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Everything posted by KEVINMGXP


    Uniform Configs

    Not sure what you mean with Do you just make them, but when you are writing configs or scripts for arma games they actually already exist within the game code of Bohemia interactive or at least that is what I understand from it. I am also fairly new to this but from what I have learned so far to write one from scratch the best you do is use Notepad++ , if you do not have it already follow this link -> http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ I think most of the configurations and scriptwriters will agree that you at least need this tool to do some decent coding for arma games. Notepadd ++ Screens The good part is that this tool is for free! not only that but when you do something wrong in arma you will get an error and arma will point you to the line where the malfunction occurs when you open your config in notpad++ the lines you have in there will have numbers this will help you to spot issues much faster ;-) now when writing a new config.ccp it is best to make a blank one to start with and try to follow and learn what others do. Open notepad++ make a new file and save it blank set the box Save as to -> All Types (*.*) and save it to config.ccp and you will have a blank config for arma to start with. When you want to edit the file just right click it and then open it with notepadd++ you will not have to set it to readable .txt extension anymore ;-) Most of the configs are don by learning how others are doing it, I got my config started just like you after someone actually gave me an example and I went from there. The last issue I had is finally solved trough the help from surpher. I believe that you can config everything from within the config.ccp but I like to separate the unit configs from the weapons and gear with .hpp files which are being read directly within the config.ccp but this is just how I prefer to do it ;-) Config.cpp the only thing I use this for is to difine my factions and sub classes for the editor like this on the end of the config.ccp I ask it to include CfgVehicles.hpp and CfgWeapons.hpp which will be read on addon load ... // config.ccp #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define true 1 #define false 0 enum { // = 2, // Error parsing: Empty enum name DESTRUCTENGINE = 2, DESTRUCTDEFAULT = 6, DESTRUCTWRECK = 7, DESTRUCTTREE = 3, DESTRUCTTENT = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISX = 1, STABILIZEDINAXESXYZ = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISY = 2, STABILIZEDINAXESBOTH = 3, DESTRUCTNO = 0, STABILIZEDINAXESNONE = 0, DESTRUCTMAN = 5, DESTRUCTBUILDING = 1, }; class CfgPatches { class gup_usmc_characters { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F","A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR"}; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class USMC_Faction { displayName = "USMC"; priority = 3; side = TWest; icon = "\gup_core\icons\usmc.paa"; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class usmc_marines { displayName = "Men"; }; class usmc_divers { displayName = "Men (Divers)"; }; class usmc_marsoc { displayName = "Men (Marsoc)"; }; class usmc_snipers { displayName = "Men (Snipers)"; }; class usmc_support { displayName = "Men (Support)"; }; }; #include "\gup_usmc_characters\CfgVehicles.hpp" #include "\gup_usmc_characters\cfgWeapons.hpp" Then my cfgWeapons.hpp is the file where I define my weapons and uniform classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Weapon Helmets and uniforms external classes //When adding weapons that have attachments add the base class first //note to self never use a base class as a base class cfgWeapons { class Uniform_Base; // External class reference class UniformItem; // External class reference class InventoryItem_Base_F; // External class reference class arifle_MX_GL_F; class arifle_MX_F; // Base class for standard assault rifle class arifle_MXC_F; class arifle_MXM_F; class arifle_MX_SW_F; class srifle_GM6_F; class SMG_01_F; class Vest_Base; class VestItem; class V_TacVest_khk; class Vest_Camo_Base; class V_Chestrig_khk; class V_PlateCarrier2_rgr; class V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr; class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr; class H_Booniehat_khk; class ItemInfo; class Vest_NoCamo_Base; class H_HelmetB_light; class H_HelmetB; class H_PilotHelmetHeli_B; class H_HelmetIA; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UNDERWEAR /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class A_basic_under_w: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Underwear (USMC)"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_BasicBody_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "GUP_A_basic_under_w"; containerClass = "Supply0"; mass = 1; }; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UNIT UNIFORM ITEMS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ItemCore; class HeadgearItem; //------------------------------------------ UNIFORM SECTION ---------------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_U_001: Uniform_Base // USMC basic Uniform (long sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Uniform (USMC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_01_clothing_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "GUP_Marine_A_F"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marines_base_U_002: Uniform_Base // USMC basic Uniform (short sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Uniform (USMC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_02_clothing_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "GUP_Marine_AR_F"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_001: Uniform_Base // Marsoc Combat Fatigues (long sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_h_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "GUP_Marsoc_epx_F"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_002: Uniform_Base // Marsoc Combat Fatigues Light (Pants Only) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues Light (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_p_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "GUP_Marsoc_SC_F"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_003: Uniform_Base // Combat Fatigues Tee (Rolled Up Sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues Tee (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_l_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "GUP_Marsoc_AR_F"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; //---------------------------------------- VEST SECTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_V_001: Vest_NoCamo_Base // USMC basic carrier lite { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_01_vest_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 50; armor = "5*0.5"; passThrough = 0.7; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; displayName = "Carrier Lite (USMC)"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\vest\equip_marine_01_vest_co.paa"}; }; class A_Marsoc_base_V_001: Vest_NoCamo_Base // Marsoc basic plate carrier { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_vest_01_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 50; armor = "5*0.5"; passThrough = 0.7; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; displayName = "Plate Carrier (MARSOC)"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\vest\equip_marsoc_vest_01_co.paa"}; }; //------------------------------------------- HELMET SECTION -------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_H : H_HelmetB // USMC basic Combat Helmet { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "Combat Helmet (USMC)"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\headgear_helmet_canvas.p3d"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_helmet_01_ca.