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Everything posted by puzzola

  1. Can you eject as a group? I used the para.sqf but the units drop in a large spread.
  2. Thank you Kylania. Is it not possible make something similar for the task? tskWestObj1 = {name createSimpleTask ["#1 Incursori: Distruggere lo Shilka"];} forEach units group this; ---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 AM ---------- Whats the correct syntax? _all_ playable/switchable I'll study taskmaster but it is a little bit more complicated than a wheel :p Thank you very much for the demo mission.
  3. Today I read a way to moveincargo a group named by its leader. I don't find it anymore. Can you please find it for me? Upgrade: Now I have: Init.sqf: //begin init.sqf //Add briefing execVM "briefing.sqf"; //Add tasks onTeamSwitch {execVM "tasks.sqf";}; Briefing.sqf: player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Info", "<br/>Author - Puzzola<br/>Version 2.0<br/>"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Forze nemiche", "<br/>Alcune unita' di fanteria e blindati dell' SLA col supporto di alcuni agenti OMON russi."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Forze amiche", "<br/>A capo di una unita' mista di para' della Folgore e incursori del Col Moschin."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Missione", "<br/>Parti a bordo di un C-27 Spartan dell'aereonautica italiana. Una volta raggiunta la LZ a NE di Bagango, paracadutati e distruggi lo Shilka che assicura protezione antiaerea alla citta' e dai il via libera all'assalto elitrasportato dei bersaglieri. Resisti e aspetta che le unita' alleate prendano posizione. A questo punto incursori o bersaglieri devono distruggere l'antenna radar che e' protetta da regolari dell'SLA. Una volta distrutta saranno disponibili i comandi radio per richiedere l'esfiltrazione degli incursori a nord e delle unita' di bersaglieri, nel frattempo riunite in una unica unita', a Ovest-sud-ovest. Una volta rientrati alla base fare rapporto agli ufficiali in attesa."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Situazione", "<br/>Quattro AB212 con a bordo altrettante squadre aspettano il nostro ok via radio per iniziare l'assalto."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Suggerimenti", "<br/>Utilizza il tempo sul C-27 per scegliere il tuo equipaggiamento. Controlla ogni tanto la radio 0-0."]]; // Finale tskWestObj6 = player createSimpleTask ["Finale: Bisboccia"]; tskWestObj6 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Raggiungi le ragazze sul bus"]; // Conclusione missione tskWestObj5 = player createSimpleTask ["Conclusione: Fare rapporto"]; tskWestObj5 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Raggiungi gli ufficiali agli hangar per fare rapporto"]; tskWestObj5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Rapporto"); // Obiettivo secondario Incursori tskWestObj4 = player createSimpleTask ["#2 Inc.: Rimanere in vita ed esfiltrare"]; tskWestObj4 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Una volta certi che la postazione radar sia distrutta e che i bersaglieri siano in rotta verso la base, portarsi in zona di esfiltrazione e chiamare il recupero. "]; tskWestObj4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Esfiltrare_inc"); // Obiettivo secondario Bersaglieri tskWestObj3 = player createSimpleTask ["#2 Bers.: Congiungere le squadre"]; tskWestObj3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Prendi sotto il tuo comando tutte le squadre di Bersaglieri"]; tskWestObj3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "raggruppamento"); // Obiettivo principale Bersaglieri tskWestObj2 = player createSimpleTask ["Distruggere il radar"]; tskWestObj2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Distruggi l'antenna radar nell'atrio del municipio"]; tskWestObj2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Radar"); // Obiettivo principale Incursori tskWestObj1 = player createSimpleTask ["#1 Incursori: Distruggere lo Shilka"]; tskWestObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Elimina lo Shilka e dai il via libera all'eliassalto"]; tskWestObj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Shilka"); //>---------------------------------------------------------< tasks.sqf // Finale if (!isnil ("tskWestObj6")) then {player removeSimpleTask tskWestObj6}; tskWestObj6 = player createSimpleTask ["Finale: Bisboccia"]; tskWestObj6 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Raggiungi le ragazze sul bus"]; // Conclusione missione if (!isnil ("tskWestObj5")) then {player removeSimpleTask tskWestObj5}; tskWestObj5 = player createSimpleTask ["Conclusione: Fare rapporto"]; tskWestObj5 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Raggiungi gli ufficiali agli hangar per fare rapporto"]; tskWestObj5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Rapporto"); // Obiettivo secondario Incursori if (!isnil ("tskWestObj4")) then {player removeSimpleTask tskWestObj4}; tskWestObj4 = player createSimpleTask ["#2 Inc.: Rimanere in vita ed esfiltrare"]; tskWestObj4 