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Posts posted by student

  1. Hi,nkey! It would be desirable to write about much but I will stop on the basic:

    1. I consider that the description of similar to ACRE actual at the time of creation of a subject isn't actual any more as fashions similar to ACRE stopped being long ago and became not competitive for other mods imitating a radio communication,in other words now in the description of ACRE it is possible to write safely similar to TFAR.

    Has anyone figured out how to change key binds now the userconfig is different?

    2. Offer: it would be very convenient to enter possibility of reassignment of keys into a usage time (in game).

    3. I play games as ARMA 3 from OFP long ago and during this time tried the mass of various mods but the radio communication in game interested me much more than other mods their significant amount and TFAR was respectively tried it is a masterpiece.

    Good luck nkey I hope mod will be better than the others as well as now.
