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Posts posted by royaltyinexile

  1. Assigned new style collision envelopes to movement with rifle. This should fix several issues with clipping, sticking and walking through walls. Also improves character handling, as the rotation axis is now moved under characters head, instead of it's feet. Pistol envelopes remain old-style for comparison, but will shortly follow.

    We're particularly interested in feedback regarding this. Duke Vespa has already done some basic testing, but we're rolling this tweak out perhaps a bit earlier than usual to identify any potential problems early.

    • Reduced sticking/snagging in confined spaces
    • Clipping through walls reduced
    • Looking through walls using Q/E reduced

    It's considered to be a 'small evolutionary step', but it should help reduce unexpected clunkiness particularly when navigating urban environments.



  2. It sounds great when turning the radio volume down, but it also breaks if you remove your radio from the radio slot. :)

    Hopefully "no-radio-item" and "radio-present-but-volume-down" will sound the same in the end.

    This ... I ... Damnit, stop breaking things!

    Yes, it's an issue related to the problem with friendly/enemy groups. Needz moar disclaimers!

    For now... keep a hold of your damn radio! Is that really so much to ask?! :D



  3. When they weren't in your group, yes. I'm talking about when they're in your group.
    you can hear the radio with a little filter but when you are close enough you hear the actual char speaking much clearer and the radio?

    You should already be able to hear these improvements after the latest beta patch.

    If you place yourself and a subordinate, and order him to stop, you should be able to hear the responses in 3D space by walking away/towards from him or walking around him. If you turn the radio volume off, the difference is most pronounced.

    That's something like a first step. Currently, it still doesn't work for other (friendly or enemy) groups. But it means we should be able to look at broadcast exclusion next, when we get the opportunity. Hopefully, the fix for friendly/enemy groups can follow, but the problem is fairly deep rooted, and requires some expert untangling. :)



  4. you can hear the radio with a little filter but when you are close enough you hear the actual char speaking much clearer and the radio?

    You should already be able to hear these improvements after the latest beta patch.

    If you place yourself and a subordinate, and order him to stop, you should be able to hear the responses in 3D space by walking away/towards from him or walking around him. If you turn the radio volume off, the difference is most pronounced.

    That's something like a first step. Currently, it still doesn't work for other (friendly or enemy) groups. But it means we should be able to look at broadcast exclusion next, when we get the opportunity. Hopefully, the fix for friendly/enemy groups can follow, but the problem is fairly deep rooted, and requires some expert untangling. :)



    ---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------

    Hm, probably Q&A thread not the best place to continue to provide updates about this.

  5. Functions viewer is borked. :(

    I think a version slipped out with an outdated version of Functions_F. We'll investigate and hopefully turn around a fix asap.

    I'm going to casually blame Moricky because I distracted him today by asking him to present the game to some journalists that visited BIS HQ.

    Although... wait.. perhaps then that would make it my fault. And that simply cannot be the case. :cool:



  6. OP

    I think the way they wanted A3 to be originally, was much like A2 only better looking, more fluid movements etc, which I think they thought would be a good seller, but mostly within the customer base they have now, the fan base, therefore not a huge seller immediately.

    However things changed from those early days i.e. BF3 (coming up bf4), dayZ mod, etc and the whole idea of A3 was reworked into more of a mainstream game, aimed towards larger sales, very reasonable thought for a business, I would do the same.

    This is not accurate. In fact, I would argue that the game now more closely represents A2's values than some of the original prototypes/design goals/themes in, e.g., 2011.

    I hope that A3 is a relatively more stable product than A2, and I'd say that the goal is to convince more players to give Arma the time of day not by becoming a mainstream game, but rather by showing mainstream gamers the unique things that Arma has to offer - without annoying the hell out of them with bugs and manifestly archaic design.

    We'd all love to have more time in development, but deadlines can be good for the soul as infinite development is infinitely damaging.



  7. Today's changes for AI

    AI ballistic calculation improved for unguided rockets

    This will make the AI more capable of hitting targets with unguided rockets; e.g. RPG, NLaw(i.e. Man-portable) but also FFARs (i.e. Gunships).

    There was a mathematical accuracy problem, which made AI aim at the wrong point. This being fixed, actual accuracy of ai still depends on his skill.

  8. Some additional notes about changes made to AI.

    Some fixes/features were included partly before public Alpha, but waited on changes in other departments and proper integration into gameplay, thus did not make it to the official changelogs.

