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Posts posted by KEVINMGXP

  1. Hey! Got it working! Don't hate me, but all it was was that I had an extra }; between my lose1 and my win1 classes. Sorry to waste everyone's time. Major thanks to all of you who looked into it for me. I do appreciate it!

    hey mate, not sure if you know this already but here is a free tool which helps me a lot when I get malfunctions or errors with my editing.

    notepad++ -> http://notepad-plus-plus.org/

    normal when you doing something wrong in your scripting the game will give you an error box read it and look at the bottom of that box it will state what error you have and what is missing, and on the very end of the error it will say which exact line the error is occurring on.

    edit your file with notepad++ and it will give you the line numbers in the file so you can go strait to were the problem is, saved me a bunch of times a lot ;-)

    best of regards

  2. Sorry for digging this thread back up, but I'm trying to create a mission, and need this script for the first part of the mission, but it won't work.

    I'm brand new at this, and have next to no clue what I'm doing. So far, I've added the .sqf files to the mission folder, but am not sure what to do from there.

    I'm using a custom loadout for my diver:

    And the only way I've been able to get it to work is by deleting removeAllWeapons this;

    So why does removing the diver's original gun have anything to do with whether the script runs?

    Also, is there a way to not have my character yell out "there's a charge there!" for the doomed occupants of the boat to clearly hear? The whole point of this is to discretely place a charge on the bottom of a patrol boat, to set off later in the mission. And did anything come of being able to place the explosives from underneath the boat?

    Thanks for your patience!

    Not sure why your units load-out has anything to do with the interference of the script, my unit also has an entirely customized load out and it works just fine ;)

    my unit load-out

    removeAllWeapons RECON1; removeHeadgear RECON1; removevest RECON1; removeUniform RECON1; RECON1 addUniform "U_B_GhillieSuit"; RECON1 addWeapon "Laserdesignator"; RECON1 addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; RECON1 addvest "V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr"; RECON1 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"; RECON1 addWeapon "srifle_EBR_F"; RECON1 addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Hamr"; RECON1 addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B"; RECON1 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; RECON1 addItem "optic_Nightstalker"; RECON1 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"; RECON1 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"; RECON1 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"; RECON1 addMagazine "20Rnd_762x51_Mag"; RECON1 addmagazine "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"; RECON1 addmagazine "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"; RECON1 addmagazine "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag";

    the only thing you need to do to make it work is add a init.sqf to your mission folder and edit with notepad++ add the following code line to your inti.sqf

    waitUntil {time > 0};
    execVM "Scripts\EtV.sqf";
    waitUntil {!isNil "EtVInitialized"};
    [player] call EtV_Actions;

    place a folder named Scripts in your mission folder and put the EtV.sqf file provided by zooloo75 in that folder launch your mission and it should work on mission load I just tested it out. However bare in mind that it may depend on the vehicle you want to rig, some vehicles like AA armored units are not allowing you to rig it from behind only from the left right and front ...

    (additional note)

    the Scripts folder is not needed if you do not want to work that way "it is more my preferred way to set up my mission editing" because I just do not like to make a mess. You are able to place the EtV.sqf directly in your mission folder and remove the Scripts\ from the line execVM "Scripts\EtV.sqf"; in your init.sqf

    to zooloo75

    are you able to fix the following error?

    _illogic = group server createUnit ["logic", Position _explosive, [], 0, "FORM"];

    the error when using your script points to line 53 "code line above" in your provided EtV.sqf the error claims it is a bad variable ...

    disregard the last, it seems that modsaholic does not contain the last updated script (download the one from drop box) error free ;)

    best of regards

  3. 0

    When using an OBJECT as a task destination if the player does not know about the object then a destination will not show until his knowsAbout level becomes higher.

    To make the task destination show you have to pass in an array instead [object, true]. e.g

    [player, "tskDestroyOpfCOM", ["The enemy has a communication tower North West of Galati which needs to be destroyed, it is advised to do this prior to the destruction of the enemy Anti Air Defenses.","Destroy the Com tower!", "Enemy communication tower!"], [color="#FF0000"][OpfCOM, true][/color], true, 1] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

    Although this does not raise the players knowsAbout of the object it forces the task destination to display exactly at this objects position regardless.


    The priority of tasks is highest number first. As you have "tskDestroyOpfCOM" set to true for assign as current task this will come first but once this is complete the next highest priority is "tskDestroyOpfAIR" as it is set to 3 which is higher than "tskDestroyOpfAA" which is set to 2.


