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Everything posted by wickedstigma

  1. Hi again everyone! I made a radio activated trigger which enables me to create a marker with my player and then another trigger which lets me blow the IED where the created marker is. Im trying to make it as reallistic as possible so I tried, the entire day..... literally, to do the following stuff: 1. Spawn a missile or other explosive munition to simulate the IED. I found an IED pack to download that will solve this problem but for some reason the links, every link, to the pack is broken. Even though the grave looks nice for the IED placement, how can I spawn the missile or whatever without blowing myself 50+ feet in the air? // Set IED Code markerstr = createMarker["markername",player]; markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; "markername" setMarkerType "Destroy"; "markername" setMarkerSize [1,1]; iedTexture = "Grave" createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos "markername"); //Detonate IED Code _ied = "BO_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "markername");deleteVehicle iedTexture; deleteMarker "markername" 2. I was able to spawn other objects on the marker but they always appeared somewhere near me, not in front of my like satchel charges do. I even tried setting the markerSize to [1,1] and it did the same thing. So how can I spawn it in the middle of the marker? 3. I tried a lot of things to add an item Menu to Set the IED. The item actually appeared in the menu but when I ran the preview and executed the action it didnt run the .sqf or .sqs. How can I make this work or is any other way around of adding this to the menu and executing code without using init.sqs or .sqf ? //Add menu item _action = man1 addAction ["Set IED","Set_IED.sqs"] //I wrote the entire address of my .sqs in the real code so thats not the problem. //Set_IED.sqs code markerstr = createMarker["markername",player]; markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; "markername" setMarkerType "Destroy"; "markername" setMarkerSize [1,1]; iedTexture = "Grave" createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos "markername"); Thanks again for all the help!
  2. It would be awesome to have access to all the houses so you can make some nice house to house clearing missions.
  3. Interesting, Ill try this later. ---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 AM ---------- Actually I was trying to do a patrol today and use the guard WP to see how they reacted. A placed some OpFor Guys about 1500 meters from them and I set a few guar WP before reaching the OpFor area. I climbed to the air control tower and watched how they acted. At first they started running to the first WP. The halted and started scanning the horizon for about a minute, then moved like 20 meters and did the same. After this WP the began walking, not running, towards the other WP's, and after they got to the WP the some of they took a knee and began scanning horizon again, after that they made contact and began to engaging the enemy.
  4. Yes you can, just delete the part of the support you dont want. For example, if you just want just the artillery just add: [["artillery_barrage"],player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; If you want the CAS add: [["tactical_airstrike"],player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; If you want to of them, for example CAS and Artillery add: [["tactical_airstrike", "artillery_barrage"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; ---------- Post added at 04:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 AM ---------- It does create the enemies for your second ops so you dont have to put any enemies on the map for SOM to work. To disable the Secondary Ops Missions just add to the SOM Module init line the following code: this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]]; This will not affect your support calls but will disable the secondary missions.
  5. wickedstigma

    help req: CAS & artilery

    I'm pretty sure you are going to ask this at some point so here it goes, it will save you time. To disable SOM missions add this code to init box of the SOM Module. this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];
  6. Im actually trying to make something like that, but instead im trying to make it with a helicopter, its kind of a CAS but with Apaches which will come to a given position an will seek and destroy for at least 10 minutes. But i dont understand how to use the damn OnMapSingleClick code. Can someone help me with this?
  7. wickedstigma

    Campaign ideas...

