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Everything posted by genesis92x

  1. That is interesting. This would be awesome if I did not need to remoteexec animations for mods. I will double check once I get home and post back if I am crazy or not. Also - thank you for that Enhanced Movement mod. It is awesome and I wish would be added into A3 by default. Good news everyone! After testing in a dedicated environment here are my findings PlayMoveNow and switchmove do work globally. I could of sworn there was a time where this was NOT true. Good to know :) Thank you.
  2. I am going to have to test some more once I get home. Because the last time I tested was on a dedi environment 2 months ago. So it may have changed? I tested a few months ago roughly like this OnDedicated - Animation Function _Unit = _this select 0; _Animation = _this select 1; _Unit playmoveNow _Animation; /*Removed code here*/ And the animation would only play where the script was local to. Is this an issue with other machines not knowing who _Unit was? I had same problem with switchmove and playmove.
  3. To my knowledge, unless this has been changed, playmove and playmovenow do not have a global effect like the Wiki says. Again, unless this was changed recently... I am not at my home computer to test but I am actually curious now. It would be nice if it was. switchmove is now apparently global?
  4. Yes. RemoteExec is a fantastic one to get acquainted with. For people looking for help in the future, here are some possible helpful examples. Init.sqf WowLookAtDis= compileFinal "(_this select 0) playMoveNow (_this select 1);"; AnyScriptOrFunction [_Unit,_RandomAnimationList] remoteExec ["WowLookAtDis",0]; or [Player,"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteIn"] remoteExec ["WowLookAtDis",0]; An example with more variables and calling a function... Init.sqf 3DText = compile "[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3] call VCOMAI_DebugText;"; AnyScriptOrFunction [_Unit,"Warned of Combat!",120,20000] remoteExec ["3DText",0];
  5. I like this! I would agree with 1212PDMCDMPPM (Dat name) and your last statement. A cool-down for being spotted (maybe even just using KnowsAbout?) would be awesome. Maybe you could have a dual check of KnowsAbout and distance. I am thinking if the AI step right on top of the player they might actually respond (So within 1-2 meters most likely). Awesome work man. In my opinion you simply need to run this script serverside with a simple execvm. A 'general' rule of thumb when working with AI is to have the script run on the machine that the AI is local to. To my knowledge setCaptive is global so you shouldn't have to worry about that locality mess. As for using execVM or not - it depends on how you handle the loop. If you put the whole script in a while {true} do {}; loop you could simply use execVM If you execute the script over and over again it might be worth using a compile preproccessfilenumbers (Or something like that) to have the script saved into memory so it can be executed faster by using [] spawn FunctionName. Also, for scripts that run over and over again it might be handy to make them as optimized as possible. When possible you might at least think about replacing == with isEqualTo. It is slightly faster for comparing numbers and much faster for comparing strings.
  6. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Try this and let me know Piggy: [{{Driver _x setvariable ["NOAI",true];{{Driver _x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",true];} foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'air'});}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; This is a bug that has been annoying me constantly. In the recent version Aircraft 'shouldn't' be considered for Vcom anymore...but I think it has something to do with the "VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit" variable. Which means that the aircraft are still being called in for support by OTHER troops but not running the rest of the VCOM scripts... Hey everyone: Here is a small test script version link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38334795/AIFOLDER/VcomAI_2.8.1Script.zip With creating my Dissension mission I began tweaking and looking at Vcom in a new light and may have found a few improvements for them during combat. If anyone is curious please feel free to test them. I would appreciate feedback on if this 2.8.1 test version AI seem to perform better in combat. Thank you!
  7. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I was recently looking at Pooters ASR changes! Very cool. I am not fully aware of how ASR/Pooter's edits work so I can't give a clear picture of how the two interact with each other. In general, like you suggested, there will be conflicts and mixed messages. The severity of these conflicts is debatable and using could very well still be playable. So 'officially' I have to recommend to playing with both and figuring out which you like best. If I recall correctly, VCOM AI is better for more general use and requires more mission knowledge if you want specific scenarios. For example, knowing how to disable VCOM AI on troops, disabling certain units from responding to calls of help, and configuring accuracy and etc.
  8. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    That is a great idea. I Would love to incorporate something like this...or make something like this. If I did it would be a stand-alone package for people. I bet I could come up with something... Also. In working with my new project I have stumbled across ANOTHER bug with AI getting stuck and not moving due to the recent patch. So if anyone is struggling with AI being stuck (Which seems to ONLY be AI spawned via script? At odd random times that is hard to reproduce?!) try running this command in the mission via a trigger and see if the AI move again. { _x enableAI "ALL"; } foreach allunits; I will have to look more into this and come out with a patch at a later date.
  9. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    It will be coming. I dread updating the steam workshop because it's a royal pain in my booty (Probably because I am just used to the old ways...) I like to wait until I am sure it is as bug free as possible. The steam threads tend to attract...special...kinds of ArmA players. The kind that act like you ruined their entire life with a bug and they blame you for intentionally doing it.
  10. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hm. I am sorry emton. I would not mix AI addons if possible. They tend to not get along very well. In my quick tests I have not had this issue arise quite yet :| The best I can think of is to double-check the server-side settings (Not the ones related to Vcom AI). The difficulty settings override any mod or script if I remember correctly.
  11. genesis92x