    Fixed Tasks

    [player, "tskDestroyOpfAIR", ["Enemy Air Support may give us trouble when not dealt with it accordingly you need to be destroy it before we send in our main force","Destroy the Air cover!", "Enemy Air support!"], [color="#FF0000"][OpfAIR, true][/color], false,[color="#FF0000"] 2[/color]] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "tskDestroyOpfAA", ["The enemy Anti Air Defense need to be destroyed, our bird spotted it in the vicinity of the small enemy base","Destroy the AA Defense!", "Enemy Anti Air site!"], [color="#FF0000"][OpfAA, true][/color], false, [color="#FF0000"]3[/color]] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "tskDestroyOpfCOM", ["The enemy has a communication tower North West of Galati which needs to be destroyed, it is advised to do this prior to the destruction of the enemy Anti Air Defenses.","Destroy the Com tower!", "Enemy communication tower!"], [color="#FF0000"][OpfCOM, true][/color], true, 1] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

    I knew it would be something very simple :rolleyes: So if I understand correctly if I use objects as tasks destination I need to put an array which will point exactly towards that object like you are showing here. For the task order it is higher number is higher priority so i just got that one completely wrong I thought it was the other way around "stupid me :p"

    I am enormously grateful for this, this helps me out a ton.

    Now another question is if all 3 targets are down which array do i need to make to create a new task, I mean what line do I put in the init,sqf as a 4th task which will only will be created if all 3 targets are destroyed?

    I have now a 4th trigger i want to sychronise this trigger with a ghost hawk which will then need to drop off the rest of the team after all the tasks are destroyed ...

    in the condition box I have this:

    !(alive OpfCOM) && !(alive OpfAA) && !(alive OpfAIR)

    what do i need to put in the on activation and which kind of array do i need to place in my init.sqf so the task wont show unless those 3 targets are destroyed?

    what I want to do is to make some kind of trigger which will pop up a new task to wait and hold my position till the rest of the team arrives, this task will need to complete when the ghost hawk dropped of the entire team and the team joined with me or something in that line ..

    best of regards

  4. I would HIGHLY recommend having a look at the following task manager:


    It's a task manager called TaskMaster 2, created by Shuko

    It's a lifesaving tool that has helped me many many times, and it will probably be easier than building it yourself. It may take a bit of time to implement it, but it's worth it!

    If you need any help in using it, let me know!

    Ill take a look at it and hopefully it will work for me ...

  5. Hi,

    I seem to have a problem with my task markers which are not showing up correctly on the map, I will try to explain here what I actually want to do.

    In arma 2 you could for as far as I know just put up an invisible marker and name it if you put the same name in the init.sqf it would actually show up on the map or at least that is how I understand how it works so i thought that it would work in a similar way when you actually use a actual target in arma3, or at least that how I think it should logically work. I know a little basics. But I am sure that I am doing something wrong along the way ...

    Anyway this mission will start of as a lone wolf where you need to infiltrate an enemy occupied zone and take out 3 targets to start ...

    I have 3 tasks which are:

    1: destroying a communication tower.

    2: Destroying a mobile AA armor unit.

    3: Destroying the enemy air power in the operation area, which is grounded for now.

    4: the 4th trigger is meant to trigger a friendly hello drop where the rest of your team will be inserted after all 3 targets are taken out, the plan is to let that trigger do the following

    * A hello insertion of the rest of your team accompanied and supported by a gunship ..

    * it will need to create a new task to inform the player to hide and wait for reinforcements, for the time being the player will need to survive till the friendly gun ship will help you out and the rest of your team will be dropped of to help you and clear the enemy bases ...

    * the 4th task will be complete when your team joins up with you and a new task has to be created to secure the area of enemy presence to gain a stronger foothold on altis ...

    this will be the first mission of the little campaign I am working on so any help would be appreciated ;)

    for now the tasks look like this ..

    [player, "tskDestroyOpfAIR", ["Enemy Air Support may give us trouble when not dealt with it accordingly you need to be destroy it before we send in our main force","Destroy the Air cover!", "Enemy Air support!"], OpfAIR, false, 3] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "tskDestroyOpfAA", ["The enemy Anti Air Defense need to be destroyed, our bird spotted it in the vicinity of the small enemy base","Destroy the AA Defense!", "Enemy Anti Air site!"], OpfAA, false, 2] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "tskDestroyOpfCOM", ["The enemy has a communication tower North West of Galati which needs to be destroyed, it is advised to do this prior to the destruction of the enemy Anti Air Defenses.","Destroy the Com tower!", "Enemy communication tower!"], OpfCOM, true, 1] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

    I've putted 4 triggers 3 of them are supposed to check up with the above tasks code which will pop a task succeeded "this works to a certain degree" when the targets are destroyed. the 4th trigger needs to trigger when the 3 targets are taken out. I will need to link most likely another trigger to the 4th trigger later on which will then create a new task and synchronize that trigger with a gun ship and a ghost hawk to insert the rest of my team. but I am encountering some problems with the current tasks and markers which are not showing up on the map when you have some distance towards those targets, so there is no indication for the player what so ever where to go.

    I can place individual markers on the map to guide the player to this targets but I rather don't want to do it like that, I had hoped that when I did it like this that the player will just see a marker pop up in game with the distance to its target like it was in arma 2, "and it does but only of you are close enough to the targets".

