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Hello, I created a small 3D model, a syringe. (. P3d) 3D model works correctly but when I add this item in my inventory (via the command: player addItem "ROJ_Syringe_Morphine" ;), I get the following error: I do not understand why the game will search the image in the folder "equip \ w \ w ..." It is noted nowhere. Here is the config.cpp Addon. I FirstAidKit based on the game: class CfgPatches { class ROJ_ItemsHolders { units[] = {"Item_ROJ_Syringe_Morphine"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class Item_FirstAidKit; class Item_ROJ_Syringe_Morphine: Item_FirstAidKit { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Morphine"; //picture = "roj\ROJ_Items\Syringe_morphine\data\picture_Syringe_morphine.paa"; //model = "roj\ROJ_Items\Syringe_morphine\Syringe_morphine.p3d"; author = "Yourry"; vehicleClass = "Items"; class TransportItems { class ROJ_Syringe_Morphine { name = "ROJ_Syringe_Morphine"; count = 1; }; }; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class FirstAidKit; class ROJ_Syringe_Morphine: FirstAidKit { scope = 2; //allowedSlots[] = {801,701,901}; //displayName = "$STR_A3_cfgWeapons_ROJ_Syringe_Morphine0"; displayName = "Morphine"; picture = "\ROJ\ROJ_Items\Syringe_morphine\data\picture_Syringe_morphine.paa"; model = "\ROJ\ROJ_Items\Syringe_morphine\Syringe_morphine.p3d"; descriptionShort = "Un coup de picouse et roule ma poule"; class ItemInfo { mass = 1; type = 401; scope = 0; }; }; }; Thank you for your help
New version of the velociraptor: More coming later.
It tests whether the project is as flexible as possible so that missions-maker can be approrier mod to create missions. We dream of multi-player campaign with the mod but it is still far away.
I work with Kakarot on the development of mod, Make a unique project is a good idea but before we need to know.
Hi, I do not understand, I can not teleport a player on a bag on the ground (named bob): player setpos (getpos bob); I spawn in water as if the position is not good. Yet the subject is well known with a test "isnull" to false. I placed next to the bag and the .rpt I display the coordinates of the bag and me: player: "[1851.17,5746.79,0.00143862]" backpack:"[3702.93,11492.2,11.8185]" http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/482718sac.png Coordinates are radically different. I do not understand. Is this is a bug in the game or that I mistaken somewhere ?
Thank you very much for the answer. I tested the following command: player setpos (bob modelToWorld [0,0,0]) It works well. Thank you!
Hello, I wanted to know if it was possible to save data in the server profile? For example, using this command executed on the server side: profileNameSpace setVariable[_id_player,_player_gear]; saveProfileNamespace; From my initial tests, it does not seem to work. Thank you
saveProfileNamespace and server
yourry replied to yourry's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
This is what I saw but I was not sure. This could be a simple alternative to the database. Sql for small backups. Thank you -
Spawn objects from the 3D editor
yourry posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Hello, I have a technical question about the spawn objects on a PvP map. Many objects have been placed on the map by the 3D editor and I wonder how I'll introduce my mission. I have 3 options: - Conversion the .biedi to .sqm. The objects will be visible from the editor. - Call .sqf by the server to create the 3D editor. - Call .sqf but I call replaces createVehicle by createVehicleLocal and the call is not every client. I want to know what is the most optimized option to reduce the impact in multi. Especially since we may have more than 30 players online. Thank you -
I saw that the modules not working after respawn a player. So I tried to create by the script's modules for each respawn the player recreates the modules to work. I tried this code in init.sqf: _LogicCenter = createCenter sideLogic; _groupLogic = createGroup _LogicCenter; _module_support = _groupLogic createUnit ["SupportRequester",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; _module_helico = _groupLogic createUnit ["SupportProvider_Transport",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; module_helico synchronizeObjectsAdd [helico]; module_helico synchronizeObjectsAdd [module_support]; module_support synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; I get a strange error: Error in expression <mat ["BIS_SUPP_limit_%1_total", _type], _total] } forEach [ "Artillery", "CAS_He> Error position: <_total] } forEach [ "Artillery", "CAS_He> Error Undefined variable in expression: _total File A3\modules_f\supports\procedures\refreshMainWindow.sqf, line 19 Maybe I was creating modules is not good. If you have an idea. Perhaps I can make a report issue in the Feedback Tracker ?!? Thank you in advance
