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Everything posted by Dosenmais

  1. Dosenmais

    Casio Watches the sign of Al Qaeda!

    Does anyone remember when they told owners of Gunstores and Shops for Hunting supplies and Outdoor stuff, that they should look for lose fingers and scars on the hands of their customers? Maybee its an white al quaida bomb builder. What do you think how many woodcutters, hunters and farmers have scars on their hands...
  2. Well, which government does this also? The Chinese do this too, but they are the biggest creditor of the US Dollar. And the Saudis torture for fun. Heck yeah, even european countrys kill there own people during demonstrations. But they don't beat them do death infront of the others, they beat them and later they die in the hospital.
  3. Dosenmais

    Lest We Forget - ANZAC Day

    I was in london long time ago, and there was this war memorial for world war one. There was a spell on it: "a royal fellowship ... of death" And there was a death soldier lieing under his cape, so that his faces was coverd that he can't see, and there was a figure of a roman or greek goddess above. It looked like a shrine, like a sacrificial altar. For king and country. And if you listen realy close, you can hear there voices. And some of them are realy angry. "Hey, hey why is my name on this plaque? Why i'am dead?" They use all of there subjects as canon fodder. Does not matter if its a poor british or poor ausi or whatever.
  4. okay,... why is ghaddafi now the new bad guy on the television screen, but noone is talking about saudi arabia? the badest regime down there? Seriosly, these princes and corrupt kings finance mosque building all over europe. There are completly criminal but the US Gov. still protects them. I don't care about a little group of medieval psychos like these al quaida myth, but i care about big business criminals that getting weapons and money from the criminals in western big business.
  5. Dosenmais

    Lest We Forget - ANZAC Day

    It's outrage how the british used the colonies as canon fodder. Did anyone ever seen a british war memorial? Its like a shrine for death worship. Glorious death, glorious slaughter. Poor People are forced to leaving there homes and go to a forgein country to kill other poor people. Has nothing to do with glory.
  6. Dosenmais