    • New types of obstacles for pathfinding - objects that only some types of units can get over (i.e. only soldiers, only soldiers or tanks, only boats)
    • Improved pre-processing of terrain for path-planning
    • Path planning for divers - makign them makigate underwater
    • AI not wasting rockets on infantry
    • Flashlights affect AI detection - Flashlights help you to detect enemy, but also reveals you
    • AI is properly using weapon optics to find enemy - Including Thermal Optics
    • Improved how night changes the chance to spot enemy
    • Fixed that AI was using binoculars on close distance
    • Silencers decreasing audibility
    • AI mines detection and avoidance
    • AI using hand grenades more
    • AI able to use grenade launchers - they will engage with UGLs
    • Blackhawk gunners are more capable while searching for new targets - done in OA and merged
    • Helicopters pilots prefer not to crash to trees and hills - but reserve the right to do so
    • Small improvements of helicopter attack pattern - less dive-bombing
    • Boats able to navigate around piers
    • Fixed some cases of AI stuck in fleeing
    • Improved AI ability to to send medic
    • AI using first aid kit
    • AI will not shoot you through bushes, if he did not see you before - fixed in OA and merged
    • AI can drive physx vehicles
    • Loiter waypoint
    • AI will also assign secondary turrets
    • AI will not disembark to change position in vehicle - if possible
    • AI will not take your commanding role in vehicle
    • Improved how particles are decreasing chance to spot enemy
    • AI visibility in new fog
    • Fixed: AI not able to open doors in some buildings
    • New system for AI roads creation
    • Improved AI commanding - selection of cover point on position where you are sending soldier to
    • Improved weapon selection - based on time needed to lock missile or turn vehicle; done in TKOH and merged

    These are not the all the changes, just those I could remember at home at this late hour.

    Some other changes that are WIP. currently not deployed. N.B. Not all tweaks are guaranteed to ever make it into the final build, depending on validation. Also note, many features need a lot of parameters properly configured and it takes time to balance them.

    • AI not using pistol, when it should not - in some stage of releasing, WIP
    • Grass is decreasing chance to spot enemy - in some stage of releasing, WIP
    • AI prefer crouch stance while engaging - WIP, to be released
    • Decreased visibility of shooting - so AI does not find you instantly after killing one of them and also now each shoot close to enemy will decrease error of guessed position - WIP, to be released

  9. We'd like to try using this thread to track clear updates about changes to the AI. But first, some all important disclaimers!

    • Not all the changes made to the AI can be logged as and when they happen
      • Sometimes the changes made by the programmers require other departments to update or pack their data
      • Sometimes that's not always possible right away (i.e. changes to AI Costmaps for terrain, tweaking of new/refined values in configs)
      • Sometimes the changes must be put on hold while we make sure/prevent them from entirely annihilating the rest of the game
      • Sometimes the changes must be reverted because they destroy more than they heal.
      • Sometimes our programmers have to work, rather than talk about working.

    We hope it helps shine some light on the ongoing refinements/fixes being made to the AI, and can help to frame/promote some useful feedback/discussion/understanding about the current state/future direction and progress.

    You can discuss the changes across in the AI Dev Branch Discussion thread.



    First set of notes follows:

    When it's possible/useful, we will try to post brief descriptions of recent AI changes done on the development branch. We hope this will help demonstrate the tweaks that we're making and generate useful feedback to help us validate and polish our work.

    Fixed: AI turn limitation while aiming

    It wasn't supposed to fix rotation speed of AI soldiers, but is letting them use "aiming deadzone" as specified in the unit config (minGunTurnAI, maxGunTurnAI) which is typically 60 degrees cone.

    Therefore currently AI should be able to follow targets better without moving whole body.

    AI shouldn't take unguided missiles as guided

    RPG and NLAW are supposed to be unguided, but AI was still able to use them as guided weapons. This was corrected.

    FIX: AI ballistic calculation fixed.

    Quite big change, now AI is able to calculate and predict accurate ballistic of bullet, therefore is able to aim and engage targets on all ranges, both static and moving. Also, this improves AI ability to hit moving targets by more precise time of leading calculation. Good way to check this change is try to fight AI sniper on 1km+ range. Of course it still depends on his skill.

    FIX: AI now can shoot over animals.

    AI was considering animals as friendly, therefore denied to shot in theirs direction. Example: put yours character, enemy soldier and snake animal between you. After this fix AI won't bother with friendly fire against animals.