Hello, I would create a small script to spawn soldier or vehicle with BIS_fnc_spawnGroup or bis_fnc_spawnvehicle. How can I check an item in my array is a vehicle or a soldier: For exemple : array_spawn = ["T90","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_AR"]; I would to switch on bis_fnc_spawnvehicle if my first array is a vehicle and second array is a soldier to BIS_fnc_spawnGroup. Something like that: array_spawn = ["T90","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_AR"]; { switch (_x) do { case isvehicle : { [getpos player,_x] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle }; case issoldier : { [getpos player,_x] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup }; }; } foreach array_spawn; Thank you very much
Check if a vehicle or soldier
yourry replied to yourry's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Yes, I'm stupid :) Thank you. -
Hello Everyone, I want to create flashlight on the player weapon. I rad the thread and I tried to find a solution (without addons): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?110943-Still-no-flashlight-scripts-for-ak-weapons-or-way-to-alter-ingame-reality So I wrote this script: //////////////////////////////////////////// // Fait par =[TTK]= Yourry // //////////////////////////////////////////// private ["_unit", "_player", "_center", "_group", "_light"]; //On défini le joueur _unit = player; _player = call compile format["%1",_unit]; //On défini la variable à faux player setVariable["lampe_on",false,true]; if(local player) then { while {alive _player} do { waituntil{vehicle _player == _player}; action_allumer = _player addaction ["<t color='#33ff00'>Allumer lampe</t>","scripts\lampe.sqf",["allumer"], 0, false, true, "", " !(player getvariable""lampe_on"") "]; waituntil{(_player getvariable"lampe_on")}; _player removeaction action_allumer; light = "Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; light setvehicleInit"hideObject this;this allowDamage false; this addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"", {false}]"; processInitCommands; light setpos getpos _player; _player action ["lightOn",light]; light attachTo [_player,[0,-3,1]]; action_eteindre = _player addaction ["<t color='#00ccff'>Eteindre lampe</t>","scripts\lampe.sqf",["eteindre"], 0, false, true, "", " player getvariable""lampe_on"" "]; while{(_player getvariable"lampe_on") || alive _player ||!isnull light || count [(currentWeapon _player)] > 0 ||vehicle _player != _player}do{sleep 1;}; _player action ["lightOFF",light]; light removeEventHandler ["HandleDamage",0]; deletevehicle light; _player removeaction action_eteindre; }; waituntil{!alive _player}; if(!isnil"action_eteindre")then{_player removeaction action_eteindre;}; if(!isnil"action_allumer")then{_player removeaction action_allumer;}; if(!isnull "light")then{_player action ["lightOFF",light];light removeEventHandler ["HandleDamage",0];;deletevehicle light}; _player setVariable["lampe_on",false,true]; }; It works well but I can not move the flashlight when the player looks up or down. I tried in the "while" : _weapon=(weapons _player) select 0; _dir = _player weaponDirection _weapon; light setVectorDir (_dir); light setVectorUp (_dir); _getpos = getpos _player; light setpos _getpos ; But this does not work. How to change the angle of the headlights when the player looks down or up ? Thank you very much
problem with "createTrigger" in multiplayers
yourry posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Hello. I'have a problem with the commande: "createTrigger" in the script. I want to creat a conversation between a player and the civilian. During the conversation, the player must choose several answers. Each answer given a different mission scenario. I use a trigger (radio alpha, bravo,...) for answer questions. For the conversation i use this script: if (isServer) then { reponseind1 = 0; reponseind2 = 0; reponseind3 = 0; tobj1 = 0; tobj1_1 = 0; _joueur = nearestobject [chefgueri,"soldierWB"]; chefgueri lookat _joueur; sleep 0.5; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then {_nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_1",10] call RE;}; sleep 2 ; _joueur = nearestobject [chefgueri,"soldierWB"]; chefgueri