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\helmet\equip_marine_helmet_01_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 100; uniformModel = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\headgear_helmet_canvas.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; armor = 3*0.5; passThrough = 0.8; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_H : H_HelmetB // Marsoc basic Enhanced Combat Helmet { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "ECH (MARSOC)"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light.p3d"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_helmet_01_ca.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\helmet\equip_marsoc_helmet_01_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 100; uniformModel = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; armor = 3*0.5; passThrough = 0.8; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; //-------------------------------------------- WEAPON SECTION ---------------------------------------- class arifle_TRG20_F; class arifle_TRG21_F; class arifle_TRG21_GL_F; class arifle_MX_Black_F; class arifle_MX_GL_Black_F; class arifle_MX_SW_Black_F; class arifle_MXC_Black_F; class arifle_MXM_Black_F; class arifle_MX_F_ACO : arifle_MX_Black_F //new class name, below are aco attachment and infrared laser { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_F_SOS : arifle_MX_Black_F //new class name, below are aco attachment and infrared laser { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_GL_F_ACO : arifle_MX_GL_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MXC_F_ACO : arifle_MXC_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_SW_F_ACO :arifle_MX_SW_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MXM_F_ARCO : arifle_MXM_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Arco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_MXM_F_SOS : arifle_MXM_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG21_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG21_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG21_GL_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG21_GL_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_SDAR_F; class hc_arifle_SDAR_F_MRCO_SF : arifle_SDAR_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG20_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG20_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_srifle_GM6_SOS_SF : srifle_GM6_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_SMG_01_Holo_CW : SMG_01_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Holosight_smg"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; }; the CfgVehicles.hpp will define the units it selves class CfgVehicles { class B_Soldier_base_F; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //-------------------------------------------- MARINES --------------------------------------------// class GUP_Marine_A_F: B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_A_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marines"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Ammo Bearer"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_U_001"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\uniform\equip_marine_01_clothing_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_F_ACO", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_F_ACO", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marines_base_V_001","A_Marines_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marines_base_V_001","A_Marines_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; class GUP_Marine_AR_F: B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_AR_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marines"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Autorifleman"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_U_002"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\uniform\equip_marine_02_clothing_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marines_base_V_001","A_Marines_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marines_base_V_001","A_Marines_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; //-------------------------------------------- MARSOC --------------------------------------------// class GUP_Marsoc_epx_F: B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_AR_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marsoc"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Demo Specialist (SF)"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_001"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\uniform\equip_marsoc_h_uniform_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; class GUP_Marsoc_AR_F: B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_AR_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marsoc"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Autorifleman (SF)"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_02.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_002"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\uniform\equip_marsoc_l_uniform_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; class GUP_Marsoc_SC_F: B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_AR_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marsoc"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Scout (SF)"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_03.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_003"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\uniform\equip_marsoc_p_uniform_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; //-------------------------------------------- UNDERWEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*extern*/ class Civilian_F; class GUP_A_basic_under_w: Civilian_F { _generalMacro = "Civilian_F"; scope = 1; displayName = "Underwear (USMC)"; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; model = "\A3\Characters_f\Common\basicbody"; uniformClass = "A_basic_under_w"; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; respawnWeapons[] = {}; respawnMagazines[] = {}; items[] = {}; linkeditems[] = {}; respawnlinkeditems[] = {}; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\under_w\equip_marine_basic_green_co.paa"}; }; }; I believe your config.ccp like surpher gave it to you is a one in all configuration which configs your factions, gear Items like helmets, vests and uniforms + weapons and in the end your units all together. The reason why I am separating them is because for me it easier to read it this way. my configs are for now relatively small but when I finally have all my textures and start configure all of them they will get kinda huge, besides that I am also planning to add vehicles and weapons to the pack when the time comes, I am wondering if it would not be better to actually separate the weapons from the uniform items :p the current ones are just placeholders. The writing of these configs are in the end re-writes of original existing ones, if you get used to it it is just a natural way of placing the right model .p3d files textures and pats on the right places and point them correctly to each other. The actual config on its own is just a readable extension .ccp and .hpp for arma games. Anyway so far my knowledge ;-) best of regards