    So in fact it works but not when you have a huge distance from the targets ...

    secondly the task order seems to be screwed for some reason when I destroy the first target which is the com tower the task order shifts to the 3th target while it needs to go from 1 to 2 it goes from 1 to 3 ...

    if anyone knows whatever what I am doing wrong and can help me in the right direction to solve this then it will be certainly appreciated from my end...

    thanks for the help in advance.

  6. @LiquitHQ

    Did you read my post just above yours? ;)


    yeah sorry that I referred to you former post :p ... I only just hope the devs pick this up as it starts to piss me off :cool: "not really" anyway I just can't release a mission with the intend to go in black op with the solo purpose to have a low profile and being spotted every single try out of the mission, people will get rather frustrated then entertained if you ask me and that is about the point. Anyway I see a good lot of reports already plus the comments here, I only hope the devs will see the importance of this and find some solutions in the near future...

    as it stands now: The only blackop mission I see succeeding now is one where you are not allowed to engage the enemy at all :p

    eg. steal the car at night wo being spotted or something "rofl"

    best of regards

  7. Try todays dev build (1.03.110218)! I noticed several AI improvements and enemy are no longer acting like all-seeing-terminators but instead they acted very "convinsing" when engaged from consealed position.

    I tried it and so far I can not agree with this, they still act surprisingly all knowing while they should not be able to do that.

    The planned mission that I am developing will be in a very dark environment (this is supposed to be for both the enemy as for the player and his team) not all the enemy's will have NVG's. The mission will simulate a deep recon where the enemy thinks they are safe. The player will have a team of 5, every single unit is stripped from their standard gear and geared up as I think they are supposed to be geared up for this mission.

    Unit setup:

    1: The leader will be a recon marksman, he will be issued with a chillie suit a ABR marksman rifle with ACC silencer 7.82 and 2 scopes, one Nightstalker for the night operation and one RCO for when it is needed in closer combat situations plus a IR attachment, he will have 6 ammo clips 2 demo charges and one slam mine, a smoke grenade 2 regular grenades and one green chem light a laser designator, he will be issued a NVG but this will malfunction at a certain point so it will be unusable. the player will need to use hes scope or hes LD to see the enemy, this will cause the player to slow down and use a more carefully approach to reach the main target. (or that is at least what this setup is meant to do)

    2: Then we have a AR which will carry a mk200 also silenced with a MRCO and IR attachment. he will have 3 ammo clips at hes disposal and a functunal NVG.

    3: You have also a Combat life saver he will carry the mk20 also silenced als caring a MRCO and IR attachment 6 ammo clips and a functional NVG as he is the CLS he will be able to heal the squad members.

    4: then we will have the AT specialist which will carry the mk20 silenced with the MRCO and IR attachment and 5 ammo clips he will also carry a MPRL compact with 2 AT missiles, he will also have a functional NVG

    5: as last we have a Demo specialist who is carrying the MX 3gl also silenced with a RCO scope and a IR attachment he will have a PMCL launcher with 1 rocket a backpack with 2 demo charges and 1 slam mine and he will also have

    some GL grenades.

    Looking at the gear you will see that each and one of them are equipped with silencers besides the leader they will have NVG's to keep the player a bit updated what is around him, however it will still be difficult for the player to maneuver freely across towards the main target, i tested it out on several occasions and it is doable as long if you do not engage the enemy but their is also a sort of a time frame, the missions target is a convoy which will be in route towards an enemy base, the player and hes team must stop the convoy at a designated target.

    the player will have the gear shown above plus an arti unit available to do it.

    The observation point is just above a little guard post where the player can set hes team up to engage the enemy, best is that the player tries to take out the few guards plant some charges to stop the convoy and keep it at bay, then call in the artillery to finish the job together with the AT launchers pointed to the armor.

    The enemy has several camps around the operation area, some are upon hills where the player can clearly see their body's ricochets, but they will not see yours as you are on lower ground. The player can try to avoid these guards patrolling but this will cost the player a lot of time and the player will only have around 20 minutes to reach the target.

    I want the player to feel this pressure, the problem with this is when you take out some of the patrols to make some room to maneuver freely towards the main target, the guards upon the hills are alerted and will know where the player and hes team is situated very fast. they will kill at point blank no suppression no searching nor popping smoke, I mean the mission will be called Pitch Black but this does not mean that all the enemy AI needs to act like they all have special eyes like Riddick :p ..

    I play on veteran, with no third person. besides this I keep everything at standard eg. ai skills etc ..

    facts are:

    * The enemy does not spot you instantly (when not carrying nvg's) at night if you try to approach with a low profile, so this is not the problem and seems to work like it needs to work.

    * I can approach the enemy upon less then lets say 3 to 4 meters without them knowing that I am there, AS LONG THAT I DO NOT ENGAGE THEM) and then whole the area seems to know about me if I do engage (which is normal if you make a shitty approach but when executed perfectly eg. silent take out then this does not seem normal ...

