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Everything posted by jpinard

  1. Haven't even loaded up the editor, so I guess I will! Thanks :)
  2. Is the hotfix still needed with the main 1.05 patch download?
  3. I'm having a bit of trouble adapting to the command system. So I'm wondering if most people remap a bunch of keys, or am I much better off adapting and learning this type of control scheme? Thanks! :)
  4. Foujnd out my problem was the game not myself. Once I installed the beta patch it works flawlessly. Woohoo!
  5. This is a very intimidating simulation with a lot of modding to make it work the way one wants. At first I was overwhelmed, but thanks to you - I'm well on my way to have the time of my life. So thank you for having the patience to answer a newbie's questions and steering me in the right direction. Some forums might not do this, so its a tribute to your character. Cheers :) -Jeff
  6. Thank you Alex, that's exactly what I needed to hear! :)
  7. You haven't had any issues with the beta patch? I'd held off because I didn't know how it would work with all the mods out there.
  8. Before I go full-bore into ACE2 heaven, I have just a couple questions I couldn't find in the wiki. 1. Does this work like most mods with it's own "single" independent mod/add-on folder? If not, does it overwrite any games files? 3. Will the ACE2 auto-install/updater have a problem with alternate drives and directories? ie. My install path is D:\Games\ArmA 2 Last, thanks for your amazing work. I've yet to use it, but from what I read here it's phenomenal. Oh I remember! 4. Does this mod do anything about tall grass/weeds? The tall stuff is pretty ugly and I have the impression that although I cannot look through it, the enemy can still see me even though I'm prone. Thank you! :) unrelated: Why didn't Bohemia just create an options box that's "tick these mods to use" in the options screen - instead of forcing you to add a bunch of mod folders to the executable?
  9. Ahh. So maybe what's going on is when I try and go backwards it thinks there's an object blocking me and I can't move with the soldier. How do I pick him up and sling him over my shoulder?
  10. Hehe, I just spent 6 hours going through all the Armaholic downloads. I'm just having a tough time deciding which to download and use. plus one of the more confusing elements, is if some mods aren't needed (fixed or made better via the official 1.05 patch)
  11. I'm starting to find the deficicnies in the game so the things that bug me so I have a few things to list. Can any of you reply and say what mod is best for each item? * Blood Trails. * Larger Blood Pools. * Better gun sound effects (especially those that whiz by you). * Better distant terrain. * Cratering. * Better fire/smoke. I realize these probably won't be all in one mod, so thank you for your help and kindness :)
  12. I did a search and couldn't find the exact answer I was looking for. When I go to customized the Player AI and Enemy AI difficulty levels I'm presented with a slider that goes from .1 to 1.0 What exactly is that referring to? Armor level? Accuracy? Overall Intelligence (taking cover and flanking procedures)? Thanks for the help! :)
  13. DMarckwick - thank you so much for responding! If I can get my pancreatitus to calm down a bit (pain) I'm going to have one heck of a fun night with these mods. For the distant terrain, I'm using maximum textures and moderate ansitropic filtering, but all the land terrain texture looks horrible beyond ~200 yards. I wouldn't mind it being so ugly, but it's very hard to pick out enemies against that background. On another note I think I'd seen a post where someone replaced some of the ambient stuff like grass and bushes. Also, do you have a suggestion for a mod that creates craters from large bomb hits?
  14. So I dropped the precision down to .5 - and dang... they are still deadly accurate. I wonder if my graphic settings or control is hindering me. It's darn hard to hit them when all you see is a tiny dot.
  15. Does this mod over-ride the name.ArmA2Profile file and adjusting setting for difficulty in the main options?
  16. Here's what's happening... I go close enough to the injured soldier and chose "drag soldier", then after the drag command is initilized, I try and move and I can't move using WASD. I tried holding enter while moving and that didn't work either.
  17. Well I could use some help. I'm following the orders to the letter and cannot drag the wounded soldier. I've only had the game a couple of days.
  18. Is there a way to put your M16 in your backpack? Whiel doing the traning mission to drag or give first aid to soldier it seems the gun is getting in the way. I'm having all kinds of trouble with this.
  19. jpinard

    Saitek X52 Joystick

    I didn't get too far as my flight control stick is not getting power. But... I'm guessing that if you install the Saitek software (which is a bit bloated) you can then assign all the proper buttons. I also had to install the official Saitek drivers.
  20. Apparently I can read: http://www.bistudio.com/binews/bohemia-interactive-community-awards-2009_en.html Insulting new players who are only asking based on what's officially written on the main-page, is not a way to drum up more business and goodwill. Secondarily, the link you provided is not accessible from the Community Awards Page either. Furthermore, seeing how the Community Awards are a huge part of the official Arma 2 page, for someone who's never purchased a Bohemia game before, it would make no sense whatsoever to have awards for a different game listed there. Thus, the only logical conclusion a new player would make, is that it was indeed made for ArmA 2. I can understand moderators being irritated at 12-year old kids spamming forums, but you guys are sometimes being so nasty you're going to scare off good people willing to support this developer. I realize sometimes there's a language barrier, but in this case... I doubt it. --edit-- 2nd link that states the campaign I requested was written for Arma 2. http://www.arma2.com/community-awards-2009_en.html Maybe you could put this back in the ArmA 2 forum so others will find out it's not made for ArmA 2, and furthermore there is no English version? Like I said, there would be no reason for anyone who goes to the official site to do a forum search on anything but the ArmA 2 site. Cheers, and thanks to members who've helped me in the other sub-sections of the forums.
  21. Can I ask which ones you find odd? I'm still trying to get used to the selection/command scheme (not sure if I want to leave it as scroll/select with mouse, or remap it all).
  22. The awards were supposed to be for ArmA 2, not ArmA 1.
  23. When is Operation Arrowhead due? Is it like any day now?
  24. jpinard

    Saitek X52 Joystick

    Did you guys use Saitek's drivers or the built-in ones for Windows?