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Everything posted by giallustio

  1. giallustio

    Group problem

    Mmm... Maybe it shows an error when i execute the function because i stored the name group as string and then i use the "compile" command to spawn the entire code...Could be?
  2. Hi guys! I have some problems with this functions: BTC_Get_Group: _pos = _this select 0; _men = nearestObjects [_pos, ["Man"], 200]; if (count _men > 0) then { _group = group (_men select 0); }; _group BTC_Get_WP: _group = [position a] call BTC_Get_Group; _wp = waypoints _group; hint format ["%1",_wp]; This is the error in the RPT Error in expression <_wp = waypoints B 1-1-A;> Error position: <1-1-A;> Any help?
  3. giallustio

    Group problem

    It doesn't work! I get the same error. It looks like a bug....
  4. giallustio

    Group problem

    What's returned is something like -> B 1-1-A But if you use this value in a script returns an error. @ProfTournesol The error always shows up and the hint doesn't work because it's in the following line.
  5. giallustio

    Group problem

    No guys, this is only a copy paste error :) In the RPT the error is anothe one :( PS: fixed the first post
  6. Hi guys! Is there a way to get an array with all markers classes?
  7. giallustio

    Get markers class

    Thank you a lot Sickboy! :) Solved!
  8. giallustio

    Get markers class

    Thank you Loyalguard for your reply but it's not what i need :) I need to get an array with all markers classes from the cfg or something like that. Is this possible?
  9. You have to create a trigger or use the commands while or WaitUntil.
  10. giallustio

    30 vs 30 Scalapatraz Vers. 2.0

    Outstanding work guys ;)
  11. giallustio

    Creating a recon mission

    Maybe some command can help u :) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cursorTarget http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/knowsAbout Or you could create a check via map click with: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/onMapSingleClick Choose your way ;)
  12. giallustio

    kbTell problem on MP

    I tried to use PVEH but it doesn't work... Init.sqf if (isServer) then { _group_1 = creategroup west; HQ_BLU_1 = _group_1 createUnit ["Logic",[0,0,333],[],0,"NONE"]; _group_1 setGroupId ["CrossRoad"]; HQ_BLU_1 kbAddTopic["HQ_BLU","Chat.bikb"]; _group_2 = creategroup west; HQ_BLU_2 = _group_2 createUnit ["Logic",[0,0,333],[],0,"NONE"]; HQ_BLU_2 kbAddTopic["HQ_BLU","Chat.bikb"]; }; "HQ_Chat" addPublicVariableEventHandler { HQ_BLU_1 kbTell (_this select 1); }; In the client side script: HQ_Chat = [HQ_BLU_2,"HQ_BLU","Arty_Acquired",["","","",[]],true];publicVariable "HQ_Chat"; Any help?
  13. hi all! I have a little problem with the kbTell command in MP. In SP all works fine but not the same on the server. this is my chat.bikb class Sentences { class Arty_Splash { text = "Splash! Over!"; speech[] = {}; class Arguments {}; }; }; class Arguments{}; class Special{}; startWithVocal[] = {hour}; startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university}; This is my server side script: _group = creategroup west; HQ_BLU = _group createUnit ["Logic",[0,0,333],[],0,"NONE"]; _group setGroupId ["CrossRoad"]; HQ_BLU kbAddTopic["HQ_BLU","Chat.bikb"]; My client side script: player kbAddTopic["HQ_BLU","Chat.bikb"]; And the kbTell in a client side script: HQ_BLU kbTell [player,"HQ_BLU","Arty_Splash",["","","",[]],true]; Any idea? PS: Is possible use this command without the "ItemRadio"?I tried in SP but the text didn't show up.
  14. Hi guys! My team m8 has a problem with ACRE. When he joins the game an error shows up: "Script BB not found". Then an hint shows this text: "ACRE: dsound.dll not loaded in arma2!" The installation is done correctly. Any idea?
  15. if !(isServer) then {}; :)
  16. Put all the code in the trigger inside if (isServer) then {};
  17. giallustio

    kbTell problem on MP

    Mmm...Well, but what's XNetCallEvent? And i think that d_hq_logic_en2 is another game logic created by the server, isn't it?
  18. giallustio

    kbTell problem on MP

    Thank you Xeno for your reply. Can you help me a little bit more? :) How can i do that? Because the script is client side and i would like that all the players can read the text...
  19. giallustio

    Multiple respawn points

    I'm a little bit confusing :) What do u want to do and what's your problem? I don't understand if the multiple respawn points are fixed or the carrier is one of the possible respawn point...
  20. giallustio

    Multiple respawn points

    did u use "player setpos getpos USSNIMITZ;"?
  21. giallustio

    Multiple respawn points

    Give a name to your group and create a marker called "respawn_aplha"...Then in the init.sqf: player AddEventHandler ["killed",{_this spawn BTC_Player_Killed;}]; BTC_Player_Killed = { WaitUntil {Alive player}; switch (group player) do { case "B Alpha" : {player setpos getMarkerPos "respawn_alpha";}; case "B Bravo" : {player setpos getMarkerPos "respawn_bravo";}; case "B Charlie": {player setpos getMarkerPos "respawn_charlie";}; }; };
  22. giallustio

    Help with Lifting Script

    Good one! When i'll have much time i'll add this to the script...it could be nice if you can drop the object on the building's roof, i've to work on it.
  23. giallustio