    N.b. Sometimes I'll quote one one of our Programmer's comments, but reserve the right to make splendid editorial adjustments! :cool:

  10. AA-12 is.

    AA-40 is likely the ArmA equivalent of it. Suggests Shotguns might be coming soon-ish (Does fit the whole Firepower and Logistics theme of the beta content)

    I'm afraid that's not part of our planned content for release. The model is from PMC DLC and it would need some art, sound, config upgrades to get it to A3 standards.



  11. 19-07-2013

    EXE rev. 07978

    Size: ~193 MB

    • ADDED: New parameters for particles created by script.
    • ADDED: Hiding of NVGs in vehicles can be configured per position.
    • ADDED: Commander postition for Marshall and Kamysh.
    • FIX: APC turrets now have authentic vision modes.
    • FIX: Tweaked suspension of APCs.
    • FIX: Pimped crew and cargo animations of APCs.
    • ADDED: Last chunk of localization (again, and still shouldn't be noted in ideal case :icon_twisted:).
    • FIX: In module setup preview, optional connections appeared transparent. However, the transparent line looked a bit like grouping line. Now only the icon remain transparent to prevent this issue.
    • FIX: Hammer of ACP-C2 is correctly readied to fire.
    • FIX: Another ammo boxes content tweak.


    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: Playing with lasers and

    of his hearing.

  12. I actually like how dev branch is currently dropping little tidbits in the loading screen about the history of Stratis and Altis... and is the "who made this content" bit in the unit placement menu (i.e. Bohemia Interactive for official content, "Unknown Community Author" if it's a mod) in prior builds or only the one that just got distributed this morning?

    The author field has been there for a while (Mods can define a label to be shown, 'unknown author' is just a default where non is defined).

    Hm, the loading hints are probably new. They were added recently and (disclaimer) aren't exactly proofread at the moment!



  13. I guess I'll have to "un-axe" that feature too. Come on BIS, I don't see why placing explosives on vehicles was axed - I made a working system in an hour...

    The original system that was demonstrated WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in 2011 was doubtless a similar system to what you've successfully scripted (this actually predates my work on the project, so I'd have to check to be entirely sure).

    The problem faced was rather in successfully turning this scripted prototype into legitimate engine behaviour. There were a number of extra challenges involved in that, and benchmarks of quality that were set (i.e. full multiplayer functionality, AI support, etc). When we conducted a full project review, this feature wasn't prioritised, as there were a number of other critical systems that required the support of programmers (PhysX, Ragdoll, MP framework, MP inventory, Scuba, to name but a few serious tasks).

    That the system can be put together by a talented modder quickly is not in question; rather, integrating the feature into the 'big picture' of compatibility, stability, quality - set against the limited resources and schedule in place drove us to eventually - as has been alluded to before - make a set of difficult decisions regarding quality over quantity. I hope that's understandable, and that what I've said is in no way intended to be pejorative to what you or other modders craft in their own time. :)



  14. I have to agree, hopefully we will have some of that style in game :)

    It's one of the new ones we've been working on, and we hope to add a bunch more soon.™ Ján Dušek composed this one and is currently working on some more, together with Ondřej Matějka who's made the previous A3 tracks up to this point.



  15. It does however point out that opfor and blufor use the same weapon system in name, stats, looks and action. It's certainly possible (hey, it's the future after all), but I find it a bit dull and uninspired.

    Fair enough view but, in regard to this point, I'd emphasise that it's more a product of time/resource limitations than any fundamental design intent.

    The new APCs were redesigned to be a bit more distinctive, which meant we invested more resources here. Development is a balancing (oh no he didn't) act between what we want to achieve and what we're able to produce in time and to certain standards of quality. :)



  16. Well, if they're basing the weapon off the true to life GMG, all they did was add another belt. There's just no reloads or belt change so I'll just assume the belts are linked.

    A related point is that the effective strength of the grenades has been reduced to represent more realistic (authentic?!?!) values. The previous state was inappropriately effective.

    I can certainly check on the motivation to increase the ammo count, but I'd note that those jumping to the firm conclusion that it's to cater for some sort of E-sport-twitch-shooting-arcade purpose feels a bit err...



  17. Do excuse me if I'm mistaken, but I'm not sure you've read/understood the posts? :)

    If someone wants to throw grenades, why the game decides to throw orange smoke by itself?. Absolutly no reason.


