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Everything posted by Dosenmais

  1. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    I don't think this argument will working on people that calling you nuts. Dosn't matter for them what kind of weapon it is. No, its not a "culture thing". The Gun is simple a tool. Its a tool for the citizens to protect the republic. In rome 2000 years ago it has the same reason. Its the tool for the citizens to protect not just they, its protect the public security and liberty like Patrick Henry said in virginia 1766. The Gun is to enforce checks and balances against the gouvernment, and that is what the socialism loving dumbing down Europeans don't get, because the tyrannic estheblisment in Europa was always stronger than in the USA. Tyranns will do EVERYTHING go get or stay in power, so its on the good people to protect themself and the others against these crooks. And what to the good people with the very evil people? They kill them. There is no debate with an Stalin, there is no Debate with Kim Jong Sickhead, Tyranns must die. The Romans say the same. If there is a dictator, and in roman law the dictator must end his state as dictator in way with an martial law or an emergency after a half year, he's a man of dead. What means he must gone by all means. Before hundret of years or today, tyranny is always the same. Hey, what would happen if the senators bring Julius Caesar an petition bill instead of Daggers? And by the way. Many gun murders in the USA are done by criminals that kill other criminals. Hand nothing to do with citizens.
  2. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    What kind of Mambo-Jambo do you talking about? :rolleyes:
  3. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Not just they. Many Veterans do not report their PTSD, because than they can't own guns anymore. If the gun is locked and there is no bullet in the chamber, there is realy no harm. The chance that the door latch in you room unlock itself is even higher. In other way, i know some people they keep a loaded gun always under the bed. Don't be so scared. I guess you have never something to do with home invading, right? Yeah, if somebody comes into my bedroom i will please him to wait a secound that i can unlock my draw. By the way, i must turn the light on bevor. And than i'am dazzled and can't shoot.
  4. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Totaly wrong. The National Guard was the result of the Militia Act of 1903. This was just a step more for total controll. "well regulatet" does not mean "regulatet by the gouvernment", it means regular armed, regular trained. Like regular troops. But the National Guard is controlled by the State Gouvernment and the Governor. And what was the result? The National Guard shoot students turing the Vietnam War protests. Who controlls the Milita? The Militia controlls the Militia. If you are a citizen of the USA, you are automaticly being a Member of the Militia.
  5. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Why are you calling these People "Freaks"? Do you know what the secound amendment with A well regulatet militia means? So and know you make the standarts what is necessary and what is not? What do you know about Columbine, excepting what you hear from Micheal Moore? The big scandal isn't that these young Man Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold used firearms, the big scandal is that they were total filled up with prozac when they did these. And the students also where unarmed. Because most Europeans are a bunch of dumbing down, big gouvernment loving cowards. Most time when they hear something about guns, they mean if some people owning guns, that hurts there right on integrity. Total mindf***. And big gouvernment sould handle all these "freaks" and Gun-Nuts. Man, i hate these nanny people so much. If this would be realy the american culture with "dont tread on me" and real liberty, i would be happy. But it isnt. It is some kind of new-world-order patchwork pseudo-culture with McDonalds, mindless pop music and this other crap, that sould america out.
  6. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    So enjoy your beer and pointless pay. Police forces on every major trainstation with fullauto mp's will protect you...
  7. Dosenmais


    I was just thinking about who in China had time, knowleadge and techniqual equitment to creat that.
  8. Dosenmais

    ToraBora "Sandbox Edition"

    Remindes me in the overburden map in .Looks very cogent, but i guess there could be more rocks. Infantry would be more important with rocks.
  9. Dosenmais


    I like the idea put a "Red Dawn" Scenario into a video game, but must it this over engineered? Robot Tanks that remindes me in "war of the worlds" and Laser and these things. Imagen how cool it would be if the resistance fight with some of "Bill Holmes" selfmade Guns. Real guerilla shit. But there are Abrahams Tanks again, and kick-ass helicopters, drones and so on. by the way. why these north-korean minions using m4 carbine assault rifles? There are 200.000.000 Guns in the US but the primar weapon in this Game is an M4 with an Red Dot Aiming System that cost 20 Dollars? Yeah. But China would be. oooorrrr... Canada.
  10. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    remindes me in something similar happen in Austria. But i can't see where the problem is. Hope other people learn a leason by this and better hide there guns. :cool:
  11. Dosenmais