    * the enemy knows about you when you eliminate a target to mask your presence (at night with silenced weapons) even at day time this should be questionable if the enemy or enemy's are taken out, away from another enemy unit they should not be able to know about your presence at all "unless they find the body".

    * the enemy "when they know about you" pin points you shoots at your direction and kills you like they have (lets say special abilities)

    Now do not get me wrong, I do like Arma3 and all previous tittles. But the AI reacts a little to all knowing at the moment and I only hope bis will address the issue soon, for me this is one of the main issues which are a bit irritating and game braking for such night operations and it holds me back to continue my work tbh .....

    best of regards.

  8. I find this incredibly frustrating as well. These issues in particular.

    Frustrating is maybe a little bit over the top but in some situations it can be annoying especially if you shoos to approach as silent as possible and you still get overwhelmed by the enemy :p

    It's possible to get around some of the issues using scripts, but it's no substitute for a proper solution.

    This I will test out in a moment, I only hope the enemy will still react when I start to order artillery drops on the main target doh :p, but on the other hand if it works it will be a solution without mods

    thanks in advance

    best of regards

  9. Well, if you can see them they can see you.

    They should not be able to see me when they are upon the hill, I and my team are down bellow with no light ricochets in my back so in a night situation I would be in an advantage, they should not be able to see me that clearly, and as a matter of a fact they don't. They are not spotting me because they see me, they are only aware of me when I or one of my team members starts shooting at the enemy with silent weapons.

    If I order my team members to target the enemy eg. a group of 3 (not carrying nvg's) and target each and every member of that group and open up only on them they should not be able to alert the enemy further up in a instant, this is totally not what the mission is intended to do if you execute your approach properly ...

    Can you see them without NVG ?

    Hardly tbh if I remove my nvg and my teams nvg's I need to be very very carefully where I go and watch every step or I even dare to bump upon them like less then 2 meters and they don't even spot me then (happened several times whilst I was testing the environment out) this is if I keep my fingers of the trigger, till the point like said when I open up on them, and then all the camps are alerted and that doesn't sound normal for me. ...

    If I put them down before they can alert someone the other camps should not be alerted at all ...

    best of regards

  10. just a tiny concern, this may already be covered a couple of times however I am trying to make a night operation mission (black ops) after few hours of testing all the enemy positions it seems that they alert each other very rapidly, which is kinda weird... eg. one foot soldier is getting under fire, (weapon is equipped with silencer btw and I even removed the NVG's of the enemy to see if that was the problem) not sure but when under fire and shot down after a double tab "and even when you keep the enemy highly suppressed with no cover what so ever" I am not sure if a soldier will be able to alert friendlies 200m up on a other hill, will this be addressed in the future, its kinda game breaking for covert operations :s ....

    any clue where it stand that the AI detection will be addressed? It holds me a little bit back tbh on the development of my missions ....

    btw: this is on vanilla 1.00.109911

    best of regards

  11. I like to use it this way because I do not like to have to many waypoints on my map.

    Personally I find it a bit messy when I use to much waypoints so I like to narrow it down as much as it is humanly possible, I like to work this way because it works faster eg. if something is going wrong I only need to address only a few waypoints to correct it.

    Also the use of usps -> "ultra simple patrol script" mixed with this helps to narrow down the waypoints. this uses a spawn marker and a patrol marker to set it up, actually pretty nice to work with in a certain area where you want the enemy or even friendly units to patrol, and it makes the whole lot even more random, anyway when I try to develop a mission I try to focus on the replay-ability of my missions.

    I still need to figure out a lot of stuff doh this was one of them, and so far it looks like it works perfectly for what I want to achieve ;-)

    best of regards

  12. For those that are interested I was using this example back in Arma2 not sure where I got the info from doh I am not exactly a scripting guru :p anyway I am basically testing various codes again to make the enemy act more like guards around a campfire and make them only react when it is needed, thus keep them at bay till they need to react ... this will be most likely not the most perfect way to do it however I am trying to find a way to make my mission work and let the AI react is a certain way. If anyone knows a better way feel free to add advice, am using this at several enemy camps on my current mission development where some units are placed at the campfire.

    I thought maybe it is a good id to share this for those that can put it to use ...

    Campfire guards:


    1: Place a campfire on the map: (in theory this can be don from any other empty object "correct me if I am wrong...")


    In the Initialization box:

    FenceProne = {_unit = _this select 0; _trig = _this select 1; _uPos = unitPos _unit; if(_uPos != "DOWN" && !isPlayer _unit)then{_unit setUnitPos "DOWN"; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; sleep 1; _unit enableAI "MOVE"; waitUntil{!(_unit in (list _trig))}; _unit setUnitPos _uPos}}

    2: Place a trigger on the map:


    axis a: 1e+007

    axis b: 1e+007

    In the text box: Break Safe

    In the Condition box:

    {behaviour _X != "SAFE"} count thislist > 0

    In the Initialization box:

    {_X doFollow (leader group _X); _X doWatch objNull} forEach thislist

    press ok for now.