    Uniform Configs

    you are pointing towards this? CfgVehicles.hpp on the bottom it reads now //-------------------------------------------- UNDERWEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*extern*/ class Civilian_F; class GUP_A_basic_under_w: Civilian_F { _generalMacro = "Civilian_F"; scope = 1; displayName = "Underwear (USMC)"; author = "Bohemia Interactive"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\basicbody.p3d"; uniformClass = "A_basic_under_w"; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; respawnWeapons[] = {}; respawnMagazines[] = {}; items[] = {}; linkeditems[] = {}; respawnlinkeditems[] = {}; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\under_w\equip_marine_basic_green_co.paa"}; }; }; The uniform class is defined in CfgWeapons.hpp like this //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Underwear class A_basic_under_w: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; author = "Bohemia Interactive"; displayName = "Underwear (USMC)"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_BasicBody_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_basic_under_w"; containerClass = "Supply0"; mass = 1; }; }; So I changed it but it is still not working so you suggest that I change hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\under_w\equip_marine_basic_green_co.paa"}; to the original path? the problem is that the underwear is also a retexture because the original olive drab is to light compared to the uniform textures I have made :s ....

    Uniform Configs

    Again thanks for answering so I did what you said I also have been looking at the config you posted for the op and if I look to it I think I changed the right ones. I also believe that I needed to change it directly in the CfgVehicles.hpp file and this is how it looks, the thing is that it is still not working the uniform is still not showing up into the games inventory screen and I am starting to get slightly Bipolar on this issue :(:p I am trying to solve this for a while now and I know I am doing something wrong for sure, the sad part is that I do not know what I am doing wrong :o ... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Weapon Helmets and uniforms external classes //When adding weapons that have attachments add the base class first //note to self never use a base class as a base class cfgWeapons { class Uniform_Base; // External class reference class UniformItem; // External class reference class InventoryItem_Base_F; // External class reference class arifle_MX_GL_F; class arifle_MX_F; // Base class for standard assault rifle class arifle_MXC_F; class arifle_MXM_F; class arifle_MX_SW_F; class srifle_GM6_F; class SMG_01_F; class Vest_Base; class VestItem; class V_TacVest_khk; class Vest_Camo_Base; class V_Chestrig_khk; class V_PlateCarrier2_rgr; class V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr; class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr; class H_Booniehat_khk; class ItemInfo; class Vest_NoCamo_Base; class H_HelmetB_light; class H_HelmetB; class H_PilotHelmetHeli_B; class H_HelmetIA; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Underwear class A_basic_under_w: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; author = "Bohemia Interactive"; displayName = "Underwear (USMC)"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_BasicBody_ca.paa"; model = "[color="#FF0000"]\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver[/color]"; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_basic_under_w"; containerClass = "Supply0"; mass = 1; }; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Uniforms Full Camo class ItemCore; class HeadgearItem; //------------------------------------------ Uniform Section ---------------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_U_001: Uniform_Base // USMC basic Uniform (long sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Uniform (USMC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_01_clothing_ca.paa"; model = "[color="#FF0000"]\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver[/color]"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_U_001"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marines_base_U_002: Uniform_Base // USMC basic Uniform (short sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Uniform (USMC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_02_clothing_ca.paa"; model = "[color="#FF0000"]\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver[/color]"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_U_002"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_001: Uniform_Base // Marsoc Combat Fatigues (long sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_h_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "[color="#FF0000"]\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver[/color]"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_001"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_002: Uniform_Base // Marsoc Combat Fatigues Light (Pants Only) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues Light (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_p_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "[color="#FF0000"]\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver[/color]"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_002"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_003: Uniform_Base // Combat Fatigues Tee (Rolled Up Sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues Tee (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_l_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "[color="#FF0000"]\A3\characters_f\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver[/color]"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_003"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; //---------------------------------------- Vest Section -------------------------------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_V_001: Vest_NoCamo_Base // USMC basic carrier lite { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_01_vest_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 50; armor = "5*0.5"; passThrough = 0.7; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; displayName = "Carrier Lite (USMC)"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\vest\equip_marine_01_vest_co.paa"}; }; class A_Marsoc_base_V_001: Vest_NoCamo_Base // Marsoc basic plate carrier { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_vest_01_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 50; armor = "5*0.5"; passThrough = 0.7; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; displayName = "Plate Carrier (MARSOC)"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\vest\equip_marsoc_vest_01_co.paa"}; }; //------------------------------------------- Helmet Section -------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_H : H_HelmetB // USMC basic Combat Helmet { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "Combat Helmet (USMC)"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\headgear_helmet_canvas.p3d"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_helmet_01_ca.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\helmet\equip_marine_helmet_01_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 100; uniformModel = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\headgear_helmet_canvas.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; armor = 3*0.5; passThrough = 0.8; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_H : H_HelmetB // Marsoc basic Enhanced Combat Helmet { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "ECH (MARSOC)"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light.p3d"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_helmet_01_ca.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\helmet\equip_marsoc_helmet_01_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 100; uniformModel = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; armor = 3*0.5; passThrough = 0.8; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; //--------------------------------------------Weapons Section---------------------------------------- class arifle_TRG20_F; class arifle_TRG21_F; class arifle_TRG21_GL_F; class arifle_MX_Black_F; class arifle_MX_GL_Black_F; class arifle_MX_SW_Black_F; class arifle_MXC_Black_F; class arifle_MXM_Black_F; class arifle_MX_F_ACO : arifle_MX_Black_F //new class name, below are aco attachment and infrared laser { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_F_SOS : arifle_MX_Black_F //new class name, below are aco attachment and infrared laser { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_GL_F_ACO : arifle_MX_GL_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MXC_F_ACO : arifle_MXC_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_SW_F_ACO :arifle_MX_SW_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MXM_F_ARCO : arifle_MXM_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Arco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_MXM_F_SOS : arifle_MXM_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG21_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG21_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG21_GL_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG21_GL_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_SDAR_F; class hc_arifle_SDAR_F_MRCO_SF : arifle_SDAR_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG20_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG20_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_srifle_GM6_SOS_SF : srifle_GM6_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_SMG_01_Holo_CW : SMG_01_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Holosight_smg"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; };

