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Everything posted by giallustio

  1. giallustio

    ACE for OA 1.13

    http://ace.dev-heaven.net/documentation -> Features -> Missile Guidance Improvements (from 41 to 60 of 98) -> How to -> Javelin
  2. Hi guys! I need a little help with this script. I'm trying to get a list of all "CityCenter" and then apply a variable to all of them. This what i tried: BTC_locations = nearestLocations [getPos player, ["CityCenter"], 99999]; {_x setVariable ["BTC_var", 0];hint format ["%1 - %2", _x, _x getVariable "BTC_var"];sleep 1;} foreach BTC_locations; //returns = "location cityCenter at xxxx,yyyy - <null>";
  3. giallustio

    Location and setvariable

    Glad to know that i'm not stupid :D @F2k Sel Don't worry! I always use that line in the init.sqf ;)
  4. giallustio

    Location and setvariable

    I don't get this post at all... :) ...I posted that i solved the problem...And i already know/use that line :)
  5. giallustio

    Location and setvariable

    Ty m8 :) that works ;) So the wiki it's wrong....
  6. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    Error in the code: if (_driver > 0) then {"MVD_Soldier" createUnit [_spawn_zone, _group, "this moveinDriver _veh;this assignAsDriver _veh;this setskill [""general"",1];"];}; Modify all the same lines ;)
  7. giallustio

    Bus script, letting off AI.

    Try to use a "MOVE" wp synchronized with a "GET OUT" wp.
  8. giallustio

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Voted! Keep up the good work! Hope to play this mod soon! :)
  9. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    Well...There're a lot of way to use this... Copy this into your init.sqf and after the code add this line: _delete = [1,60,15] spawn BTC_delete_corps; You can modify the numbers in the []: First -> set 0 if you want to execute the code just one time; Second -> it's the delay; Third -> Max dead corps allowed; If your mission it's MP run the script on the server: if (isServer) then {_delete = [1,60,15] spawn BTC_delete_corps;};
  10. giallustio

    BattleField 3

    ahahhaha :D
  11. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    Use this: BTC_delete_corps = { //_delete = [1,60,15] spawn BTC_delete_corps; _repetelly = _this select 0; _time = _this select 1; _max_corps = _this select 2; if ((count alldead) > _max_corps) then { {if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {hideBody _x; sleep 1.5;deletevehicle _x};} foreach alldead; }; if (_repetelly == 1) then {sleep _time;_delete = [_repetelly,_time,_max_corps] spawn BTC_delete_corps;}; };
  12. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    I tested it in the editor. Here my init.sqf: _spawn = [getmarkerpos "air1", "2S6M_Tunguska", "aa1",180] execVM "mission1a.sqf"; _spawn = [getmarkerpos "def1", "RU_WarfareBMGNest_PK", "def1a",280] execVM "mission1aa.sqf"; And in the trigger: {deletevehicle _x;} foreach crew aa1; {deletevehicle _x;} foreach crew def1a; deletevehicle aa1; deletevehicle def1a; Did you update my code?
  13. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    I think it's my fault :) copy-paste for testing, fixed :)
  14. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    Get it! I didn't see that you spawn a static. You have to modify the code, just few lines: _spawn_zone = _this select 0; _veh_type = _this select 1; _name = _this select 2; _dir = _this select 3;// new _group = createGroup east; _veh = createVehicle [_veh_type, _spawn_zone, [], 0, "NONE"]; _driver = _veh emptyPositions "driver"; _gunner = _veh emptyPositions "gunner"; _commander = _veh emptyPositions "commander"; _cargo = (_veh emptyPositions "cargo") - 1; if (_driver > 0) then {"MVD_Soldier" createUnit [_spawn_zone, _group, "this moveinDriver _veh;this assignAsDriver _veh;"];}; if (_gunner > 0) then {"MVD_Soldier" createUnit [_spawn_zone, _group, "this moveinGunner _veh;this assignAsGunner _veh;"];}; if (_commander > 0) then {"MVD_Soldier" createUnit [_spawn_zone, _group, "this moveinCommander _veh;this assignAsCommander _veh;"];}; for "_i" from 0 to _cargo do { "MVD_Soldier" createUnit [_spawn_zone, _group, "this moveinCargo _veh;this assignAsCargo _veh;"]; }; _veh setdir _dir;// new _veh SetVehicleVarName _name; call compile format["%1 = _veh", _name]; Try now and let me know! ;)
  15. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    Strange... Post all your code, i'll check it later at home.
  16. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    I'm away from my PC, but try something like: {deleteVehicle _x;} foreach crew vehicleName; deleteVehicle vehicleName;
  17. giallustio

    create vehicle with name

    Did you try: deleteVehicle objectName; //for one or {deleteVehicle _x;} foreach [objectName,objectName,objectName,objectName];
  18. My code doesn't work? You don't need to pass any arg to the onMapSingleClick, just work around...
  19. onMapSingleClick { if (getMarkerColor "re1" == "ColorBlue") then { if (_pos distance getMarkerPos "red1" < 250) then { player setpos _pos; } else { hint "Wrong position for teleport !"; }; }; if (getMarkerColor "re2" == "ColorBlue") then { if (_pos distance getMarkerPos "red2" < 250) then { player setpos _pos; } else { hint "Wrong position for teleport !"; }; }; if (getMarkerColor "re1" != "ColorBlue" && getMarkerColor "re2" != "ColorBlue") then { hint "You can't teleport or whatever u want"; }; }; Not tested but should work. :) That's possible :p
  20. Try to put all the code in the "onMapSingleClick"
  21. Arremba you have a PM. :)
  22. Well... You can just run the .exe and then stop it when you want to close the server. If you don't have a cfg file, default cfg will be used...So probably the server will have your pc's name. When you host a server, it will have all your mpmissions. If you want you can create a cfg file, take a look here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg I test all my mpmissions in this way ;) Give it a try! I hope this can help you :)