    5000 Black Birds fall dead from the sky

    Maybee some of the kids here thing that this is the right moment to make jokes and screw around, but this is fu**ing serios. Birds falling death out of the ski, and this was not the firework. By the way, could anyone remember that something like that happen last year or on 4.july? Where there is also firework? I guess this was a haarp test.
  7. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Hey Buddy, they are still there. And they are your lords and masters. The british royal family's name is not Windsor, its Saxon-Coburg Gotha. You guys are the property of a bunch of Hitler Groupies and a murderous old woman. Americans being Americans, I expect this is exactly what they would do yes. Are you kidding me or you have not understand what we dealing with? The ruling class that occupation the u.s. would never allowed, that one country would again rise against tyranny like the american people did in 1776. You talk foolish stuff about "american pride" and infact you know nothing about america. And this stuff is not just about america, its about freedom versus tyranny. And there is no cultural differential in it.
  8. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    And Ukraine and Ungarn and so on. I know that. But don't forget that the western nations, the so called allies, betray these people and the military industrial complex continuing to giving Arms and Technologie to the Soviet Union. And for these partisan groups, it was realy the worst, worst, even worse case scenario. There was no population that could support them, because these countrys suffer from the deprivations of the war. The Boers defeat the British and founding south-afrika. The Romans defeat so many other great civilisations. The Carthaginian, the Greeks and other. They also could defeat the celtic tribes, because they fight open battles. But when the germanic tribes start an guerilla war, they start to lose. A standing army is like a broad sword, but an guerilla group is more like a dagger. And i'am talking about real, natural grown resistance and not about CIA made Groups like the chechen mujahideen or the UCK. Many of these conflicts are staged conflicts. Well, maybee you sould look after the cases in history, where standing armys defeat natural grown resistance. It always happen with unbelievable brutality. The British took the boers into concentration camps, the british give the indians blanket with viruses, and so on. And resistance is viktory. Maybee they kill you, but if you give up, they own you. And you can't sell people this "hearts and minds" bullshit. If you leave them alone, they can educe themself. Like it happen in lebanon before the IDF came in. Winning hearts and mindes sounds sweat, but there is nothing behinde it. Do you think the american troops would give the iraqis or the afghans copys of the u.s. constitution? Or they tell them, that they have god given rights or they have rights just because being an human? Or that they have a right of property and selfdefence? No. They tell them something about democratie, when realy many of the founding fathers hated the concept of democratie, what means nothing more than an dictatorship of the majority. This isn't about giving freedom, its about giving a different kind of tyranny. Well, and invasions must not always armed.
  9. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Yeah, i'am an Idiot because i know how the role allocation is. Think about that before calling me an Idiot. @Beagle I know about the peasant wars in germany and the knight uprisings. But this wasn't an guerilla war as we know, because the peasants try to fight open battles like the landsknecht armys. Ofcourse they lost. The continental army lost also, when they fight like the british. And south tyrol is something more... especial. There were always resistance against the italy government until 1961. By the way get a little more back to topic. And by that, i don't mean talking about types of guns, i'am talking about the right to own a gun.(no i don't apply that for the IEDs)
  10. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Your government? Do you have a deed of ownership for this government? Its not your government, its the government that owns you. So. and show me just one case, where an government army vanquished an guerilla army.
  11. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    whooooooaaaaaaatttt... ??? Terrorism? What kind of new speek attitude is that? That remindes me in this recitation where they tell police officers, that the founding fathers were terrorists, because they fight the british. Terrorist sould be that new word for the 21 century. Terrorist, terrorists, evil terrorists.. blablablabla. so bee pround of your f*****g gouvernment that kill so many people, because that is what gouvernment doing over all ages. Kill people! Do you think there is a militia, or even a "terrorist" group that kill 50.000 in one day? A gouvernment is the most dangerous thing for human live ever. The militia isn't a armed mob. :rolleyes: Jezzzz, what stupid non-knowing conceivabilities have you people... Watching to many leftwing media the last time, hm? Have you read anything about guerilla warfare? If there would be 50.000 armed people, your gouvernment is gone! Its over for them! They would need 250.000 troops at least to fight an guerilla force this size! Man.. these coward attitude makes me so damn angry. People never read anything about 2nd amendment or these things but talk like the television. Have you people just forgett how brutal and evil and out of controll gouvernment is? How many years the humanity lived in tyranny before? But maybee is that the human being. To be cowardly and weak scum. But i say No! No more!
  12. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    That would be a draft. And who gives this "mandatory military service"? Let me guess... the gouvernment? And who sould pay for that? The Tax Payer? Total mindfuck, total anti-freedom. Sorry, but thats typical german obedient and the reason why german history have good soldiers, but less patriots. Switzerland has a similar system as you describe, and look whats happen if the gouvernment controll military training. Now they must deliver ther ammonition. How would you use a gun without ammonition? And what you mean with "trained"? Do you think the gouvernment would teach them to build self-made weapons and IEDs? Thats the tools you fight an occupation army. Regular battletactics for standing armys are worthless. Major v. Dach wrote a book serial about that. There is no fundamental mistake in the secound Ammendment. What do you think they mean with "well regulated"? That dosn't mean "regulated by this and that", that mean regular armed and regular trained. Even non trained and bad equipped guerillia groups can bring regular troops in big trouble. You need no super hardcore military to defend the own country. You need a military to invade another. And for that, a war draft is uneffektiv.
  13. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    What Mambo Jambo do you talking about? Do you have read what people posting here? This isn't about what kind of guns or for what they stand. You can't understand gun rights if you don't know anything about the political system. Silly post. :rolleyes:
  14. Dosenmais