    Uniform Configs

    thanks for answering, I tried to do what you said first I just renamed (re-saved) one of my textures to the original texture name of one nato uniform and this dint help for the uniform to show up in the inventory however it did help for the blood textures to show up. So I read the page link you gave me and the only thing I understand from it is that I need to keep _co behind my textures and I can only use letters, underscores and numbers. I renamed all my textures to something more appropriate I hope .... equip_marine_01_clothing_co (full cam) equip_marine_02_clothing_co (rolled up sleeves) equip_marsoc_h_uniform_co (full cam) equip_marsoc_l_uniform_co (rolled up sleeves) equip_marsoc_p_uniform_co (pants only) Still it did not help to get my uniforms to show up in the in-game inventory screen, i did a similar thing with my helmets and vests and like before these items do show up in the inventory screen as it is supposed to do so I am not exactly sure if the texture names alone will solve that part. The thing I can say is that for some reason the blood textures are now definitely showing up correctly. one note, a new issue raised up after changing my texture names -> now I also have some delay on the units if i shoot them right after loading the preview, they seem briefly invulnerable on their upper part of the body .... this is what it looks like in game and I have this on all my units ... http://postimg.org/image/mjibfh0tf/ (161 kb) this are the new configs: cfgWeapons.hpp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Weapon Helmets and uniforms external classes //When adding weapons that have attachments add the base class first //note to self never use a base class as a base class cfgWeapons { class Uniform_Base; // External class reference class UniformItem; // External class reference class InventoryItem_Base_F; // External class reference class arifle_MX_GL_F; class arifle_MX_F; // Base class for standard assault rifle class arifle_MXC_F; class arifle_MXM_F; class arifle_MX_SW_F; class srifle_GM6_F; class SMG_01_F; class Vest_Base; class VestItem; class V_TacVest_khk; class Vest_Camo_Base; class V_Chestrig_khk; class V_PlateCarrier2_rgr; class V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr; class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr; class H_Booniehat_khk; class ItemInfo; class Vest_NoCamo_Base; class H_HelmetB_light; class H_HelmetB; class H_PilotHelmetHeli_B; class H_HelmetIA; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Uniforms Full Camo class ItemCore; class HeadgearItem; //------------------------------------------ Uniform Section ---------------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_U_001: Uniform_Base // USMC basic Uniform (long sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Uniform (USMC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_01_clothing_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_U_001"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marines_base_U_002: Uniform_Base // USMC basic Uniform (short sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Uniform (USMC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_02_clothing_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_U_002"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_001: Uniform_Base // Marsoc Combat Fatigues (long sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_h_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_001"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_002: Uniform_Base // Marsoc Combat Fatigues Light (Pants Only) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues Light (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_p_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_02.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_002"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_F_003: Uniform_Base // Combat Fatigues Tee (Rolled Up Sleeves) { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; displayName = "Combat Fatigues Tee (MARSOC)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_l_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_03.p3d"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_003"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; }; //---------------------------------------- Vest Section -------------------------------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_V_001: Vest_NoCamo_Base // USMC basic carrier lite { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_01_vest_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest02.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 50; armor = "5*0.5"; passThrough = 0.7; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; displayName = "Carrier Lite (USMC)"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\vest\equip_marine_01_vest_co.paa"}; }; class A_Marsoc_base_V_001: Vest_NoCamo_Base // Marsoc basic plate carrier { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_vest_01_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01.p3d"; containerClass = "Supply100"; mass = 50; armor = "5*0.5"; passThrough = 0.7; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; displayName = "Plate Carrier (MARSOC)"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\vest\equip_marsoc_vest_01_co.paa"}; }; //------------------------------------------- Helmet Section -------------------------------------------- class A_Marines_base_H : H_HelmetB // USMC basic Combat Helmet { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "Combat Helmet (USMC)"; model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\headgear_helmet_canvas.p3d"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marines\equip_marine_helmet_01_ca.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\helmet\equip_marine_helmet_01_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 100; uniformModel = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\headgear_helmet_canvas.