    3: Place a group of 3 units on the map: (you can make the group as large as you want ...)


    Group leader: stance will be up ...

    In the Condition box:

    doStop this; this doWatch (this modelToWorld [0,30,0]);

    Second unit: stance will be kneeled ...

    In the Condition box:

    doStop this; this doWatch (this modelToWorld [0,30,0]); kneel = this spawn {_this setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; _this setBehaviour "SAFE"; waitUntil{behaviour _this != "SAFE"}; _this setUnitPos "AUTO"; _this doFollow _this};

    third unit: stance will be sitting ...

    In the Condition box:

    doStop this; this doWatch (this modelToWorld [0,30,0]); sit = this spawn {_this disableAI "ANIM"; _this action ["SITDOWN",_this]; _this setBehaviour "SAFE"; waitUntil{behaviour _this != "SAFE"}; _this enableAI "ANIM"; _this doFollow _this};

    4: Back to the trigger:


    Now group the Lead unit with the trigger, open the trigger and set ...

    ACTIVATION: to whole group

    5: Waypoints:


    Best is to place the first waypoint directly on top of the group leader, press F4 waypoints and double click on the group leader the first waypoint needs to be a move waypoint.

    6: Synchronize:


    Now synchronize the trigger with the first move waypoint.

    7: Finish in touch:


    Now in this example I will use this group as a crew for a vehicle, lets say a "BTR-K" place such an empty BTR on the map, for example 2 meters from where the group is sitting and place a second waypoint getin nearest right next to the vehicle,

    place a third waypoint a while further and put this next code in the on act box:

    in the on act box:

    nul=[group this, position this, 100] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

    the above code will give the unit a patrol area radius 100 which should be random ...

    now to test this place your self somewhere safe take a few pot shots at the group and if it all works out correctly they will get alerted. they will get in the BTR and start patrolling the area ....

    You can experiment with this in several ways, place other patrols on the map eather by a certain script provided by the community or just use other groups with a move waypoint and use the bis_fnc_taskpatrol code in the on act box to trigger a patrol route.

    Best of regards

    ---------- Post added at 10:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------

    ps: I will see to it that I add a template later on so for those that want to use it can just copy and paste it into their own mission ;-)

    ---------- Post added 09-19-2013 at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was 09-18-2013 at 10:07 PM ----------

    link to template: http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/452377/Campfire-Guarding-Template-zip.html

    Known issues:

    1: In some occasions, while you clearly engaging the enemy one group seems to get alerted pretty instantly while the other one stays at safe.

    2: When you go in with silent weapons and take out an enemy eg. "black op mission" the enemy still seems to know you're whereabouts (this also happens when you take out a single enemy who is patrolling on hes own ...)

    I do not think in both situations that this happens because of the syntaxes but merely because how the game reacts at the moment ...

    best of regards

  13. Your init fields make no sense, take that out. You are also using BIS_fnc_taskCreate incorrectly in many cases. Instead of nil you should replace that with the object of your targets. Same for the "marker" field, keep that short. Also c1 - c5 are confusing and meaningless variables, use ones that make sense. Same with your task names.

    I used c1 to c5 because I kept the vehicle names from the convoy script of norrin but it also seems to work when i changed the target names, I just dint want to mess with the core setups of the convoy script ;-)

    [player, "tskAlpha", ["Discription needs to be put in","Objective Alpha.", ""], nil, true, 6] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;  // The true sets this as the currently assigned task
    [player, "tskDestroyLeadCar", ["Discription needs to be put in","Take out the lead car!", "Lead car"], leadCar, false, 1] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "tskDestroyT100", ["Discription needs to be put in","Destroy the T-100!", "T-100"], t100, false, 2] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "tskDestroyTransport", ["Discription needs to be put in","Eliminate the transport!", "Transport"], vehTransport, false, 3] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "tskDestroyMSE3", ["Discription needs to be put in","Destroy the MSE-3!", "MSE-3"], mse3, false, 4] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "tskDestroyS29", ["Discription needs to be put in","Destroy the 2S9!", "2S9"], veh2s9, false, 5] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; // object names can't start with a number, so veh2s9 instead of 2s9

    That means nothing to someone trying to figure out what you're doing, but using proper varible names it's clear what you were trying to do:

    Much more clear what you were intending.

    thanks for the advice I hope Ive don it all correctly now I changed the triggers to meet the init.sqf changes and everything seems to work, also you are right the task complete looks more professional this way and more clear, however I have a question doh. I have a hidden markers pointing towards objective Alpha, objective Bravo and objective Charlie named tskAlpha, tskBravo and tskCharlie which are the main objectives but for some reason the markers are not showing up on the preview ... Do I forget something in the init.sqf code for the tasks that points to the main objectives markers?

    on a side note: I have also problems with removing the NVG's I tried to look for a solution on the internet but no luck so far I am using the code:

    this unassignItem "NVGoggles"; this removeItem "NVGoggles";

    the strange part is that the above code works perfectly on the bluefor side but not on the opfor csat side, are the NVG's class names of the opfor named differently? and if so does anyone know the exact class name, googling it dint help me so far, the thing is I do not want to remove all the NVG's on the opfor side only on some units.

