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Everything posted by viper[cww]

  1. No there is no action for deploying a bipod, it's just aesthetics. Mods (ACE) have allowed the used of deploying bipods, but not via animation, just by increasing accuracy by minimising recoil.
  2. viper[cww]

    How come the 3GL only has one shot?

    Noticed the 3GL when looking through the weapon classnames, that's a game changer in my opinion, makes using the GL much better for follow up shots.
  3. viper[cww]

    Little dot when zooming

    Surely it's centred to the crosshair so you barely see it when aiming into open air, but when close as shown in your pic it moves to wherever the bullet may hit, when there is an obstruction in front? Any pictures when not close to an object to show? Edit: Just tested myself and I cannot see it, I play at everything ultra or closest to ultra, what are the settings for those that have this issue? Pics: http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/arma3_2013-04-04_22-39-19-68_16471.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/arma3_2013-04-04_22-39-31-54_16471.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/arma3_2013-04-04_22-39-40-93_16471.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/arma3_2013-04-04_22-40-00-76_16471.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/arma3_2013-04-04_22-40-04-15_16471.jpg Ah I see in your screen you run the dev build. Perhaps some feature they added since last stable patch.
  4. I have completed my work on these new units, all working in-game, in the editor, with personal loadouts. Every class does the correct job (medic heals, repair specialist fixes etc). I will now start work on a new config so that these units replace vanilla units in any mission on any server, clientside of course. One question though, does anybody know where the texture files for backpacks are located, I have checked characters_f and weapons_f briefly to no avail, I currently use B_Bergen_sgg for the units which works well colour wise, but would like to make my own variants of all the available backpacks. This thread can be marked [sOLVED] if a moderator so wishes.
  5. Ha.... Well that's what happens when you try to add to a config at 3am, thanks!
  6. Bah... I'm back. I've been adding to the config, basically just enlarging the troop force, as most reskins out there only cover one soldier, that is the rifleman. I went ahead and made every other class aswell, and it all works fine, but for some reason the clothing seems to be broken. In the sense that it appears on the soldier, but not in his gear and it cannot be taken off. Here's what I have: I was inheriting my new units with "VIPRR_Soldier_Base", but as the described bug appeared I decided to inherit from the class above. Checking over the whole config I can't see an issue unless I've added too much information, "class UniformInfo" for example doesn't have to be there if inheriting from "VIPRR_Soldier_Base". Any idea's?
  7. viper[cww]

    Problems of RCO/ACRO sights.

    I hope that's true, as even without seeing the typo, the scope feels much stronger then 3.4x.
  8. viper[cww]

    Problems of RCO/ACRO sights.

    The thing that bugs me about the RCO/ARCO. essentially an ACOG style scope, is the fact it has a magnification of 12x, equal to that of any current high magnification scope for high powered rifles. Imo, it should be dropped to 4x like ACOG's as of right now it's just to easy too drop targets at ranges over 600m/700m with a 6.5mm. Will high powered scopes be 24x or beyond?? I hope not. This may be down to A3 actual simulating something close real range 1m==1m (compared to previous titles), but for an ole veteran it feels weird having an assault rifle with a 12x scope, ala BF3 style.
  9. viper[cww]

    Amazing sounds samples.... but a bad sound engine

    I have situational awareness when hearing sounds in ArmA 2 CO and ArmA 3, since I use a headset (Logitech G35). But I have noticed that the current engine for A3 is lacking, and has locality issues. You can hear a firefight going on 2-3km away as if it was right next to you. I don't think it's the sound engine that's bad per-say, just look what LJ did with JSRS in ArmA 2 CO. +1 to get it up to scratch or beyond.
  10. Some WIP shots of my A-TACS units I've been working on, (appears darker using SAT Render Map). Higher Res Higher Res Higher Res Higher Res Higher Res
  11. viper[cww]