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; armor = 3*0.5; passThrough = 0.8; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class A_Marsoc_base_H : H_HelmetB // Marsoc basic Enhanced Combat Helmet { scope = 2; author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "ECH (MARSOC)"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light.p3d"; picture = "\gup_core\data\ui\marsoc\equip_marsoc_helmet_01_ca.paa"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\helmet\equip_marsoc_helmet_01_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 100; uniformModel = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\headgear_b_helmet_light.p3d"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; armor = 3*0.5; passThrough = 0.8; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; //--------------------------------------------Weapons Section---------------------------------------- class arifle_TRG20_F; class arifle_TRG21_F; class arifle_TRG21_GL_F; class arifle_MX_Black_F; class arifle_MX_GL_Black_F; class arifle_MX_SW_Black_F; class arifle_MXC_Black_F; class arifle_MXM_Black_F; class arifle_MX_F_ACO : arifle_MX_Black_F //new class name, below are aco attachment and infrared laser { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_F_SOS : arifle_MX_Black_F //new class name, below are aco attachment and infrared laser { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_GL_F_ACO : arifle_MX_GL_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MXC_F_ACO : arifle_MXC_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MX_SW_F_ACO :arifle_MX_SW_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Aco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_MXM_F_ARCO : arifle_MXM_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Arco"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_MXM_F_SOS : arifle_MXM_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG21_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG21_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG21_GL_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG21_GL_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class arifle_SDAR_F; class hc_arifle_SDAR_F_MRCO_SF : arifle_SDAR_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_TRG20_MRCO_SF : arifle_TRG20_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_MRCO"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_srifle_GM6_SOS_SF : srifle_GM6_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_SOS"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; class hc_arifle_SMG_01_Holo_CW : SMG_01_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "optic_Holosight_smg"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "acc_pointer_IR"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; }; }; }; CfgVehicles.hpp class CfgVehicles { class B_Soldier_base_F; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //-------------------------------------------- MARINES --------------------------------------------// class GUP_Marine_A_F : B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_A_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marines"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Ammo Bearer"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_U_001"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\uniform\equip_marine_01_clothing_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_F_ACO", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_F_ACO", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marines_base_V_001","A_Marines_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marines_base_V_001","A_Marines_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; class GUP_Marine_AR_F : B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_AR_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marines"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Autorifleman"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_U_002"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marines\uniform\equip_marine_02_clothing_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marines_base_V_001","A_Marines_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marines_base_V_001","A_Marines_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; //-------------------------------------------- MARSOC --------------------------------------------// class GUP_Marsoc_epx_F : B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_AR_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marsoc"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Demo Specialist"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_001"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\uniform\equip_marsoc_h_uniform_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; class GUP_Marsoc_epx_G : B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_AR_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marsoc"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "Marksman"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_02.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_002"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\uniform\equip_marsoc_l_uniform_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; class GUP_Marsoc_epx_H : B_Soldier_base_F { _generalMacro = "B_Soldier_AR_F"; //unsure what this does scope = 2; // 0 Not ingame 1 Not in editor 2 Available faction = USMC_Faction; // Editor Faction vehicleClass = "usmc_marsoc"; // Editor Sub-group displayName = "AT Specialist"; // Name of soldier in the editor nakedUniform = "A_basic_under_w"; //class for "naked" body model = "\A3\characters_f\BLUFOR\b_soldier_03.p3d"; // Start of model uniformClass = "A_Marsoc_base_F_003"; //the uniform item author = "LiquitHQ (GearUp)"; // Outhor of modification hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Needed for textures hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\marsoc\uniform\equip_marsoc_p_uniform_co.paa"}; //Textures Path weapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "hgun_P07_F", "Put", "Throw", "binocular"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"}; linkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"A_Marsoc_base_V_001","A_Marsoc_base_H", "NVGoggles_OPFOR", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "FirstAidKit", "ItemGPS"}; }; //-------------------------------------------- UNDERWEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*extern*/ class Civilian_F; class A_basic_under_w: Civilian_F { _generalMacro = "Civilian_F"; scope = 1; displayName = "Underwear"; author = "Bohemia Interactive"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\basicbody"; uniformClass = "A_Marines_base_under_w"; weapons[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; respawnWeapons[] = {}; respawnMagazines[] = {}; items[] = {}; linkeditems[] = {}; respawnlinkeditems[] = {}; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\gup_usmc_characters\characters\men\under_w\equip_marine_basic_green_co.paa"}; }; };