    Particle Editor

    I am also going to bump this tool. I never knew an updated version of this tool existed! This is very exciting because I am 100% done with doing particles by hand. Ugh. Thank you for this amazing project!
  12. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Haha :) Correct! The script version is nice in the sense that no one else needs to download/install anything to be running VCOM AI. Woot! Thank you Foxhound. You are awesome as always. Correct. I can't guarantee that it will work 100% for all static weapons and mortar teams until ArmA comes out with a better way to classify static weapon bags and their physical static counterpart. Sorry amonrada34. I checked the mod and the script, they are both working as intended. I would double check your installation first. In the future please provide as much information as possible. We never know if it is not working because of an odd mixture of mods, incorrect installation, or a demon.
  13. I noticed this a month or two back when playing with animations. I like it - it's so strange though.
  14. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Okay! I updated the mod/script version to fix AI getting stuck after finishing combat (again x10) So everyone who is experiencing these issues please redownload the mod/scripts and test again. I did a few quick tests in the editor and the AI would still move to waypoints even in COMBAT mode. In Zeus I was able to switch their combat mode back to AWARE and they proceeded to act like normal AI. Let me know if other issues arise :D VcomAI 2.8 Mod Download VcomAI 2.8 Script Download
  15. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Ehh, this bug has popped up again. It was fixed before. Every patch that Bohemia does seems to break it. I will see what I can do. It more simply works like this: If a server is running the script version, EVERYONE will be running Vcom AI. If a server is running the mod version, only the SERVER and ANYONE ELSE running the mod will be running Vcom AI. So in your case, if you are running the scripts you only need to make sure everyone runs the vcomai init.
  16. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Try again. I missed it the first time apparently. It should be in there now :)
  17. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hello everyone! Sorry about the spotty responses, being busy is always fun. Here is the "official" release. Please let me know if any errors are found and I will fix them ASAP. I tried my best to catch and fix errors with minimal play testing. Also, thanks to everyone for reporting bugs and providing suggestions for many a thing! Vcom AI 2.8 Release! VcomAI 2.8 Mod Download VcomAI 2.8 Script Download
  18. genesis92x

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    Sorry for not paying attention to this topic as much as I should have... I am making a quick post letting people know that this will no longer be maintained as Bohemia is actually giving the AI driving some love. (Wow. Never thought I would ever say that.) Unless the AI still have massive struggles with simple tasks, I will not be returning to this mod anytime soon. Thank you all!
  19. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Okay! Here is Vcom AI 2.8 Test Version. Many of you already have talked to Crewt, and he has offered to help with a few things (Non-committal of course, so don't feel pressure Crewt :D !) So I am looking forward to a few more optimizations and improvements (Which is always welcome). In the spirit of team-work I also be adding this into the VcomAI downloads: Thanks to everyone who has been extremely helpful throughout this process.
  20. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I really want to but I have not sat down and looked at it recently. Making AI do things on the ground is hard, making AI actually do things in the air is much harder. I need to take a more deliberate look into the flying AI and hope Bohemia lets mod's mess with their AI on that kind of level. There are accuracy settings in the config file and defaultsettings script. You will want to increase their accuracy there. Also, make sure that you tweak the default arma 3 difficulty settings on the hosted machine as well. Yeah. I need to do a check for ALIVE and just disable Vcom on units inside helicopters. In the mean time, you can disable Vcom AI on specific units to fix this issue. I thought I fixed this in the last version - I Will have to mess with it some more to confirm. I will completely re-do the keys for the next version :D Correct. You can also modify these variables in the config or defaultsettings file. Like hauling a big artillery piece around? That's an interesting thought. Thank you! I fixed this bug now!
  21. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hey all, I was able to spend ~30 minutes today working on fixes and thanks to everyone here I was able to patch quite a bit together. As I was going through the forums I was so surprised by the number of people willing to offer help by either posting fixed code or posting bugs and pictures. So thanks to everyone! Like usual I will be posting a script 'test' version soon and then rolling out the other versions after that.
  22. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Whew. What a few extremely busy weeks. Better check the forums...*35 notifications and various PM's* Oh boy. Hello all! I am starting to get a footing in the whole 'real life' thing. Starting a clinic is never easy ^_^ Anyway, I am getting that itch for some ArmA code so I will be slowly going through the forum and collecting bugs/requested features so I can begin work on them again. This weekend is yet another busy one so I can't promise anything but I have "ArmA Coding :D" in my schedule for next Saturday for a few hours. Thank you all for the posts and I will do my best to address what I can. Again, if anyone has already come up with fixes for any encountered bugs please feel free to share them here. Thank you!
  23. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hey guys, I am planning on popping into this thread and addressing the problems I see posted some-time this week. Thank you all :D!
  24. Hey all, just thought I would report this as something odd. I was playing with my friends and we came across this...odd noise. We found out the noise was coming from one of our team members. He was cooing like a baby? We confirmed it wasn't his voice chat... I recorded it so I could share it. I also found a video with the identical noise one year ago here: Here is our video with the same noise as above: I did a quick google search and nothing else came up - soooo just thought I would bring this up again. At the time we were playing Libertion Apex, running the RHS mod and Vcom AI mod.
  25. genesis92x

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Okay guys. Here is the newest VCOMAI for both scripts and mod. Vcom AI Scripts 2.7 Vcom AI Mod 2.7 Barring any major issues, these will be the "official" releases. Thank you!