    I'm trying to do some missions myself, but I'm looking more in books and stuff to make historical events,by normal soldiers, of the new kinds of war (Iraq, Afghanistan, Falklands, etc.), and add things that make the battle more intense that it already was. Im making some scripts to call in other things that I havent seen on the game and which I thought it would be cool based on call of duty kill streaks, (don't get me wrong, Im not trying to make run and gun missions), like calling a Spec Ops fire team that will come across a given place and start searching and destroying everything on their way, their skill levels will be adjusted a to a higher level of most of the troops on you side. This is one of the ideas I have and am trying currently trying to develop. ---------- Post added at 03:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 AM ---------- I like that idea, are you thinking on historical events or fiction? ---------- Post added at 03:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 AM ---------- Have any of you made any mission with a storyline?
  8. No problem! Im actually learning to do a lot of things right now so as I learn I try to help people here. What you want to do is possible in a lot of different ways. Ill try tomorrow to explain it.
  9. This is one of the toughest things to do but its true. I bought Arma 2 a couple of weeks ago and Im still learning to make mission, just becuase im really hooked up with this, but I really want to play in a team, the thing is every time I try to join a game, for some reason I cant.
  10. wickedstigma

    proper AH64 support

    Wow, this is pretty tough, but Im sure it can be done. And btw the books Apache from Ed Macy can give you the info on how Apaches operate in war. Im finishing the book and I still havent read they were below 35 meters as someone here said. Although I saw a video on youtube of a apache protecting a convoy, the apache come behind the convoy about 2 meters from the road or less, the he banks and stays side by side with the convoy, that was pretty insane!
  11. Sorry for this, but Ive been looking around, a lot, and cant find the CAA1 download. Their page doesn't load resulting in a chain of catastrophes. Since I don't have Arma 1 I need to download CAA1 in order to create a mission on Afghan Valley or other Middle East map. Can some one tell me where else can I find it? Thanks in advance for all your help!
  12. wickedstigma

    Halo jumping.

    it works for me but I cant control the parachute when Im going down. What can I do?
  13. No problem, just let me know the results. Btw, I think it might be possible to program a script to make launchers more effective against chopper. I don't know how realistic that is, but i imagine one rpg can really take down a chopper depending where it hits. What I know is the AH-64 can take an RPG and can keep flying.
  14. About the helicopter: Yes it can be done: 1. Create a waypoint and change the "Select Type:" to "LOAD".This way the helicopter will wait for your team. 2. Create a waypoint from the leader of your team and change the type to "Get In". 3. Sync the "LOAD" waypoint with the "Get In" waypoint. 4. Create a waypoint wherever you want the chopper to take you and set the type to "TRANSPORT UNLOAD". Thats it, you are done, and if you want to adjust the height of the chopper just type in the choppers init the following code: choppername flyInHeight X //where X is the number of meters 2. About the RPGs, I never saw that in the game since that is the purpose of AA units but I think it can be done with the doTarget and doFire commands. Ill try it and let you know. ---------- Post added at 04:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 AM ---------- Well I just tried what i said and the unit I assigned to attack targets the chopper but it never fires. Second thing I found is that it took 1 HE RPG7 round, and 3 normal rounds to take 1 Cobra down. then I tried the Strela with a brand new chopper and it took 3 strela rounds to take down the chopper... impressively unreliable for being a ground to air missile. I'll let you know if I come up with any other answer. ---------- Post added at 05:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 AM ---------- I found another code that might be worthy for moving into helicopter. {_x moveInCargo NameOfHeli} foreach units NameOfGroup; or {_x moveInCargo NameOfHeli} foreach units group this; Here is the thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76201
  15. wickedstigma

    "Scripts" folder??

    Well, on my side, I cant never run one of those script no matter what. I actually want to add a action to a player so it places an IED, the thing is that I call the .sqf and guess what? it makes nothing. is there some special way of writing down the code inside the .sqf file? here is my code. ///SET IED markerstr = createMarker["markername",player]; markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; "markername" setMarkerType "Destroy"; "markername" setMarkerSize [1,1]; iedTexture = "Grave" createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos "markername"); iedTexture setPos(getMarkerPos "markername"); iedTexture setPos (getMarkerPos "markername"); ///EXPLODE IED _ied = "BO_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "markername");deleteVehicle iedTexture; deleteMarker "markername" I have to add a code to that activates the Explode IED menu an removes the SET IED menu, but I think is quite simple. Any help?
  16. wickedstigma