    Uniform Configs

    I do not want to hijack this thread but I have also a config question and maybe it is better that I ask here and it may also help the OP with his question while I am at it ;-) These are the configs I use, however I have some problems with it. The helmets and body armor are shown properly in the inventory of the units but my uniforms are not shown at all, I also seem to have problems with the wound textures which are not showing when I shoot the units, if someone would be able to help me with this maybe the OP can also use this as a base config, I am at the moment stuck as I am looking to solve these issues first before I can actually proceed any further. config.ccp CfgVehicles.hpp CfgWeapons.hpp The few problems I seem to have like said are that my uniforms are not shown in the inventory it also does not seem to have weight while I added weight to it and it also does not give me an inventory capacity. All the gear added like bullets grenades etc' are shown directly on the vest, not to forget I also have the one issue with the units wounds not showing when they are shot. I also have some smaller things like the unit icons for the unit class in the editor are not shown properly, I am not sure what I need to do to make that work correctly, like the OP I am pretty new to addon making and still learning. If some one is able to assist then my problems are solved and it may be helpful for the OP as-well. If anyone has another way or has suggestions to improve these config setups let me know ;-) best of regards

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    In all fairness I am wondering, I was reading the comments on FB about CPU performance and FPS issues, I was planning to upgrade my rig but when I read all the comments I am better of staying with what I have. For some reason if I have to believe what I have been reading it seems when I aim for a higher upgrade I will endure performance issues both on Video and CPU. What I have now: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Intel core i5-3.20GHz 4 CPUs with 8Gb ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti with 4Gb ram Display memory -> it dedicates around 900 MB ram and shares around 3Gb ram my native display mode is 1920 x 1080 at 60Hz Performance: I do not have a lot of games on my rig, so now and then I play Silent Hunter 5 modded with open horizons II, NewUIsTDC and some graphical mods to enhance the environmental experience of the game monitoring the performance I stay around 50 to 60 FPS. Then I have also OFP, Arma Armed Assault, Arma 2 and Arma 3 for Arma 2 I do not seem to have any problems at all like with SH5 my rig runs smooth around 50 to 60 FPS running it with Blastcore, Jarheads sound mod CBA of course and CWR² and it seems that when monitoring that my CPU is not stressing to hard. I have to be honest that when I run Arma 3 that I see some CPÜ stress the FPS hits around 40 to 45 max and sometimes it drops to 35 to 30 depending on how heavy the mission is designed this is however also monitored with mods e.g. Blastcore and Jarheads Sound mod, if I measure a clean performance without mods I see slight improvements to 50 FPS max with some times a drop to around 40 fps again depending on how heavy the missions is designed. The last Game I have is Skyrim and strangely this one is the reason why I would like to upgrade my rig. It sits around 30 - 40 FPS constant and dares to crash both clean and when using mods, it also seems that this game is stressing my CPU with higher pikes just before it crashes to desktop. What I wanted to do was upgrade my rig to an i7 4.2 Ghz with a video-card upgrade GTX 780 TI I already measured performance between my current card and this one and I need at least a 780 to see a proper difference, but I've read a lot of performance issues on Arma 3 with that kind of hardware, now I am wondering what Is the reason for it. Why is a lesser CPU video card performing actually better then a higher end rig? Like said I would actually want to upgrade as I seem to have some problems with Skyrim, I do not want to upgrade because of Arma 3 but when I upgrade for Skyrim with performance loss on Arma 3 then I rather want to pass for the Upgrade. I am actually running Arma 3 pretty ok for now and I rather shoos to endure some issues with Skyrim then I have to endure them with Arma 3. Still the question stays, does It depend on the kind of hardware you shoos or are these problems reported on a mayor part of the higher end Users? best of regards
  7. Hi all, I was making my mission and as part of the development I was also planning to implement various animations, however for some reason certain animations that we know from ArmA2 might not exactly work as we are used to. I tried to use the anim viewer and working my way trough the animations but I was not able to make them work, but I kept looking for a solution. After the past Q&A Panzer_baron said he would release the list for the anims in Iron front but in the mean while I have a small list of already working anims here. I thought it might help the community a bit till we get a more detailed list. To make them work you will need to place a trigger for some reason the animations aren't working from within the units initialization box. Example1: Example2: This includes using a script! Which will cause the animations to loop indefinitely.. Place the code in to a SQF and call it animationLoop.sqf Code without Weapons. _unit = _this select 0; _animation = _this select 1; _noWeapons = _this select 2; _unit setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]; if (_noWeapons) then {removeAllWeapons _unit}; while {true} do { _unit switchMove _animation; waitUntil {!(animationState _unit == _animation)}; }; Code with weapons. _unit = _this select 0; _animation = _this select 1; _unit setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]; if (_noWeapons) then {removeAllWeapons _unit}; while {true} do { _unit switchMove _animation; waitUntil {!(animationState _unit == _animation)}; }; Then do the same as with example1 but change the code in the on act field like this. Be aware of the fact that this freezes up certain animations on the end and it might not work on several of them! Also I am not the author of the script! and as of this moment I do not know who the author is as the script wasn't signed. Animation list: I hope this helps a bit for now till we get a more detailed release, I might update this post when I find more animations that work within Iron front .. Kind regards
  8. hey, I am working on my own weapons for Arma 3, I am fairly new to it. I gave my self a try to model the Colt Canada C7 in blender 3d but I am a bit afraid that the gun will be to large as I have been said that bis has some kind of limit to detail or something? this is what I am working on -> it reads on top that I have over 21000 faces and the weapon is not don yet, am I ok to continue as it is? http://postimg.org/image/hb45g6iof/ thanks in advance ...
  9. . LOWLAND DEV TEAM PRESENTS Hey, We started with the full development of the Arma 3 Lowland Defense force (Unofficial Arma 3 DLC) The aim is to align this package toward the original Arma 3 Content already provided by Bohemia interactive, this to allow the community to build on it as it is with the original. However to make this pack we will need to ask for some assistance, the team is at this moment very small. MOD TEAM: ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- • Project Lead, Modeling & Texturing: LiquitHQ • Config & Texturing Blackout WE ARE LOOKING FOR: ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- • Modelers: OPEN (We are in need of a modeler or modelers to create various equipment, vehicles and weapons) • A2 Content conversion: OPEN (We are in need of someone that is able to convert existing Arma 2 content, e.g. weapons and various vehicles to Arma 3 standards) • Island Creator: OPEN (We are in need of an experienced map creator who is willing to create a new map for this package) • Other: OPEN (If you have time and feel that you have something to contribute, e.g. texturing, modeling, config to spread the workflow you are welcome to contact me!) PM: LiquitHQ to apply if you are interested to help out on this project .... ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Background: ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- The current situation around the Aegean sea puts Europe into despair, the mayor part of the European forces are weakened but a huge effort of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg turns their armed forces into a combined task force they name it Lowland Defense Force. They are ordered to deploy at the island Thassos Greece, 216 km from Altis and roughly 416 m², it is a strategic deployment, tasked to prevent any breakthrough to the main lands. The three country's decided to form a unified country and join forces to repel the actual threat, a new chain of command and structured army is formed and ordered to be deployed at Thassos to prevent any breakthroughs to the main European lands. The main force will contain a infantry force, they also contain a mech.infantry division and an armored tank battalion and Air-force. The Special Intervention Group is formed to side the main army to be deployed under special circumstances, and the Parachute Commando Brigade is trained to be deployed from air deeper into enemy territory when needed. The navy will deliver the Korps Marines they are trained to be deployed from the sea and on the beaches, last but certainly not the least is the Korps Amphibious Warfere devision which will be deployed for under water missions. The LDF Army structure will be listed bellow .... Arma 3 Lowland Defense Force DLC ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- [highlight]The content description may change during development (expand or narrowed down)[/highlight] Our main goal now is to make the units and model the weapons, and find people to help us out with this project, a part of the vehicles is port or re-texturing the map however might be a huge project looking to its size ... best of regards