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Una volta certi che la postazione radar sia distrutta e che i bersaglieri siano in rotta verso la base, portarsi in zona di esfiltrazione e chiamare il recupero. "]; tskWestObj4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Esfiltrare_inc"); // Obiettivo secondario Bersaglieri if (!isnil ("tskWestObj3")) then {player removeSimpleTask tskWestObj3}; tskWestObj3 = player createSimpleTask ["Bers.: Congiungere le squadre"]; tskWestObj3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Prendi sotto il tuo comando tutte le squadre di Bersaglieri"]; tskWestObj3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "raggruppamento"); // Obiettivo principale Bersaglieri if (!isnil ("tskWestObj2")) then {player removeSimpleTask tskWestObj2}; tskWestObj2 = player createSimpleTask ["Distruggere il radar"]; tskWestObj2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Distruggi l'antenna radar nell'atrio del municipio"]; tskWestObj2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Radar"); // Obiettivo principale Incursori if (!isnil ("tskWestObj1")) then {player removeSimpleTask tskWestObj1}; tskWestObj1 = player createSimpleTask ["#1 Incursori: Distruggere lo Shilka"]; tskWestObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Elimina lo Shilka e dai il via libera all'eliassalto"]; tskWestObj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Shilka"); //>---------------------------------------------------------< Mission status as "succedeed" in the OnAct field of opportune triggers and waypoints. At present status: All Tasks show on briefing and for the first unit in game. When I switch team I see tasks yet. If I go back to a unit I see tasks doubled over and over. If I complete a task, I have a message on HUD and the task becomes green. If they were doubled, only the new created are status updated. I can't show some task for a group and some for another. ---------- Post added at 03:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 AM ---------- i'm going to sleep. Here are 3:00 AM See you tomorrow
  4. I have some idea...how i set a name for a group? Example the player is named inc1, I would like to set a task for inc1 group
  5. Thank you. I'll try. In the meanwhile i made some tests. With the onswitch command everytime i return on a unit the task adds, and adds and adds :p I have the taskstatus "succeeded" on the activation field of some triggers and they work, don't know if they are mantained on teamswitch. I'll see
  6. Ok, we are on the right path. I made a tasks.sqf where I put the tasks; and added in the init.sqf onTeamSwitch {execVM "tasks.sqf";}; Now when I switch unit the tasks are still in display. But...If I delete the tasks from my briefing.sqf, they don't show for the first unit (default player) till I don't switch to another and go back to it. If I leave the tasks in the briefing.sqf, it starts ok, I have them if I switch but if I go back to the first unit, they are doubled :p Now I'm tinking about a command to set the tasks once at start and then onteamswitch. Suggestions?
  7. I can try this too. I wouldn't that assigning the tasks to the playable units makes them invisible to player.
  8. It's worth a try. Thank you very much. About tasks status, I forget it. Thank you again for remembering.
  9. Do I need OA to play? Or can I with Arma2 vanilla and listed mods? Thank you P.S. about the "banana phone": it's the creepy jingle you are forced to ear when jailed :p. Maybe the phone item is somehow related.
  10. Ok tried to point a rooftop and the plane bombs on the first run. The problem is the position of the shilka, too screened by trees. Even pointing at the top of the shilka turret is'nt enough. So no bombing for this mission :o, too much to change. I'll use the feature in a future project, Thank you
  11. Hi all, I read a lot of posts about laser designation. I have it working yet. But a problem remains. The aircraft I call by radio trigger fly over the target without bombing, then make a turn and bombs on the second run. I tried all insertion directions, set the waypoint as normal, fast or slow. Also the behavior from stealth to "fool" (don't know english version). The target is a Shilka and the plane never ends alive the second run. Some suggestion? Problem with the spot where I place the laser beam? (turret, hull, ground). Thank you very much
  12. Hi maturin thank you for the answer. It was my first doubt. But I tried setting the approach rout from everywhere. I light the target from the same position ever and the plane looks and make another run. I noticed that it choices ever the same rout to engage, and tried to set it as the first run. But the plane turns, and make another attempt from the same way. How much free LoS does it need to lock the target. The shilka is in a football camp in Bagango (map of Sahrani - Arma1 with Caa1 mod), and the city is surrounded by hills, but not from everywhere and the rout the plane choices passes over the hill where I point with the laser.
  13. puzzola

    Can I have two version of Arma2?

