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Everything posted by Snake1138

  1. Snake1138

    MBG Window of opportunity

    That did it! I'm glad to see it was a simple fix, so thank you Mondkalb. Also, it's great to see that you are continuing work on the mod and seem to have already made significant progress. I'm looking forward to the next update.
  2. Snake1138

    MBG Window of opportunity

    Thanks for the tip mrcash. I actually tried placing a barracks in the Shapur coop mission to see if the scripts in that mission were altered and got the same outcome - build menu and resources spent but no units trained. The Preplacedbuilding.sqf file appears to add the preplaced building that calls it to a list of "active" buildings for west or east, and the Basic_Config already manages this list. Again, that is what it *appears* to do. I am not fluent in Arma's scripting language, and I'm sure this is the reason for Mondkalb's hesitation to let end users modify the scripts. I had hoped preplacing the structures would be a simple task, but it now seems a core script edit (or possibly just an addition) might be required. I guess only Mondkalb can give us the answer. Also, if adding preplaced base buildings does require modification of the core scripts, then I apologize for attempting it as I am aware that Mondkalb does not want us editing his scripts at this time.
  3. Snake1138

    MBG Window of opportunity

    Hey, this is an extraordinary mod you have created. From the moment I began playing ARMA I was hoping to see a RTS style game type, so thank you for making that wish come true. I hope to see further updates and features added, or even a combination WOO/Benny's Mod game type, as mentioned previously. However, you have already given the community a great base for which to build upon (with your permission, of course). A quick question: I am trying to create a mission that starts the players with a prebuilt base (trying to make it aesthetically pleasing) but I've ran into one problem. Every building I put down (besides the HQ, that works perfectly) partially works, meaning I am able to click on it and view the build menu, however the unit building que does not work. It gives a constant value of "scalar" and will not train units, although it does deplete resources as if I purchased a unit. I copied over the preplacedbuildings.sqf from the coop mission that was used for the hospital and called it through the buildings init line, but to no avail. Any assistance you could give me with this would be very much appreciated. Oh, and again... awesome mod!
  4. Snake1138

    The Undead Mod

    Hey, great mod you've got here Charon. Some friends and I played this at a LAN this weekend and had a blast. Nothing better than decimating a city filled with infected using hellfire missiles. Everything seemed to work fine in multiplayer and was relatively lag-free. However, while working on a mission I encountered a problem. I searched this entire thread to see if anyone else experienced it, but found nothing. I first noticed it when used the Ford Crown Victoria police car mod (which was actually meant for ARMA I) and had the car's lights activated in the initialization field. The lights were going full speed for the first 5 seconds after loading the mission, but then slowed down by about 75% once the Infected Module kicked in. This was only a small annoyance however, so I overlooked it and continued with making the mission. Then I used the "MP Compatible Fast Rope Addon" and set up a fast rope unload waypoint. I first tested the rappelling from a helicopter onto the roof of a building without the infected module in the map, and it worked flawlessly. Then I tested it again with the infected module in the map and the ropes took about 50% longer to deploy, and the soldiers descending down them appeared very laggy and descended at 1/4th the speed. To top things off, the AI controlled units fell through the building. Without the infected/zombie modules, the soldiers unloaded on the roof every time. Now I'm sure your modules run a lot of code to control all the zombies/infected across the map, but are they really so bloated as to bring every other script to it's knees? I'm running this on an i7 920 (OC'ed) and experience no lag in the game other than what the scripted sequences show. Also, keep in mind that I have no zombies/infected in the mission, just the module, and it still causes the slowdown. So my question is: is this simply an incompatibility with the few scripts I've tried? Am I the only one experiencing this? Or is this something that hasn't been noticed yet that you may have a fix for? Thank you for your response, and again, Awesome mod!