lookat _joueur; sleep 0.5; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then {_nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_2",10] call RE;}; sleep 4 ; _joueur = nearestobject [chefgueri,"soldierWB"]; chefgueri lookat _joueur; sleep 0.5; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then {_nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_3",10] call RE;}; sleep 4 ; _joueur = nearestobject [chefgueri,"soldierWB"]; chefgueri lookat _joueur; sleep 0.5; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then {_nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_4",10] call RE;}; sleep 4 ; _joueur = nearestobject [chefgueri,"soldierWB"]; chefgueri lookat _joueur; sleep 0.5; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then {_nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_5",10] call RE;} ; sleep 2 ; _joueur = nearestobject [chefgueri,"soldierWB"]; chefgueri lookat _joueur; sleep 0.5; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then {_nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_6",10] call RE;}; sleep 5 ; _joueur = nearestobject [chefgueri,"soldierWB"]; chefgueri lookat _joueur; sleep 0.5; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then { _nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_7",10] call RE; _nic = [nil,nil,rHINT,"Durant la mission chaqu'un de vos choix auront des répercutions. Faites les bon choix !"] call RE; sleep 0.5; trg1 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "rep1"]; trg1 setTriggerText "On cherche un important général"; trg1 setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; trg1 setTriggerActivation["ALPHA","PRESENT",false]; trg1 setTriggerStatements["this", "reponseind1 = 1; hint 'Réponse une'", ""]; trg2 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "rep2"]; trg2 setTriggerText "On est perdu"; trg2 setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; trg2 setTriggerActivation["BRAVO","PRESENT",false]; trg2 setTriggerStatements["this", "reponseind2 = 1; hint 'Réponse deux'", ""]; trg3 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "rep3"]; trg3 setTriggerText "Cela ne te regarde pas"; trg3 setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; trg3 setTriggerActivation["CHARLIE","PRESENT",false]; trg3 setTriggerStatements["this", "reponseind3 = 1; hint 'Réponse trois'", ""]; sleep 2; }; waitUntil {reponseind1 != 0 || reponseind2 != 0 || reponseind3 != 0}; if (reponseind1 == 1 && reponseind2 == 0 && reponseind3 == 0) then { sleep 0.5; _nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_8",10] call RE; sleep 5; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then { _nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_11",10] call RE; sleep 5; _nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_12",10] call RE; player setCurrentTask obj1; obj1 = player createSimpleTask["Tuer les civils"]; obj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Quelques civils ont collaboré avec une autre faction, en signe de vengeance, un gars vous demande de les tuer les traîtres de <marker name='chak'>chak chak</marker> ! <br/>", "Tuer les civils", "Tuer les civils"]; nul=[objNull, ObjNull, obj1, "CREATED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; "chak" setMarkerType "Attack"; "repawn_west" setMarkerType "mil_box"; trg4 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "chefinsu"]; trg4 setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; trg4 setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",false]; trg4 setTriggerStatements["this && tobj1 == 1 ", "tobj1_1 = 1; hint 'retour'", ""]; waitUntil {tobj1 != 0 && tobj1_1 != 0}; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then { if (tobj1 == 1) then { _nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_13",10] call RE; sleep 5; _nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_14",10] call RE; sleep 5; }; }; }; }; if (reponseind1 == 0 && reponseind2 == 1 && reponseind3 == 0) then { deletevehicle chakciv; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then { _nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_9",10] call RE; }; }; if (reponseind1 == 0 && reponseind2 == 0 && reponseind3 == 1) then { deletevehicle chakciv; if (alive chefgueri && chefgueri distance nearestObject [chefgueri, "SoldierWB"] < 5) then { _nic = [nil,chefgueri,rSAY,"brief001_10",10] call RE; }; }; sleep 5 ; }; My problem is that the "createTrigger" is "effects local". In multiplayers the leader players can not choose answers. Does anybody have an idea? Thank you very much