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Everything posted by soner

  1. Hey guys, I have just managed to finish and release the new version of battleWarden:RCon. Maybe a bit too late for a XMas release. :D The new version mainly contains important bug fixes (e.g. chat field stealing focus from other controls) and few new features. It is now possible to switch between 2 network libraries/modules since some users have been experiencing connection issues with the one battleWarden have been using up to now. So if you can not connect to your server or if you have any other network related issues, please edit the settings.ini file and change NetworkModule to 1. Detailed information about changes: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon/roadmap Download: http://battlewarden.net/downloads/
  2. According to this demonstration: it should work. However there are still admins reporting the same problem. I will have a closer look at this.
  3. Thank you for your comments, guys! @thorhal: noted for the next final version! ;) @Prodavec: Hehe. Although I like .NET I would not use it for this kind of application. As to the port problem: I will have a look at this. @Ryahn: Yeah. It had some problems in the past due to lack of motivation and time but a new era has begun. :D
  4. Hey guys, I am about to finish version 1.8.7 Beta and just wanted to let you know that it is essential for every RCon user to follow either the facebook or twitter page: http://www.facebook.com/solicusoftware http://twitter.com/solicus There are several tips available making the tool even more powerful than you might think. @streak: Thanks, mate. Check your mails. ;)
  5. Hey Zumbi, thanks for the reports. This can be considered to be a rendering issue caused when the list is being updated. When you see the busy symbol on the right it is better not to scroll. Another option would be increasing AutoRefreshTime in the settings.ini file. Yeah, that would be great. Please send me a mail: http://battlewarden.net/contact/ with the necessary information.
  6. Thanks for your kind words! Some of these features will be available in the next version. As to your last request I have to say that this is not as easy as you might think since BE itself does not support that. This kind of feature would require a "proxy" server providing an authorization system. So I would have to redesign the whole RCon client from scratch. Yeah, I have been experiencing this too. But only sometimes.
  7. Hey guys, version 1.8.6 Final has been released! Now featuring the Extended Chat Module! Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1363 Download: http://battlewarden.net/downloads/
  8. Thanks, mate! Cheers! Just wait for the update. :D Basically the BE log and the chat messages will be separated. I am also going to integrate the ingame chat colours. I think it will be great! As to your request I have to say that I planned to add extended log features, too. So stay tuned mate! It is stored in your local AppData folder. I am going to help you. Just mail me. Thanks, guys! Do not forget to thank armatec as well as he has been a great help to me (bug fixing, stability issues und GS 3 implementation).
  9. Hey guys, version 1.8.6 BETA is out! And this one is a big update featuring a new GUI and other useful stuff. Features at a glance: Information on how to use some of the new "hidden" features will be posted on the twitter and facebook page (see the RCon tool for links). And now...enjoy! :) https://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon/files
  10. Version 1.8.5 Final is out! The annoying crash bug has been fixed once for all. Download: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon/files No, that's not possible.
  11. Hey guys, the new version (1.8.5 RC) is out! It is now up to 10 times faster than the old version (refreshing, loading ban list etc.). See https://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon/roadmap for detailed update information. Have fun! (All who have donated can be sure that they will get the version without the popup window) This feature was disabled due to some problems with the new protocol ArmA 2 is using.
  12. Hey guys, version 1.8.4 featuring many improvements is out! I replaced the whole network lib using a more reliable and stable one now. Also some internal core changes have been applied (the whole network interaction is running in a separate thread now). Due to these changes the tool should be more stable from now on. I also added some nice features like displaying the server info in the titlebar as well as in the new status bar. Download: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon/files
  13. Hey, I think I found the bug making the tool crash. But unfortunately I am not able to test it intensely as I do not own any servers and the one i got access to is sometimes empty. It would really help to get access to a popular server with much traffic. Sorry for the inconvenience but without the right testing environment I am not able to avoid those problems.
  14. >Is there a way to directly login to the server by changing a shortcut link? You mean via command line parameter? Sounds good! But unfortunately I am not able to query whether other admins are also present (limited by BE). ---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ---------- Hey guys, I have just tested the RCon tool on Windows 8 Consumer Preview and ...well....it works! :D
  15. Oh yeah, I forgot to fix this. Sorry. Any other suggestions or requests for the next version?
  16. Today I finished version 1.8.3 FINAL. The tool is now capable of storing the GUI data in the settings.ini (Not only the window size..). Finally I also added the list of donators (see Info-> About). Have fun!
  17. Hey guys, the new version is out! https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1268 Hint: Right click on a player name in order to send him a private message.
  18. Yes, you can change the update time by editing the settings.ini file.
  19. So do you guys think that it's ok how i implemented the global chat feature? No need for an additional tab?
  20. The problem should be fixed now. You are able to disable autorefresh in the settings.ini (AutoRefreshEnable = 0) but it is not necessary anymore to make the kick/ban feature work properly. So check out the new version and tell me if it works for you. Thanks.
  21. The new beta version (1.8.2) released! I fixed the annoying kick/ban bug and added a simple ingame chat feature (only global for now, private chat is planned for the final version). The list of donators will be added to the final version. Thanks for testing! Download: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon/files See https://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon/news . At the moment I have no time to deal with the new protocol..:(
  22. Hey guys, I am back and working on the next RCon GUI version right now. The known kick/ban issue is going to be fixed and I am also about to implement the new chat interface (see https://dev-heaven.net/issues/29116 ). Any ideas on how to realize this new feature for the GUI?
  23. Indeed there was a buffer size limitation in my RCon tool. It is fixed now: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon Thanks to Major General Stephen Carter for granting me access to his server. @=WBG=ati: Is there any problem with the RCon GUI or why aren't you using it?
  24. Version 1.8.0 BETA of the RCon GUI has been released! http://dev-heaven.net/projects/rcon It is now fully compatible with the new BattlEye protocol. Sponsoring by dao.nu Thanks for testing! If you like the tool please donate in order to help me to keep up the project.