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Everything posted by Dosenmais

  1. i know both, but they are not looking cogent.
  2. Hey, that Island is realy great. remind on the landscapes of Far Cry 2. But, can you make that hole thing a little bit bigger? And it would be great if somebody can create some African Army and Rebell Forces for Warefare like on the black continent for Maps like this. (I would be help)
  3. Hey Guys, i think you need some new german Camouflage Pattern.
  4. Dosenmais

    International Politics Thread

    I know the Point at the Moment is the ukraine, but there is just this Thread about politics. The first thing that i read her, was the Post about the EUssr elections. And i was realy pisst off when i read this words: What the Hell do his thinking? So, this was the Year 2004 and maybee now he see things different now, but there is no "Vote" in the EUssr, and there never was one. There is just the choice between the Left-Slavedriver, and the Right-Slavedriver. Two sides of the same coin. And its not "ignorant", to boykott this hole damn Sovjet likely fake Parliament, its patriotism! And her comes more and more real Opposition against that EUssr Monster, "Eurocorp" and this other socialist crap. Europe is not a Fortress, Europe is a Prison.
  5. Dosenmais

    New Textures, that i cant use

    @Binkowski Yeah, i know this stuff with the hex-editing, and i dont get it. i hope they realese the other Models with Operation Arrowhead, but at the time, i have to much stuff to do in real life to learn about this things. Sure we can work together on an chedaki Mod or something. But you know i can just create textures at the moment. So, i can make your the textures that you want, i dont want any credits or something, but... thats it. Maybee the things get easier with the reale of Arrowhead and the other Models. @Aeneas2020 Okay, if you think thats better. So is there anything wrong if i uploade it in JPG Files? i hope the textures that i upload can somebody use for his stuff.
  6. hi there, i create nine textures for the Chedaki "lifcik" and "smersh" Models, three for the Woodlander, four for the Baclavas and one for the Chedaki equitment. I would make that on an "New Chedaki Partisans" Mod or something like that, but i failured ever and ever again with the modding tools. Maybee somebody can use this now for an other Mod or something. The Textures are JPG Files, but i people that can use this stuff, that sould not be a problem with photoshop PAA Plugin. Download