the first instance, we wanted to see if the mechanic could be intuitive enough on its own right (i.e. the reduced sway, etc, is enough to signal that you're benefiting from being 'rested'), without any additional UI clutter.

    btw bipods aren't in yet right?

    No, not yet, this should be rolled out together with 'Weapon Deployment', which needs a little more time in the oven.



  9. 19-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129399 (game)

    EXE rev. 129399 (launcher)

    Size: ~180 MB


    • Added: New recoil and weapon resting parameters
    • Fixed: Left hand for Acts_Ending_Adams1
    • Added: New sounds for armoured vehicles crashes
    • Fixed: Snipers should have LRPS instead of SOS optics
    • Fixed: Removed smoke launcher from UGV as it is not on the model


    • Added: New recoil and Weapon Resting mechanics (see the latest BRITREP for more details)
    • Added: Script command WFSideText is extended to support side for backward compatibility
    • Fixed: setCurrentTask can be used with taskNull
    • Added: Visualisation of hook/unhook commands
    • Fixed: Enabling / disabling FFV positions now propagates correctly in multiplayer
    • Added: Password-protected serverCommand script command (enabled for Dedicated Server and Headless Client)
      • server.cfg: serverCommandPassword = "text";
      • scripting syntax: "serverCommandPassword" serverCommand "#command";

      [*] Added: UPNP support for servers (see the documentation for more details)

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: intensive research on new resting mechanics.

  10. 18-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129361 (game)

    EXE rev. 129361 (launcher)

    Size: ~90 MB


    • Fixed: Adjusted memory points in tank turrets to prevent shooting through walls
    • Added: onHover texture to default mod logo
    • Fixed: DLC Content Browser - DLC icons made sharper
    • Fixed: Diesel Power plant now shows on 2D map
    • Tweaked: Textures for pop-up targets
    • Tweaked: Texture of indicator of modded game
    • Added: Buldozer - Controls for keeping absolute elevation and releasing absolute elevation lock in
    • Fixed: Default turret should not have a copilot capability


    • Fixed: Lock, lockdriver and lockturret also lock ability to control positions in UAV vehicles
    • Added: New script commands enableUAVWaypoints and waypointsEnabledUAV to enable/disable option for player to set waypoints for UAV in AV terminal
    • Added: Buldozer - configurable user actions for Ability to lock elevation of objects during terrain sculpting

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: yet to discover that the BRITREP has moved to Wednesday afternoon.

  11. 17-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129341 (game)

    EXE rev. 129341 (launcher)

    Size: ~55 MB


    • Fixed: Reverted unnecessary connections for cutscene animations
    • Fixed: Further decreased weights of various fences in an attempt to fix vehicle collision issue


    • Fixed: Damage Control: The mission correctly fails if the Hunter becomes immobilized
    • Fixed: Common Denominator: Ensured the HUD is properly disabled during the opening cutscene
    • Fixed: Common Enemy: Mission will properly fail if Miller is killed by the player after regrouping
    • Fixed: Common Enemy: Miller will no longer run out of ammo


    • Fixed: Possible CTD when loading Zeus game saved inside UI
    • Changed: weaponAccessories returns an array of empty strings ["","",""] instead of null with no primary weapon equipped
    • Added: Supersonic crack in 3D & flying bullets sound
    • Fixed: Soldier stops after reaching a position in the house if this position is located under his target position in one of the upper floors
    • Fixed: Ordering getIn as commander should work with FFV turrets now
    • Fixed: AI reaction to danger should be faster
    • Fixed: Incorrect sound on Linux DS

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: wondering why the British changelog is always delayed in the afternoon.

  12. 16-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129316 (game)

    EXE rev. 129316 (launcher)

    Size: ~45 MB


    • Added: BIS_fnc_liveFeedSetTarget can be called with an optional parameter for smooth camera transition: [new target, duration of transition] call BIS_fnc_liveFeedSetTarget
    • Fixed: BIS_fnc_loadInventory had problem loading corrupted inventory save
    • Fixed: Wrong attachments order in loadInventory function
    • Changed: All new samples for UGL
    • Tweaked: Minor sound changes for static GMGs
    • Fixed: Adjusted position of optics for static GMG


    • Fixed: Added support for NaN values for operators and maths functions
    • Fixed: teamswichCommand does not open TS window, when TS is disabled
    • Added: "append" script command for appending one array to another
    • Added: Scrollbar for long script examples in help dialog
    • Fixed: Briefing - Game crashes when managing items in the briefing inventory
    • Fixed: Crash when accessing an out-of-bounds LOD level

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: Improving diplomatic relations in Thai 't Land.

  13. 12-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129267 (game)

    EXE rev. 129267 (launcher)

    Size: ~80 MB


    • Virtual Armoury fails to load


    • Added: Plastic_plate penetration material
    • Tweaked: Additional visual tweaks on AAF vests


    • Fixed: Using undefined maths operations in scripts crashes the game
    • Added: New commands for setting colour of pictures in lnb list box type
    • Fixed: getOwner / getGroupOwner return wrong playerID
    • Fixed: Stance indicator visible for pilots


    • Fixed: On confirm / cancel button in Presets menu, the cursor remained in 'Typing' state

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: Exploring the new world (in search of Holland's missing World Cup winners medals?).

  14. UNIT: Petr Kolář, Encoding Lead, Encoding Dept.

    TO: Arma 3 Dev-Branch Users

    OPSUM: Introducing new Init Speed parameters.


    What is the decisive config value for the muzzle speed of a weapon? Is it the round or the weapon itself? This has been a long-standing question in the Arma series. The answer is clear: both of them! So, with Marksmen DLC on the horizon, we've decided to tackle this issue once and for all.

    Full Report

  15. 11-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129251 (game)

    EXE rev. 129251 (launcher)

    Size: ~205 MB


    • Added: Selected commanders have been trained to use their weapons and binoculars while turned out
    • Added: xH-9 family copilots have been trained to use their weapons and binoculars
    • Fixed: Commander hatch of Scorcher doesn't disappear anymoar
    • Added: Retexturing AAF Ghillie Suit enabled
    • Tweaked: AAF vests visually tweaked
    • Changed: Path to static weapon samples based on new data structure
    • Fixed: Dropped casing sample for Zubr (Feedback)


    • Added: PhysX library is able to run from network drive
    • Added: Support for server-only mods with new console parameter serverMod
    • Added: Improved detection of observed kills
    • Fixed: Attempt to fix random PhysX ragdoll crashes
    • Fixed: Possible CTD in drawing waypoint in radar
    • Added: Procedurally composed icons for gear (Documentation)
    • Fixed: Telescopic turret elevation did not sync in MP


    • Fixed: Launcher breaks command line params

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: topping up his sun tan.

  16. I also noticed you can see the bullets in the cartridges, and when they are fired they become empty. Nice touch. It's probably always been like that, but I never noticed until now :)

    It was drawn in 3rd person camera, but was 'fixed' to be seen in 1st person as of today's dev-branch update. I'll ping our audio guys about the revolver note, thanks!

    The changelog often come later than the update itself. I got the update about one hour ago.

    Some small creative bottleneck sometimes gets in the way of splendid progress. :rolleyes:



  17. 10-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129214 (game)

    EXE rev. 129214 (launcher)

    Size: ~132 MB


    • Added: New danger cause (dcbulletClose) to danger.fsm (notes in AI Changelog)
    • Added: Retexturing OPFOR Ghillie Suit enabled
    • Fixed: Missing sample for Zafir
    • Tweaked: Sound of ejected casing falling on grass surface type
    • Changed: Path to samples based on new data structure (more on this topic in the next SITREP)
    • Adjusted: Minor volume changes for launchers


    • Added: Detection of bullets flying close to unit
    • Fixed: setOwner/setGroupOwner does not work when transferring locality from client to DS
    • Fixed: setGroupOwner should only transfer group locality when the group leader is NOT a player
    • Fixed: AI could get stuck planning paths from inside to outside of a structure (and vice versa) while in close proximity to the exit/entrance.
    • Added: Support for changing picture colours in tree
    • Fixed: Ejected casing are now drawn correctly in 1st person (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9159)

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: re-stocking supplies of

    to improve development productivity.

  18. Also there will be some update of weapon recoil?

    Some changes to our implementation of recoil are part of the planned features for Marksmen DLC.

    We expect to publish these adjustments to dev-branch within the next week or two (subject to internal testing!). We'll likely outline the design goals in some sort of 'REP.


    First post, congrats! ;)



  19. 09-02-2015

    EXE rev. 129195 (game)

    EXE rev. 129195 (launcher)

    Size: ~460 MB


    • Tweaked: Minor adjustments to MX samples
    • Fixed: Silenced MX should have the correct sample
    • Changed: Altis and Stratis were binarized using a new version to optimize loading times and AI pathfinding capabilities


    • Fixed: Crash after using tvClear command
    • Fixed: Distance sliders in video options

    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: Attempting to re-establish Colonies while pretending to be on holiday.

  20. Added: Allow Firing From Vehicles in turned out position in turrets and for copilots

    All this FFV turret talk is confusing things.

    The reason there may be some confusion is because, in technical terms, 'person turret' is the correct configuration name for positions, in vehicle cargo, that are able to use their personal weapons. This is related to the way simulation is handled. Of course, 'turret' is used in a number of other ways, so I can see how there could be some confusion.

    So, for the avoidance of doubt: players, such as commanders sitting in lovely armoured vehicles, who have an action available to stick their fleshy vulnerable heads out of certain hatches, will soonâ„¢ be configured in the same way as other 'FFV' positions. But not yet.

    When there are more changes - actual configured positions - we will be sure to announce them specifically. :)



  21. it doesn't look like "turn out" was added to any ground vehicle passenger seats. This week is when FFV inertia should be pushed to dev branch according to RiE...

    FFV Inertia was enabled today. The values are a little rough, but the basic mechanic is live on Dev-branch.


    Enabled Firing From Vehicles inertia (the values of this feature will need further tweaking)

    As for the turned-out FFV positions - as I failed to explain in an earlier post - our programmers have made this technically possible, but the data (configuration of animations, and so on), is WIP, and will be rolled out gradually.

    No back-pedalling here (... yet!?) :cool:


