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About Warky

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  1. Warky

    updates on the analogue throttle issue?

    Hi, ive followed this thread with some interest. I too have had some frustration myself with the joystick config, especially with helicopters. Im also using an x52 but believe my solution will work for any input device with some research. Essentially what I did was install glovepie and ppjoy (win 7 installation 64bit) created a virtual joystick, and then wrote a script that converted the positive and negative elements of an axis on the joystick to a single positive range between 0 and 1 on the virtual stick. I specified two virtual axis so that i could map an individual axis to both thrust and brake. http://glovepie.org/GlovePIEWithEmotiv043.zip http://drop.io/ppjoy0846testrelease/asset/ppjoysetup-0-8-4-6-exe/safe_download In ppjoy, create a virtual joystick, simply click add. In Parallel port select virtual joysticks then click add again. Now highlight the new stick entry and select mapping- set a custom mapping for controller. click next. Now I didnt worry too much about matching the saitek config exactly, I just specified two axis for the new stick, one z axis and one slider axis. no buttons, click next,next,next,finish. Done. Now launch glovepie, this is where your config could possibly differ to mine, depending on what controllers are plugged in etc but with some experimentation im sure youll work it out. Create a new file and write a script for the virtual joystick mapping to your controller. this is my script: var.z = (Joystick2.z) var.s = (Joystick2.slider) if (var.z < 0) then // z- axis var.vval = 0.5 - ((abs(var.z))/2) else if (var.z > 0) then // z+ axis var.vval = (var.z/2) + 0.5 else if var.z == 0 then var.vval = 0.5 endif if (var.s < 0) then // s- axis var.vval2 = 0.5 - ((abs(var.s))/2) else if (var.s > 0) then // s+ axis var.vval2 = (var.s/2) + 0.5 else if var.s == 0 then var.vval2 = 0.5 endif //assign virtual stick with calibrated positive values to single axis on virtual stick PPJoy1.Analog0 = var.vval PPJoy1.Analog1 = 1-var.vval2 //1-val, just to reverse direction of slider you can play with this script in glovepie and after selecting run, check the variables tab and watch their values as you move your controller to ensure that the correct axis is mapped etc. Then all I did in arma was to go into controls, disabled the x52 temporarily as it was seeing x52 axis before the ppjoy virtual stick, then i bound the axis as youd normally do - thrust (analoque) - moved the throttle and arma accepted the ppjoy mapping, I did the same for brake (mapped it to the slider on the throttle) then reenable the x52 controller . Done I now have full range on the throttle, Im still a crap pilot but this has helped me a hell of a lot. Hope this helps someone, Cheers.