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About Taso

  • Rank
    Private First Class


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  1. Hi guys ! I have a wierd problem. I've done the beginning of a map in United Saharani. The mission begins with the player in a chopper and he has to do a chute jump. In the editor everything goes well. But when I export my mission in MP missions and I try to play it, we start the mission in the left bottom corner of the map in the chopper which is flying... It's the first time it happened to me. I tried the same mission with all the same scripts on Tchernarus and the result is the same... I appear in the left bottom corner of the map. I've not managed to find what I'm going wrong... Help please ! Thanks in advance. EDIT : My bad... I made a mistake... It was not the right code to set the altitude of the chopper...
  2. Hmmm... I was wondering the same question. I guess the script is almost similar except the item's code and the function called. The item's name is "ACE_Claymore_M"... But I don't know at all the name of the function which we should call... So maybe the code looks like : _pos = GetMarkerPos "M1"; _v = createvehicle ["ACE_Claymore_M"", _pos, [], 0, "none"]; _v setdir random 360; _v setpos getpos _v; _trg = createtrigger ["emptydetector", _pos]; _trg settriggerarea [5, 5, 0, false]; _trg settriggeractivation ["west", "present", false]; _trg settriggerstatements ["this", "(" + str _pos + " nearestobject ""ACE_Claymore_M""") setvehicleinit ""if (time > 0) then {[this] spawn ace_sys_explosives_fnc_?????????}""; processinitcommands", ""]; Maybe "claymore" instead of "?????????"... To better simulate the range of detection of the claymore you'll probably have to change the trigger size and azimut.
  3. Hi ! You have to create a file named init.sqs in your mission folder. Then put the code of doolittle in this file and replace the line _pos = ??? by _pos = getMarkerPos "M"; Lastly, create a marker and named it "M" and here it is :) It should work.
  4. Thanks dude it works perfectly !! :D
  5. Hello everybody ! Does somebody know how can I set an M49A1 Triplare already activated in the editor ? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello everybody ! Does somebody know how can I set an M49A1 Triplare already activated in the editor ? Thanks in advance. EDIT : To see the answer just go click this link : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=98699 ;) ( Sorry for double thread )
  7. I have only the A-10 and the Su equiped with ejection seat whereas in the doc of ACE it's written that every planes are supposed to be equiped with ejection option. Does it seem correct or is it a problem ?
  8. To Manzilla : Yes, I can take the chem lights in the box. They appear in my equipment in the pistol section. But when I press F to change weapon, Chem lights don't appear. Thanks in advance
  9. Thank so much guys it works ! And for chemlights, any idea ?
  10. Please, can somebody help me ? Hi guys ! I'm new here and I really hope you will help me. So here's the thing. I have some problems with ACE. First of all the chemlights don't work at all. I can't select them as weapon and I can't use it. And with all the ACE's explosives. I can place them on the ground but they don't detonate when I run infront of them. Except a mine with a remote detonator. Sorry for my bad english guys. Thanks
  11. Hi guys ! I'm new here and I really hope you will help me. So here's the thing. I have some problems with ACE. First of all the chemlights don't work at all. I can't select them as weapon and I can't use it. And with all the ACE's explosives. I can place them on the ground but they don't detonate when I run infront of them. Except a mine with a remote detonator. Sorry for my bad english guys. Thanks