    Made some bench. In all 1.09 gives me some FPS more. I benched with stock Arma2 Bench mission, with ArmaMark 2.0 and with some missions made by myself on Chernarus. All with the same Armaconfig file. I gained about 4 FPS in most situations from 20 to 24 with gain in lowest and highest FPS. It's seams faster to load the game and the textures too. Only features worst in the absence of dust clouds around tanks when firing with the main gun and the realignement of the rifles after all shot (but this is more realisic).
  14. Hi, sorry for posting in two section. Does anyone know if I can have 2 Arma2 version installed. I would like 1.09 patch without overwriting my installation. Can I install again the game in another folder? What with registry keys and config files? Can I instead copy all the folder and files elsewhere and patch this copy. Please help me because I'm stuck with 1.05 having bugs and some performance drop with 1.08 and 1.07. Thank you.
  15. puzzola

    Can I have two version of Arma2?

    Made the first tests. 1.05 and 1.09 seams very similar in performance. Need some more test but maybe 1.09 have little less FPS but load a little faster. In 1.09 there are different shouts when reloading or throwing granades, fixed wing fly better but tanks don't recoil and don't have dust cloud when firing with the main cannon. Tanks are firmer when turning at speed. Some minor features better in 1.09 in menus. And about Xp32 bit or 7 64 bit, the grafic is better in 7. More light effect on surfaces, brighter colors. On 7 the game and maps load faster.
  16. puzzola

    Can I have two version of Arma2?

    I tried, now from "Arma Launcher" I can launch a version or the other. Not made performance test yet, but the tank recoil and dust cloud is still missing. Stay tuned ;)
  17. puzzola

    Can I have two version of Arma2?

    Interesting, I downloaded it now, but it seams a little complex. Maybe all the documentation is for other fuctions. But I use a launcher so I can create a path to use the Mod folder I have yet, right?
  18. puzzola

    Can I have two version of Arma2?

    Sounds good. I'll try and let you know. Thank you all.
  19. puzzola

    Can I have two version of Arma2?

    And so, if I don't like 1.09, can I cancel 1.09 folders and copy again 1.05 Pbos? Have I to change some other file like arma.exe, armaconfig or other to have 1.05 working again? Thank you very much
  20. puzzola

    Can I have two version of Arma2?

    Hi, thank you for answering. I have ArmA2 from the release and spent so much time to set it to run properly that I won't ruin it. I started playing it with satisfaction only in January. When I tried patch 1.07 and 1.08 I had some bug and loss in performance and had to reinstall to 1.05. So I would like to try 1.09 without overwriting my present installation. And then, I hate the loss of tank recoil and dust effect, but for some reason no one can tell me if BIS solved the issue.
  21. puzzola

    Can I have two version of Arma2?

    What? Can I start the same Arma2 installation as 1.05 or 1.09? How?
  22. Thank you all. And yes, I use Arma2 standalone for the same reasons listed in my previus post. Nothing about tank recoil and dust? I saw that in the dedicated post the argument is incomplete. Bye
  23. I see, but my rig does not agree. I like the game very much but for month I had to spent time to set it and now I'm scared to unbalance it. Any suggestion about XP 32 bit or Seven 64 bit? If you don't mind, can please highlight some improvement about FPS or grafic since 1.05. Thank you very much :) ---------- Post added at 06:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ---------- Another question: Can I play MP with someone with different version? I.e 1.05 with 1.09?
  24. Ok, I saw now they changed the specs in the Armaholic site. What can you tell me about the tank question? I tried 1.07 and 1.08 but performance decreased a bit so I reinstalled 1.05. I spent month to set ArmA2 well and saw no real improvement with newer patches. Something important I'm missing? I have an E6400 dual core 2,14 overclocked to 2,25 GPU Ati Radeon HD5670 1 gig DDR5 Xp pro 32 bit, 4 gig ram DDR3, Pbos on a dedicated HDD sorted by full path. The bottleneck is the CPU but I can play all maxed 1280x1024 (render 1600x1280) AA medium AF medium. Wiew distance 2600. FPS 20 for the most. I have Seven too and the grafic is a little better but with less FPS
  25. Does this beta include all changes from 1.05 realease? If I try this can I see the changes and improvement up to 1.09? Was the tank recoil and dust cloud restored?