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    little update Although I have a little situation where all of a sudden my barrel and front hand-grip disappeared when i started on the rear side of the gun, I wanted to model the rear hand-grip and when i was on it for almost an hour the two objects where gone like melting snow. I am still trying to figure out what I did wrong, I also tried to find on google but no luck so far, after the first time I tried a second time but again after an hour they were gone. I swore my socks of at that point while i tried to find out what the hell i am doing wrong, as far as i can recall I dint press any macros that are responsible, If anyone has an id please let me know thanks ;-) anyway the little update ... • Rails on top added • rail bellow re-don and added a little more detail on it • holder for magazine modeled • re-worked detail on the right and left side grills of the weapon. • total weapon size adjusted compared to the front hand-grip and weapon barrel .. I hope you will see the difference ;-) a little quest: does anyone have a good example of the front iron sight (triangle) on the barrel, more specific from the front side? i tried to find a good picture of it as I only have a side profile of this weapon and it would be nice to have also a front side example to adjust my detail to it. thanks in advance ... groetjes

    Bingo Fuel is impossible?

    No MBT needed, the only thing you need to do is look around very actively and use a proper team to get trough it. What I do not understand is why you want to do this without any help at all, its not some kind of FPS that you can run and gun. You are in a heavily enemy occupied zone in the first place. I moved my team slow and placed them on tactical places around the zone. Although some of my team members died along the way they helped me to spot the enemy easy and Adapt on it fast. Listen to your comies make sure you keep the most of your men alive especially those that can apply first aid and AT's, use them as you progress. Although I never died i needed a few patch ups from my medic and I agree to a certain extend that it is hard, at least it took me a while to get trough compared to other missions. best of regards
  12. Good enough for me :-) best of luck with the development for you and the team, I will keep my ears healthy for the release :p

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    Hey, I tried to find some people to help us to model our weapon pack, but thus far no real luck. I had the brave idea to start doing it my self, I contacted Yochi who gave me some tips and I started on our first model. Now I am new at this and I do not know exactly what I am doing and how I am doing it :p I just try to follow some tutorials and advice's here and there and see where it will lead me along the way. Personally I think I have some size issues in 2d it seems I have a good perspective but if i go in 3d the stock on the front is to large for my taste compared to the main parts of the gun that I have so far so i will need to narrow it down later to make it fit properly on the rail that I am doing for it now. now here is my progress on the first gun, please take in mind that I am a complete noob but you are free to give me some advise as I do feel I need it .. best of regards
  14. I love the JSRS mods both in Arma 2 and 3 so far for me one of the best sound mod available to enhance the sound part. However this one also sounds to be a nice addition, I like the firing sounds so far for guns a lot especially the ones in the forest but overall I like them all. I hope you go for a complete modification, including detail environment like when you move around and when you hear the discharge gun mechanisms of your weapon in first person like in jsrs, of course with your own flavor :cool: ... Anyway it looks like it will be very difficult for me to choose one of both weapon mods as a favorite when you have such a complete sound modification in mind even so that I will not be able to pick one in the end :p best of regards