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    ABB to deliver systems, equipment to North Korean nuclear plants Rummy's North Korea Connection What did Donald Rumsfeld know about ABB's deal to build nuclear reactors there? And why won't he talk about it? Rumsfeld Was On ABB Board During North Korea Nuke Deal Power and productivity for a f****** better world.
  15. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Groups like this exist, but most times there are founded or controlled by the FBI. So like the Hutaree Militia: “It is almost as if the FBI cooked up the plot and found four idiots to install as defendants.†Times Online : FBI ‘lured dimwits’ into terror plot They fake these groups that the hole militia movement, (and i say it again: Every american Man is part of the Militia) and Gun owners look bad. The fight between tyranny and freedom would never end.
  16. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    So let me guess. The television showed you fake Militia groups like these Hutare Hillbillys and told you, that this is a Militia. Hidding in the Woods, hording Guns and talk about "the gouvernment is bad" and other Project 7 likley stuff. But you never ever read the secound amendment. Yeah, they show you hillbillys playing war, but they will never show you Bob Fletcher or what he talks about since 20 years. Ouh its so sad. Buhuhu. :rolleyes: Thats life! Life isn't easy, life isn't a playground. Hard times create man and easy times will createt weak, fat and lazy cowards. By the way. When you say that guns are "just for war", did you ever face the fact that there is no war the civilians were not involved. There is no detachment between Military and Civilians if it comes to war. And you be better a part of the militia, what you automaticly are as US Citizen, than being inforced into a war draft. Hey, how the finnish defend the russians? With "i need no gun" talk?
  17. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    don't get into these hegel attitude. I never talk about shooting everyone, i'am talking about shooting criminals. Because that is what Man do to bad people in all ages. But now, People forgott how bad, how evil and dangerous criminality can become if there is no man with guts, no man with heart to stop them. Like Patrick Henry said in June 1788: Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined. Only force can preserve liberty. And let me tell a short story. Some friend of mine went to spain for some weeks, live in some mountain village, and there were gypsys around. On one day, those gypsy lunatics shoot a horse that was owned by on of the villagers just for fun. Total out of controll psychos. If you don't stop these luns, nobody does. You can't count on an corrupt police force, you can't count on gangsters like Sarkozy. Yeah, because many countries have tyrannical gouvernments that are ruled by gangsters. You can teach that your own kids, but i do not. I would teach them how to use a gun and i would be very proud of it, if they became responsible People that have the guts to use this Gun in self the defence to protect themself or others. Wake up Kid! The Police can not protect you 24 Hours a day. Everytime in human history there were criminals. You sould tell your stupid "guns are for war" Story that Crackhead that breaks into your home, because its the same story that the Nazis told the austrian pupils in school. Guns are just for Soldiers, guns are just for Soldiers, guns are just for Soliders. Soldiers that are payed and controlled by the gouvernment. Yeah, and than the Gouvernment knows who own guns and can collect them. Like it happen during Catrina in New Orleans. The coward military wouldn't fight the Gangs, but they go in dry areas and confiscate Guns. Sometimes guns that were heirlooms for many generations, and they have not give them back.
  18. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Do you thing an Gangster like Sarkozy do care about People like you? You need no Police State Puppets like these hungary jew if you can help yourself. Oh you didn't know that Sarkozy isn't even a French? But it dosn't matter which country he orginal come from or which religiose group he belongs to, there is no such scales for criminals. You have problems with criminal gipsy gangs? Grap a Gun and deal with them. But if you will hope for more people like these Sarkozy Gangster Scum, you get just bigger problems. You will get an bloated, corrupt police force that cost tax money and can not protect you 24 Hours a day. And do you forget, that these people let the criminality grown up before, to sell there soltions, what means more controll? Better have 100 criminal gipsy families around than one Sarkozy and his brood. Yeah, you want to believe. You want to believe the illusion, because that is some kind of self protection thinking. Other Way you must faceing, that we are all in big trouble. So you wanna belive that this exploitation is for fixing some problems, but the system is the problem. Exploitation is the purpose. The financial crisis isn't some kind of temporary problem, its the purpose of these system. But there is no need for these kind of money System. So listen. They would enforce these "stronger and better" laws against the Gangster Bankster like Rockefeller and Warburg, they would enforce these laws against your local Bank. They wanna destroy there competition. And how you think will pay this commi tobin tax? Not the big Banks, not people like David Rockefeller, but people like you and me that try to rescure there savings. Look around you. Which people are finance ministers worldwide? People from the Banking system. Do you think these guys would enforce "stronger and better" laws against the richest Gang around? When the Gouvernment itself has high dept by these banks. Everytime the Media blame some low level Bankster for problems in the financial sector, people screaming for the strong gouvernment, the iron fist and socialism. And this is the Mindfuck in this hole phony debate. Because these sides have the same interests. The gouvernment wants more power for itself and the mega banks wanna destroy there competition. Kids that are trained to use a gun have a much less chance to make failures and kill themself. Most Kids that are trained to use a gun shooting even better than the police. Learn kids to use a gun is the best way to teach them responsible behavior. "its a conspiracy theory, its conspiracy theory and making jokes about little green men". Yeah, yeah. Enjoy the financial gangrape. Like KBourne said, its a proven fact. So read a book about central banking or screw yourself. But don't tell me i'am telling "conspiracy theorys" if you had no damn idea how things working. Some of your people have disconcerting less knowledge about the real world.
  19. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Don't you get it? The Bank creats Credit! There is no physical money as cover. They dont accord Money, they create some if they need. They make an 100% profit with this kind of fraud. You could payback debt with giving an empty jam jar. You can save the number juggling if you understand who the banking system works. This is no thing against your local Bank, that give some Money to People that they can start a business and can get some peoples jobs. But when privat central banks create money without any security or cover, and the Taxpayer must pay back these out of the air createt debts, its a fraud and such a system will collapse. This system is an condemnation system to transfer all the wealth from the middelclass, with taxes, to the super rich. Dosn't matter if this fake fiat money is moving or not, one day it will collaps when the inflation runs to high. And when this happens, you sould better own a gun.
  20. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    That is complette nonsens. There are many limitations in caliber, automatic, magazine size, barrel length and so on. German and French banks got $36 billion from AIG Bailout So is this still so money that you can make jokes about UFOs and those foolish stuff? :rolleyes:
  21. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    This is what i mean, when i talk about the socialism loving europaen. They had never take a look behinde the curtain. And see whats happen in UK. The social medical system is a total mess. And you can not choose what kind of medical you would get. What kind of food you get. The first Step is to take your freedome of choose. When i as a employer have appointees, i must pay there medical care with high taxes, instead of giving him directly this money, that he can do it for its own. And the night hotels for homeless are in most case run by complimentary volunteers. This is an effect of human nature, to take care if there is enough prosperity. But bureaucrat don't create prosperity. No i'am not joking, this stuff is f****** real. Yeah, this is this kind of socialistic talk that is in this EUssr Propaganda spraying around. "Profit" is now equipollent with greed. But every human will profit by. For its own or his kind, its human nature. And its okay that humans will profit, so long there is no fraud. Have you ever read a book from adam smith and what capitalism, what free market means? They tell you, that capitalism is evil and bad and whatever, that they can bring in big socialistic gouvernment to take care of everybody. And big gouvernment gets crazy, because the gouvernment is the biggest Mafia, the biggest and ruthless Gang around. So the free market itself has checks and balances. A cooperation can never become so big, that they can be a danger for the public. competition is a division of powers. So let me explain. A bank this times has nothing to do with Money. Its about credit. Credit is no money, because a credit can creat by nothing. And the money we use, the Euro(well i know poland has still the sloty but EUssr will come soon to you as well) that have absolut ZERO coverage. Its to 80 Procent coverage with dollar, but the Federal Reserve Dollar is also coverage with nothing than... air. You sould compare a Greenback Dollar with a Federal Reserve note. The Greenback has a coverage with Gold. And who creat this money and brings it out? Its the central banks. A central bank is the foundation of Communism. We don't live in a capitalistic system and thats the reason for many, many economical and social problems that we have. Hey, maybee you can bring some nice 3D models out but you have less knowlege about the world out there. So if you know about that "new world order" ideologie, than why do you still think in these "capitalism is sooo bad" pattern. For these Gangsters, money means nothing. They have every money that they need, they own the printing press, its not about money, its about controll. By the way, all these frauds is the reason why people sould own guns. Tyranns will try it everytime to get in controll. In the past with violance, but they understand that cheating over a long time is the better way.
  22. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    You can not count on the government. It would do nothing to help you. Even Social Security is just a excuse for more taxes. People can help themself, but it is the government that makes laws against self-employment. Hell, in the US the Senate Bill S510 makes it illegal to grow your own food and sell it! That is 100 procent against capitalism, that is total state-directed economy and total anti-freedom. Banks are not capitalistic. And what you mean with "owners"? Do you know what the russian word is for "owner". Its kulake.
  23. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    You ask me that? You are polish, you sould know which people used poland as battlefield the last hundret years and betrayed your people. And hey. There are Cities in the US that have a higher childhood mortality than many third world countries. And now people break in farms to steal food. And things will get even worse during the crisis.
  24. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    So read Books. Read letters from Washington, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Thomas paine. Read Plato's "Republic" and read Machiavelli's "The Prince". Maybee than you will understand *laugh* And stop watching television.
  25. Dosenmais

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    That isn't true. It was the German Mercs who fight for and against the American Revolution. British hired them as sharpshooters. Even the word has a german origin. Which Army would be so stupid to invade a country where the population is well armed? Ecept the U.S.Army(Well, i guess thats irony) Don't confound culture with education. I guess my english is mutch better than your foreign language competence. Also Garfield was killed and Jackson was attacked. Don't dare telling me about history if you don't know so less. These Men where not attack or murdered because somebody just buy a gun and get crazy. These Men must die because some peoples would that they die. Look at Jacksons Gravestone. And Lincoln? He established the greenback dollar. So you will tell me that Oswald murdered Kennedy with a simple Bolt-action Rifle and the guns are the reason for all that? Don't tell me shit like that. And by the Way, what would Kennedy do with Executive Order 11110? Remindes me heavy on Andrew Jackson. All these Men where against the Banks! So don't blame the damn Guns for there death. These is the silliest thing i heard since a long time about that. Hey, maybee you sould emigrate to China, where is a total Gun ban.