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About 6StringShredder

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Working on computers, Writing music, Performing music, Writing, Reading
  1. Thanks guys.. Yea i just saw a sheet comparison between the two. And it is indeed a pretty close match. Il give the 6850 a check
  2. Hey just wondering if anyone runs an ATI HD 6770? If so how do you like it? Does it get choppy when combat gets heavy? What settings do you run it on? I got a 9800gtx+ 512. Works nice but gets choppy if shit hits the fan, Thanks
  3. Hey, Ive been trying to "clone server with mod list" And when i do this all the ace mods, jayarma2lib, And everything else loads but says "This mod is not compatible with the selected game edition" on the following mods..@mma(L),@islands(L),mma_xeh (L), units_ace2(L) I cant figure out why its saying that when it is infact the correct game edition that i have selected. Ive switched to every server profile and tried and still nothing worked..
  4. 6StringShredder

    Buying Reinformcements Pack

    Excuse my ignorance to them, but what exactly is different about them? is it just units, maps, weapons, and such? Or do they have different story modes too?
  5. 6StringShredder

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    This may have been mentioned.. Id like a more realistically destructible environment.. For example instead of a building falling apart in the same way every time, it actually falls apart where the damage was taken.. Sand bags fall apart and spill sand after enough bullets strike them. Trees get blown in half, or in quarter portions. Perhaps craters from arty and mortors wont just be black spots with a little bit of a dip but a big hole instead? Just some ideas
  6. 6StringShredder

    Buying Reinformcements Pack

    Been thinking about getting that myself, including BAF. Is it worth it?
  7. 6StringShredder

    Take on Helicopters: Confirmed Features

    Im looking forward to this. Hopefully it will be a bit more stable out of the box than most of their other games.
  8. Ive been fiddling around with SU for a few days now. (thanks sickboy for telling me about it).. Its great easy stuff. It attemtps to launch the game and loads about 90 percent of the way before the game actually comes up. Than just stops and a message comes up and says "arma2 has stopped working". Last night i did not have this problem. Also it believes my OA is standalone and it is not. But i cant add a second path to arma2 cause there is only one "path" spot. All the ace stuff is installed accept CBA_A2. Thats my problem, so i dont know what the heck i did. Does any one have an idea? Any help is appreciated
  9. Ive been fiddling around with SU for a few days now. (thanks sickboy for telling me about it).. Its great easy stuff. It attemtps to launch the game and loads about 90 percent of the way before the game actually comes up. Than just stops and a message comes up and says "arma2 has stopped working". Last night i did not have this problem. Also it believes my OA is standalone and it is not. But i cant add a second path to arma2 cause there is only one "path" spot. All the ace stuff is installed accept CBA_A2. Thats my problem, so i dont know what the heck i did. Does any one have an idea? Any help is appreciated
  10. 6StringShredder

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Im trying to get jsrs modd through SU. I found jsrs-e,v,vw, and e. So i just downloaded all of them. Before the game launches it says jsrs requires CAAIR. somthing like that. I dont have arma2CO but i was wondering if someone knows how to run it without CO and what CAAIR is. thanks
  11. 6StringShredder

    JSRS Problem

    Im trying to get jsrs modd through SU (thanks to those who helped me with su and linked me to very helpful info on it). I found jsrs-e,v,vw, and e. So i just downloaded all of them. Before the game launches it says jsrs requires CAAIR. somthing like that. I dont have arma2CO but i was wondering if someone knows how to run it without CO and what CAAIR is. thanks
  12. 6StringShredder

    An American map!?!?

    The ground will be low res indeed. That would be sweetness tho.. Hey. i live in seattle! :D cool to see my city on the front page