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Posts posted by royaltyinexile

  1. It's probably worth mentioning too that many of the recent Arrowhead beta fixes were not merged into the A3E3 build; i.e. improvements to LOD transitions, etc. We tried to close the build as early as possible (aside from vespa adding in animations until the last minute!! :D), and didn't want to risk presenting with an uncertain set of fixes.

    It's also worth bearing in mind this is still what we might call Alpha, or even "E3 Alpha", and even then, I'd consider some features (such as the inventory system) to be barely out of its prototype nappies/diapers (since im writing from LA :)). Not an excuse, just a simple truth.

    That aside, Ive tried to provide to the guys getting hands on some specific examples of improvements to the AI, and also try to talk in more general terms about approaching the task of enhancing the AI as an evolution, rather than a revolution.

    I realis/zed when I was saying that it sounded like marketing drivvel, but in truth, it's exactly what we're forced to do. There's simply no way we can rip out the system/ systems/ arcane majik and start from scratch. Even when at certain times we may want to.

    It's tough to answer a question like "is teh AI fixed, lul", "so did you do the optimizationz this teim?", but if we're honest about it and continue to improve niggles via the beta patch pipeline, etc, we'll make some progess. Anyway, everyone plays DayZ now so we can just scrap the AI and have zombies and screaming CODkids, right? :p

    Of course, now and again, my face will hit the keyboard when my AI buddies let me down, but equally, when I'm hiding behind a random wall on a 8x8km island, and the AI tosses a grenade over it, I'm impressed, becasue I know that to do that, the AI navigated himself through a valley, identified a target, made a choice about how to engage me. I didn't have to script a single thing; in fact, if I'd tried to script it, it would never have been as good, reducing it to some linear FPS nonsense. I almost felt bad blowing his head off, but then again, he'd have done the same to me. ;)

    Problems, yes. Potential, more.

  2. Great, You can say more about the release of the community preview?

    I'll have a lot more information about that at E3, but I'd expect the official announcement of the plans after E3, so we can be as clear as possible about the what/where/whens/why/whereforartthous.

  3. Are you talking about their formation? It looks like a sextagon.

    No :)

    But now you mention it, that could be worth including for the name alone. All, form SEXTAGON!

    Colossus seemed to get in in his shotgun-based approach to image analysis! :D grids, grid numbering,



  4. I recognized about a month or two ago that you had another set of pics with the prefix "JAC". Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what does "JAC" stand for?

    Oops, that's just a tag for internal naming/ being able to find things in a sea of clutter :)

    Moved the file to something much more welcoming :p

  5. Announcement is always Thursday :)

    It's true, Thursday is a truly splendid day for such activity!

    Yet, our news this week (hm, what could it be?! oh, yeah... E3! :)) is also tied to other BIS activities, so I'm afraid we're all at the mercy of the dreaded Soonâ„¢!

    But, since you guys waited so elegantly (how very un-internet of you), here's a wee graphic from our soonâ„¢-to-be released update! :)

    No, it sure ain't much, but it gives you the basic idea about how our E3 content is shaping up, and we promise to try our best to provide much, much more info about that... wait for it... soonâ„¢! :)



  6. Well, as with anything, it depends what you want you want/ how you want to play it. One-setup-to-rule-them-all it isn't.

    More specifically, we're talking about the number of entities in the scene, view-distance, fancy pp options, etc, etc, etc. The list really does go on. I go into a little more detail in the previously linked post, but the headline fact remains:

    ... it's worth pointing out that there is no 'ideal' configuration. The beauty of the options are their flexibility. It's unlikely that anyone can run everything completely maxed-out; rather, it's about setting up the game the way you're most comfortable with.

    There's also some work being put into setting up the video-configuration options UI to make this process a little more obvious.

    Anyway, lest this thread descend into some member-measuring rig-off or dense discussions about optimal hardware/ settings, let me leave the point by saying that we're due to publish our newly revised minimum specifications along with our E3 materials, and the set up linked to previously runs the game just fine for my needs and preferences, at least. Probably worth mentioning that I'm not running several thousand different mods which complicate the issue yet further, but that's a hornet's nest imma stay well away from!


    So all I need is a potato and a dog? Or did I misunderstand? :)

    That, and a beautiful assistant to monitor the temperature of your over-clocked hardware!



  7. Would be nice to get some info on Bohemia's test rig's??

    My current rig, one which most recent screens and videos are captured on, hasn't changed too much since Take On.