    Anyway thanks in advance ...

    best of regards

  14. Is there any chance a BI rep could post on here to explain exactly their thoughts/plans on this please?

    It is clearly stated that official info will be released about this later on, however If you read correctly then I have to think it will be more in the line what Kerc Kasha said.

    This thread is a massive misinterpretation - all that line was about was that BI would ask a mod maker if they would want to make a paid-dlc out of their work, this isn't the first time this has happened. The czech DLC for arma 2 was made mostly by a mod team.

    This isn't BI allowing people to sell their mods - it's simply picking up content and making it official content, not something the mod maker themselves decides to do (well other than accepting BI's offer)

    Now personally I am not sure how this will evolve, I also purchased every part of Arma2 including the czech dlc and although the last DLC had a lot of potential the campaign and certain content are not working properly. I am not one that likes to complain doh, but just saying, out of everything I have from bohemia interactive they kept supporting their releases but not the czech dlc's, looking at the czech dlc I am not sure of this.

    I mean if they want to push this trough I hope that they will take some serious concerns to the supporting part after release of that particular content, if the content released has some errors who is going to address it if the author does not follow up on it? Besides that I am also curious how this will turn out towards the larger part of the community?

    I will quote the same biggest concern I have on that part ...

    Gnat;2503832']Biggest concern (among many) is that the Addon makers community(s) will basically implode' date=' because those people who understand the BIS technology and make mods will cease to support the community, as it becomes a competitive environment.[/quote']

    I am not saying NO, firstly because we do not have all the info. Secondly "and most likely the most important part" I nor anyone else will have a direct saying into this anyway, I will keep an open mind towards it, I only can hope that this will not backfire towards the community, I also hope they will take some consideration from the community before they decide but I do not get my hopes up to hard on that part. In the end this is a business and they need to keep it running ...

    Gnat;2503832']Commercial imperatives take over :(

    This concerns me even a bit more tbh ...

    best of regards

  15. Hey Larrow,

    already thanks to take the trouble to answer the question. tbh I know how to do all this in arma2 because someone told me how to do it, after a while I just got used how I needed to do this kind of stuff and now I need to learn it again so it seems :p, anyway pointing to the first part init.sqf the code would look like this if I am correct?

    [player, "task0", ["Discription needs to be put in","Objective Alpha.", "Objective Alpha."], nil, true, 6] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task1", ["Discription needs to be put in","Take out the lead car!", "Take out the lead car!"], nil, false, 1] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task2", ["Discription needs to be put in","Destroy the T-100!", "Destroy the T-100!"], nil, false, 2] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task3", ["Discription needs to be put in","Eliminate the transport!", "Eliminate the transport!"], nil, false, 3] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task4", ["Discription needs to be put in","Destroy the MSE-3!", "Destroy the MSE-3!"], nil, false, 4] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task5", ["Discription needs to be put in","Detroy the 2S9!", "Detroy the 2S9!"], nil, false, 5] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

    the code above here seems to work, objective alpha is set as current task so this works, now I will need to figure out the rest, one thing I am wondering ...

    is !(alive c1) still working the same way? do I still need to work this trough with triggers like this

    Condition: !(alive c1)
    On Act: _nul = [] execVM "c1.sqf";

    or is this also don differently?

    best of regards ...

    ---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

    never mind the last part :p I got it to work if I look at this this works a lot more easy then in the past ;-)

    for those that need to know how its simple ...

    name your targets eg. c1 - c2 - c3 - c4 - c5

    in the field initialization of every unit put:

    !(alive c1)
    !(alive c2)
    !(alive c3)
    !(alive c4)
    !(alive c5)

    put this in the init.sqf

    [player, "task0", ["Discription needs to be put in","Objective Alpha.", "Objective Alpha."], nil, true, 6] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task1", ["Discription needs to be put in","Take out the lead car!", "Take out the lead car!"], nil, false, 1] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task2", ["Discription needs to be put in","Destroy the T-100!", "Destroy the T-100!"], nil, false, 2] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task3", ["Discription needs to be put in","Eliminate the transport!", "Eliminate the transport!"], nil, false, 3] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task4", ["Discription needs to be put in","Destroy the MSE-3!", "Destroy the MSE-3!"], nil, false, 4] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    [player, "task5", ["Discription needs to be put in","Detroy the 2S9!", "Detroy the 2S9!"], nil, false, 5] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

    place 6 triggers on the map

    axis a to 0

    axis b to 0

    in the condition: !(alive c1)
    in the on act: ["task1", "SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

    do the above for every unit that needs to be destroyed c1 c2 c3 c4 c5

    then for the final trigger task 0

    in the condition: !(alive c1) && !(alive c2) && !(alive c3) && !(alive c4) && !(alive c5)
    in the on act: ["task0", "SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

    task0 will only trigger when c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 are taken out

    thanks for the info case closed ;-)

    best of regards

  16. Hi all,

    As soon that the final release of arma came out I started to work on my planned missions for it, however I seem to be stuck to create my mission objectives and tasks in the old fashion arma2 way. As supposed I created a Init.sqf with the following task codes ...