    Help with Lifting Script

    Oh my script :) I've an update :)... If someone knows how to add the gravity let me know an i can fix it...I've not much time in this period :( Here we go! LiftInit.sqf if (isDedicated) exitwith {}; if (typeof player != "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1") exitwith {}; lift = 1; lifted = 0; _cargo = objNull; cargo_lifted = objNull; while {true} do { waitUntil {vehicle player != player && vehicle player iskindof "Helicopter";}; if (!(vehicle player == player)) then { _chopper = vehicle player; _chopperpos = getpos _chopper; _chopperx = _chopperpos select 0; _choppery = _chopperpos select 1; _chopperz = _chopperpos select 2; _cargo_array = nearestObjects [_chopper, ["LandVehicle","Air"], 50]; if (count _cargo_array > 1) then {_cargo = _cargo_array select 1;} else {_cargo = objNull;}; //_cargo = nearestObject [_chopper, "LandVehicle"]; // or _cargo isKindOf "StaticMGWeapon" or _cargo isKindOf "StaticATWeapon" or _cargo isKindOf "StaticAAWeapon" or _cargo isKindOf "StaticGrenadeLauncher" or _cargo isKindOf "StaticMortar" or _cargo isKindOf "StaticSEARCHLight" // or _cargo isKindOf "StaticWeapon" if ((_cargo isKindOf "LandVehicle" || _cargo isKindOf "Air") && (_chopperz < 12) && (_chopperz > 7) && (_chopper distance _cargo < 12) && (driver _chopper == player)) then { cargo_lifted = _cargo; if (lifted == 1) then {_chopper removeAction liftActionId;}; _cargopos = getpos _cargo; _cargox = _cargopos select 0; _cargoy = _cargopos select 1; if ((lifted == 0) && ((_chopperx <= (_cargox + 10)) && (_chopperx >= (_cargox - 10))) && ((_choppery <= (_cargoy + 10)) && (_choppery >= (_cargoy - 10))) && (lift == 1)) then { if (_chopper isKindOf "MH6J_EP1") then { if (_cargo isKindOf "Motorcycle") then { liftActionId = _chopper addAction ["Lift vehicle","=BTC=Lift\attachCargo.sqf"]; lift = 0; }; }; if (_chopper isKindOf "UH1H_TK_EP1") then { if (_cargo isKindOf "Motorcycle" || _cargo isKindOf "Car") then { liftActionId = _chopper addAction ["Lift vehicle","=BTC=Lift\attachCargo.sqf"]; lift = 0; }; }; if (_chopper isKindOf "UH60M_EP1" || _chopper isKindOf "BAF_Merlin_HC3_D" || _chopper isKindOf "MH60S") then { if (_cargo isKindOf "Motorcycle" || _cargo isKindOf "Car" || _cargo isKindOf "Truck" || _cargo isKindOf "Wheeled_APC" || _cargo isKindOf "Tracked_APC" || (_cargo isKindOf "Air" && getdammage _cargo == 1)) then { liftActionId = _chopper addAction ["Lift vehicle","=BTC=Lift\attachCargo.sqf"]; lift = 0; }; }; if (_chopper isKindOf "CH_47F_EP1" || _chopper isKindOf "Mi171Sh_CZ_EP1" || _chopper isKindOf "Mi17_TK_EP1" || _chopper isKindOf "CH_47F_BAF") then { if (_cargo isKindOf "LandVehicle" || (_cargo isKindOf "Air" && getdammage _cargo == 1)) then { liftActionId = _chopper addAction ["Lift vehicle","=BTC=Lift\attachCargo.sqf"]; lift = 0; }; }; }; } else { if ((_chopper isKindOf "Helicopter" && (lift == 0)) && ((_chopperz > 7) or (_chopper distance _cargo > 5))) then { _chopper removeAction liftActionId; lift = 1; }; }; }; sleep 0.1; }; if(true) exitWith {}; DetachCargo.sqf lifted = 0; _chopper = vehicle player; _chopper removeAction SganciaActionId; detach cargo_lifted; vehicle player vehicleChat "Vehicle dropped"; if(true) exitWith {}; AttachCargo.sqf _chopper = vehicle player; _chopper removeAction liftActionId; lifted = 1; dropcargo = 0; cargo_lifted attachTo [_chopper, [0,0,-9]]; vehicle player vehicleChat "Vehicle lifted"; SganciaActionId = _chopper addAction ["Drop Cargo","=BTC=Lift\detachCargo.sqf"]; if(true) exitWith {}; To add boats u have to modify this line: _cargo_array = nearestObjects [_chopper, ["LandVehicle","Air","Ship"], 50]; And obiuvsly u have to add the class in the chopper line, for example: if (_chopper isKindOf "UH60M_EP1" || _chopper isKindOf "BAF_Merlin_HC3_D" || _chopper isKindOf "MH60S") then { if (_cargo isKindOf "Motorcycle" || _cargo isKindOf "Car" || _cargo isKindOf "Truck" || _cargo isKindOf "Wheeled_APC" || _cargo isKindOf "Tracked_APC" || _cargo isKindOf "Ship" || (_cargo isKindOf "Air" && getdammage _cargo == 1)) then { liftActionId = _chopper addAction ["Lift vehicle","=BTC=Lift\attachCargo.sqf"]; lift = 0; }; };
  24. giallustio

    victory dance script?

    I don't know "ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoIvan" animation, i use it: player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoStefan";