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Everything posted by Dosenmais

  1. Dosenmais


    Do you think thats funny?
  2. Dosenmais

    Hurt Locker & Arma II

    Whats up with Thin Red Line ? That is an awful film.
  3. Hey Christian, if you can bring weapons like this and this to the game, do you think its possible with this STG 58, L1A1 and FN FAL Israeli FAL G3A3 Trapezhandschutz SKS And there are lots of others...
  4. Dosenmais

    Hurt Locker & Arma II

    Why are all people so crazy about that avatar movie? its just another remake from dance with wolves. Or smurrfs on steroids meats the choosen one... and all these "mother gaia" Cult mambo jambo... that movie was pure torture to my brain...
  5. Dosenmais

    Hurt Locker & Arma II

    The Hurtlocker deserve totaly the oscar. I mean it wastn so good as battle for haditha, but also a good movie. Oah come on... :eek: This Spielberg Movies are so emotional manipulative.
  6. Hello everybody, I workt on some skins and concepts to bring some of the Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare Ultra-Nationalists to Arma II. But the Point is, that i have big problems with editoring for new Arma Stuff with the modding tools. So my idea was first to introduce the concept and than hopeing that somebody like that plan and would help me by the implementation. Currently i have create some simple textures for the Ultra-nationalists, that wearing that old sovjet stuff. Example 01 Example 02 I create many textures(thats the only thing that i can), her are some examples. New Texture 01 New Texture Kamys New Texture URBAN Kamysh ( Yeah, i know that in CoD4 they wearing French Lizard, but that was to hard to create, and with Kamysh it looks more conclusive.(French Lizard looks cool but is very, very hard to create) ) So, the first thing would be, to get some of these Magazine Pounches from the Projekt 85 Sovjet Soldiers and retexture them, that they look more like this. And so retexture this chinese chest rigg(2/r.) too. Then somebody must creat an collar for the sovjet coat. Heads with balaclava are already ther and ofcource i made new textures(Grey,Black) for these. And thats it for the time being. So, Somebody intrigued? Edit: "this" Link interchanged.
  7. Hey, Nice work. from where do you have that G3 Rifle, because i have the same model in another format. do you know in which format fallschirmjaeger released these thing? Pic
  8. nice to see that the people like the idea. So, i dont know what "shiz" means, but this thing is still in service and Taliban and Iraqi Resistance use it. Well, looks like you must still waiting for a long time. I work on it but my bulldozer mode by oxygen 2 dosent work, so i cant you show the Pics of the Tank Crew and the other things. I forgott some things like the PK, PKM, SVD Dragunov with Nightsight and TT33 Tokarev. These things are allready there and just in some cases they need a new weapon sound and/or texture. So i collect high quality weapon sounds at the time and do this other things, but i have lot things to do in real life. Thanks. If iam finish, i need somebody that can bring these things in the game.
  9. So i try to handle the Oxygen 2 Editor to build the Units and finish my concept. Infantry: All wearing the same old sovjet Jacket but divergent russian and sovjet Camouflage Pants and Headgear. They using: PPSH-41 SVT-40 SKS AK-47 AKS-47 AKM / Grenade Launcher AKMS AKMSU AK-74 / Grenade Launcher / Marksman Scope AKS-74 / Kobra Scope AKS-74U RPK-47 / Box or Drummag. RPK-74 / Box or Drummag. RPD Degtyaryov Dragunov Zastava M76 RPG-7 / with Scope Sterla / Stinger Tank Crews wearing standart sovjet black Uniforms with an Kamysh Vest, based on the ArmA I soldier Model. (some of these weapons are already there, but i work on an new higher quality texture) Tanks: T-72: Retext in brown, black, green and beige T-64B: ^ T-55: ^ ZSU-23-4: ^ BMP 2: Retext in black, green and beige ZSU-57-2: If i can finde one Cars: UAZ: Simple UAZ in another green tone Ural: Same thing ^ BM-21: ^ Pickup with PK: Simple white Pickup with an Red Star on the engine hood. Helicopter: Mi-25: Retext in brown and beige Mi-28: Retext in brown, green and beige Mi-8: just with one Maschinegun in brown and beige Pics following soon. the focus sould be on an guerillia warfare Fraktion. There are not so many Addons for partisan Fractions, even though that the kind of war in the 21 century is an asymmetric warfare. That means insurgents, civil wars, guerillia, hit and run and these things.
  10. Dosenmais

    Arma 3 Screen

    that thing would need a new generation of graphic card. just an reallife airsoft game would have a better look.
  11. Dosenmais

    Iranian Forces Mod

    Are you sure persians wearing arab shemags?
  12. Dosenmais

    do other countries get offended?

    So i am german, and the only thing that annoying me, is the German Speech in American produce Games and Films. Since Stanley Kubricks Doctor Strangelove think all People German talk like that Guys. And in Call of Duty World at War, every damn written sentence was totaly Wrong. I mean, what the ****?! That doesn't make any sense. Nobody says "Motherland". And the grammar is also wrong.
  13. I found his Forum and try to contact him over that way. And i found other things that Vilas use but not create. I try to contact this people to. And do know somebody how the People form SARMAT Studio unpack the convert 3d models from ARMA 2?
  14. Dosenmais

    China's Economy Growing: Welcome change or Danger

    Its irrelevant whether you belive in that, its still exist. And the People on the Top, they belive in.
  15. Dosenmais

    China's Economy Growing: Welcome change or Danger

    And whats with the caste system? Thats the nastiest shape of oppression. I mean democratie is the same case, but the caste system? Seriosly? Thats totaly medieval. And they have 35 000 000 more Men than Woman. That means an society collaps.
  16. So far so good. nice to see that people like my idea and my previous work. But i cant conversion this, if i dont finde somebody that handle with the modding tools and this stuff. The previous concept is this:: Transfer the Sovjet Soldier Model from P85 into an p3d file to overwork it. Or maybee ask that guy that make that stuff for an WIP Version of that model, but i dont think that he pocket one. So chance the part with the jackboot into that combat boots from the ArmaI Soldier Model. Than give him some Magazin Pounches, that collar and remove some parts like the helmet. Than put the Textures that i made on it, and thats it. And than ofcourse the embedding in the Game and create a Fraktion and give them arms.
  17. its half and half. Of course i will bring that Projekt to work, but i need a little Help. if nobody come forward, i upload the textures in PAA Files and hope in a few month or years, that somebody with a similar Idea finde this.
  18. finaly more tanks for the chedakis? awesome. :eek:
  19. Dosenmais

    HOME a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

    Oh come on, not again. Bad Humans destorying the beautyfull mother nature. Or sould i say goddess gaia? This is the same kind of propaganda which is used by Al Gore and this green yuppies.
  20. Dosenmais

    Fallout 3

    Fallout3 is one of the best games in the last years. there are so many ways to change things with the G.E.C.K. and the system is one of the best modding systems at all. i wish Bethesda would bring an G.E.C.K. like modding kit for Oblivion or for the next The Elder Scrolls. An Fallout-Oblivion combination, that would be cool. But at the Time, they sould first bring an Windows7 Patch for Fallout3, because Fallout3 doesn't work correct on Windows7.
  21. Dosenmais

    Terrorist attacks in Moscow, Russia.

    What the hell do you talking? Seams like: "ooouh, look at Dosemais, he distrust the Government, he must be crazy.". Terrorism is just an thing that chthonic up from the earth, with no bigger reason. its just there and its so, so sad. now get back to bed. the Government has everything under controll. the Government is care about you. go back to sleep. and terrorism is so sad and an inexplicable God's punishment and there is no bigger power structure behinde and the government will protect you from that evil wraith. Why sould an "Terrorist" doing things that starches the enemy Government? Its a total fraud. So, how you wanna trust in this case? The Russians? The FSB? Hell no...
  22. Dosenmais

    Terrorist attacks in Moscow, Russia.

    Where do you live? In La-La-Land? Governments stage fake terror attacks all the time. That has nothing to do with paranoia, that are the facts. Watch this Movie, assassination of russia. Seriosly Guys, what the hell do you thinking? That some bearded Freaks doing this and the Russian Gouvernment will tell the truth? You dont understand what iam trying to telling you about how the media network works.
  23. Dosenmais

    Terrorist attacks in Moscow, Russia.

    I think that was an FSB false flag attack. The FSB did this in Beslan , so why sould this be doing by some bearded Freaks hidding in the Woods somewhere in chechenia? There is an Law in the US, that the government prohibit to send Desinformation in the own Country. So hey use the German Media and other Media in other countrys to send it, and the most US Media absorb this Stuff.
  24. Dosenmais

    Resistance/FIA Units

    i thank you so mutch, that looks realy cool.
  25. i wanna play a Wargame and don't going to an vacation. :D But that jungle river idea is cool. Maybee you sould try to make the units more like in the Bush Wars Mod for Arma1, with the O2 stuff from Arma1. Just giving an Sovjet Soldier an Black Face dont make him an Angolan. And i think more on African Forces in the middle of the 90s. Yeah, the hole thing. The hole island. Maybee some more hills, maybee an little african style village. Or an dale in the middle.