    You can find the exact specs in the "RiE's Set Up/What? Well, I must be playing on a potato. What Ancient Evil runs such high settings?" spoiler.

    Anecdotally, I'd prefer some more RAM and a more spacious SSD but, then again, there a lot of things I'd prefer, and it runs A3 fine for my needs. :cool:



  8. And watching the load on the CPU, I can see that it's not being utilized much compared to its potential, which means the game(engine) is badly optimized for such hardware. Or maybe I'm missing something?

    I understand your point is more complex then perhaps this (admittedly old) article covers, but you might find it an interesting read: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/91-real-virtuality-going-multicore

    Next time you do such a video, look out for exploding Helicopters ;)

    Nah, I went a whole year making a civilian game. The time to blow sh*t up is nigh!



  9. I recently upgraded my XFX 6970 to Nvidia GTX 680 [...] but average came in at 78 compared to 72 in favour of the GTX.

    So I have to wonder; Is the engine THAT poor in ToH? And, is there something you developers can do about it to optimize it?

    As other players have noted, performance depends upon many factors. To answer your question simply, the same framerate may be due to a bottleneck in other aspects of the hardware; namely: CPU and HDD. Tweaking your video settings to get the performance you're most satisfied with is an important, but sometimes complex task. :)

    Another factor may be that we're not exploiting all of the power of this card or your hardware efficiently enough. Given the diverse and shifting base of hardware that PC devs must work with, and the legacy of the Real Virtuality (RV) engine, it's a tough challenge; yet, if improvements can be made, the support offered by BI in the past should tell you we'd try our best to squeeze more performance out.

    While certainly there's always more work that can be done to improve performance, the idea of 'performance' itself can very wildly depending upon the user expectations. The beauty of the RV engine and its unique qualities lie in its sheer scale. Comparing frame-rates and quality settings with BF3 can lead to a false impression, or rather, an impression that is limited to a small number of criteria; therefore, it may be reductive to label an engine as 'poor' without considering all of its strengths.


    Here's an example of over 100 helicopters flying in the 60x60km Seattle map at around 0530. The engine scales to handle all of this additional complexity, and it's achieved in 5 minutes from the editor. While that doesn't mean much when you just want to fly your helicopter on your own at the best possibly frame-rate and settings, it does demonstrate that the engine is enormously powerful in other areas, and 'performance' might be considered relative to player expectation and usefulness, a product of how you want to use the platform.



  10. So are all the HINDS medium class helicopters and as such will suffer from this? and will the beta you metioned fixed HINDS when the DLC actually comes out?

    No, Hinds are their own class of helicopter with their own flight model, and the current fix in the beta is unrelated to Hinds, aside from the timing of its final release.

    This fix will be rolled out alongside the Hind Compatibility pack, which, alongside its main intention of providing compatibility with Take On Helicopters: Hinds, adds some new engine features for vanilla users like retractable landing gear and some weapons improvements.

    But, of course, there'll be the full information soonâ„¢



  11. B in a medium class helicopter after having reduced the collective to full-down during flight, it then seems near impossible to ever get the collective back up again without ultimately losing control of the aircraft - possibly due to a small but potent bug in the flight model number crunching.

    It seems like you're describing a problem that found its way through, which just missed Patch 4's release.

    There a beta which addresses the problem here, and it will be fixed in a Hinds Compatibility pack asap.



  12. I think there's another drift into imagination going on: a public beta does not mean replacement of official testing strategies. Only an augmentation of it.

    A pertinent observation. The PC Gamer interview perhaps highlights this aspect with more clarity; Quote Dan Musil:

    We’re not seeking overly specific feedback—I mean a missing screw here and there, it’s fundamentally our job to retain the quality of our game – the goal is to identify and neutralise important stability issues, across the big range of hardware combinations our there.

    It will, of course, be up to us to clearly communicate the goals of any public releases and allay/ dismiss/ accept any concerns. There has been a lot of interesting and useful observations so far in this thread. :)



  13. Nice thorough review from the guys over at SimHQ, based on our latest beta build.

    Take On Helicopters, in its current state, is a whole heap of fun. Great graphics and engaging gameplay results in a very replayable game. The serious issues with the flight dynamics models shouldn't keep most players from enjoying the heck out of this game, and us purists should be happy to hear that BIS has committed to an updated physics model.

    And another over at avsim.com:

    If you like choppers, Seattle Washington, graphically intense games then TOH is for you