    SAT Render Map

    I was testing out some new units today, and I noticed they appeared very dark while using this map, shadow was almost none existent to (everywhere) leading me to believe the sun is always top down/above the player?] Will test this version and report back. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/71389 EDIT: Much better now with the blue wall and no sun, cheers! :)
  12. So here's what they look like in-game, I wasn't too happy how some of the clothing turned out on WIP1 (arms) as they looked a little bland, whether that's a good or bad thing for a camo. WIP1 with clothing: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259130883/17FF4FF4597EFFF97F28ADF3A9A16450D4FAD827/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259128528/B7FFF42C022E01582176708364027C9089D779FD/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259126987/68610DF18CA9B2C283A9CE163D32DA84FABC5429/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259124431/543F100CACEAC0877BB0D1C54680F8B99742403E/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259122708/E259CF3D410F4A0B4B507696C86FBAB3033218F8/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259118745/FFEBF384C729848235ED593EC789105B1B165E03/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259116259/226C70E1A151E953E36CC75F4EBED31A22C0EB0D/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259114028/A066FF8A60A64D48313C2E3239A63FEB59FE60BF/ WIP2 with clothing: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259569741/F08D444757092E7180A0469ECB6512A92C48C687/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259567758/50914770DE08B3B54CB443D6A838429770B36DB6/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559844646259564975/1BA2FA7D2EAD8861F5DB3E0A4F4474903C3DBCCE/ All patches are subject to change, their just placeholders atm.
  13. This is my folder structure inside my P: Drive. Path that leads to config: Path that leads to soldier textures: Path that leads to UI textures: Hmmm... I wonder if that is my issue, since I used full caps on the sub folder. EDIT: Weird, when I just packed the files and then depbo'd them there root looks like this Opening the first folder reveals the $PBOPREFIX$, opening second reveals the data and config.bin, while the third folder has the textures and ui\textures folder. Quite strange as I've always made mods using the two folder system within the p: drive. EDIT2: Fixed that strange path error, also got the damn things in-game, helmet isn't working though [FIXED]. :D
  14. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 Sectors of Fire Idea

    Reminds me of a feature you would have/use in an top down RTS. It's a nice feature for those who command AI a lot though. +1 Might I suggest you ask a mod to move this to the mod requests section though.
  15. viper[cww]

    Possible to have fun without microphone?

    Sure you can have fun, but you're cutting in half the fun you can have with using a mic.
  16. Update Did what Mr_Centipede suggested, but only for my hiddenSelectionsTextures code. Check screens below for progress so far. I think the main issue is I haven't got the CfgVehicleClasses MEN_ATACS working somehow. [FIXED] CfgVehicleClass Error: [FIXED] Class in Editor Error: On previewing from editor: I appreciate all the help that's been passed round so far guys, baby steps. :)
  17. I'll check that later, though all the roots arr set like that including the ones leading to bis models l.
  18. viper[cww]

    .psd templates [NATO]

    Can anyone help me with my config? I made a thread over in the Arma 3 Editing, Config and Scripts section. Mods, if this is not allowed please delete post.
  19. Spot the error: Gun is the MX SW (LMG) with only Full Auto, unless suppressor is applied then it is only Semi-Auto.
  20. viper[cww]

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Ah interesting, no idea who I referred :D
  21. viper[cww]

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    No idea where else to post this. Just noticed this while scouring another persons profile, then my own: Question: What is the Referrals bit (apart from obviously being referred or possibly punished?) and what does it offera, as there is no hyperlink showing referrals there.
  22. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 Alpha: No hud??

    miss this thread did we? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150911-Removing-HUD
  23. Ok I did that surpher, then I noticed I didn't have VestItem added to cfgWeapons, so added that, cleaned up my config a bit. When it came to packing it I had no errors at all, so adding VestItem definitely fixed the Vest_Base error I had going. In the editor, I have the faction available, under class there is nothing, but the unit Rifleman is visible. In-game, the unit is pretty much invisible except for the head and hands ^^ and I get the error, 'Cannot load texture viprr_atacs\data\us_atacs\armor1_atacs_co.paa'. I noticed a us_atacs in there, which I can't remember having added so will check over my config so I can fix the pathway. Getting closer now. :D Edit: Found the error! But now it says 'cannot load texture viprr_atacs\data\clothing1_atacs_co.paa'. Which is obviously self explanatory, but can't find that path with lowercase viprr_atacs anywhere. Edit2: Config as of now: http://pastebin.com/TQs9QQRn
  24. viper[cww]

    Will Celery be used to his full potential?

    Saw this a while back too.