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Everything posted by giallustio

  1. Just use the Arma2oaserver.exe in your main folder...
  2. giallustio

    PedagneMOD for Arma2 released

    Is anyone working on the project? I would help you to fix some bugs and make it compatible with OA...
  3. Did you know that it's under "Support" and not "Air", right?
  4. giallustio

    group markers

    This is what i use in my MP missions and works fine, maybe can help you :) In the init.sqf: players_string = ["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8","s9","s10","s11","s12","s13","s14","s15","s16","s17"]; {_marker = createmarkerLocal [_x, [0,0]];_x setmarkertypelocal "Man";_x setmarkerColorlocal "ColorBlue";_x setMarkerSizeLocal [0.7, 0.7];} foreach players_string; BTC_Marker = { { if (Alive _x && isplayer _x) then { if (leader _x == _x) then { format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerPosLocal (getpos _x); format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1 (%2)", group _x, name _x]; if (group _x == group player) then {format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";} else {format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";}; } else { format ["%1", _x] setMarkerPosLocal (getpos _x); format ["%1", _x] setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", name _x]; if (group _x == group player) then {format ["%1", _x] setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";} else {format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";}; }; } else { format ["%1", _x] setMarkerPosLocal [0,0]; format ["%1", _x] setMarkerTextLocal ""; }; } foreach [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14,s15,s16,s17]; }; true If you have a main client loop just add this line: [] call BTC_Marker; Or you can modify the script and add this line at the end with a sleep. Obviously you have to modify the playable units in the array ;)
  5. Are the passengers AI or players?
  6. I think you have to change tha name in the STR. I hope that's it :)
  7. Did you read them? Did you use the search function?
  8. Outstanding work! Did you create all the models? ;)
  9. giallustio

    Add a value to EH

    Thank you a lot SickBoy! :) And you're right! I have to rethink my implementation! Maybe a loop can do the trick ;)
  10. Hi all! Is there a way to add a value to the _this array of an EH? This is what i tried, but doesn't work: //from init.sqf BTC_hint = {hint format ["%1", _this];}; _a = 1; _result = 0; _result = _a + random 3; // ab is a unit in the editor ab addEventHandler ["killed",{(_this + [_result]) spawn BTC_hint;}]; // any as result instead of a number if i change _result with a number works, but it isn't what i want.:( Any ideas?
  11. giallustio

    =BTC= Logistic Script

    It's very strange...I made the video in the first post with the v0.51 and all worked fine. I tested it againg right now and i didn't get any kind of error... Can you make a quick video to show me or send me your mission?
  12. giallustio

    =BTC= Logistic Script

    Little update! Version 0.51 Here a video! Download link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12356
  13. Not sure but could be the First Aid Module...Try to remove it...
  14. @PacUK Thank you for your reply :)
  15. I found out what's the problem. In arma you can't have two cutRsc at the same time. I fixed the problem changing my cutRsc in titleRsc. Is the image of the weapon resting module so necessary? Maybe to let you understand that the weapon is rested you can use just a sound or an hint...Or you can add a variable to the module so the mission maker can choose to show the image or not...In this way you can prevent any others incompatibility with mods/scripts. Just my two cents :) Keep up the good work! :)
  16. Not the standard game hud, maybe "hud" isn't so correct...Anyway i posted the relative code in the spoiler in the previous post.
  17. Hi guys! First of all amazing job! Can't wait for the 2.6 :) I think i found a bug, maybe it's known... When i use the weapon resting module i can't see my hud anymore. Maybe the code can help you:
  18. Thank you! It works now. But i don't get it why a group can't move at full speed in "CARELESS" mode...
  19. Here my function: BTC_add_wp = { _group = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _type = _this select 2; _beh = _this select 3; _comb = _this select 4; _form = _this select 5; _speed = _this select 6; _wp = _group addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; _wp setWaypointType _type; _wp setWaypointBehaviour _beh; _wp setWaypointCombatMode _comb; _wp setWaypointFormation _form; _wp setWaypointSpeed _speed; }; When i launch the code via: [c,position player,"MOVE","CARELESS","YELLOW","COLUMN","FULL"] call BTC_add_wp; c is group's name. The wp is added correctly to the group but the command "setWaypointSpeed" doesn't work, units keep walking...Any advice?
  20. giallustio

    =BTC= Logistic Script

    Yes Foxhuond! It is an upgrade :) Thank you for the mirror :)
  21. About the attachto and setdir...To get it works in MP you have to change the object dir with the command "setVehicleInit". Here an example: Relative code: _arty attachTo [_truck, [0,-7,-1.3]]; _arty setDir 180; _arty setvehicleinit "this setDir 180"; processinitcommands;
  22. giallustio

    addWaypoint problems

    Why do u define the group? You can use group player...I don't get it... onMapSingleClick {group player addWaypoint [[_pos select 0, _pos select 1, -8], 0, 1]}; or if u want to define it: onMapSingleClick {private ["_grpp"];_grpp = group player;_grpp addWaypoint [[_pos select 0, _pos select 1, -8], 0, 1]};
  23. Just the number? Or the name, type or something else?