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Everything posted by super-truite

  1. super-truite

    Annoying with vanishing particles

    When using config animated particles, the particles seem to disappear completely when using the splendid camera with the time cursor to zero. Not happening with scripted animated particle effect though.
  2. super-truite

    Annoying with vanishing particles

    One other thing I noticed: the bigger the particles the stronger the problem. With huge particles you have to zoom out really far away to get the particle to render. Is there an older Legacy branch still available (with an access code) in order to edit particles without this problem while waiting for a fix? I am doing a project which heavily use particle effects and the problem is so strong with some effects that I cannot even guess what the final result would look like when the bug is fixed .
  3. super-truite

    Annoying with vanishing particles

    I am having the same problems with custom config particle effects. Tested on Windows 10 64bits with Titan X, 1070 GTX, 870M (same problem with the 3 cards).
  4. Hello, I am trying to change the current angle limits of the Firing From Vehicle position on the civilian Offroad. More precisly, I need to change the angles for the third cargo position in "turned out" position. I tried this : class CfgVehicles { class Offroad_01_unarmed_base_F; class Offroad_01_civil_base_F : Offroad_01_unarmed_base_F { class Turrets; }; class C_Offroad_01_F : Offroad_01_civil_base_F { class Turrets : Turrets { class CargoTurret_01; class CargoTurret_02; class CargoTurret_03; class CargoTurret_04; }; }; class My_C_Offroad_01_F : C_Offroad_01_F{ class Turrets: Turrets { class CargoTurret_03: CargoTurret_03 { maxOutElev = 90; maxOutTurn = -180; minOutElev = -90; minOutTurn = -180; }; }; }; }; The limits are still the same in game. Everything looks good in config viewer and I have no config errors. What am I missing?
  5. Hello, I need to make the player fly while still being able to shoot its weapon. The problem is that above 100 meters, the player automatically switch to a free fall animation ("halofreefall_non"). Strategies I tried so far: - monitoring the current animstate and switching to previous animation when the dreaded "halofreefall_non" occur. Problem: either I obtain a constant stuttering (the player is constantly between 2 animation states) either the player is frozen on the previous animation state depending on the refresh time of the monitoring. - Put the player in an invisible vehicle and use Firing From Vehicles to use the weapon. Problem: really hacky and so far I could not get large enough angles with FFV positions (I do not know if its a config mistake on my end or hardcoded limitations yet). - I am trying know the idea suggested in this thread : https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/190783-is-it-possible-to-disable-the-falling-animation-of-a-unit/ i.e. sticking the player on fake ground. Still under investigation. Any other idea I might have missed ? I am open to hacky ideas, be it addon based or script only!
  6. super-truite


    This addon adds a flashbang grenade. Here are the links to the addon: http://www.mediafire.com/download/rjvdz2agbohp1cy/%40SUPER_flashv07.rar(v0.7) On Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21139 (V0.61) Please Report any bug you find in this thread. Please note that the class names have changed since v0.5! To add the flashbang to your soldier, put this in its init field: this addmagazines["SUPER_flash",5] There is also an ammobox with the flashbang in the editor, in Oject/Ammo media: -screen: >>>>> VERSION >>>>> CHANGE LOG: Version: v0.2 Alpha (1st public release) Version: 0.3 - fixed: no error message anymore when you launch the first flashbang ("is not an array...") - fixed: Now, the AI drop dead even if they didn't finish the "stun animation" when you shoot them. - added: test MX with Grenade Launcher accepting "flashing" ammo (currently broken: no sound and no reload animation) -added: ammobox with the flashbang, the test Weapon and the Flash grenades for the GL. Version: 0.4 -added: .bisign - fixed: no grenade sound on top of the flashbang one anymore (flashbang sound to be changed later) Version: 0.5 beta -added: .bikey (I forgot it in 0.4) -fixed: Grenade Launcher now working -added: the effect is now directional -fixed: the "stunned" animation was triggered on dead AI as well Version: 0.51 beta -fixed:error message -fixed: various sound related issues Version: 0.6 -new way of triggering the scripts (should be less buggy) -sound tweaked -flying buckets removed ;) Version: 0.61 -players wearing NVG are now affected by the flash -error message in dev branch removed Version: 0.7 - Made it so it adds to muzzles and not redefines (using += in config). - Changed the mass to be 5 (realistically flashbangs weigh about half of hand grenades and HG's mass is 10). - Changed most of the scripts to be CfgFunctions (get compileFinal'd at start by ArmA, which might result in a minor performance increase), also means it doesn't use Extended_Init anymore. - Made use of a PPEffect variable to allow it to be forced to show in NVG's, this removes the workaround you had done. - Did a slight adjustment to the setting of the sound volume (now fades mostly while vision returns but lingers slightly afterwards). - Cleaned up \scripts\flashbang.sqf, now uses the faster nearEntities and only returns CAManBase (Man includes some animals I believe. Only does all the checks if the unit is the player (should reduce any possible slowdown due to many people around flash bangs). - Overall, declared all private variables in the scripts to avoid any potential issues. >>>>> REQUIREMENTS Arma 3 Alpha >>>>> INSTALLATION Unpack and copy @REV1_flashbang to your ArmA3 root folder Then add the following launch parameters -mod=@REV1_FLASHBANG >>>>> BUGS AND KNOWN ISSUES - windows are blowing up a bit too far from the explosion sometimes - you get flashed even if the grenade explode behind your back - AI "stunned" animation does not stop even if the AI is dead - sound bug : grenade default sound heard on top of the flashbang one - Ugly particle effects - The flash instantaneously disapear when wearing NVG - The test grenade launcher is broken - issues with the sounds -incompatibility with the following Addons: Canadian Arman Forces, All In Arma and Sweedish Forces Pack, Extended Grenades & Throwable Items (EGTI)(should be fixed since 0.7, waiting for confirmation) (Because of other projects I am working on, I can't promise that I will fix everything soon) >>>>> To DO - New animations - New Sounds - Better Particle effects - sort of QTE to protect yourself when you identify a flashbang thrown at you? -Indoor vs outdoor effect >>>>> CREDITS AND THANKS credit: Code:LordHeart, Super-truite 3D: sebj Thanks to: -BIS -Community, in particular LordHeart for the 0.7 update ;), Messiah, Thromp, Tajin and probably others for their help on the forum -zooloo85 for his mission http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149766-Hostage-Rescue-Extreme-Edition (I took the yellowish part of the blinding effect from his code) -Mike from the team 1REV for the sound effects -1REV Team for testing -Foxhound for hosting the file on Armaholic
  7. super-truite