    The next step should be non-automatic switching to the next grenade type


    P.D. Also, it makes no sense not being able to control the launching force.


    For anyone wondering, stuff like this is what Jay Crowe brought up as "what I don't like about the current implementation".




  18. 18-07-2013

    EXE rev. 07952

    Size: ~441.0 MB

    • FIX: AI now consider proper muzzle direction for rocket launchers.
    • FIX: Inconsistent land shadow segments while switching landscapes.
    • ADDED: liftForceCoef, cyclicAsideForceCoef and cyclicForwardForceCoef config parametrs for helicopters.
    • ADDED: added allowAgainstInfantry ammo config parameter.
    • FIX: Modules in editor are now correctly populated.
    • FIX: Tweaked fog on horizon and clouds (removed visible transitions for some fog settings).
    • FIX: Small performance tweak in rotation blur postprocess.
    • FIX: Tank shells now has visible tracer.
    • FIX: AI ability to track enemy that is not visible.
    • FIX: Ambient light is now correctly affected by moon and stars intensity.
    • FIX: Freelook not turning the whole player anymoar.
    • FIX: Wrong column widths in the Multiplayer display with some UI size.
    • FIX: AI ballistic calculation fixed.
    • FIX: AI now can shoot over animals.
    • ADDED: Last chunk of localization (which shouldn't be noted in ideal case :icon_twisted:).
    • ADDED: Noise sounds for APCs.
    • FIX: Sounds of vehicles have their paths changed to correct ones.
    • FIX: Changed glass materials for CH-49 Mohawk.
    • FIX: Destroyed parachute doesn't start to burn.
    • ADDED: Various vehicles have adjusted items in inventory.
    • FIX: APCs armour has been tweaked.
    • FIX: Tweaked AI driving skills with Speedboat.
    • Various tweaks - Showcase Vehicles: more sunlight, exfil task position, player can get in the boat before his driver now.
    • FIX: Showcase Supports - Mission should end a bit sooner now.
    • ADDED: Added: "Defend" mission type (used for example in "Defend Kamino") is now using unified sectors. Mission ends when enemy side holds all sectors on the map.
    • FIX: Ifrit GMG now has 96 grenades instead of 64.
    • FIX: Hunter GMG now has 96 grenades instead of 64.
    • FIX: Strider GMG now has 96 grenades instead of 64.
    • ADDED: Korean, Japanese and Cyrillic symbols to fonts.
    • FIX: Lowered hit of 40mm HE grenades as they were too strong and MRAPs now uses magazines with 96 grenades.
    • FIX: Correct description for rockets of Kamysh.
    • FIX: Adjusted content of creates.
    • FIX: Iron sights now has 100m increments (up to 600 m).
    • FIX: Repaired AS map of MX rifle family.


    I'm otherwise engaged the next few days

    Read: Being a

    . Or something like that.

  19. Based on Ghostone's example, it seems more of an attempt at changing grenade use with a "protective" measure of the fail-safe/fail-secure sort in the same vein as telling people that G is for grenade?

    Yes that's a part of it. It's what I meant by the player has to 'make a choice', rather than accidentally throwing the wrong type because the game decided to auto-cycle.

    A more detailed design would be creating a 'lethal' and 'non-lethal;' type. So you'd auto-switch between, say, Chem-lights and Smokes automatically, but you'd have to make a choice to cycle to Frags, etc. The scope of the solution will mostly depend on the time available to complete the task and complexity of the 'fix'/feature, which will be left up to Sandbox design/program to determine*.

    *disclaim ALL THE THINGS



  20. Also, is said "manual switch to the next grenade type" the exact same "cycle countermeasures" as would normally be possible (i.e. the one with default keybind LCtrl+G) and therefore it's just preventing "auto-cycle", or is it supposed to be a different, more involved thing thing?

    Yes, exactly, it's intended that one would use the cycle type control (default LCtrl-G). You'd have make a choice about the type you want to use. A minor fix, but a frustrating issue sometimes.



  21. You sure its not a bug?

    Yes, our config lord assures me its (unfortunately/fortunately - depending on your state of acute balance hysteria syndrome (ABHS)) indeed a bug that's been present ever since suppressors were introduced.

    I don't know the timeline on a fix, but I know it is at least intended to be fixed, but there are some other more pressing priorities for our programmers to handle at the moment (i.e. it's not a simple script/config fix). :)