    task0 = player createSimpleTask ["Objective Alpha."];
    task0 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Discription needs to be put in","Objective Alpha.", "Objective Alpha."];
    player setCurrentTask task0;
    task1 = player createSimpleTask ["Take out the lead car!"];
    task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Discription needs to be put in", "Take out the lead car!", "Take out the lead car!"];
    task2 = player createSimpleTask ["Destroy the T-100!"];
    task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Discription needs to be put in", "Destroy the T-100!", "Destroy the T-100!"];
    task3 = player createSimpleTask ["Eliminate the transport!"];
    task3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Discription needs to be put in", "Eliminate the transport!", "Eliminate the transport!"];
    task4 = player createSimpleTask ["Destroy the MSE-3!"];
    task4 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Discription needs to be put in", "Destroy the MSE-3!", "Destroy the MSE-3!"];
    task5 = player createSimpleTask ["Detroy the 2S9!"];
    task5 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Discription needs to be put in", "Detroy the 2S9!", "Detroy the 2S9!"];

    also in the mission folder I made 6 separate sqf files which need to refer to the above tasks.

    task0: is the main objective alpha which will succeed when all other tasks (task1 to task5) are met....

    task0 settaskstate "SUCCEEDED";
    _nul=[objNull, ObjNull, task0, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

    tasks to complete:

    task1 settaskstate "SUCCEEDED";
    _nul=[objNull, ObjNull, task1, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

    task2 settaskstate "SUCCEEDED";
    _nul=[objNull, ObjNull, task2, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

    task3 settaskstate "SUCCEEDED";
    _nul=[objNull, ObjNull, task3, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

    task4 settaskstate "SUCCEEDED";
    _nul=[objNull, ObjNull, task4, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

    task5 settaskstate "SUCCEEDED";
    _nul=[objNull, ObjNull, task5, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

    In the mission editor I made triggers referring to the above sqf files ...

    c1 trigger

    Condition: !(alive c1)
    On Act: _nul = [] execVM "c1.sqf";

    c2 trigger

    Condition: !(alive c2)
    On Act: _nul = [] execVM "c2.sqf";

    c3 trigger

    Condition: !(alive c3)
    On Act: _nul = [] execVM "c3.sqf";

    c4 trigger

    Condition: !(alive c4)
    On Act: _nul = [] execVM "c4.sqf";

    c5 trigger

    Condition: !(alive c5)
    On Act: _nul = [] execVM "c3.sqf";

    task0 trigger ( this is the one that is meant to end Objective alpha )

    Condition: !(alive c1) && !(alive c2) && !(alive c3) && !(alive c4) && !(alive c5)
    On Act: _nul = [] execVM "task0.sqf";

    the above still seem to work to a curtain degree, it seems to detect that the targets are destroyed however the taskHint.sqf is not recognized anymore in the game, is this been changed, and if so in what is this been changed? or do I need to make this my self, It is most likely that I forgot something along the way as it is been a while that I did some mission editing ...

    best of regards ...

  17. D'aaah... I'm trying to use this in a mission that involves you as a guerilla ambushing Takistani Army troops. But, I can't even get the convoy to get rolling.

    Pls halp.

    It depends How many pos markers do you have set up and how close are they to each other on the map?

    For starters: your mission folder needs to look like this ....


    If you have more position markers on the map where the convoy need to move trough then you need to edit your init.sqf, open up the init.sqf with some text editor, I personally like to use notepad++

    // Code for convoy defend script
    if (isServer) then
    [["pos1","pos2","pos3","pos4","pos5","pos6"],[c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6]] execVM "convoyDefend\convoyDefend_init.sqf";

    If you added vehicles and pos markers on the map you need to edit the above file eg.

    // Code for convoy defend script
    if (isServer) then
    [["pos1","pos2","pos3","pos4","pos5","pos6","pos7","pos8","pos9"],[c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8]] execVM "convoyDefend\convoyDefend_init.sqf";

    Also, it is best to make sure that your convoy vehicles are correctly placed on the map eg.

    c1 first then c2 and then c3 and this about 40 meters apart, to check if the convoy passes correctly trough the markers you can eater test it by riding with them in a cargo spot or by placing a trigger like this.

    place a trigger make it around 100 radius or something activated by the side you are on and put in the activation box

    hint "checkpoint 001"

    you can shoos to set several triggers like this to check out the route to see if the convoy correctly passes all the pos markers ...

    best of regards

  18. ... what? 30 milliseconds per frame equals 30 fps. Doesn't it?