    geometry LOD and AI

    In Arma 2, the AI were often going through walls (particularly annoying with zombie mods for instance). Now that I began to make addons, I guess it is because they don't always take into account the geometry LOD of objects. It seems to be a problem in Arma3 too. Do you know why this is happening? My guess was that it was made on purpose to avoid AI to get stuck because an object with a geometry LOD has been moved in the middle of its path, yet it seems to be "working" randomly so I am not sure... Also, the other day, I was trying to make a "test building" and while my player was blocked by the geometry, the AI was jumping from the roofs, regardless of it, so I am not sure I understand the whole story since the BI buildings seem to work better (more reliable for buildings already defined in the map?). I intend in the future to make some animations for the AI to move inside the Orlyonok (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?157756-Ekranoplane-Orlyonok), but since they don't "see" the geometry of the plane, it will look buggy...
  8. super-truite

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    @Moon_chilD: the solution to this issue is in a tuto for IFA3 installation somewhere: you need to extract the exe with 7z or winrar in your Arma3 root directory, then make a shortcut to the exe and add the parameter -incurrentfolder to it. The target (when you right click-> "property") should look like this: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\IronFront_Arma3_CommunityPatch_1.13-1.14.exe" -incurrentfolder I also had to turn off my anti-virus (Avast) to be able to intall the patch.
  9. super-truite

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    On my end it works with vanilla IFA3 with the sapper tool equipped. In Warmod it works only if the sapper tools are present in the inventory ( in a bag,uniform or vest emplacements), but not if it is equipped (the default position is the googles position). edit: I use your @IFA3FIX
  10. super-truite

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    Ok, I will add the bugs I find in the feedback tracker. It is an amazing project and I wish I could help. But I have already a few addons of my own that need fixing, so I won't be able to touch anything else for a while...
  11. super-truite

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    It seems to work. Some errors, related to particles, were poping when I had the script error display activated. Also, we experienced a lot of rollbacks in coop missions, on a rather strong dedicated server. We were only 2 players and the mission was pretty light in terms of AI, but I need to test it more, in case it was because of the server acting up. I just uploaded the converted files to the server instead of performing the conversion on it. Could it be a problem? Another bug I noticed: sometimes, tank parts repair themselves after being damaged. In fact I suspect they do that all the time, except when the tank gets heavily damaged and burns. In battlefield it was a "feature", but I guess it is not intended here ;). nice touch !
  12. super-truite

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    Thank you, I must admit I didn't know I needed the saper tools ...sorry for that. It is working, but I need to have the saper tools in my bag or uniform (it does not work when it is equipped). I have no issue with the conversion tool on my end. edit: also, when using WarMod IFA3, I noticed that the grenades are launched twice, when hitting G, which end up being quite dangerous ^^. The working throw action seems to be bound to Ctrl+G instead. Is it a known issue?
  13. super-truite

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    Whenever I try to deploy explosives (mines, satchel etc.), a bullet appears on the ground instead of the actual explosive model. The explosive disappears during one instant from my inventory, but gets immediately back into it. I see no errors in the rpt. Is this a known issue? I followed this guide to install manually the mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/161011-iron-front-as-mod-in-arma-3/?p=2762915
  14. super-truite


    Glad to hear that. Thanks for the feeback.
  15. super-truite


    Sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunatly I have no time atm and another project of mine needs even more fixing than this one and is a priority for me. Is it completely broken or is it just this blur effect bug when using Xmedsys?
  16. I was digging in the forum to find this topic and ask the very same question due to a never ending debate about blatcore vs vanilla smokes! I am betting on the alpha detection (size and density of the effect look similar on BC/vanilla), but would like a confirmation too as I don't have much time to experiment unfortunately... Two videos illustrating the differences between vanilla/blastcore: Blastcore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUutetyAM1 Vanilla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elgkUBcanAw
  17. I would like to make a smooth transition between the texture of an object created in an addon and the ground texture. For instance, I have a 3d crater model and when I place it on a random area I can have grass, dirt, roads etc. below it, leading to an ugly transition between the object texture and the ground texture. One solution would be to replace a selection of my model with the ground texture (with the main texture more and more transparent when getting closer to this external selection). The command settexture allows that, but I need to know which texture to put and thus I need a "getexture" command which would take as arguments a position and a direction for instance and would return the .paa path of the texture intersecting the axis define by the position/direction. So far I didn't find such a command. Does it exist, and if not, do you have an alternative idea on how to acheive this?
  18. I have a model in 3ds max that I unwrapped into several parts using selections ID and multi/sub-object material: http://i.imgur.com/QaVXBtL.png You can see several colors on the model. The red and blue parts and the geen and yellow one correspond each to one object with 2 sub-object materials. Since I have very little time for modding, I am looking for the textbook-lasy method to transform those sub-object materials into different uvsets in object builder ;). Like so: http://i.imgur.com/CuAlZhD.png (this was for an old model and was done manually without using sub-object materials in 3dsmax). One solution would be to export those selections as selections in OB? Is this possible? It seems that only the objects themselves can be exported as selections and for the sake of keeping the model "clean" in OB, I would like to avoid separating the model into different objects and weld the different parts.
  19. Excellent, got it working, thanks again. I was intentionally putting away the uv range to show both selections were still there. I still have the other selection in each uv sets in OB though, but I can leave with that as it takes a few seconds to get rid of them. PS: for those having the same issue with FBX import, the path to the dll folder was not properly set in File->options under Object Builder (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182262-FBX-import)
  20. Thanks Pufu, I didn't manage to get to the same result as in your example in 3ds max. For the sake of simplicity, I created this object with two selections: http://imgur.com/bTvWS33 I then add a unwrap modifier (the two selections are separated): http://imgur.com/x5ZTP18 An it is here I am doing something wrong I guess. How do I proceed to set one of the selections to a different map channel? What I did is that I moved one selection outside the UV boudaries, saved the uv, reloaded it in a second unwrap modifier with a different map channel and did the opposite on it (moved the selection away and placed the other selection inside the boundaries). The two uvmaps look like this then: http://i.imgur.com/hoyQ7IK.png, http://imgur.com/SrvSVYU But then I have still both selections visible in the two mappings, which is not the case in your example. Also the FBX option disappeared in Object Builder, but I guess I'll have to reinstall the tools.
  21. Release thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184717-ArmAGeddon&p=2802073#post2802073 DEV: Make Love Not War, Super-truite Trailer: Some screenshots of some meteor prototypes and of Altis under water:
  22. super-truite

    "Opening up Arma 3 to paid user-made content" - How?

    I am clearly exaggerating, but my point is that the type of content will change. It's naive to think otherwise...Money always lead to standardization. And it is only a start in that direction, let's try to think 10-20 years ahead: we might see later a sort of "uber-ification" of game production. Big studios would profit from modders to build their crap, most modders would be happy to get paid, while 'reactionary' people like me will grumble all day long about the poor quality of video games... Maybe I am delusional, but it is often by 'harmless' changes like this that you turn everything to shit, little by little... PS: I didn't follow the whole story, is it a feature that needs to be activated by studios for their games or is this by default for each game having a workshop?
  23. super-truite

    "Opening up Arma 3 to paid user-made content" - How?

    Even without getting payed, it can be already frustrating to make and promote original modes. On top of the additional difficulty, the general player always wants something he already saw before :"moaaar M16 please" (I really don't blame players since this is the whole idea of marketing). It is still really rewarding to me to try new things and as modders, we are not supposed to "depend" on our player bases. This allows some freedom to experiment and leads sometimes to awesome concepts like DayZ, which eventually convince the general player bases. If the content is monetized, how many modders will keep going on the dark path of trying new things while other modders are sitting on a pile of cash ?
  24. Really cool to see those three modding groups teaming up for one fantastic project!
  25. congrats to all winners!