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    We have the time, Arma 3 will live for another 5 or 6 years anyway :p

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    It already has, our feet however will stay on it ;-) We are desperately in need of modelers for the Leopard 2a7 Revoltution: http://lh6.ggpht.com/-8_CtQD-UgRo/TWO600F7zsI/AAAAAAAANQg/VTT7XxreFSY/03%252520Leopard%2525202%252520Revolution.jpg The Cougar: http://www.malaysiandefence.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/cougar.jpeg F-16 Advanced: http://www.helmo.gr/gallery2/d/52292-1/f-16head2.jpg?g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT MOWAG Phiranha V: http://www.military-today.com/apc/mowag_piranha_v.jpg also for the weapon pack but I am trying to contact someone for that right now, so fingers crossed ....... Nice hope you know people that know how to model too :p we only know how to texture and now also how to config ... best of regards

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    Nice work Blackout these are smaller version for those that like to post them on their forums best of regards

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    yeah well I've pulled him into the project and discussing the camo patterns, we will most likely go for the original patterns to represent the Korps Mariniers, Paracomando's, KCT, SOG etc however I will stick with the improvised arm tags to represent the LDF and the units, I already changed the main post and removed the kryptek camo and see were we get from there...

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    Hey, merry Christmas for everyone, this is a little something, for now only one texture for the fictive marines of this package, I do not know yet how to get these in the game but someone contacted me to help in a few weeks, in the mean while I will work on two vest variants and a helmet for the marine units. The template contains new kryptek textures with additional arm patches and a improvised flag for the Lowland Defense Forces. This pucture is to large so I will need to hotlink it ... http://postimg.org/image/edvl4nejr/ you can enlarge the picture by clicking it again when opened for more detail ... I hope you like it best of regards

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    This sounds a little nasty tbh :p anyway nice release Opticalsnare, I am curious how performance will do in combination with JSRS 2.0 ;) best of regards

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    Not entirely, although to do something like this you need an idea to start :p before I posted I've had already a bunch of work on the texture side, when I finally got them ready I liked the idea to do something with it and that is were it all started, were it will end is another question I am well aware that I can not do this alone. Lets say that it will start with an idea lets hope that I will find the people to lend me a hand to make it happen. Luckily I already had some response so something tells me that the Idea is not so crazy :D best of regards

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    Is this the one with the special functions? I have it in my arma2 addons I can contact them and ask but I would like to keep the pack close to any original release from bohemia interactive the model would be nice doh, but I had a lot of errors within arma 2 with it so if we can use it I will need to cut out those special things maybe they can help me with it in the long run ill see what they say when i contact them ... ofcourse :p

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    That is right, Our minister of defense already gave his 2 cents for the next government to replace ours with 40 new F-35 it still needs to be decided tho I will just do that, ter informatie :p I have removed the F22 and i will stay with the F35, I also replaced the frogmen with the KCT like you sugested and the weapons are all FN adabted now i just went to the FN site to go trough all of them the KCT troops also will use the shotgun as they will be more CQB focused. You are right, however few vehicles are already available within Arma 2 Like the Pandur II, Dingo, I also believe the Longbow will be there the F35 and a few other things, weapons the FN 2000 will be just re-texture as it is already in game i believe which will cut down the work flow, but there is still a lot to add from scratch, but i will ask around i know a few people who most likely are willing to help, the only thing i have now are textures and I also started to set up a mod folder to store the textures in when they are finally in a working state, I've been working most of the time on the textures for the last week before i came out with my plans, i tried to apply them on units my self but I don't know how to go any further .. best of regards

    Arma 3 LowLand Defense Force

    Noted, but as you will be well aware we lack planes, and the F-16 will be phased out by 2035 both in Belgium and the Dutch army. If you have another more realistic air superiority plane in mind then the F22 Viper let me know I took the F22 only for its tech superiority above the realistic nature Noted maybe I will opt to add them instead of just frogmen but with the ability to dive out of the box I know, maybe you are right and just stick with all FN like you said I also do not think they will use the deimaco C7/C8 by 2035, however the HK is German and I thought to bring a little more variation into the weaponry but you have actually a point there its a combined task force Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg sounds more realistic to give them just all FN's anyway thanks for your interests hope to find some people to help me out with modeling ;-) best of regards

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    hey aldruric maybe it would be a good id to contact Armaholic to upload this mod? dropbox download links are overloaded to much traffic :p Error (509) This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled! best of regards