    I don't think it is the same, I am not tremendously good in calculations, however I found this. If your movie is 30 frames per second, then a frame is 1/30th of a second, or 33.33 milliseconds. If your movie is 24 frames per second, then a frame is 1/24th of a second, or 41.66 milliseconds. I thought I found some kind of calculator for it online but it seems to calculate metre/second and foot/second in stead of frames per seconds and milliseconds. But if I am correct if you take the former rule and just put in google like this 1/28 of a second it will give you an exact calculation in the search engine like this -> (1/28) * (1 second) = 35.7142857 milliseconds ..

    best of regards

  19. holy shit!!!! 4 pages and the solution is in the first posting: the thread starter has an old dualcore processor. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. Pleas god give brain :p

    lol overlooked that one, :Oo: rofl launched at Q1.10 :banghead: http://ark.intel.com/products/43546/ no wonder if he cant run A3 properly, anyway in that case I have but one suggestion, @OP you better buy a new cpu and while you are at it, check performance tested with Arma3 alpha on cpu's on this forum to make sure you make the right decision before you rush to the shop http://forums.anandtech.com/showpost.php?p=34719486&postcount=4 ....

    you can go for an Intel Core i5-3570k to i7-4770k depending on your budged ... wich will range between the $195,00 and $184,00 to $303.00 however you can maybe get your hands on a intel I5 2500k which will cost you around $213.00, these prizes are all Recommended Customer Prizes and may vary depending to the store, also when you change your cpu make sure your're power source is still up to it so don't forget to ask your're manufacturer if the power source you have still suffice with the upgrade you will make ...

    If you want to know for sure if I give you the right solution you may want to run this tool http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/ you need to give permission to let the tool check your system it will compare what you have with the minimum optimization and maximum optimization given by the game developer to run the game. Bellow the checkup you do there you will find the recommendations that you will need to optimize your system properly ;-)

    hope it helps ...

    best of regards

  20. was wondering this too. Is archo packing an IBM Winchester only marginally younger than me? :)

    well it will not be that old but if it is already used a lot he may have some problems with hes system cache, pagefile or superfetch, the RAM memory chips in his computer may be fast, but they wont hold enough to do everything the computer needs to do, so the overflow that the RAM chips can’t support gets sent to the hard drive, a certain portion of his hard drive literally, about 1% maybe even less needs to be reserved for this to function. If his personal data begins encroaching on this space that is reserved for system files prefetch or cache, then hes computer will most certainly get slower and slower very noticeably.

    Unless I am mistaking Arma games are hard for processing and if the files are been read slow it may also process troubles for his FPS performance. although I may be mistaken but I had troubles too in the past with read performance, changed my hdd and problem was solved ...

    anyway if he cant setup the game properly and has a lot of fps issues and all of hes hardware is up to date then I guess the only thing that is left to do is go to his computer manufacturer or somebody that has the knowledge to check hes pc out to look what can be don to solve it, as he already stated other games run properly but other games are not arma :) ...

    best of regards

  21. I would do that, but temperatures should be in normal areas, and there isn't exactly too much dirt in my PC, I take some care of it you know.

    I've even run apps that monitor heat ingame in real time and it was at fairly normal levels.

    I don't believe it has ever raised above normal temperatures.

    If thats not the case which HDD do you use? how old is it and how fast does it read as this is also important, tbh if the hardware isnt heating and nothing else is wrong the only thing i can think of is that something is bottlenecked and the only thing I can think of now is your HDD ....

    (also what are your expectations?)

    I mean if you expect to run A3 at 60 fps I am surely you are going to be disappointed I mean this is rarely seen, if you run arma games at 30 to 40 fps then you are actually running the game well if you ask me ...

    best of regards

  22. I'm still waiting for suggestions.

    Stop trolling my topic and flooding it with posts that will need to be removed later on. I also await a long time dev to shed some light on the engine, because my information comes mainly from old posts from devs and new posts from devs regarding Arma 3 AI.

    I already suggested several stuff in my former post, I also added my system information if the game doesn't run properly I suggest you clean out your pc, place extra coolers install a heat controller to check your heat sources so you know what kind of coolers you will need, I can run the games well normally you should be able to do that also unless something is bottlenecked ....

    best of regards

  23. You're going offtopic,

    No we are not, you are talking about engine performance, claiming that the vr engine is not a good engine and bis needs to step up and make a new engine of their own. thus you claim that it is not their engine and all the information we can find on the vr engine points to only one manufacturer only and that is BIS, if there was another party involved I bet we would of known it already ages aggo ....

    No one is going to side on this claim unless you give us some actual indication that this is true or a dev would side you on this.

    and still this isnt off topic mate ;-) read your own posts ...

    best of regards