    Changing SOM Module Aircraft

    thanks, ill try to send him a message or create another thread of how to use damn scripts. As I said, I cant run anything inside a script.
  17. Hi everyone! I am making a mission where you can call in close air support (CAS) with SOM Module. The thing is that as default, what comes as support is 2 A-10's and as you might know this are not the only aircraft used for this. I want to substitute them for 2 Apache's. I've seen this code for the "transport" support but that code doesnt work for the CAS. Thanks for all your help and hope I finish learning the different things to make my first Single or Coop Mission.:bounce3:
  18. wickedstigma

    Missiles, IEDs and Menus

    I tested the ied setPos (getMarkerPos "markername") and it worked, it puts the grave in underneath me. I tried to put the grave in front of me with getPosASL but it only works in one way, since Ill have to write more code just to detect the the direction the player is looking at to then determine if its going to use a positive or negative value.
  19. wickedstigma

    Missiles, IEDs and Menus

    Actually I am spawning the grave to simulate there is an IED buried there. The thing is that when the grave spawns it spawn around me about a meter or so behind me. First I want the object I decide to spawn as an IED appears right under me, like when you place satchel charges or C4 explosives, and second to know how to spawn a missile without blowing up, since when you spawn a missile it spawn coming down on an angle resulting in instant explosion.
  20. wickedstigma

    Triggers and Unit Detection

    Yes I get it. But as you said, its easier said than done. I think it could be done by setting the trigger to "Repeatedly" and with getPos keep tack of the unit for every second. Maybe I'll try it later. The thing is I made a trigger that will kill anyone inside the trigger are in a few seconds to simulate snipers in the zone. Im going to put a couple of snipers in an adjacent zone so you can get them from other angles but not from where they are supposed to be watching. If you take a glance, you can get killed. Understand? Also I might add CAS or LGB support to that mission.
  21. Hi! Im trying to make a trigger the detects the unit name of any unit inside the trigger are, so I can setDamage to that unit if he stays inside that area for x time elapsed where x is a random number between 1 seconds and 10 seconds. I have managed to set damage to a specific unit but not to anyone who enters the trigger area. I also tried making different triggers in the same area but only one works and the others don't. And it doesn't matter what values set in the Min Mid Max boxes they die instantly when the place a foot inside the trigger area... Thanks for all the help in advance!
  22. wickedstigma

    Triggers and Unit Detection

    It worked, thanks a lot! it was so simple and tried a lot of different codes. Thanks again. ---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 PM ---------- The code that Inkompetent gave me worked but I am going to try later your code since I want to learn how to use the .sqf becuase I havent been able to use not even 1 code of this kind. Will report what happens later.
  23. wickedstigma

    Changing SOM Module Aircraft

    Ok, I've checked the Drapers air support but for some reason I can make it run. I followed the instructions and I cant make it work. ---------- Post added at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ---------- Mando Missile is Incredible! Thanks, Y never thought it was that good. But I cant use the Mando Air Support Console maybe becuase I dont know how to gain acces to it. Been looking around and I saw the only video in youtube that talks about it and he appears to have it in the menu. Any help?
  24. wickedstigma

    Changing SOM Module Aircraft

    IT CANT BE DONE!!! :mad::mad::mad::cry: Thanks for the link, I downloaded it but I am going to bed now so I am going to test it tomorrow. Thanks and Ill post tomorrow as soon as I test it. ---------- Post added at 06:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 AM ---------- Yes, that is so wrong. Anyway, I was planning to make a code to simulate different tactics with the Apaches. I am reading a book called "APACHE: INSIDE THE COCKPIT OF THE WORLDS MOST DEADLIEST FIGHTING MACHINE" By Ed Macy, and he discribes some of the tactics he used in combat in Afghanistan, plus I have some documentries and other books that describes some of this things too. I dont know how hard is to make it, if possible that is, but I think it will be something similar to the UAV flight pattern. Dont get me wrong I mean the programming not the actual flight pattern of the UAV.
  25. wickedstigma

    Ammo classname

    So how do you spawn a bomb, rocket, missile or whatever you wan that is explosive without actually exploding?