    Secret Agent Mod Releases

    i can't discern very mutch. the screenshot is to small and the light isn't ideal. and by the way. "Secret Agents" don't blow something up and shooting out like in James Bond Movies. In an realistic simulation like ARMA2, James Bond will have a very short trip bevor get killed.
  12. Dosenmais

    Chechen Rebels

    I download that Addon and the Pictures shows total different Textures. These camo textures that you see the Screens are from ARMA9W and are include in this "Insurgents Units" addon. ARMA9W Textures aren't good anyway, but the textures in this mod aren't so good too. There is no dirt, no cloth effect or something like that. And its a little bit sadly to see when People with good Ideals and the abilitys to create Addons, failure with things like textures. i guess you sould rework the camo textures. I hope to see more Addons like that, because i like the idea. And for the case that you need some Camo Pattern. Woodland KLMK
  13. Dosenmais

    War with Iran.

    And whats happen if they pull the trigger this time? that would gona into world war 3. I mean, the hole time they talking about bombing iran. McCain sings "bomb Iran" and now, they talking in newspapers in germany, that israel sould bomb iran with some of these smart bombs and "just" destroy ther nuclear energie constructions. Come on. All indicators showing for war.
  14. Dosenmais

    South Park using ArmA sounds? XD

    These Sounds are all off the can.
  15. If someone would make African Government or Rebel Forces, 90's style, i would ne happy to help with textures.
  16. Hello, this old quote from your offical site says, that you would bring the BTR-152 to Arma 1. Would you do also for Arma 2? That would be realy cool.
  17. Dosenmais

    Armdillo - Afghanistan war documentary

    They didnt conquer... they dispense ...
  18. Dosenmais

    Armdillo - Afghanistan war documentary

    Thats not a "documentary". Thats a danish B-Movie.
  19. Dosenmais


    And exact this is the same case when bureaucrats compile examination lists. There are Numbers, not people. It makes all these things to an computation. You don't see it, you don't think about it.
  20. Dosenmais


    I never said that anything of this sick stuff is more moral than other sick stuff. Killing Children with clusterbombs is total sick shit, but creating a virus that kill people slowly with dysentery and liver failure is total psychophatic demonic sick shit. "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." Prinz Philip, DPA, August 1988 Its like i said. No fictional stuff can be so crazy like the reality. I never said that god damn. Where i say that?! Where i say that killing people in war is "fine"? What the f***ing hell do you thinking?! The Point is that War happens. Sometimes you must fight, sometimes you must protect your people against tyranns and raiders and sometimes you must kill some of them. But... creating a plagure? A virus? A bioweapon? That is total sick.
  21. Dosenmais


    if your playing slaughter games the hole time and watching sadistic torture Porn like the SAW Movies of course it does not make any sense. but if you know about the reality and can keep your own moral standarts, its a giant difference between killing Humans with plagues or bullets. Do you dont realy get the difference between an child dying on liver failure and soldiers dying in combat? I mean come on, whats more horrible? And this Pandemic Game show your this case in anonym numerary. 412384 infectet people in Canada? And if your play this game, that means an prosperity? How sick is this? So whatever. I dont like this game because i think that this is a sick game concept. No! I never say that. I never say that its more moral. I say that its less psychopatic than creating a plague.
  22. Dosenmais


    Its not about the pictures, its about the idea. And i found that the idea to kill the hole Humanity with Liver failure is more psycho than War. Thats my moral direction.
  23. Dosenmais


    No Game, no book and no movie can be so horrible as the reality. I mean, look at this Virus Evolution System. That looks like an laboratory construction kit.
  24. Dosenmais


    There is a difference between killing humans with guns, aso "kill" virtual pixel figures, and creating a Bioweapon with braintumors. What do you call this kind of stuff? Funny? Thats not funny, thats psycho.
  25. Dosenmais


    I mean, i know that game bevor and the first time i've played i was shocked. Creating a Virus? Creating a Virus that would kill the hole Mankinde with blindness, fever and that sick shit? Which Psychophat make this stuff up? The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement?